Ten Reasons why we love North Norfolk, England

1. The seascapes and the ever changing coastline
(for all photos; click to enlarge)

Cley next the Sea, Salthouse, Sheringham, Weybourne


2. The solitude on the vast beaches

Cley next the Sea,  Wells – Holkham Beach, Stiffkey Salt Marshes xx


3. Blakeney Point and the seals

Blakeney; The Outer Point, The Pit, Watchouse, National Trust x


4. The colours of Norfolk

Cley next the Sea, Salthouse, Blakeney x


5. The Lovely Lavender

Rhu Sila (Klausbernd’s garden), Cley next the Sea xx


6. The Lokes in Cley next the Sea


7. The Norfolk Coast Path

Cley next the Sea, Church Lane, Irgendlink leaving Rhu Sila, Kb Vollmar in Blakeney


8. The Flint

Cley next the Sea,  The Deli – Picnic Fayre, Rhu Sila, Whalebone House, The Lokes


9. Birds and Birding

Cley next the Sea, The Eastbank,  Bryan Bland, The George, The Birdbible, The Marshes 


10. Literary  Poppyland Norfolk and Norwich City of Literature 2013

W.G.Sebald,  1. edition of “The Rings of Saturn” £ 625, Holt, 2012

We could go on endlessly with all the the wonderful, typical Norfolk attributes, but as we’ve limited ourselves to ten, we’ll leave it like this. For the moment! 🙂
Sunny greetings from the Hvaler archipelago in Norway. Have a wonderful summer! Fayriedust Xx## to our beloved Master in Norfolk.

Dina and Siri & Selma, the two cutest bookfayries of all times.
🙂 🙂 🙂

315 thoughts

    • Dear Vladimir,
      as Dina is on a Norwegian island without internet access I will answer until she`ll be back online. First of all thanks for your comment 🙂
      All these pictures are taken just a few steps from my house – Dina and me are really living in an AONB (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty) and we love it 🙂
      Have a great weekend


    • Well, that`s my home – North Norfolk. Although I live here for more than 30 years I still find the nature around me breathtaking 🙂
      Thanks for your comment
      (Dina is holidaying on a Norwegian island and offline)


    • Yeas, you should do. The North Norfolk coast is worthwhile visiting. All my guests love it here immediately.
      Thanks & have a great weekend
      Klausbernd (Dina is holidaying & offline)


  1. This looks like a uncrowdy place I’d want to see really soon! Getting to Norfolk isn’t that easy, it seems? Which airport is the nearest? Norwich seems to complicated, mostly with a stopover in Amsterdam – or is there a trick?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Jackie,
      we are not so touristy here, except July & August you hardly see anybody on the beaches. That we are not that easy to reach helps to keep the crowds away – we fought for having no motorway in Norfolk, no industry, and no road made wider.
      You can fly to Norwich via Amsterdam or – what I usually do – fly to London-Stansted and take the airport bus (NationalExpress) to Norwich – that`s easy and much more reasonable. Most of my B&B guest from the US and the continent arriving via STN.
      All the best


  2. Beautiful photos, Dina.
    I can almost imagine myself walking the same paths & seeing the sights (in person).
    Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well, that`s not such a problem – Norfolk doesn`t have bigroads butan international airport in Norwich our beautiful capital.
      See you here one day


  3. das sind wahrlich 10 wunderbare Gründe, um Norfolk zu lieben und dass du diese Gegend liebst, das sehe ich bei jedem Bild, es ist als ob du Land und Leute mit deinen Augen streichelst …
    eine sehr feine Serie ist das, vielen Dank, liebe Hanne, hab eine feine Zeit in beauty Norge …

    herzliche Grüße vom Sommersonnenberg


    • Ganz, ganz herzlichen Dank für deinen lieben Kommentar, Ulli! Nächstes Jahr kannst du es selbst erleben, wir freuen uns! 🙂


  4. Liebe Dina,

    das sind so wunderbare Aufnahmen .. dass du Norfolk liebst, spürt man ganz intensiv in deinem Beitrag und auch in der Art zu fotografieren .. Herrlich. Würde mir ganz sicher auch gefallen dort. Der Lavendel – ein Traum ..und besonders schön find ich natürlich die Küsten- und Meerbilder.

