It’s a Bad World

“Don’t let a thief into your house three times. The first time was enough. The second time was a chance. The third time means you’re stupid.”
 C. JoyBell C.

Hacker, Foto: Hanne Siebers

A Hacker broke into my bank account and robbed it. I realized something was wrong the minute I picked up some money from the bank on my way to airport. My account was almost empty and I suddenly felt very cold, like freezing in front of the bank machine as I was anticipating the worst. Upon arriving in England the bank in Germany confirmed my fear. What a nightmare. Robbing my sleep as well as my money! Now I have an ugly trojan, unpleasant stomach ache and piles of work with changing all my PINs, as well as corresponding with the bank and the police and digesting the pain of the loss.

Punting on the Cam, Cambridge, Foto: Hanne Siebers “What is the good of experience if you do not reflect?” –Fredrik II

As I’m informing myself how to keep my router secure in spite of vulnerabilities, I must admit I’m appalled at the impact of this robbery. What if they can’t find the hacker, what if I don’t get my money back? How could this happen, why didn’t I pay more attention and how will I act in the future? I’m doing almost everything online, banking, booking my travels, buying my books and other stuff.

Water, Hvaler, Norway, Foto: Hanne Siebers

“Shiva gives it, Shiva takes it”, Siri and Selma try to comfort me. After all, it’s only money, you know, please don’t be so sad. “Try to put it out of your head”, Selma says as she puts another piece of homemade blackberry cake on my plate. Oh dear,  this morning, before we went to Salthouse Heath to pick berries, I was happy to register a considerable loss of weight in no time, at least something good. 🙂  Now cheeky Siri warns me not to put on too much “Kummerspeck” due to comfort eating, but actually we all feel like tubby berries right now after several glasses of  apple-berry juice made by Klausbernd. 🙂

Good night to you all!

225 thoughts

    • Vielen Dank, liebe Magdalena,
      ich bin gespannt und warte ab. So ein shit!
      Es dauert halt etwas länger, weil ich jetzt in England bin, momentan warte ich auf ein Schreiben von der Bank, erst wenn dieser Schreiben von mir ausgefüllt bei der Bank eingegangen ist, wird die Schadensbegrenzungsstelle oder wie die sich nennen, sich den Fall annehmen. Die Bank verlangte zuerst eine Strafanzeige. Die Polizei ist geschmeidiger; ich habe eine Strafanzeige per E-mail erstatten können. Ob der finanzielle Verlust zurückerstattet wird, mag niemand etwas sagen.
      Echt vollblöd, ich darf gar nicht daran denken, wie superlange und wirklich hart ich für dieses Geld gearbeitet habe.
      Danke sehr für den *Drücker!*
      Liebe Grüße von uns 4 in Cley

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  1. Dear Dina, I am so sorry for you! It feels so invasive and hurtfull when mean people take what belongs to you. I am sure you will get your money back though, banks are insured for that! We had it a number of times with creditcards that were compromised and we got our money back in no time. And remember Dear,it is the hacker thief that is bad…not your beautiful world. Listen carefully to Siri and Selma and have some more of that comforting applejuice and go to bed and sleep a deep sleep. ♥ Johanna

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    • What a lovely comment, dear Johanna ♥ !
      Thanks a lot for your comforting words. Siri and Selma were very pleased indeed to read that there is someone out there appreciating their apple juice and loving advice. Today it’s raining and we’ve been busy cleaning the house. Now Siri and Selma have decided we’re going “to do ourselves some good” this evening. That means going in the sauna, followed up with body care, hair-care and cuts (bookfairyshair grow so fast, you won’t believe it) and finally watching a good film in front of the fire and drinking lots of apple juice for a deep sleep. 🙂
      ♥ Dina

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    • Ja, ich kann es auch nicht wirklich fassen. Man liest so oft davon und man wird ständig gewarnt, aber dass es einem selbst eines Tages treffen könnte, ist doch was anderes…
      Ganz herzlichen Dank für das liebe Mitgefühl, es tut wirklich sehr gut.
      Liebe Grüße zurück,
      Dina ♥

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    • Thank you so much, Heather. We’re working on it and hoping for the best. The problem is, it happened in Germany and I’m in England right now and certain papers have to be signed and sent per snailmail. It slows it all down very much. Thanks again for commenting and expressing your sympathy!
      Love Dina ♥

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  2. I am very sorry to hear your bad news. I was also the victim of a computer fraud, via Paypal. Although not much money was taken, it was so inconvenient. I am sure that your money will be reimbursed by the bank soon Dina, although I know that doesn’t help just now. Perhaps avoid online banking? I have never used it since I had that problem.
    Best wishes to you from Beetley. Pete. x (and a lick from Ollie too…x)

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    • How comforting to get a lick from dear Ollie ♥, Pete!
      You really give me something to think about now, I thought all transactions via Paypal were secure! Not to use online banking would really restrict me very much, I dread this thought. I once was the victim of fraud on my Master Card. It was insured and got the money back. I hope the bank will react likewise, please keep your fingers and paws crossed!
      Thanks for the good wishes,
      Dina x

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    • The Paypal fraud was someone in India selling customer account details Dina. It was quite well-publicised at the time, and Paypal refunded the money with no question. I am sure the bank will do likewise. Regards as always, Pete. x

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  3. Så Ledsen, so sorry Dina! Your money will be reimbursed for you, but it’s the fraud, the violation that is hard to get rid of. It has happened to me too, but it was all done from abroad, so the Swedish authorities could do nothing. I got my money back, though. hopefully it will not take long before it’s OK.

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    • I very much hope that you’re right with your anticipation that the bank will reimburse the loss. That would be great. I once had fraud on my Master Card from a gambling site in Monaco and the money was refunded after weeks of paper work and a lot of agony, but obviously this is a different matter. Let’s hope for the best, we’re crossing our fingers.
      Love Dina ♥

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    • Thank you so much, MM! I do sleep better now, but of course it would be a lot better with a haaaaaaappy end. 🙂 The homemade apple juice and the comforting words from Siri and Selma before going to bed helps a lot for deep sleep.
      Love Dina x

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  4. So sorry to hear of your unpleasant experience. I agree with the comments above I think the bank should reimburse you. My father has had two different credit cards hacked and it was nothing to do with his own computer security, but somewhere in the system somebody cloned his cards. Keep positive, it might sometimes be a bad world, but it’s not your fault.

