Happy Ending and Good Luck

“The art is not in making money, but in keeping it.” – Proverb

Ullswater, Lake District, England, Foto: Hanne Siebers

Good news arrived in the Lake District; you were all right and I got my money back from the bank! 🙂 What a relief, so it became a happy ending after all. 🙂

Aira Waterfalls, Lake District, England, Foto: Hanne Siebers

“Subconsciously, don’t you think everyone believes in angels, fairies, magic and happy endings?”, Siri and Selma asked their beloved Master as they flew into this funny looking tree yesterday. “Of course”, Master answered, “there’s always a strong desire for hope and hope attracts magic, doesn’t it?”

Money tree, Aira Force, The Lakes, UK, Foto: Hanne Siebers

We were hiking near the Aira Force at Ullswater and our bookfayries led us to a money tree wrapped in hammered coins inside an enigma. How did it begin and why? Who hammered in the first coins? Did they hope that their spoken wishes would be granted? And by the way, who remembers to bring a hammer and coins along when they go hiking?

Money tree 2, Aira Force, The Lakes, UK, Foto: Hanne Siebers

We didn’t have a hammer so we settled for a softer branch of the tree to insert our pennies. Is this a new spin on an old superstition? Many, many years ago, people believed that metal was a gift from the gods, given to man for protection against evil. That developed into the notion that metal brings good luck. Anyway, it was fairymagic to implant the coins and leave them behind us. 😉

Money tree 3, Aira Force, The Lakes, UK, Foto: Hanne Siebers

Obviously, our bookfairies don’t count on the magic alone, they had some good money advice for me as well: “Dina, please pay attention now!” Siri and Selma laughed and raised their wings; “Rule No.1: Never lose money. Rule No.2: Never forget rule No.1.” I promise, I won’t!

Hiking at Ullswater, Lake District, England, Foto: Hanne Siebers

“Now it’s time to count our blessings again and not the money!”, Siri and Selma happily commented as we looked for a nice place to rest. “It’s good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it’s good, too, to make sure that we haven’t lost the things that money can’t buy.”

Love and lots of fairydust to you all from The Lakes!
Dina and Klausbernd,
Siri and Selma

145 thoughts

  1. Wow – ich fasse es nicht – vor einigen Minuten beim Stricken an euch gedacht, und nun finde ich deinen Beitrag. Und wie super gut, dass du dein Geld zurück bekommen hast …. hurraaaa !!!
    Euch noch eine wundervolle Zeit


    • Danke, liebe Magdalena
      ja, hurraaaaaaa habe ich auch gerufen! 🙂 Du hast einen sehr liebschönen Gravatar, gefällt mir gut.
      Dir auch eine schöne Zeit.
      Liebste Grüße von uns 4


    • We passed Brantwood at a time when it was closed so I only saw it from the outside, but it inspired me to read a lot about Ruskin and The Pre Raphaelite Brotherhood and the Art and Crafts movement. I enjoyed Wordsworth Home in Cockermouth very much, it has a nice garden as well, and even more Hill Top; I’d move right in! 🙂


    • I hadn’t seen anything like this either, Mrs. Padilly, I was totally amazed. But do you know what; during the next days I saw several money trees! Thank you for visiting and commenting.
      Love Dina


    • Always enjoy stopping by your blog. By the way, you inspired me to update my avatar logo. 😉 I’ve always admired how easily recognizable your’s is.