    Ich wünsch dir einen herrlichen Sommer in Norwegen,
    ganz liebe Grüße zu dir aus der sommerlich-heißen “schwäbischen Toskana” 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Liebe Ocean,
      Dina ist gerade offline und ich in der Lavendelernte. Nur ganz flugs herzlichen Dank für deinen Kommentar. Alle Bilder sind nur ein paar Schritte von meiner Haustüre aufgenommen.
      Liebe Grüße und ein tolles Wochenende
      Klausbernd 🙂


  5. We are very lucky to live in this part of the country…..and your photos show it just as it is, beautiful at all times 🙂 but at the moment with the weather we are having, its stunning.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Danke schön! Wir haben gerade den schönsten Urlaub seit langem auf Hvaler, geniessen das beste Sommerwetter seit 20 Jahren, Hitzewelle inklusive! 🙂 Ha en god helg selv! 🙂


  6. Dina, once again outstanding, beautiful pics of one my favourite spots! I’m so such much looking forward to the meeting of the bloggers in Norfolk, september 2014. 🙂 Can’t you manage them all, after this postI? 🙂 I hope I’ll be able to make, it’s on my list! I’d love to walk the Eastbank and then go all the way out to the Point.
    Ha en god helg. Hvaler er rette stedet disse sommerdager! Siri og Selma koser seg sikkert. 🙂
    Per Magnus
    Greetings to Klausbernd in Cley!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Your great photos bring back happy memories of several holidays in Norfolk. We were lucky enough to see 300 baby seals on the beach with their mothers on a bitterly cold November day last year. We couldn’t get close to them as they were protected by wardens but I, too, managed a few photos. I’ll post them on my blog.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well, the easiest is to see them from the boat. Dina and me we always go out in my boat to see them because in the water they curious and come very near and on land they don`t bother if you approach them from the sea.
      Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping and commenting
      (Dina is offline on a Norwegian island right now)
      I am looking forward to see your pictures 🙂


    • I’m very much looking forward to seeing your photos! Thanky you so much for your kind comment. Greeting from hot and sunny Norway


  8. Nydelig bildeserie! Skjønner godt at dere elker dette stedet, så variert og spennende!
    Hvaler er jo også flott da, – og sikkert nå med det supre været dere har der!
    Her er det begredelig, 10 grader, overskyet med regn og vind!
    Men, optimisten tror jo på bedre tider da…
    Kos dere masse på Hvaler!


    • Hjertelig takk, Hans! Det er bar ä stikke innom när dere er i Norfolk. Hvaler er fantastisk om dagen, knallvaer! 🙂 Hetebölge.


    • Liebe Szintila,
      ich antworte für Dina, die gestern in ihr Sommerhaus auf eine Insel in Norwegen – leider – zum Urlauben mit Familie verschwand, wo sie offline ist.
      Ja, so sieht es hier unmittelbar in der Nähe meines Hauses aus. Nach über 30 Jahren finde ich es immer noch umwerfend schön.
      Ganz liebe Grüße & ein feines Wochenende wünscht dir


    • Ja, ich finde es auch immer noch schön hier. Wie schon geschrieben, alle Aufnahmen sind in unmittelbarer Nähe meines Hauses aufgenommen. Als ich nach einem Leben all over the world ein Fleckchen zum Leben in Europa suchte, fand ich diese Gegend und fühlte mich sofort zu Hause (was ich immer noch und immer tue).
      Herzliche Grüße