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    • What a lovely, comforting you comment, Agnesashe! In the past I had a credit card hacked and the money was refunded without any problems, now we cross our fingers that the bank will reimburse this money as well. I don’t generally think it’s a bad world out there, but it makes me really livid to think how many hackers get away with thefts like this without any punishment at all.
      Love Dina ♥

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  5. Dina, truly sorry, it makes one feel totally violated. Computer security is and will always be a concern and will always be something that needs close attention. Don’t store passwords, PINS, bank account or another types of personal numbers on your computer. Make sure you change your passwords on a regular bases and use STRONG passwords. You probably know this already!

    Having spent my career in the computer area, we were continually fighting viruses and hackers. Protect you router, PC, laptop, phone with available intrusion software if possible. Mu husband and I changed over to the Mac, giving up Windows after many, many years. There are more Windows hackers, at this time, then there are Mac hackers.

    Best wishes and good luck with finding out who and how this happened. Hopefully, you will resolve how to get your funds back.

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    • Dear Sheila, thank you so much for your kind words and helpful advice.
      I’m writing this on my Mac, the hacker broke through the Windows system on the other notebook which is now being sent to a specialist for reformatting. It happens all the time to Windows, Klausbernd just got his notebook back after it had been reformatted after a virus problem, this is really a nuisance. What I can’t understand, is why the bank didn’t notice how it was manipulated. That they don’t have a security system that alarms somebody, how can that bee?
      Thanks for the good wishes, I hope I’ll get my hard earned money back one day!
      Love Dina

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    • What I can’t understand, is why the bank didn’t notice how it was manipulated. That they don’t have a security system that alarms somebody, how can that bee?

      That`s an importent remark. In World of Warcraft the account will be locked, if there`s an unknown IP-adress. One should assume, that the security standarts are much higher in a bank than in a game.

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    • Thank you, Nomadenseele, for taking this up; I think this question is absolutely vital. When I called the bank and told them what had happened, they immediately said it was a criminal offense. I was livid, because they hadn’t noticed or weren’t even suspecting something wrong; the date of crime was then already more than a week prior to my visit to the bank machine.

      That’s the really tricky part of it; the hackers are so professional and way above the bank security, they can enter the bank, do their criminal thing, clean every evidence and leave again without anyone noticing. Now it’s like chasing a ghost!

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    • I really do not understand the security standarts in this bank.
      In WoW:
      Unknown IP-Adress –> locked
      More the 90 tries a minute –> locked

      I´m a Steam customer (they sell games online) and the account was locked, because of an unknown computer after changing mine, until I comfirmed an email. A bank should have much higher standarts.

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    • Yes, you’re right, it’s indeed a sad interruption to a beautiful summer. So far they have not ben able to trace the perpetrator, it makes me livid to think of. There’re so many clever people out there with lots of time and a money problem that turn into criminals like this, i think this is awful. Especially because most of them get away with it causing so much damage.

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  6. Dear Dina,
    I’m more sorry than I can say. Must be an awful experience you are going through and I truly hope that whoever did this to you is brought to justice and put in jail for many, many years. My heart reaches out to you. Hang on there.
    With love,

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    • Oh dear Francesca ♥ what a lovely, comforting comment! Thank you so much for making me feel a lot better.
      I hope they’ll catch the criminal, fold the person up and put him away for years to come. It’s infuriating how easily they get away with it though. I had no idea how many hackers are out there and for instance how many are trying to hack WordPress; on one day this springtime WordPress had 77000 hackers “visiting”, normally the number is something between 30.000 to 40.000. Every day!
      Hope you and your two beloved ones are fine!
      Love to you all
      Dina ♥

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    • Danke, liebe Tina, dein Empörung tut gut zu lesen! Noch wissen wir nicht, ob eine Versicherung für den Schaden aufkommen wird. Aber wir hoffen es! 🙂
      Liebe Grüße zu dir
      Dina ♥

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  7. I am so sorry Dina. Such things cause so much trouble.

    Please be aware that once you have been successfully targeted, it is more likely to happen again. A full shield becomes all the more important. Conversely once you have a shield, then you are a hard target and less likely that anyone tries. Same premise as burglary.

    I can recommend Malewarebytes as a cleaning tool and for long term Inernet Security either Norton or Kapersky (recommended by Barclay). Trojans allow other malware in, including spyware. Some spyware utilises keylogging that reports every keystroke, including you passwords. Many banks make this impossible using a device which, coupled with your debit/credit card, creates a once-only pin number every time you log in. For online shopping you might consider using PayPal.

    I hope that you never suffer this again. If it is any consolation, it could have been worse. I have known circumstances where a PC has also been made unuseable appearing to have suffered a hardware breakdown.

    May fortune smile more upon you.
    With Regards – Gram

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    • Dear Gram,
      thank you so much for this kind comment and very professionally answer to my problems! It’s highly appreciated!
      I’m traveling with my MacBook Pro now, the fraud happened via my Windows notebook back home in Germany. Is it foolish to think I’m secure using the Mac?
      The Vaio will be totally new reformatted by a specialist, I hope with the latest and best security.
      I’m using Paypal if I do any online shopping; in a previous comment a reader tells about fraud on his Paypal account too, I suppose nothing in Internet is really secure. Makes me rethink all the time…

      I really like your final words….May fortune smile more upon you… they put a smile on my face. 🙂 I carry a tiny piece of paper in my purse; “Fortune favours the brave!” It’s an Irish saying and I read it on the wall in the wonderful Marsh Library in Dublin. The librarian wrote it down for me and it feels good to have with me. Actually, I feel a bit brave blogging about this matter, it’s not typical for me sharing problems like this!
      Love Dina

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    • You did right to post this. People need to know this happens so they take it seriously and use a securiy system, and those already effected that they are not alone. You are helping to protect others. I wish more would do this.

      Your Mac should be fine. They have a different file structure which makes it virtually impossible to hack or plant malware on.

      When you get your PC back, be carefull what you plug into it. A memnory stick/card can be infected or even a CD that was burned on your PC or another that was effected. Your new Internet Security system should have the ability to scan any such item before it is put to use. If not scan manually.

      Always create/use a limited account on a computer for use on the internet. An administrators account makes it to easy.

