Chester Beatty Library, Dublin

“…It’s surely clear that to describe Dublin as a City of Literature would be like saying rain sometimes falls in Ireland”. – Joseph O’Connor – author of Star of the Sea

CBL 208

“He’d … settled into a life of Guinness, sarcasm and late, late nights, the kind of life that American academics think real Dubliners lead”.
– Joseph O’Connor – author of Star of the Sea

CBL 076

For a guided tour through the museum of books in Chester Beatty Library and more of my photos, please visit Klausbernd Vollmar and our bookfayries Siri and Selma. 🙂

49 thoughts

  1. Absolutley stunning! I’m so happy you got special permission to take the wonderful pictures. Makes one really think!! Thanks 🙂


  2. Love the photographs of the old books. PS: Have you read Joseph O’Connor’s “Star of the Sea Star” about a famine ship making the journey from Ireland to New York aboard hundreds of refugees?


    • Dear Mary,

      shame on me: NO! But now I have ordered it. Thank you ever so much for hinting this. 🙂
      I found this too, now I’m really looking forward to reading taht book.
      I went to the westcoast of Ireland with Joan in 2008, I was very often confronted with the great famine there. The vessel in Dublin ist not quite the sam, ist it.

      Best regards


    • Thank yor Stefano. Your comments are just as well tasting as your wines and delicious food and gorgeous pictures.! 🙂
      Take care yourself.


  3. Oh Dina, your photos are always stunning, but these ones you’ve been taking of libraries and books are special. You capture their soul!
    (and I love how you took advantage to plug another trip back!)
    Thanks so much for sharing these treasures.


  4. oh wie schön, wenn sich das alte Buch öffnet, bin begeistert und dankbar, dass du eine Erlaubnis fürs photographieren bekommen hast

    herzliche Grüße aus dem Schneewald Ulli


  5. I love old books and historic libraries. Your beautiful photographs capture warmth of the leather, I could almost feel it under my fingertips.


  6. “Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers” (Charles W. Eliot)

    Lovely shots… 🙂


    • Dear Andrikken, ich liiiiebe deine Zitate, dieses kommt sofort in meiner Sammlung! I love your quotes, hhsssssh… I put them quiely into my little MacFeeairy and then I use them later, thank you. You have some very nice winterquotes on your blog, I surprised my Master with the last one, the one about the writers, this morning! 🙂 Did you notice that I pinched it? It didn’t hurt, did it?
      Have a great day and visit me again sooooon, please! 🙂

      Siri Bookfairy, Quotafairy


    • Danke. Die 2 Sätze stehen jetzt in meinem Büchlein. Und ich habe ein Zitat für weitere Bilder. Ich bin hocherfreut! 🙂
      Liebe Grüße nach Freiburg


    • Sissdu, iss doch fein wenn du mir die Arbeit abnimmst… Nee, traue ich dir allemal zu.
      Auf eine gute Zusammenarbeit, es macht Spaß mit dir! 🙂


    • Google hat keine Ergebnisse gebracht, nicht einmal meinen Satz, pöh 🙂 Die Zusammenarbeit werde ich morgen fortsetzen, promised. Aber jetzt rufen Dauenfedern, Schäfchen und Schlaf.

      Gute Nacht



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