  9. Liebe Dina xxx
    da hast du ja SUPER meine unmittelbare Umgebung aufgenommen – sooooo schön!
    Da werden mir jetzt die B&B-Gäste zuströmen 😉
    Vielen Dank!
    Ganz liebe Grüße für dich und Siri & Selma auf deine norwegische Insel
    Klausbernd xxx


    • 🙂 Schön, dass es dir gefällt! 🙂 Hoffentlich bekommst du jetzt ganz viele Buchungen für das Annex: großes Zimmer mit kleiner Küche & Bad, separater Eingang, perfekt für eine Woche in Norfolk, 2-4 Personen, selfcatering (alles weitere auf Klausbernds Website).

      Wir genießen supertolle Tage auf Hvaler, sind gleich wieder weg und offline für die nächsten Tage.
      Siri und Selma genießen die Hitzewelle am Meer, die beiden sind soooo lieb und grüßen mit ########### 🙂 🙂
      Dina XXX


  10. Hallo liebe Dina,
    danke für diese faszinierende Fotostrecke: einfach wunderbare Bilder. Ich kann mich daran einfach nicht satt sehen. 🙂 Jetzt schaue ich mir Alles schon zum x-ten Male an und kann mich kaum entscheiden, welches der Bilder ich nun am besten finde. Als Gesamtcollage ist es unzweifelhaft die zweite, “The Solitude on the Vast Beaches”. Bei den Einzelbildern wohl “Weybourne, Norfolk”, aus der ersten Gruppe, aber ganz dicht gefolgt von dem ersten Bild aus der zweiten.
    Liebe Grüße aus dem südlichen Texas, auch an den Klausbernd und an die beiden Buchfeen, und auch von Mary [die kommt heute Abend aus Denver zurück],


    • Lieber Pit,
      ich schreibe hier gerade für Dina, die offline auf ihrer norwegischen Insel ist.
      Na, hast du einiges wiedererkannt?
      Ganz liebe Grüße von mir auch an Mary


    • Hallo Klausbernd,
      aber natürlich habe ich Einiges wiedererkannt. Und die Bilder wecken bzw. verstärken den Wunsch wiederzukommen.
      Liebe Grüße ins kleine Dorf am großen Meer, auch von Mary – und natürlich auch an Hanne und die beiden Buchfeen,


  11. Liebe Hanne, lieber Klausbernd,
    eine wunderschöne und reich bebilderte Liebeserklärung an einen Landstrich.
    Ich bin beeindruckt und habe es genossen, die Fotos zu schauen.
    Einen schönen Abend wünscht euch Susanne


  12. Wundervolle Fotos, dafür ein ❤liches DANKE an Dina.

    Was mich berührt ist die Weite und die damit verbundene gefühlte Stille, aber auch ganz viel natürliche Schönheit und auf mich wirkt der Ort wie einer, an dem man ganz zu sich kommen kann.

    Beim Ansehen dachte ich: Die einen gehen mitten in die Stadt, um dort zu leben – und finden wie im Auge des Sturms ganz zu sich. Die anderen gehen an Orte wie diesen, um ganz zu sich zu kommen.

    Sehr wohl kann ich verstehen, wie magisch anziehend diese Weite der Landschaft und des Meeres hier ist. Und deswegen wünsche ich euch beiden (Vieren ;)) noch viele schöne friedliche Stunden, Tage, Wochen, Monate, Jahre… (?) auf Rhu Sila und in der Gegend um Cley.