      Get a bank that uses the higher level of security I described. One that does not is really being lax.

      Your bank should put this right. Most do because they want to encourage online banking. If your bank is being difficult, see a solicitor. You may have a case based on there failture to use the improved method, which has been around for years.

      There’s more on my blog under menu item How To/Be Safe on the Internet.

      Nothng is perfect, but PayPal does limit any loss and will deal with you failry.

      It’s like learning to cross the road safely. Once learned it no longer worries us.. And, remember, your real life is in the sun and wind and cosy indoors, not in th the cyberworld.

      Good will is the only thing that ever made this world any better. But, it does need to stamp it’s feet occasionally.



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    • Dear Graham,
      I feel deeply touched reading your reply, thank you so much for taking the time to respond and help, not only me, but us all, with this matters. I realize I have been very naive thinking “Oh, it won’t happen to me”. I feel very relieved to know that the Mac is fine, thank you.

      I was working all around the clock (hospital) before I left and I spent little time on the Vaio, I might have used a stick for transporting a few photos, that’s all. I might have used the stick on the Mac afterwards. I’ll get rid off it.

      What about WordPress; I was absolutely amazed to read that WordPress, being the worldwide most popular blogging platform is the target of app. 40.000 hackers daily, on one day in April this year the number was 77.000.

      I’ll study your blog about safety on the internet, thanks a lot… also for your loving, sensible remark on the bottom lines! A very good reminder indeed. 🙂

      Greetings to you from sunny North Norfolk

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    • You got it, thank you so much for commenting! What is really shocking and making me quite insecure is the fact that somebody invaded my privacy; the criminal hacker actually went into the bank and robbed my account without leaving a trace of evidence; and even more alarming; they left again and the bank security was at no point alarmed!

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    • What is really shocking and making me quite insecure is the fact that somebody invaded my privacy;

      I feel with you as it also happend to me. The worst thing is not the data (or the money), but feeling vunerable. I hope, you will get over this feeling.

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    • Oh dear; I’m sorry to hear this, Blosslyn. Did you get your money back? What would really interest me at this point; did your bank notice the fraud or were you the first one to find out?
      Love Dina

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    • Hello Dina, we where in a shop and went to pay for something with our debit card and we were told that there was not enough money to pay for the items…..which was not right. It seems that somehow a young man had got our pin number some how and had bought a large amount of I phones with our money. The bank had not realised that someone had spent quite a few thousand pounds on phones at different shops, normally if you spend a lot of money in one shop, the bank will call, but they didn’t know until we phoned them and asked what was happening and then they checked. They stopped the debit card and returned our money to us. The funny thing was that he had taken out phone contracts for the phones in his own name and address, but used a card with a different name and not one of the shops had noticed. The police caught him easily, its seems we were not the only ones……but why did no one notice, thats the scary thing, Lynne x

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  8. Oh my goodness – how terrible, Dina.

    I think we all do everything online now and I dread the thought of losing my money having had a Nigerian ‘hacker’ charge a small amount each month to my credit card some years ago. I noticed the third month and I cancelled my credit card without minutes of getting the monthly statement in the mail. Thing is that I had paid for something I ordered the first time and that initial charge on my credit card was valid.

    I DO hope they can catch the thief or there’s some way to get your money back. Good luck with that. I try to pay with PAYPAL online if I can.

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    • Dear Vicki, I’m sorry to read about your bad experience with the credit card; something similar happened to me a couple of years ago. I had been to the States for several weeks and had used my credit card many times during the stay, for smaller and bigger amounts. A couple of months later I was alarmed as suddenly an amount $ 525 was charged on my credit card. It took me several days to find out who received the money (an internet gambling company in Monaco and I had never gambled in my whole life)! They had charged me for a small amount of $11,95 without any reaction from my side because I had several small deductions in USDollars and the following month the amount was increased to $525. The bank refunded the money, now I hope it will be refunded as well. Like you, I try to restrict my online shopping to Paypal, now I feel even more insecure; obviously some readers have experienced fraud on their Paypal account as well.
      Thank you so much for joining in the conversation, Vicki, it’s highly appreciated. You are all a great help to me, I feel a lot better now!
      Love Dina

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    • Actually, I have never thought about this before, but obviously many are using prepaid cards. I’ll investigate!
      Hab ein schöne Wochenende, liebe Nomadenseele! Wir waren heute in Holt einkaufen, endlich ist es wieder etwas wärmer und sonniger geworden. Gleich wird das Auto Innen geputzt und dann werden wieder Beeren gepflückt. Die Hecken sind voll zurzeit.
      Liebe Grüße zu dir
      Dina ♥

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    • Thanks for commenting – and liking the pics, dear Amy! 🙂
      We’re waiting for the bank to find…eh, something, anything really. A trace wold be fine. We all keep our fingers crossed, hopefully it helps!
      Have a lovely day, Amy!
      Greetings from Norfolk
      Dina ♥

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    • I’m sorry so read that this happened to you as well, Lisa; in fact it happened to so many of us! This is really frightening, the hackers enter the bank, rob us and leave the bank without a trace and also without the bank noticing. Did your bank notice the criminal action or did you tell them that something was not ok? Did you get your money back?
      Love Dina

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    • Ours started slightly different, two robbers entered our home and stole bank files and blank checks from my office. They then sold the information to several people and hackers got into our accounts before we noticed the files were missing. We were so upset about the computers, jewelry, and personal items that were lost I didn’t see a few files were gone until the next day. It has taken two years to resolve most of the problems but the banks have worked with us and covered the loss from our accounts. Interesting – one bank noticed right away but another took almost a week before notifying us of suspicious/fradulent activity. I hope your problems are resolved quickly and with as little pain as possible! Lisa

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  9. Liebe Dina,
    es tut mir ausgesprochen Leid, von Deinem Missgeschick [eigentlich ist das Wort “Missgeschick” ja viel zu schwach] zu hören. Ich halte Dir die Daumen, dass auch in diesem Fall – wie bei Kreditkarten – die Versicherung der Bank greift und dass Du den Schadeb ersetzt bekommst, den finanziellen Schaden jedenfalls. Für den seelisch/emotionalen kommt ja eh niemand auf. Aber da helfen Dir bestimmt Siri und Selma und ganz besonders Klausbernd.
    Liebe Grüße, heute Abend aus Fredericksburg,
    P.S.: Und liebe Grüße natürlich auch an die beiden Buchfeen und an Klausbernd, und auch von Mary.

