The Best Things in Life

 …are not things.

Weybourne_Sheringham 154Norfolk, Foto Hanne SiebersDSC_0047, Brancaster Beach, Norfolk, Foto: Hanne SiebersDSC_0074, Brancaster Beach, Norfolk, Foto: Hanne Siebers“The best things in life are free; the second best are  very expensive.”
Coco Chanel 

And then there are all the other valuables in life; Love ♥ and Sex, Happiness and Laughter. Besides blogging, pardon me. 🙂 Let me introduce a few very special persons and great bloggers who know how to celebrate the little things in everyday life. Lovely people and beautiful bloggers, always  ready to inspire and lift us up and put a smile on our face.
Please let me know if you have some beautiful ♥ bloggers on your blogroll, I’ll pass them on.


Lost in Translation


Lady Fi

Walking with a smacked Pentax


Pride in Photos

More coming up soon! My beloved ones are calling… 🙂 please excuse me.

Yours sincerely,

142 thoughts

  1. Dear Dina,
    great blog! Like always a perfect combination of the bril pics and this slightly ironic text.
    Thanks for sharing.
    See you soon 🙂
    Klausbernd xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for reading and joining in, Pete! I appreciate your recommendations; I’m now following atreyucrimmins :-), a great tip, thank you.
      Smallbluegreenwords is a very fine blog as well, I already knew her.
      Enjoy your weekend, here comes a big hug for Ollie ♥

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for that. Poictures speak quickly to the busy and are a delight. All good, but I did particularly like Lady Fi and Walking with a Smacked Pentax. Decided to Follow which I don’t usually have time for. Thanks again.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Dear Dina,
    I think Coco got it right! 😉
    What a beautiful study of lines, color and space. Very nice and elegant.
    Thanks also for introducing us to your selection of fellow bloggers!
    A big hug,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Dina,
      Since it is their flagship Barbera, it is the priciest option of the three… However, I can tell you that the prices of the store you found are pretty good if you bear in mind that the Pomorosso 2009 (which by the way was a fabulous vintage) in Italy sells for about EUR 36…
      If you prefer a more inexpensive option, why don’t you give L’Avvocata a try: it is not the Pomorosso, but still a very enjoyable Barbera in my view at a fraction of the price. 🙂
      Have a wonderful weekend!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Stefano,
      I agree, a flagship has it Price and compared to other flgships I supose it’s alright.. 🙂
      I’ll take your advice and look out for L’Avvocata. I’ll shout a toast to you; you’ll hear me across the Pond, well Siri and Selma will be assisting me of course. 🙂
      Skål! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Can’t believe it..yes, you told me about today with your comment…but I did not realise it will “feel” like this….did not expect all this…don’t know if I deserve all this!!!! What’s for sure is that I’ll do my best to express the beauty I can see around me and share it with all of you…and especially with my “talent scout”, Dina…My dear Dina…THANK YOU for this dance of feelings and emotions…never thought blogging could bring me all this!!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hej Dina, awesome post… I admire Coco Chanel, too… 🙂 I took some similar pix in the Westfjords, Iceland last month.
    – – –
    “La beauté n’est pas dans les choses, elle est dans nos yeux…” – “Beauty is not in things, it is in our eyes…”(Bernard Noël) Pleasant coincidence: 🙂
    – – –
    My very best and tons of inspiration, cheers! Mélanie NB

    Liked by 1 person

  6. grazie, oltre che per le bellissime foto per le sagge parole, e per avermi fatto conoscere nuovi amici bloggher
    un grande abbraccio da Pisa
    a presto

    Thanks for the beautiful photos to the wise words, and for letting me know new friends bloggher
    a big hug from Pisa
    See you soon

    Liked by 1 person

    • No, they are made with the old D200. Thanks for asking! 🙂 I’m so busy working at the moment, I’ve very Little time for photography. And blogging, hence this post.
      Big hug back to you in Ohio, my dear. ♥

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Dina, You are very sweet to even think of me and always so positive and giving! I am particularly fond of that second shot. It is the one that makes me think the most…about both simplicity and elegance. XO and thanks again!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Oh, ich bin ja ganz gerührt, hier in Deiner Liste aufzutauchen. Ich fühle mich hier, bei Dir auch sehr wohl und labe mich immer an Deinen tollen Fotos. Auch diese hier sind wieder so schön ruhig und weit und kraftspendend. Hab’ herzlichen Dank dafür.
    Liebe Grüße und ein wunderbares Wochenende wünsche ich Dir. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I came here when I saw you commenting on Benvenutocellini, and I agree with you on how beautiful she and her blog are. Now, thanks to you and her I found some more beauty, and list of blogs I follow is rapidly growing 🙂
    Beautiful photographs you have here on your blog, thanks for sharing it with the world.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Jøss, er det på denne måten at dere holder kontakten, smiLER!
    Flotte bilder, gyldent snitt og alt det der!! Liker-liker!
    Ønsker deg ei flott helg og at dere får kommunisere på annen måte enn via bloggkommentarer… 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Takk i like mäte, Hans. Jeg jobber dögnet rundt og har lite tid til alt, ogsä bloggen. Det var et budskapene; det er jo mye annet som er viktig her i livet, som gir varig glede. Dette forsökte jeg ä illustrere med tomheten i bildene, de er helt tomme for ting…, men det har jeg desverre ikke klart ä presentere slik jeg hadde forestilt meg det. Det gir meg litt ä tygge pä igjen. 🙂

      Ja takk, fra og med neste uke er jeg i England igjen og vi kan kommunisere helt normalt. 🙂

      Ha en fin helg du og dine ogsä.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Jude.:-) Yes this is a Norfolk Horizon. 🙂 I’m missing Norfolk very much myself, so I’ll be on my way to the airport first thing tomorrow morning…
      Have a great evening

      Liked by 1 person

    • Alles klar, die sind beide bestens gelaunt angekommen, es war toll bei dir.:-) Jetzt packen wir emsig für Norfolk, aber Morgen sind wir alle drei in Norfolk, juchu!
      Von uns ♥♥♥

      Liked by 1 person

    • Eeeeecht??? Mensch , jetzt falle ich vom Stuhl, so eine nettes Angebot hat mir keiner gemacht. Du machst mir ja geradezu sprachlosvor Freude! 🙂 🙂

      Aiaia, etzt geht das Geschreie los, hörst du es bis zu dir? “Aber wiiiiieso du, Dinafee? Du warst doch gar nicht bei Magdalena, aber wiiiiiir…”
      Ja, das sage ich dir, hast du 2 Liebfeen im Haus, geht die Post immer ab, so oder so… Jetzt muss ich mal eine Machtwort sprechen.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Was heißt das, “Ich möchte eine Elfe”? Was für eine Elfe? Also, wir Buchfeen sind nicht zu vergeben,.. 😉 🙂 piiiepen Siri und Selma und bestellen dir ganz l♥ebe Grüße.
      Wir fahren jetzt zum Flughafen, winke winke zurück!
      Und nee, so groß bin ich nicht…, keine Sorge.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Genau, die meisten der besten Dinge im Leben sind keine Dinge, ich kann deiner “Liste” nur zustimmen, Dina, und auch der Anblick solch stiller Landschaften – wie immer brillante Fotos – kann glücklich machen!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Dina, I am so sorry I did not see this mention before ( I am so grateful).. Sometimes I wonder what messes up this Word Press notifications and pingbacks. I will make sure to check out your other featured blogs 🙂 Takk mit stor klem. kyss

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Pingback: As you make your bed | The World according to Dina

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