    Herzliche Grüße


    • Ganz, ganz herzlichen Dank, liebe Marion 🙂
      Und weißt du was? Wenn wir mal Ferien machen, dann fahren wir in Großstädte wie Hamburg, Dublin, Berlin und Zürich und genießen es,im Auge des Sturms zu sein.
      Liebe Grüße von der Küste Norfolks


  13. I like that term AONB; the photos sum that up beautifully. Struck by the fact that your shots show few people. It looks wild and untamed… a place for birds. Love the beach scenes; and interesting to read of the salt marshes. One reads of Norfolk being broad and flat… but what a landscape of subtle beauty.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Very fine, beautiful and evocative photo series …. I come from West Jutland – and there are many similarities between Norfolk and my original homeland in western Denmark .-)

    Liked by 1 person

    • I noticed that as well when I visited western Denmark. I like Denmark very much as well.
      All the best and thanks for your comment
      (Dina is offline on island in Norway)


    • Liebe Silberdistel,
      ich bin gerade emsig bei der Lavendelernte, das ganz Haus duftet, eine feine Arbeit, die jedoch eine Woche beansprucht. Und danach kommt der getrockenete Lavendelin Feensäckchen, die die liebe Selma genäht hat.
      Liebe Grüße aus dem hochsommerlichen Norfolk
      Klausbernd, Dina lässt auch herzlich aus Norwegen grüßen


  15. Eine wunderbare Liebeserklärung an diese Gegend. Wie schön es dort ist! Ich kann gut verstehen, dass man dieses Fleckchen Erde liebt.
    Grüße aus Köln (seit Tagen schon sommerlich ohne Schwüle, einfach wunderbar),

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Dear Dina and Bookfayries,
    Apologies if it took me forever to comment your beautiful post, but beside work now also intermittent internet access has conspired against me to slow me down! 🙂
    A beautiful post and gorgeous photography, and a very nice coverage of the North Norfolk area!
    Thank you and enjoy the rest of the weekend!
    A big hug to the 3+1 of you 😉


    • Dear Stefano,
      thank you so much! No need to apologize, we hope your internet problems have been solved by now. By the way; Norfolk slows you down too! 🙂 Norfolk and Suffolk promotes themselves with this slogan. We’re enjoying the norwegian heatwave close to the sea and don’t mind being offline for days… 🙂
      By the way, I’m getting my D800 and the 12-24 on Tuesday! 🙂
      Lots of love to you all from Hvaler.
      Dina & Co


    • Ganz, ganz herzlichen Dank für den lieben Kommentar, mb! Es ist eine tolle gegend für Hundebesitzer, jedoch voll doof für Ausländer wegen der Quarantäne…


    • Dear RH,
      Dina and me have just been to Oxburgh a fortnight ago and loved it. Now Dina is offline in Norway. Therefore I say THANK YOU.
      Greetings from the sunny coast


  17. Now these are outstandingly beautiful reasons for me to go longing for this landscape and its surroundings…thank you for sharing the beauty with us! I love the way of not having many people in the photos. That works magic to me. And, that would be just one of the reasons for me to go visiting some day.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Liebe Dina, was fuer eine schoene Liebeserklaerung an Norfolk. Ich habe mir ganz fest vorgenommen, dass wir naechstes Jahr unseren Sommerurlaub in East Anglia / Norfolk verbringen. Nach dem Neuseelandurlaub im Januar ist dieses Jahr nicht mehr viel zu machen und Wochenendausfluege sind im Moment schwierig, weil ich oft arbeite (ich habe dafuer Mittwochs frei). Ist es denn in den Ferien bei Euch auch so schoen leer? Unser Kleiner Entdecker kommt naemlich in ein paar Wochen in die Schule und da ist es jetzt vorbei mit Neben- oder Nachsaison. Jetzt machen wir Urlaub, wenn die Massen Urlaub machen 😦 Liebe Gruesse, Peggy


  19. Liebe Peggy,
    ich antworte dir für Dina, die gerade offline auf einer Insel in Norwegen ist. Bislang ist es noch keineswegs überlaufen hier. Wenn man bei mir am Strand nur eine halbe Stunde geht, sieht man fast keinen Menschen. Sheringham ist dagegen voll, da man bis dahin mit der Eisenbahn kommt, aber Cley, Salthouse, Blakeney sind noch nicht richtig touristisch, bes.nicht Cley. Ich vermiete ja auch bisweilen und alle Besucher empfinden es hier als leer.
    Wenn du nach Norfolk kommst, bist du mit deiner Familie herzlich eingeladen.
    Liebe Grüße aus dem hochsommerlichen Norfolk