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    • Du meine Güte, lieber Pit,
      ich bin völlig überwältigt, mit solch einer Reaktion hatte ich nicht gerechnet und jetzt hat es sehr lange gedauert bis ich bei dir angekommen bin, sorry.
      Dank für den Zuspruch, das tut gut, ich fühle mich schon viel besser! Ich habe lange mit der Veröffentlichung gehadert, bzw die Idee kam gestern als wir Beeren pflücken waren. Es ist komplett gegen meine Art mit privaten Problemen zu hausieren. Der Verlust des Geldes war bis gestern für mich absolut, jetzt schöpfe ich Hoffnung, vielleicht geht es doch gut aus. Das wäre megaschön, wirklich einen freudigen Grund zum Betrinknis! 🙂 Bis jetzt war es nicht so schlimm, dass wir einen Besäufnis veranstaltet haben. Abgesehen von der momentanen Apfelsaftvöllerei… Klausbernd ist auf dem Geschmack gekommen und die Saftpresse freut sich über die vielen Früchte aus dem Garten und dem Umland hier in Cley.
      Auf jeden Fall hat es sehr gut getan, diesen Diebstahl zu ventilieren. Ich bin sehr beunruhigt weil die Bank selbst nichts bemerkt hatten oder die Security der Bank keinen Alarm geschlagen hat. Einfach nervig, sehr sogar. Siri und Selma trösten und helfen ganz doll., das tut gut. Und Klausbernd natürlich auch! 🙂
      Gerade bekamen wir eine Einladung zu Wiveton Hall heute Abend, ich muss mich schnellsten fertig machen – auch eine gute Ablenkung! 🙂
      Ich hoffe, es läuft alles bestens in Fredericksburg! Herzliche Grüße von uns 4 in Cley, auch an Mary!
      Dina & Co ♥♥♥♥

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    • Liebe Dina,
      ich halte nach wie vor ganz fest die Daumen für einen guten Ausgang.
      Zum neuen Haus: am Dienstag um 14:00 haben wir den Termin zum Vertragsabschluss. *freu*
      Liebe Grüße an Euch alle im kleinen Dorf am großen Meer,
      Pit & Mary

      Liked by 1 person

    • Wie schön, lieber Pit! 🙂 Wir freuen uns mit dir und Mary!! Wir fahren jetzt nach Holt. Die vielen Papiere für die Bank werden zur Post gebracht und dann wird für unterwegs eingekauft. Am Donnerstag fahren wir nach Harrogate, wir haben dort eine wunderschöne B&B in idyllischer Lage für 2 Nächte gebucht.
      Liebe Grüße aus dem sonnigen Dorf an der Küste

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    • Liebe Dina,
      wor wünschen Euch Allen schon jetzt eine schöne und erholsame Reise, mit viel Neuem zu sehen – und zu fotografieren. Kommt heil und gesund zurück!
      Liebe Grüße, auch von Mary,

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  10. I am so very, very sorry that you had to go through this upset. I agree with Siri and Selma – “After all, it’s only money.” But it is the vulnerability that we feel as well as the fear of recurrence. Your post and all of the following comments point to one thing – that we can chose good over evil. Bad things happen, but there is much good. The banks have an excellent way to track down money!! You will be in my thoughts! Let us know how it turns out!! 🙂 Hugs from across the pond.

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    • How lovely to read from you again, dear Rebecca! You got home safe and happy! 🙂
      I do hope that you’re right with the banks being able to track down the money, so far they couldn’t. The hackers are way above the bank system, that’s what so very alarming!
      But there’s still hope, so we cross our fingers and wings and of course we’ll keep you updated. Thank you so much for your comforting words and nice comment as always.
      Fairydust und lots of hugs across the pond to you in Vancouver from the four of us in Norfolk! 🙂
      Dina ♥♥♥♥

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    • Another day is gone, Kat and the incident falls further behind me and takes some pressure of my shoulders. Nevertheless, the money is still missing. I was sure, the bank will not come up for this, but you all give me so much comfort, maybe it ends good!:-)
      In the meantime, the weather is getting better and we are harvesting berries everyday, growing quite tubby, all four of us…
      Enjoy your weekend!
      Greetings from North Norfolk
      Dina ♥

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  11. Ein Kollegin von mir sagt immer: “Halt Dich saftig!” Sie weiß wovon sie redet. Mir hilft das dann. Ich hoffe Dir hilft es auch ein wenig.
    Liebe Grüße an Dich und die Deinen. Fühl Dich gedrückt.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ja, lieber Mick, es hilft eindeutig! 🙂 Wir haben uns schlapp gelacht, das hat richtig befreiend gut getan.:-)
      Klausbernd trinkt so viel Eigensaftler-Saft, dass er gluckert. Siri und Selma kichern hinter vorgehaltener Flügel und piiiiiepen “Ja, bleib bloss saftig, Masterchen!” 🙂
      Danke für den Drücker! ♥
      Ein feines Wochenende wünschen dir
      Klausbernd, Siri & Selma und Dina

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    • Ganz, ganz herzlichen Dank für dein Mitgefühl, liebe Diva, das tut so gut! Für mich ist das wirklich ein mächtiger Alptraum. Ich muss fast ein halbes Jahr arbeiten um dieses Geld bar auf der Hand zu haben. Ich kann dir sagen…

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  12. so sorry to hear, i do hope you get compensated by the bank. and that it will never happen again.
    (that middle picture is great, i’m impressed that you keep your mood up so well still!)

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    • Thank you, Martin. I hope the bank will compensate it too! I just wrote, it took me half a year hard work to get this money…
      Thank you so much for liking the second photo; it’s taken in beautiful Cambridge, sort of my second hometown in England and of the most gorgeous places in GB. It shows the river Cam and the bridge to Claire College.
      Ha en god helg!

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  13. Liebe Hanne,

    das tut mir sehr leid für dich. Und ich verweise auf Pit weiter oben. Hoffentlich lässt sich der Schaden begrenzen. Unsicherheiten werden bleiben und das Gefühl ausgeliefert zu sein. Bitte notwendige Maßnahmen unternehmen und ein Wort ist in dieser Welt des Internets einfach notwendig geworden: VORSICHT.