    • Thank you, Harold, I’m pleased you liked it! I’m so glad I got the money back without any fuss and quarreling with the bank. Have a lovely time.
      Love Dina


  2. Dear Dina,
    I’m ever so happily relieved that you indeed did get your money back. Now that’s wonderful news.
    As I’m somewhat in a hurry [we’ll be off to San Antonio soon to buy furniture for our new house] I’ll cut this answer short and will be back with more later.
    Have a wonderful holiday and a happy time, and return safely.
    Take best of care, all of you,


    • Thanks a lot, dear Pit! I’m all excited to see and read about the new house and progress. I hope everything runs smoothly and you’re settling in quite happy!
      Love from all of us to you and Mary


  3. Liebe Hanne,
    wie schön! Da freue ich mich! Du arbeitest so hart für dein Geld, es wäre eine Schande, wenn du es auf diese Art und Weise verlieren würdest.
    Eine schöne Zeit euch weiterhin und liebe Grüße aus der neuen Wohnung von Susanne


    • Liebe Susanne, vielen Dank! Auch du hast einen neuen schönen Gravatar, der gefällt mir gut. Ich hoffe, du hast dich inzwischen gut eingelebt und bist froh und glücklich in deinem neuen Zuhause. Liebe Grüße von uns 4


    • Guten Morgen, liebe Hanne.
      Eingelebt habe ich mich sehr gut und ich bin sehr glücklich mit meiner neuen Atelierwohnung.
      Es herrscht noch das Chaos, denn die Regale von Ikea für meinen Atelierraum kommen erst am Montag und müssen dann auch noch aufgebaut werden.
      Darauf freue ich mich schon sehr.
      Ich wünsche euch vier weiterhin einen schönen Urlaub,
      liebe Grüße von Susanne


    • I’m very relieved myself, Peggy. Especially while I got the money back without any fuss. I was all prepared to get a lawyer etc. The first week we stayed on the northern fringe of the Lakes, so quiet and less crowded than middle of LD. Hiking at Ullswater was truly great, it’s indeed a very beautiful spot.


  4. I never doubted you would get that money back Dina.
    Pleased to see that you are having a good time in the Lake District. One of the most photogenic (and wettest) places in the UK. Regards as always, Pete.


    • Thank you, Pete. I’m surprised you all were so sure that I’d get the money back; I was convinced the money was gone! The first reaction from the bank didn’t encourage me to believe in such a positive outcome.
      I’d love to take Ollie for walkies in the Lakes, we carefully picked the routes less crowded, I’m sure he’d enjoy it. Please give him a double pat from me. Love, Dina x


  5. *sigh of relief* Yes, it is only money, but still … Glad you get it back. I love the pictures and the stories from the Lake District. Thank you for sharing!


    • Thank you, dear Cathy. Every holiday gets a touch of magic thanks to Siri and Selma. IT’s great fun having lovely book fairies! 🙂


    • I have no clue. I hope to get an answer to this once I’m back in Bonn. After two days, the police told me they were unsuccessful tracing the money. But the wording from the bank sounded like they had traced the money after all. At the end of the that money there must a person. I hope they got him, I really do.


  6. I am celebrating!!! Especially liked: “Now it’s time to count our blessings again and not the money!”
    Please give Siri and Selma extra big hugs! They seem to know how to enjoy life. 🙂


    • Thank you, dear Rebecca; Siri and Selma are all excited about your kind words, “thanks a lot for your big hugs, dear Clanmother! We hope to see you in Vancouver one day; we’d like to go to Alaska from there. Lots of fairydust, hugs and kisses from us!” S&S


  7. So relieved to hear the bank came good with a reimbursement of your lost finances, Dina.
    Lovely photos and thanks for sharing the timely reminder that it’s good to not lose the things in life that money can’t buy.


  8. What beautiful golden light in your photos….it’s such a beautiful place. You find trees with coins hammered in all over the place. It’s a very old traditional way of asking for a blessing or a wish to be granted. There’s one all the way up in the Scottish Highlands in the middle of Loch Maree. It’s on an old sacred island where they took ‘lunatics to be cured’. We also came across two around Malham Cove in Yorkshire. It’s amazing to think of centuries of wishing pouring into a tree 🙂