  20. Stunning place excellent captured in beautiful photos! Must be wonderful to live is such a goregous area. Coastal UK as beautiful as can be. Thank you both so much for sharing! I really enjoyed the walk 🙂 ,
    groetjes, Francina


    • Dear Francina,
      as Dina is on an island in Norway I answer her comments – well, some of them at least.
      Most of East Anglia is beautiful and North Norfolk has the advantage is not that easy to reach like other places. North Norfolk is a kind of dead end, you have to go there but you never pass through going North – South or East – West. In the literature it was called “The Edge”.
      It`s really great living here and I still enjoy it very much although it has changed in the last 30 years quite a bit. It became a posh area but in Cley no new houses were allowed to be build since about 1980 and the village is more less entirely like it was in the 19th c. but every building is nicely renovated. When I came here it was a derelict village.
      Groetjes and a hug


    • Dear Klausbernd, Thank you kindly for the background information . A lot of places have changed and not always for the better , but there are still remote and little beautiful places to be found. You only have to go off the beaten tracks 🙂
      groetjes and a wonderful weekend to all.


  21. von den bildern unter 6.) habe ich schon andere stimmungen mit andern menschen gesehen. hey, das ist ja eine wunderbare bildersammlung … wunderbare stimmungen, die du da aufgefangen hast!


    • Dear Louis,
      I think so too. Dina captured the atmosphere of North Norfolk perfectly well.
      All the best and thanks for commenting


    • Ja, danke! Ich habe noch keinen Tag bereut, dass ich hierher gezogen bin 🙂
      Liebe Grüße


  22. Brilliant, breathtaking photographs. All are gorgeous but especially liked the ones at #2 – “The Solitude on the Vast Beaches.” – loved the minimalist compositions. I may one day visit Norfolk based on your photographic recommendations. I will definitely stop by your blog again. Best Wishes!

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Divine!! What a place, I love the way you see through the camera, capturing your surroundings with love. North Norfolk looks magic to me, it’ll be on my list next. For sure! 🙂 I went to London a couple of months ago, hadn’t been there for quite a few years and thought it was time to catch up. It drained me totally!! What a bless to see this landscape with less people, less traffic, less pollution, less noise… Thanks for sharing!
    Big hug!


    • I know exactly what you mean, der Sarah. I live in Norfolk for more than 30 years now and slowed me down for the better. A big city is draining me as well.
      Thanks for your comment and have a great weekend


    • Thank you very much, Sarah, you make me blush! And smile! :-)And I agree totally with you, I always try to avoid the big cities. Have a lovely weekend.
      Greetings to you from very hot Norway


  24. We lived in Norfolk in the 1980s. I was there age 10 to 16 and my Dad was Vicar of a little village called Methwold, out on the Fen near Brandon. I was very happy there – amazing sunsets, space and lovely people. Thanks for visiting my Blog 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for making this lovely comment. I’m sure growing up in Norfolk is something very special! Lot sof love to you from Norway – Dina


  25. Great photos dina, and they capture the spirit of the county perfectly. You should submit this article to ‘Look East’ on TV. or the ‘Eastern daily Press’. They would love it! We were at Salthouse two weeks ago, having lunch at the Dun Cow. It was a lovely afternoon, and as you know, Norfolk is at its best in the sun. Regards from a very few miles south of you! Pete.
    (Here is my take on a Norfolk country walk)


    • Dear Pete,
      thanks a lot. I just passed the Dun Cow on my way to Sheringham. Wow, so many people sat there in the beergarten.
      Thank you so much for your link.You captured the Norfolk feeling very well too.
      Greetings from a little bit north of you
      Klausbernd, who is answering as Dina is in Norway now