    Liebe Grüße und head high


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    • Ganz, ganz herzlichen Dank für deine tröstende und aufmunternde Worte, lieber Achim.
      Es ist immer noch sehr ungewiss wie es ausgehen wird, aber die Hoffnung haben wir nicht ganz aufgeben!

      Hier scheint endlich wieder die Sonne so fein und ich werden das Auto von Innen putzen. Ich möchte einen superklaren Durchblick auf den Weg in The Lake Distrikt haben! 🙂 Neulich sahen wir die DVD “Wainwraight’s Coast to Coast Walk”. Diese Wanderstrecke fängt am Irischen See in der Lake Distrikt an und geht durch die Yorkshire Dales to Robin Hoods Bay an der Nordseeküste. In the Dales interessieren uns mehrere Sachen und wir werden wahrscheinlich 2 Übernachtungen in the Dales buchen bevor wir unseres Cottage bei Ousby beziehen. Wir hatten uns viele B&Bs angeschaut und haben uns letzendlich für ein schönes Cottage entscheiden. Höchst wahrscheinlich werden wir viel schlechtes Wetter haben, das hat das Wetter so an sich in der Region, dann fänden wir es bequemer mit etwas mehr Platz. Billiger kommt es auch. Aber diese Alternative ist nur möglich wenn man die Gegend mit einem Auto bereist. An dieser Stelle vielen Dank für deine Infos, die gehören zu meiner “gesammelten Werke” und täglich studieren wir was es alles gibt, voller Vorfreude!

      Ein schönes Wochenende wünschen dir aus Cley
      Klausbernd, Siri & Selma und Dina

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    • Ja, liebe Petra,
      das war ein Schock wie ein kalter Schlag in der Magengrube. 😦
      Vielen Dank für dein Mitgefühl, wir hoffen auch, dass es irgendwie gut ausgeht.

      Herzliche Grüße aus Cley next the Sea zu dir und deinem Liebsten von
      Klausbernd, Siri & Selma und Dina

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Dina – be comforted. It happened to me too on my Visa account, and although it took ages and ages to get it sorted out I was given all my money back. Hope that happens for you too! It was a real shock that someone could do this so easily… I felt very vulnerable. Anyway, I hope the berries, apple -berry juice and Norfolk sea air will soon make you feel better and cheer you up!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, dear Cathy! Well, for sure Norfolk is solace for me and of course the juicy company of Klausbernd, Siri & Selma. 🙂

      What happened to your Visa once happened to my Mastercard. It took ages to sort out, but the card companies are insured for this and I got the money back, there was never any doubts about that. This is different and the bank is reacting very reluctantly: the first reaction was; this is your problem, not ours. That was the second punch into my stomach.

      We’re still waiting and hoping – for the best, of course! 🙂
      Enjoy your weekend, Cathy. I hope the weather is improving in your part of the country as well. Lots of love from us
      Klausbernd, Siri & Selma und Dina

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Liebe Dina!
    Ich hoffe, dass sich alles zum Guten fuer Dich wenden wird. Dies ist fuerchterlich. Hoffentlich hat die Bank eine Versicherung, dass Du das Geld zurueck bekommst. Wir muessen wirklich alle sehr aufpassen.
    Druecke Dir die Daumen, dass sich alles aufklaeren laesst und sich alles zum Guten wenden wird.
    Sende Dir hugs! Veraiconica

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ganz, ganz herzlichen Dank für dein Mitgefühl und die guten Wünsche, liebe Veraiconica! Wir werden bald… oder eher später, da es per Snailmail abegewickelt wird, sehen wie die Bank darauf reagiert.
      Also; Saft trinken und abwarten! 🙂
      Big hug to you! Enjoy your weekend. Lots of love from
      Klausbernd, Siri & Selma und Dina ♥

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Och mensch ..das ist ja schrecklich, liebe Dina. Dieses eisige Gefühl im Bauch kann ich mir gut vorstellen .. Klar gäbe es “Schlimmeres” – aber es ist trotzdem ein ganz mieses Gefühl. Ich drück fest die Daumen, dass der Dieb aufgespürt werden kann und dass du dein Geld zurückbekommst! Warum sind manche Leute nur so … 😦

    Eine liebe Umarmung für dich,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ja, das ist ganz klar ein total blödes Gefühl, liebe Ocean. Ein halbes Jahr lang habe ich sehr hart, Tag und Nacht, für diese Summe gearbeitet.
      Jetzt scheint hier wieder die Sonne und wir hoffen das Beste. Die frische Brise an der Küste Nordfolks hilft den Kopf zu lüften! 🙂
      Ein entspanntes, schönes Wochenende wünschen wir dir und Walter. Mit einem riesengroßen Knuddler für Greta von
      Klausbernd, Siri & Selma und Dina ♥

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Liebe Hanne,
    das tut mir sehr leid, du mußt so hart arbeiten für dein Geld. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, dass du das Geld zurück erhälst? Trägt das irgendeine Versicherung?
    Welche Firewall hattest du für deinen Rechner? Aber wahrscheinlich kann ein guter Haker jegliche “private” Firewall knacken….
    Ich wünsche dir trotzdem einen schönen Aufenthalt in Norfolk und drücke dich virtuell,
    Liebe Grüße an euch alle von Susanne

    Liked by 1 person

    • Liebe Susanne,
      die Fragen, die du stellst habe ich natürlich auch gestellt. Bis jetzt gibt es keine Antwort. Die Anzeige bei der Polizei habe ich per E-Mail erstatten können, die ist dann von mir an die Bank weitergeleitet und jetzt warte ich auf einen Brief von der Bank per Snailmail. Ob es eine Versicherung trägt, ist unklar, ich habe jedenfalls keine Versicherung dafür. Die Bank reagiert äußert zurückhaltend, die Reaktionen bis jetzt lässt mich nichts Erfreuliches erwarten, wenn ich ehrlich sein soll.

      Siri und Selma sagen; “Saft trinken und abwarten!” Das tun wir auch und lassen uns die schöne Tage nicht vergrämen, aber es ist megaärgerlich. Die beiden schicken ganz viel lieben Feenhauch zu dir in Berlin. #####

      Ich hoffe, der Umzug klappt ohne große und kleine Pannen! …Und dass die Sonne bald wieder in Berlin scheint! In Berlin ist momentan fast so kalt wie in Longyearbyen, haben wir gerade mit Schrecken festgestellt!

