Gone Fishing, er på fisketur

…will be right back.

A quiet spot in Norway, going North to the Lofoten. The water is surprisingly greenish,

and then as blue as blue can be.

© Photo: Tone Ramberg and she explains:

Ahhh, brings back lots of memories. First picture from the lake below Svartisen.

Svartisen is a collective term for two glaciers located in northern Norway. The system consists of two separate glaciers; Vestre (western) Svartisen (221 km2), which is the second largest glacier on the Norwegian mainland after Jostedalsbreen.

Østre (eastern) Svartisen (148 km2), which is the country’s fourth largest.

One of the outlet glaciers of Svartisen, Engabreen ends at the lowest point of any glacier on the European mainland, at 20 meters above sea level (in 2007).

Svartisen is part of Saltfjellet-Svartisen national park, located in the Saltfjell mountain range.

Second picture is on the ferry from Bodø to Moskesnes. Moskenes is a village situated on the southern part of the island of Moskenesøya in the traditional district of Lofoten. Quiet see, quiet water, which is rare. Fantastic trip 😀 When we returned 10 days later we experienced the typical Lofoten weather, rain, full storm, the smallest of the ferries were cancelled, to big waves, lots of seasick people. But what a trip, experiencing this kind of weather. Must add that neither my son nor my husband, or myself for that matter, gets seasick.

Thank you, Tone!

Big hug, Dina

32 thoughts

  1. …überraschend grünlich, wie ein Alpenbach oder -see mit Gletscherwasser….selbst die Isar in München sieht manchmal so aus…die Fotos sind Spitze und diese Weltgegenden gilt es zu bewahren wie verrückt….
    Gruß von Sonja


  2. Ahhh, brings back lots of memories. First picture from the lake below Svartisen.
    Svartisen is a collective term for two glaciers located in northern Norway. The system consists of two separate glaciers;
    Vestre (western) Svartisen (221 km2), which is the second largest glacier on the Norwegian mainland after Jostedalsbreen.
    Østre (eastern) Svartisen (148 km2), which is the country’s fourth largest.
    One of the outlet glaciers of Svartisen, Engabreen ends at the lowest point of any glacier on the European mainland, at 20 meters above sea level (in 2007).
    Svartisen is part of Saltfjellet-Svartisen national park, located in the Saltfjell mountain range.

    Second picture is on the ferry from Bodø to Moskesnes. Moskenes is a village situated on the southern part of the island of Moskenesøya in the traditional district of Lofoten. Quiet see, quiet water, which is rare. Fantastic trip 😀 When we returned 10 days later we experienced the typical Lofoten weather, rain, full storm, the smallest of the ferries were cancelled, to big waves, lots of seasick people. But what a trip, experiencing this kind of weather. Must add that neither my son nor my husband, or myself for that matter, gets seasick.


  3. Liebe Dina,

    das sind so wundervolle Bilder … zum Sich-Weg-Träumen 🙂 Danke, dass du das mit uns teilst. Auf der Bank würd ich gern sitzen jetzt … ganz lange..in der Sonne ..

    Und die Färbungen des Wassers sind wahnsinnig schön! Mußte grad grinsen wegen dem Kommentar vor mir – die “seasickness” ist leider auch auch mein Problem, darum geh ich eher ungern auf Schiffe..also das Meer entweder an seinen Ufern erwandern, oder eben schwimmen 🙂

    Ganz liebe sonnige Wochenendgrüße zu dir, und ein sanfter Nasenstubser vom Lisa-Monsterchen,

    Ocean 🙂


  4. Oh i loved this post!! Norway looks so familiar to me, living on the West Coast of Canada. I had never thought too much about the country until about a year ago when I saw some travel pictures and now I dream of getting there some day, and these posts make me drool!!! And you know how I love the water. A week ago I was in a little water taxi bouncing over very rough water up the Coast. It did cross my mind whether I might find I’m seasick, especially as I was twisted around facing backwards talking to friends, but it was all good. The just two times I’ve felt a little off in boats was on gorgeous sunny days but with huge rolling regular swells, and I feel a little off just writing that. Yuck. I’ll stick to the rough water! Thanks for the lovely post. Started my day off wonderfully!


    • I will tell Dina to post the pictures from Svartisen, unfortunately the weather wasn’t very good the day we visited Svartisen. I’m sure the will appear soon.



  5. Dear soso
    We are all well and happy. The autumn has set in and the weather is bad, lots of rain, I’m not quite ready for winter yet. Can’t do anything about it, though 😀



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