    • We love Suffolk as well. We had great holiday there a month ago 🙂
      Thanks for commenting.
      Greetings from the Norfolk coast


    • Dear Amy,
      I live in North Norfolk where all these pictures are taken, but my friend Dina took these photos and wrote this text. But Dina is now offline on a Norwegian island and therefore I answer the comments.
      Have a happy weekend and thanks for commenting


    • Thank you for explaining it, Mr. Klausbernd. I was Wondering about it when I read your comments on Dina’s blog. This reminded me that I need to go back to your blog to read the post again. Loved it!


    • The colours of Norfolk has a happy-healing effect on me, I’m truly glad you lik eit, Tina. Have a great weekend. Love to you from Norway. Dina


  26. So gute, mich ansprechende Fotos sah ich lange nicht- und das mit dem Seehunden in den blauen Fluten habe ich mir für die heißen Tage als Bildschirmhintergrund hergenommen. Es kühlt mein Mütchen- ich liebe es- auch das mit der birdbible und dem alten Vogelforscher, das mit den Büchern und….und….
    Gruß von Sonja

    Liked by 1 person

    • Liebe Sonja,
      ich bin ganz gerührt, was für einen wunderbaren Kommentar! Es freut mich ausserordentlich! Ganz, ganz herzlichen Dank.
      Fühl dich lieb umarmt


  27. Pingback: Kühlende Wunderbarbilder | Wildgans's Weblog

  28. Oh Dina – this post made me cry! I LOVE North Norfolk – exactly those places you’ve photographed. As a child we always spent our holidays there, in a caravan in Blakeney. We walked out to the point from Cley and across the mudflaps at low tide. We even swam with the seals once (before the tourist boats went out there). We wandered along the sandy beaches at Wells and Holkham for hours, sometimes in the dunes, sometimes in the pine forests. We swam at Sheringham beach and had chips and sandwiches in the noisy seaside town. It’s the best place on earth! Thank you for these wonderful photos bringing back all those memories! 😀 😀 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oooooh, that’s great! I’m really touched now! What a small world. If you should ever come back to Norfolk, (of course you will! 🙂 ) please get in touch and we’ll meet. You’re more than welcome! 🙂 Big hug.x


    • Dear Cathy,
      I just visited your blog and now I see that you know quite well where I am living for more than 30 years now. What a small world. I live in Cley next the Sea and really love it there. When you are around again, please, come around for a chat. I suppose I can learn from you quite a bit of gardening.
      Greetings from Cley
      Dina will be here from the middle of September.


    • Sadly I have no plans to return this year, but certainly in a year or two. I always try to get there when spending time in the UK. And I will of course drop in if I am in the area, now I know where you live! Blakeney is always my first port of call, and Cley is just a stone’s throw away! Thanks Klausbernd. Greetings from my Bavarian garden. 😀


    • Dear Cathy,
      you are in Bavaria, well, this was always an other world for me coming from the Rhineland and Sweden.I suppose you speak German as well, do you?
      Einen schönen Abend noch


    • If my photos could convince you, Elizabeth, then I’m happy! 🙂 Maybe you’ll come one day… Thank you so much for visiting and commenting.
      L♥ve to you from the Rhine Valley


  29. Too many comments already – but I have to say thank you for this well rounded introduction to a place that I know is well-known, but I have never been there. I like seeing the town and country and seaside – each with its charms.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanky you so much for kind words, bluebrightly! Every comment is highly appreciated, it makes me work wortwhile. I’m only sorry that I can’t react promptly to the comments due to travelling, being offline and work.
      Please visit me again! 🙂
      Best regards


    • 🙂 🙂 🙂 Coming from you, East of Elveden, those words make me jump with joy!! 🙂
      Wow, I’m so glad ou like it. Please come by and see us the next time you are around; Rhu Sila, Church Lane. I’ll probabaly be there again as from the middle of September, Klausbernd and the bokkfayries are thre all the time.:-)
      Greetings to you from sunny Bonn