      Ein schönes Wochenende wünschen wir dir
      Klausbernd, Siri & Selma und Dina ♥

      Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, for sure it does! We went to Holt shopping this morning and I noticed I’m much more careful and on guard, sort of anticipating everyone around me to be a possible criminal. Thank you so much for your kind words and sympathy! You all help me a lot!
      Enjoy your weekend!
      Dina ♥

      Liked by 1 person

  18. Definitely not “Liking” this post :(. Do you know how the hacker got in? Couldn’t the bank detect the fraud in the first place and prevent it? (I know I had some people generate AMEX card numbers that happened to end up being mine, and AMEX detected the suspicious use immediately and notified me, luckily, for example). Really hope it’ll be ok now…

    Liked by 1 person

    • No, I don’t know how the hacker got in, I’m afraid. The bank didn’t notice anything. I was very busy working and didn’t notice either; I didn’t do any online banking that means and so for I was not aware of the big sum of money missing until I went to the bank machine to get some cash on my way to the airport. The hacker went into the bank, robbed my account, removed all traces and left without alarming the bank at all. When I called the bank they immediately said I’m the victim of a perpetrator, but they didn’t detect it!

      The card companies are different, they are insured and very careful; many years ago I was travelling abroad and used my bankcard. The card company called after a couple of weeks and wanted my confirmation for a billing from a restaurant. The amount was higher than the other bills, but there must also have been something else that made the company suspicious and they even sent me a paper to confirm that I agreed on paying the amount.

      Thank you so much for joining in the conversation, elPadawan! Enjoy your weekend.
      Love, Dina

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Javier!, for your kind words
      I suppose you refer the second photo showing serenity and peace. It gives me solace and I think it’s important to try to stay calm. The first couple of days were just awful, emotionally I was totally upset. You all make feel better, thanks a lot!
      Have a lovely weekend.

      Liked by 1 person

  19. Dearest Dina,
    This news is beyond awful and terribly saddens me.
    I am so sorry for you, so bothered by what happened. There are no words to describe it.
    I feel for you and I sincerely hope that the police catch those who did it.
    I wish I could do something about it.
    Lots of love and hugs to you,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Stefano,
      thank you so much for sympathy and very kind words! It’s highly appreciated and you all make me feel a lot better. At the moment there’s nothing we can do except stay calm, wait and drink homemade apple juice (Siri and Selma look like two tubby berryfayries 🙂 ) and hope for the best. I do hope the police catch the perpetrator, but there’s no trace of the criminal, I’m afraid.
      Lots of love and big hugs to you and your beloved ones from
      Klausbernd, Siri & Selma und Dina ♥

      Liked by 1 person

  20. Sorry to hear this Dina. Hopefully the bank will reimburse your money and this will be all over soon. Do you know that it was through the computer? Not an ATM scam or card skimming? There are so many ways for these scum to rip us off these days, and unfortunately computer hacking is so hard to trace and hardly anyone gets prosecuted for it.

    Take a deep breath, enjoy the calm of Norfolk, go for long walks and don’t let the b****rds get you down. Hugs xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for your sympathy ♥ ! The bank says it was through the computer and all we can do at the moment is to stay calm, wait and drink lots of homemade apple juice. 🙂
      I’ll take your good advice and go the beach now when the sun is out. It’s a shame the sun goes down far too early!
      A big hug back to you, my dear.

      Liked by 1 person

  21. Dear Dina, I think I can feel a little bit with you, because we had robbers in the house and after that, each time you come home your are afraid that they might have been there again. I’m sorry for you and keel my fingers crossed that the story will have a happy ending.:) Very best regards Martina

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for your kind words and expressed sympathy, dear Martina.
      I’s so sorry to read that you had burglars in your home, that’s most upsetting!
      We went into Holt doing some shopping this morning and I noticed this change in my appearance, clinging to my bag almost expecting everyone around me to be a potential criminal. I suppose it takes some time before everything goes back to normal again.
      Thanks for crossing your fingers, we do so too! 🙂
      Enjoy your weekend.
      Lots of love and big hug to you in beautiful Ticino from
      Klausbernd, Siri & Selma und Dina ♥

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for kind comment and expressed sympathy! Whoever did it seem to be very clever and professional, unfortunately. We hope the best!
      Wishing you a great weekend

      Liked by 1 person

  22. Dear Dina,
    One nosy question in this context: which security software do you use on your computer? With mine [F-Secure] I hope – well, hoping is all one can do – that it’ll prevent any snooping on my computer by a hacker.
    Best regards – still from Fredericksburg – to you all in the little village on the great sea,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Pit, I hope you and Mary have a wonderful and exciting time in Fredericksburg! I like the sound of Fredericksburg, it sounds almost familiar, nearly like my hometown Fredrikstad in Norway 🙂

      I had Panda Cloud on the Vaio. I’ll get something else now, but what? I’ll leave it up to my PC man who installed the Panda and hope he does a good job.

      The weather is improving and it looks very promising for this weekend.
      Enjoy your new house and your new surrounding, dear Pit. We think about you a lot!
      Sunny greetings to you all from Cley
      Klausbernd, Siri & Selma und Dina ♥

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Dina,
      only that Fredericksburg and Fredrikstad were named after different Fredericks/Fredriks. But you’re right: the names make the towns sound familiar.
      Take best of care,

      Liked by 1 person

    • Trust the Trinityman to spot Claire Bridge right away! 🙂 You’re right, RH, the sight of the beautiful bridge and the quiet Cam gives me solace and help to stay calm.
      Thank you very much for your sympathy and best wishes.
      Enjoy your weekend!
      Sunny greetings from Norfolk
      Klausbernd, Siri & Selma und Dina ♥

      Klausbernd is very impressed with your post about the symbolism of the pineapple! Very well done indeed and most interesting reading.