    • Thank you, dear Seonaid. Now I’ve been hiking several days in the lake District and have seen many more coin trees, well at least three more… We went to see Castlerigg Stone Circle, that was magic too. I’d love to make a holiday and see lots of Scotland, including the Outer Hebrides, The Orkneys and Shetland. I have never been to Edinburgh, I’m sure it’s a beautiful place. Have a lovely time. Dina x


    • Thank you, Paula. The Lake District is beautiful. And very popular! It can get seriously crowded. Make sure to choose carefully times and places to see, we’re lucky and spent our time where and when it was less crowded. Big hug! Dina x


  9. ci sono anche i piccoli miracoli quotidiani ad allietare il giorno, questo porta grandi sorrisi e speranza, sono molto contenta per te
    geniale l’albero martellato di monetine!!! io ero rimasta a quelle gettate nella fontana di Trevi…he he
    le foto come sempre spettacolari , la prima ha la morbidezza della seta
    buona giornata su a nord
    There are also small everyday miracles to brighten the day, this brings big smiles and hope, I am very happy for you
    ingenious hammered coin tree!!! I was left to those thrown in fontana di Trevi … he he
    photos as always spectacular, the first has the softness of silk
    good day on North


    • Than you so much, how nice! 🙂 I was absolutely amazed by the crowds at the fontana di Trevi – of course, I throw a coin too, every time I go to Rome! 🙂


  10. Herzlichen Glückwunsch, liebe Dina! Ich freu mich für dich, dass du das Geld ersetzt bekommst. Großartig!
    Ganz liebe Grüße


    • Ich freue mich auch, liebe Marion! Herzlichen Dank – auch für den tollen Kommentar zum Ohrgeräusch. Liebe Grüße zu dir,
      Dina x


  11. Dina!!!
    I was sure the bank would make it right to you eventually, but I feel relieved hearing it from you directly. Certainly, this does not erase the awful feeling of being violated in your privacy and robbed, but it is good nonetheless.
    Also, glad to hear you are enjoying your beautiful Lake District trip – now you have one more reason to do so! 🙂
    Keep having fun, a big hug to the four of you!


    • Thanks a lot, dear Stefano! We had a wonderful time and all the reasons to celebrate and stay happy! Big hugs back to you all.
      Dina x


    • 🙂 Siri and Selma are seriously thinking about getting a money tree on the street outside Rhu Sila in North Norfolk; hikers walking the Peddar’s Way have to pass us on the Church Lane. 🙂


  12. Congratulations on getting your loss resolved with the bank! Thanks for the reminder not to lose focus of the things money can not buy! Life, love, family, friends, good health, nature, heaven and earth, beauty, imagination, creativity, and the list goes on and on ….


  13. Liebe Dina!
    Bin froh, dass alles gut fuer Dich verlief und Du Dein Geld zurueck bekamst. Sehr interessanter Post mit dem Money Tree. Alles Liebe und Gute fuer Euch! Hugs! Veraiconica


  14. Dear Dina,
    I’m so happy to hear that you got your money back. Yay!!! 🙂
    The pictures of the coin tree are amazing. I’m crazy superstitious so I believe in good luck/bad luck legends. I’m totally obsessed with them. I’m sure the one behind that tree must be fascinating.
    Hope you and the rest of the magic group are enjoying your trip.
    F. Xx


    • Thank you, dear Francesca! It’s always magic traveling with Siri and Selma, now they want their own money tree outside the house in Norfolk for LOTS of good luck. 🙂
      Big hug from all of us!
      Dina Xx


  15. So glad for your happy ending. It makes for a happier holiday, I am certain. Money may not be everything but it certainly helps with some things. I love all the photos. That money tree is amazing. I imagine there are many kinds of currencies embedded in the bark? Have fun all of you!