    • Thank you so much for this wonderful comment! You put a big smile on my face! 🙂 It’s my favourite place on earth and of course I’m so happy when you like it too. ♥


  30. I have been to Norwich and King’s Lyme as well as the fens east of Cambridge. It was so lovely to see these photos you shared! I also just watched the BBC series Kingdom which takes place in Norfolk. I fell in love with the countryside that was shown in that TV program. I live in the US in Washington state. I dream of returning again to the UK and hopefully making a trip to Scandinavia! In the meantime….I will be an armchair traveller. Thank you for sharing your photos!


    • Thank you som much for visiting and commenting, dear francifularts!

      It’s highly appreciated, also your tipp about “Kingdom”. I don’t know this BBC series, but I’m seriously interested 🙂 and will try to get in on a DVD or something. We don’t have a TV in Norfolk, but we love watching films. 🙂
      Have a relaxing weekend..

      L♥ve to you from the Rhine Valley


  31. Reblogged this on beetleypete and commented:
    I rarely re-blog, but on this occasion, I could not resist these marvellous photos, explaining why Dina loves to live in North Norfolk. This is not where I live, but is comfortably close by car.
    I don’t post photos either, as others do that much better. Here is the proof. Check out Dina’s blog for more lovely pictures, and a feelgood experience. Pete.


    • Oh Pete, that’s soooo nice of you!! Your reblog and kind words put a great, big smile on my face right now! 🙂 Whoo can ask for more? Afte ra lot of travelling, going from Norfolk to Norway, I’m now in the Rhine Valley again. Just planning my next trip to North Norfolk in September. 🙂 Can’t wait to capture the scenery with my new photo gear! 🙂
      Big hug to you from Bonn


  32. thanks for the ad like … great blog of place I definitely will not be but can appreciate through your blog … thank you. Feel free to click and buy a Walkabout bag ( :

    Liked by 1 person

  33. The flint is what always captivates me, Dina. Almost as soon as you drive into Norfolk you find these stunningly pretty houses. I’ve never seen the Lokes. I must head for Cley next trip. 🙂


    • …and the lovely country roads, the landscape, the fresh air, the lack of traffic, just everything. The next time you come, please pop in for a cup of tea or something else. It’d be lovely to get to know you in person! Promise? 🙂


  34. What a fabulous post Dina , your photos are stunning such superb colours !
    I’ve only been to Norfolk a couple of times but love the big skies .. Crabbing off the quay at Blakeney with daughter and little friends .. the beach huts at Wells Next The Sea … the birds and seals …
    you’ve brought lots of memories back thank you 🙂


    • Hi Poppytumb,
      Norfolk is great, isn’t it? I l♥ve being there.
      I hope you ‘ll all come back one day, then pop in and say hello! 🙂
      Thank you so much for visiting, it’s highly appreciated!
      Love to you from the Rhine Valley


  35. I came here from the reblog on beetleypete and I am so glad I did. Lovely galleries, especially the lokes and lavender. We’re in Norfolk for a couple of weeks so I shall look out for some of these scenes. Stayed in Cley in January in the snow and loved it – so wild and so empty – probably not now though 😉
    Jude xx


    • Hei Jude,
      thank you so much for visiting all your kind words! 🙂 Whereabout in Norfolk do you stay? What a pity I’m not there right now… I was in Cley the whole of January and you can see lots of wintery photos and more from North Norfolk in my category (Kategorien) Norfolk, England. My friend Klausbernd Vollmar lives in Cley and I have lots of photos from the region on his blog as well; kbvollmarblog. Have a great time in beautiful Norf♥lk!
      Best regards


    • This sounds most interesting, Robert. We’re actually off to the Lake District in a couple of weeks and we want to see the Yorkshire Dales going there. Do you have any favourite spots there? 🙂


    • Dina, I asked my friend in Yorkshire to get together a list of 3-4 places we especially
      enjoyed, as some of it is a bit of a blur for me. I’ll reply again when I get that list. The one that sticks in my mind is Haworth, which is prime Bronte country. The sisters grew up in the parsonage there.