      Liked by 1 person

  23. I think it may have happen in two ways, in one they got your information (name, card number, etc) and used a password generator that constantly tries to log into your account, heres where the bank could have failed, and its somehow mysterious, at numerous attempts to log in it is obviously a hacking.
    In the second, you could have gotten a virus and they got the info from there.
    Windows reinstalling is very simple, and personally I dont even use antivirus, though I know my way around. As a little repair girl, I would recommend you (as I do with everyone) to rather learn more about how to use the computer than trusting security programs.
    Macs being safe its just marketing.
    Good luck, lets hope the bank gives your money back, I think they will if they hacked them, not you.

    How lovely the fayries are 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear and sweet little repair girl, AuAu, thank you so much for your kind words and helpful advice, that’s awfully nice of you!
      I like the thought of learning more about the computer instead of studying security programs; they all more or less claim to be the best, anyway.
      Thanks for the good wishes!

      Or tubby bookfayries Siri and Selma are absolutely delighted to read that you think they’re lovely! They are in the sunny garden right now, flying loopings between the old apple trees, humming and singing “we’re so loooooovely!!!!”
      Lots of fayriedust to you! 🙂 🙂
      Big hug
      Dina ♥

      Liked by 1 person

  24. Dear Dina, I’m so sorry that this has happened to you. It’s a horrible feeling – to be left at some unknown hacker’s mercy. Sending you all good wishes, and positive thoughts so you can reclaim both your money and some peace of mind.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Tish,
      what lovely, comforting words, you put a smile on my face. Thanks a lot for your heartfelt sympathy. It’s highly appreciated! We’re hoping for the best.
      Enjoy your weekend.
      Lots of love to you from Norfolk
      Dina ♥

      Liked by 1 person

  25. Good evening my dear Dina…what an awfull thing! i’m surprised…and I must say these are things I was always affraid about…so, these bastards exist in reality..! I imagine how you might feel…and i’m sincerly sorry…anything that I could do to cherry you up?? 🙂 Smile??
    Just hope everything will be resolved soon….
    Love, Luana

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear darling Luana,
      you did just the right thing to cheer me up, you always me me smile, my dear! 🙂
      Yes, this bastards do exist and this is really big shit., bad news, indeed.
      Thank you so much for your heartfelt sympathy. I’d love to go the beach with you and share a nice bottle of some really good italian white wine right now. 🙂 Let’s do that one day. The thought of it cheers me up even more! 🙂
      You see; you’re good medicine for me! 🙂
      Big hug to you and the most gorgeous little man south of Rome.
      Dina ♥♥♥

      Liked by 1 person

    • Must say I was missing you!!! have my eyes red…all the week in front of the screen…but maybe tomorrow we’ll find the time to go and take a walk on the beach….I was so sorry to hear about your credit card story…no secure codes?? passwords over passwords??
      However….everything will be ok…wish you all the best!

      anddddd…of course wish we could take a walk and talk…and laugh…and drink a nice glass of wine..
      Little prince is out with his bicycle…enjoying the weekend already:)
      Wish you a very nice weekend! kiss, Luana.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, dear Luana
      best wishes for for the weekend to you two too!

      Actually, it was not a criminal act on my bank card; they went into the bank and my bank account, grabbed the money and left without a trace, without the bank being alarmed. Frightening, isn’t it?

      Love, hugs and kisses, Dina ♥

      Liked by 1 person

  26. Oh, Dina! One minute it’s another good day (today you cheerfully commented on my photo). . . and then WHOOSH! COLD BLAST OF BAD!! Just hearing about it chills and upsets my stomach—whatever happens to you, could happen to ANY of us!! Makes me wonder! Another wonder, a GOOD wonder, is found in the many comments here! So many kind people hoping you’ll have good support to help you through. Stay well. I like Julianne’s wish (above)—may it all back to you with more abundance!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Marso,
      thank you so much for your very kind and encouraging kind words! ♥

      I feel absolutely overwhelmed with the reactions to this sadbad news. It’s great to feel the wave of sympathy and to receive all this good support, I’ve never ever experienced anything like this. It’s so rewarding to be amongst so many beautiful bloggers.

      A big heartfelt THANK YOU to you Marso and also to each and every one of you out there.
      Dina ♥

      Liked by 1 person

  27. Sorry this happened to you, Dina. 😦 It is scary and could happen to anyone, which is no consolation (and your bank will most likely return what was stolen but it’s still unsettling). Anyway, I hope you feel a bit better after a day or two!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, I find the whole thing quite scary, Maureen, and momentarily I act and react a bit apprehensive, but you all make feel a lot better and I have calmed down now. Thanks a lot for your sympathy, it’s highly appreciated!
      Big hug!
      Dina ♥

      Liked by 1 person

  28. cara Dina, questo è scioccante! io sarò una retrograda ma non mi fido di dare la mia carta di credito in pasto al web, infatti adopero solo carte prepagate…Qui in Italia ci sono delle assicurazioni che coprono in parte il danno subito, ma spero tanto per te che riescano ad acciuffare il malfattore e che ti venga restituito tutto quello che ti appartiene
    ah! quanto detesto i ladri!
    un abbraccio solidale
    Dear Dina, this is shocking! I am a reactionary but I don’t trust giving my credit card the web, in fact I use only prepaid cards …Here in Italy there are insurance companies that cover part of the damage suffered, but I hope for you that are able to apprehend the perpetrators and to return all that belongs to you
    ah! how much I hate thieves!
    big hug

    Liked by 1 person

    • How good to read from you, dear Ventisqueras! I hate thieves and being invaded like this too. It was not my credit card though; the perpetrator went into the bank, into my bank account and robbed me. They removed all traces and left the bank again, without the bank noticing, no alarmgong went red! That’s what so very frightening.
      Thank you so much for your sympathy!
      Big hug to you in Italy
      Din ♥

      Liked by 1 person

    • This is the thing you read and think it happens to others, but not me. Well, I thought so until last Thursday… thank you so much for kind words and sympathy, dear Jackie.
      Love, Dina ♥

      Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, Peggy, you are absolutely right. That’s what I thought too, until last Thursday… It took me completely by surprise and I do hope I’ll never have to experience anything similar again. Now we hope for the best! 🙂
      Thank you so for for your kind words. Enjoy your weekend.
      Lots of love to you and yours
      Klausbernd, Siri & Selma und Dina ♥


  29. That’s simply horrid! I’m sure it will get sorted out in the end, but what an inconvenience.

    As you learn about what went wrong, I hope you’ll share it. Your misfortune is encouraging me to learn how to protect my accounts better. (although I hate having to be so guarded and suspicious, it’s certainly necessary).