    • Thank you so much, there were a few currencies, but mostly one and twopennies. The Lakes is a favourite of the English. It’s very easy to oversee such a tree if you’re not familiar with them.:-)


    • Hallo liebe Pia, wie schön, dass du hier bist! 🙂 Was das mit dem Püppchen auf sich hat, ist mir noch nicht so recht klar, aber ich werde dahinter kommen! 🙂


  16. Wenn euch die Stille beim Wandern mal zu viel wird: Norwegen hat ein neues Lied über das wir hier sehr lachen: Ylvis “What does the Fox say!”
    Sparfüchse hingehört!


    • Das ist ja erstaunlich, was diese Truppe aus Norwegen gesäubert hat! Leider habe ich bis jetzt nur über den Erfolg lesen können und das Video nicht sehen können, ich hoffe, es ändert sich bald. Ich würde gerne mehr über die Sparfüchse erfahren. 🙂


  17. Beautiful photographs and a wonderful story, Dina! I’m glad it had a happy ending. May your travels continue to be safe and happy!


  18. Så spennende å finne slike tre. Fant dere ut av historien rundt denne måten å plassere pengene på? Kanskje noe en banksjef gjorde under bankkrisen for noen år siden..?
    Slike ting pleier vanligvis å ha noe med lykke å gjøre.
    Så flott at alt løste seg positivt for dere. Men, neste gang du vil slanke deg (…som om du behøvde det…) så er din “tyverislankemetode” ikke noe å gjenta!
    Ønsker dere alt godt!


  19. Absolutely beautiful pictures!! and beautiful news about getting your money back! (happy the nightmare did not last long!)….
    Was curious about Lake District because of you! (must say I was visiting only London and the zone where my dear friend lives…not really far from London)..it was during the winter…and I still remember the feeling of becoming a snowman myself because of the low temperatures….and the snow!..but what you show here is SO VERY DIFFERENT!

    Of course,..can I say: I am waiting more pics?

    Have a nice day, Luana


    • Thanks a lot, my dear Luana. We had a wonderful trip to The Lakes. I’D love to go back there one day.
      Wishing you an enjoyable weekend. Thinking of you in these hard times,
      DIna Xx


  20. I love the Lake District and enjoyed your thoughts and photos. I liked your sentiment, too, about not losing the things money can’t buy. Great post.


  21. Thanks for a great share. It was interesting to read about the old superstitions regarding metal. It’s also interesting to think about that still, to this day, there’s actually people out there who believe in gods.


  22. Liebe Hanne,

    schön, dass alles zu einem guten Ende fand. Damit meine ich natürlich erstmal die Gelddinge. Darüberhinaus ist dein Bericht eine kleine Preziose. Du hast ein feines Händchen im Zeigen von Lake District Dingen, die ansonsten im Mainstream des Massentourismus untergehen. Ich habe deinen Post sehr genossen-

    Liebe Grüße an euch alle


    • Ganz, ganz herzlichen Dank, lieber Achim. Über deinen Kommentar habe ich mich gerade sehr gefreut! 🙂

      Ein schönes Wochenende wünsche ich dir aus Bonn


  23. The Canadian government, in its wisdom, has abolished the penny! I had a whole bottle of pennies and other coins and took it to the bank the other day. They have a coin counting machine. You pour your coins in the top and you can hear them trickling and rattling through the sorter inside. Finally, after a few extra rattles, a receipt comes out the bottom. I got almost $30. Enough for a half a tank of gas for my van.
    There used to be a restaurant in Kaladar, half way between Ottawa and Toronto, where the patrons stuck coins and paper money in every possible crevice. The proprietor gathered everything up once in a while and sent it all to a local charity.
    Along the same theme, someone started a “shoe tree” on the edge of the highway north from Ottawa. All sorts of shoes appeared up and down the trunk. That seemed very peculiar to me.
    All the best.


  24. I’m reading along long after the fact but I was so sad to hear about your theft and now I’m so relieved to hear you at least got your money back. What an awful experience and I’m sorry to bring up again! Love the money tree. People are so quirky! 🙂


  25. Pingback: South-West Lake District | The World according to Dina

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