  36. Hi Dina ^_^ I must admit – Norfolk has never featured on our van bucket list…..but looking at your gorgeous pictures I think that needs to be rectified immediately! Note to self: border pups must get to see the Norfolk coast!

    Liked by 1 person

  37. Too often one looks for one photo to say it all. I love the way your arranged this pictorial essay about a place you love. It inspires me to try something similar. If I post something I want to include a link to this, in appreciation.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wow, thank you so much for this praise, Marso! It’s highly appreciated. I love this landscape and try to picture it with a loving look behind the camera. ♥


    • That’s why I love my camera. Photos can communicate without words and transport the feeling of a landscape. I love being on North Norfolk. Thank you so much for your kind words, Cindi. Comments like this make blogging worthwhile! Greetings to you in Norway.
      L♥ve from Bonn


  38. Thank you for liking my blog. This page makes me feel slightly tearful. The photos are beautiful and remind me how much I miss Norfolk and the Norfolk skies that I grew so fond of. (I’ve been living in Birmingham for the past eight years.) Many of the places you mention bring back memories of working as an unpaid runner on ‘Norfolk’s Coastal Kitchen’ but then that was all a long time ago now. All the best. I’m going to be looking in for more photos to remind me again of that gorgeous countryside that I grew up with. Thank you.


  39. Hi Dina,
    Thanks for liking my post. I loved your photos of North Norfolk. I have been there many times but have never discovered The Lokes. You should come to North Kent and the Hoo Peninsula which has similar big skies and great birds.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’d love to go there, I just looked it up. We went to Kent/Essex earlier this summer, but missed this part. England is great, I love travelling there and I’ll put Hoo on my list.
      Thank you so much for visiting, Carol. Have a lovely day.
      ♥ to you from the Rhine Valley


  40. These are beautiful Dina! I live about 30 minutes away from the North Norfolk Coast and it really is stunning up there. I have just tweeted the post link to @VisitNorthNorfolk – I’m sure they’ll love it 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • *BIG HUG!* Thank you, thank you♥ 🙂
      So often someone has told me to inform The Eastern Daily press about this post, but I have no clue how to get through to them. This makes up for all the effort, so kind of you, Sara.


  41. Oh Dina, this is my favourite post you’ve ever done. I just loved it. I stopped and looked at many of the photos on their own. Of course you know that I was especially mesmerized by the beach photos — before I started reading your blog I had no idea there were beaches like that in Great Britain — but there were so many others that I enjoyed so much. The fields, the birds. I jsut love your work. YOu convey the feeing of a space and a day so well. Imagine having a birding book like the one you took a picture of too. Scrumptious. I just loved this.

    Liked by 1 person

    • To tell you the truth, this one is my favourite as well. 🙂 I appreciate all the time you took to look into my work today Jen. Thanks! ♥


  42. Pingback: Seascape North Norfolk | kbvollmarblog

  43. Pingback: Seascapes North Norfolk | kbvollmarblog

  44. Pingback: Flintiness of Cley next the Sea | The World according to Dina

    • Thank you very much for your kind words! 🙂 🙂
      Sorry, that it took us 3 years to answer. We didn’t see the last commentaries on this post.
      With lots of love
      The Fab Four of Cley
      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂


  45. Pingback: March in North Norfolk | The World according to Dina

    • Thank you very much for reblogging! We feel honoured.
      Sorry, that it took us nearly a year to answer but we haven’t seen the last commentaries on this post before.
      All the best
      The Fab Four of Cley
      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂


  46. Pingback: Seal Warden at Blakeney Point | The World according to Dina

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