    • Thank you very much for your support and sympathy, dear Tracy! I’m corresponding with the bank and obviously they have a suspicion that it has got something to do with smsTan I receive from the bank. That took me totally by surprise! As soon as I know what really happende, I’ll of course post it here.


  30. Vulnerable and unthinking, Dina. That’s how most of us are now in this internet world. Thank you for so charmingly making a post out of your loss and reminding us all. Hope there’s a good outcome. 🙂


    • Thank you very much for kind and supportive words, dear Jo. I’m much more apprehensive no, I think that’s normal. We still cross our fingers and hope for a good and postiive outcome. 🙂 I sent the final papers to the bank today, it’s not that easy because it happened in Germany and I’m in England for several weeks right now, but in due time….


  31. What a terrible thing! It happened to me too years ago – our bank covered the loss. I am sure this is what they’ll do in your case too. Still, changing accounts and passwords is a lot of work! So sorry…


    • That would be so great if the bank will cover the loss as they did with you, what an awful thing. I didn’t think they would, but you all make me a lot more positive and I do hope for a good outcome. Thank you so much for your sympathy!


    • Thank you so much for these sweet and kind words, dear Sue! It’s highly appreciated., you all make me feel better. And especially your avatar. 🙂


    • Thank you for sympathy, dear Graham, that’s very kind of you! A few days have passed by and the shock is gone, but I still feel apprehensive.


  32. Liebe Dina,
    so etwas ist immer so weit weg, bis es einem selbst passiert. Es geht nicht nur um den Verlust des Geldes, sondern auch um den Verlust von Vertrauen, was ich (auch wenn das verlorenen Geld sehr schmerzt) viel schlimmer finde. Dabei geht so viel Unbekümmertheit und Unbeschwertheit verloren und das Misstrauen wächst. Das ist schade für jeden einzelnen, aber auch für die ganze Gesellschaft.
    Ich drücke dir die Daumen, dass die unrechtmäßige Abbuchung rückgängig gemacht werden kann. Es ist so schäbig, dass jemand mit einem Tastenklick an Geld gerät wofür jemand anders monatelang gearbeitet hat. 😦

    Liebe Grüße, Szintilla


    • Liebe Szintilla,

      ja, genau das ist es! Ein paar Tage sind vergangen und der Schock ist mehr oder weniger verarbeitet, aber der Verlust von Vertrauen bleibt. Große Schande. Und ich habe wirklich sehr hart, rund um die Uhr ein halbes Jahr lang für die Summe gearbeitet und da kommt ein Krimineller und klickt es weg. Unfassbar. Und sehr schäbig, wie Recht du hast.
      Ganz,ganz herzlichen Dank für deinen lieben Kommentar!

      Liebe Grüße von uns vier in Cley


  33. Hi Dina. I’m sorry for your troubles! We had a similar problem with identity theft and it happened with a paper transaction. The thief was caught, the bank wrote off the bad loan…so this happens regardless of whether the transaction occurred online or in physical space. So sorry, though. We all have to be careful…but not to the point of being paranoid!


    • A few days have passed by now and I have overcome the schock of loosing the money. You alle make me confident that I’ll get the money back, that’s a great help! I still have no confirmation whatsoever regarding this, but then again it all takes time to correspond as I’m abroad. Thanks you for your kind comment and good advice, Patricia, it’s highly appreciated!
      Love, Dina


  34. A really awful thing to happen Dina and you have my sympathies. I do hope that you are reimbursed by the banks as it was not your wrong doing but some XXXX of a hacker. I hope also that by now things are being resolved and that you are beginning to have some sort of normality back in your life as events like this can leave us emotionally drained.


  35. Dina, your story scares me to death. It kinda give me an excuse for spending all my money real fast and not keeping much in my checking account, which is a bad habit I’ve been trying to get over without much success.


  36. It’s a bad experience, but I hope, it isn’t allowed to reason: The world is bad. There are too much beauty in the world.

    Von ganzem Herzen wünsche ich, dass sich die Sache aufklären lässt und du dein mühsam Erarbeitetes zurück erhältst. Und ich hoffe, dass du nicht über deine Grenzen gehst, um Neues zu erwerben.

    Einen schönen Urlaub trotz allem, genießt das Zusammensein, das euch niemand nehmen kann.



    • Ach du Liebe, herzlichen Dank für diesen lieben Kommentar; jetzt ist es aufgeklärt und die Welt ist wieder in Ordnung!:-)
      Liebe Grüße zu dir aus der Lake Distrikt
      von uns 4


  37. Oh my god, I am so sorry to hear that, my dear friend. xxx Comfort food & good drinks is what you need! I hope they will retrace some of your money & you can fix the problems with the hacking! x


  38. Pingback: Happy Ending and Good Luck | The World according to Dina

  39. Forferdelig at folk kan holde på slik! I Norge vil slik kontotapping ikke medføre noe tap for kunden, hvis en ikke har vært slurvete med passord og slikt. Så bra at det løste seg positivt for dere slik at dere kan nyte hverdagen igjen og ikke gå rundt å bekymre seg.
    Varme tanker til deg!


  40. Really sorry to hear of your misfortune, Dina it’s something that is always at the back of my mind, a real worry in the modern world. Hope it ends well for you.


  41. I am sorry to hear this Dina.
    This happened to me too.
    The bank caught it though, because the thief was doing things that I do not normally do.
    They called and asked me to come down, because they had blocked the internet transactions.
    I was given a new number and my old account was closed.
    There are those who are honest and work hard for what they have, and then there are those (with no conscience) who take from others without permission or regard.


  42. I’m sorry that you were targeted by a thief. And, I am so glad that the bank recognized the problem and put the money back. My long sad story is that some scammers targeted me these past few months. I was very foolish to trust them. That is why I have to sell my condo. One day maybe I’ll be able to write a cautionary tale for other people.


    • Yes, Paula, luckily I got my money back! 🙂 The next post, “Happy Ending and good luck”, tells how it ended.
      I like my new theme more and more and it’s working better every day. 🙂 It takes time to rearrange the photos, but slowly, little by little I’m getting there.:-)
      Have a lovely weekend, Paula.
      Klem fra


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