131 thoughts

    • Danke, Doris. Und dann die ganzen Ablenkungen… Ich hadere ehrlich gesagt, immer wieder mit der Bloggerei, so ein Zeitfresser… ai,ai.ai… 🙂
      Habe einen feinen Sonntag, ich hoffe, die Sonne scheint auch bei dir heute!


    • Leider keine Sonne bei mir in Bayern, aber morgen …morgen ganz bestimmt!!! Ja, die ganzen Ablenkungen – das Internet ist voll davon. 😉

      Schönen Wochenstart!


    • The composer is unknown, Sally. It’s sounds slightly different in the original, I can’t give it away, not yet, just wait. 🙂 Enjoy your Sunday, hope it’s sunny, like in Bonn!


    • Nein, Szintilla, leicht ist es nicht. Dir auch eine schönes Restwochenende.
      Liebe Grüße aus dem endlich… sonnigen Bonn 🙂


    • Takk skal du ha, Hans! Vær og årstid passer ikke sammen i Tyskland for tiden, vi håper på bedre tider. 🙂 Ha en god søndag.


  1. I really like that quote as well as that Picture. Great!
    But what`s about the unfocused attention? What Sigmund Freud praised as “freischwebende Aufmerksamkeit”. I suppose focusing only leads to an one-dimensional life – doesn`t it?
    Have a great Weekend, dear Dina
    with love from
    Klausbernd and our happy Bookfayries Siri and Selma 🙂 🙂 🙂 xxx


    • Oh sorry, my stupid English spelling programme changes my writing – it likes to write every noun with capital letters like in German – stupid. The newest changes in WP are really not for the better 😦
      Kb xxx


    • @ Klausbernd
      Don’t worry, I have the same problem quite often! 🙂 I can’t believe this change, I have to reread my text over and over again. 🙂
      And besides… I didn’t even notice… 🙂


    • I suppose they’re making a detour on the way of the life. 🙂
      Maybe not because they are not focused, but they are distracted and just don’t know what’s the best for you. Not yet. Being greedy is a big obstacle. The problem with a detour – it never brings you back to where you are right now. That’s why the present is a present. Thanks for reflecting this with us, Clanmother!
      A big hug to you in Canada.


    • @ Klausbernd
      Thanks for liking! x
      Eine bewusste gleich- oder freischwebende Aufmerksamkeit als Lebenseinstellung versus analytische Einstellung gegenüber den Klienten ist mir so nicht in den Sinn gekommen.
      Derjenige muss schon sehr reflektiert sein! Und fokussiert, glaube ich.

      I don’t think you have to lead an one-dimensional life if you solely concentrate on what is important in your life. You have come a long, long way when you finally have this kind of focus. Said “yes” too many times and now you say “no” without regrets. Like you saying no to weekly TV-appearance, because you prefer gardening.
      Sunshine greetings from Bonn – at looooong last!:-)
      Feenhauch an Siri und Selma. ###


    • Good morning, you all,
      well, your example fits. I said a big NO to a weekly TV-show (in the German TV) because I prefer gardening. There I focused on what really counts in my life now. On the other hand I can see also that a strict focusing is a limitation, you don`t see the unexspected. I fear the focused life will become ridgid, too much planned. But nevertheless in most of the cases focusing is right – and when you are able to focus you have to be able to give it up – how about this idea?
      I wish you all a great week
      Klausbernd from sunny Cley


  2. I am having my morning Starbucks coffee as I read your quote and all the comments. I confess I got goosebumps that had nothing to do with the caffeine! Your post was what I needed to begin my weekend. Thank you!!!!


    • Well, this comment surely brigthen up my Sunday whilst I drink my Möwenpick coffee! 🙂 Hope you have sunshine today, as well, dear Clanmother.


    • Funny, I am just drinking my espresso at home and reading all the posts here. I suppose Dina has touched an interesting topic with focusing. Wouldn`t it be an interesting blog “The Dialectics of Focusing”? Anyway, probably a little too intellectual for a blog – but nevertheless an interesting theme, isn`t it?
      Love to you all
      Klausbernd 🙂
      Greetings from Siri and Selma, my Bookfayries 🙂 🙂


  3. I couldn’t phrase it any better; Dina – great photo and an excellent quote to go with it!
    Ha en god helg! .-)


  4. Dear Dina,
    As usual, you impressed me with your ability to couple a great shot with a short, memorable quote that eloquently complements it.
    I think you would be a great curator of a photography exhibit!
    Have a great week, dear Dina!


    • Lovely, thank you so much, Peggy!
      Greetings to sunny London from grey Bonn. The sun is on its way, maybe this weekend… 🙂


  5. Very true life never ages so the pictures of a camera.Excellent post.jalal


  6. So einen Strand entlang gehen und im Kopf dann Sting haben. (Englishman in New York)
    Life is like a camera – großartig 🙂
    Hab eine gute Zeit.


  7. I enjoyed reading the post.Beautifully written.Thank you for liking my post (( Stop complaining,..)) warm regards.jalal


    • Ganz, ganz herzlichen Dank, liebe Susanne!
      Dir wünsche ich ebenfalls ein schönes Wochenende. Meins ist reich an Arbeit 🙂 ich muss jetzt los. Der versprochene Frühling lässt auf sich warten…
      LIebste Grüße zu dir nach Berlin


  8. Liebe Dina,

    dieser Rat ist perfekt .. passt grad wirklich hervorragend – DANKE ..auch für das schöne Bild 🙂

    Viele liebe Grüße zu dir ..ein rundum schönes Wochenende wünscht dir


  9. Pingback: Focusing | kbvollmarblog

  10. Pingback: von Fokus, Prioritäten und Blickwinkeln – about focus, priorities and angles of view |

  11. Hallo, liebe Dina, stimmt, worauf wir unseren Focus richten …
    Erst gestern habe ich mir Deinen Blog angeschaut und voilá … wie von Zauberhand schreibst Du mir heute.
    Ich freue mich Dich und Klausbernd kennen zu lernen.

    Ich habe einen Blogfreund der sagt: Ich bestimme mit, was in den Blogs und bei den einzelnen Servern geschieht.
    In diesem Sinne! Richten wir unseren Focus in die neue Zeit und machen wir das beste aus ihr – da wo wir leben und weltumspannend im Internet 🙂
    Ich grüße Dich herzlich


  12. I love this post! I also love the header. I used to read about Norway back in the 50’s when I was a youngster in school, and wondered if I would ever visit the land! I lived in Northwestern Ontario, Canada for 7.5 years, so I know what beautiful “Northern Lights” are. I’m sure you have them as well. Keep posting, and thanks for stopping by.


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