The lighthouse takes a pounding

A storm is on its way to Cley and the home of Klausbernd and the bookfayries. How exciting! And upsetting! Klausbernd has tied Siri and Selma to his belt to make sure they don’t get lost ..
James lives “on the other side”, have a look at his spectacular shots of the lighthouse . Wish I were there… 🙂

105 thoughts

  1. That is a very dramatic view of the sea hitting the breakwater Dina. I like the fact that the B+W makes it timeless, like it could have been taken 100 years ago. I am guessing it isn’t Norfolk though?
    I hope we are spared such excesses tonight, as I have had too many problems around the house already this month!
    Best wishes as always, Pete (and Ollie) X


    • No, dear Pete, it’s not Norfolk, it’s where the storm hit England on the other side of the coast. I hope you and Ollie are fine! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for your house; no more problems, please!
      Big hug from Bonn


    • Thanks Dina. Unfortunately, we do have more problems, but not with a storm, it’s the wood-burning stove this time! Look out for a blog post about it soon.
      Regards and best wishes, Pete.


    • We were relatively unscathed in Norfolk, luckily. I looked at more of your photos, and was very impressed. I am a sucker for B+W though!
      Best wishes to you, Pete.


    • Den ganzen Tag haben sie sich auf den Sturm vorbereitet und alles rund um Haus abgesichert. Wir warten gespannt, liebe Susanne! 🙂 Ich liiiiiebe solches Wetter. Mein eigenes Traumbuch wäre “Sschlechtwetterbericht” … 😉
      Liebe Grüße von Hanne


    • Liebe Dina, solches Wetter ist auch sehr dramatisch. Es vermittelt im Kontrast zum schönen Wetter wieder ganz andere Stimmungsbilder. Bei uns hat es auch gestürmmt, die Blumen auf meinem Balkon waren im vierten Stock der Natur ausgesetzt…. sie klirrten und klapperten…
      Auch jetzt weht noch ein Wind…
      Einen schönen Tag von Susanne


    • Siri and Selma normally get very upset when they are tied down, we’ll see … 😉
      Wishing you and your mum and the one with the goodies a great new week!
      Dina Xx


    • A huge thanks for your comment regarding my photograph that Dina so kindly reblogged. I have to say it was a rather scary couple of hours with the camera during this past weekend. Hope you all managed to stay safe.


  2. Hallihallo,
    wir sind noch nicht weggeflogen, Land ist ebenfalls nicht unter, wenn`s auch mächtig windet.
    Liebe Grüße von
    Klausbernd und seinen angebundenen, aber fröhlichen Buchfeen 🙂 🙂


  3. Norske nyheter i kveld:

    Den verste stormen på flere år er på vei til sørkysten av England og det blåser allerede kraftig langs kysten. Stormen er ventet å nå Sør-England med full styrke nærmere midnatt og London natt til mandag.

    Togselskaper har varslet at flere hundre tog er innstilt og folk må forvente forsinkelser, melder Sky News.

    South West Trains vil innstille de fleste av sine togavganger fram til hvertfall klokken åtte, melder BBC.

    Sky melder søndag kveld at pendlertog til og fra London ikke vil gå før etter klokken ni mandag morgen.

    Også lokaltogene London Overground vil være innstilt mandag morgen.

    Folk oppfordres til å holde seg innendørs og til å få i hus alle løse gjenstander som er plassert utendørs og som kan bli tatt av vinden.

    British Airways varslet tidlig søndag kveld at de innstilte 21 flyvninger innenriks og til europeiske destinasjoner.

    Flyene skulle tatt av senere i kveld og er innstilt med umiddelbar virkning.

    Åtte til ni meter høye bølger

    VARSLER VIND: Elektronisk skilt over motorveien A5 varlser sterk vind søndag og mandag. (Fot
    Det er sendt ut væradvarsler over store deler av England og Wales. Det er ventet storm med vindkast på opp til 130 kilometer i timen, skriver BBC.
    Flyplassene Heathrow og Gatwick advarer reisende mot at fly kan bli innstilt. De ber folk sjekke med flyselskapet før de reiser til flyplassen.

    på Heathrow skal over 60 flyvninger nå være innstilt.

    Britenes metrologiske institutt og veimyndighetene har hatt samtaler med statsminister David Cameron. Han ble advart om at stormen kan få vidtrekkende konsekvenser.

    Kystvakten oppfordrer folk til å være forsiktige ved kysten. Det er forventet bølger på opp til åtte eller ni meter i enkelte områder.


    • Hej Dina! Jag ska gå ute nu för att fixa mina sista greyer i trädgården inför det påväntade stormbyar som det hette. Just nu är det lugnt, lite moln som rusar snappt , men det skall blåsa upp mot kvällen idag och stormar inom natten mot tisdag med mer än 130 kilometer i stormbyar med de från dig ovannämda kraft. Vi få se och jag komma dricka te eftersom träer som finns i skogen som ligger i närheten av våra hus ska undvika min sovande. Det vet jag redan. Så det blir pencilinsats……, och Twinings Classics Lady Grey. Kram Ruth Wie gut das es Euch gibt –


    • Hei Ruth,
      sä hyggelig ä lese fra deg! 🙂
      Her ruset skyenen av gärde i höyt tempo ogsä, men nä er det mye roligere. Det er fremdlees varmt, 20° pä en sen höstkveld er det mye …
      Ha en fin kveld. Jeg er pä vei til min nattevakt pä dermatologisk avdeling igjen.
      Klem Hanne


    • Yes, thank you, John, for mentioning the seagulls. The add a lot to the mood and the dramatic tension. A big thank you for visiting and commenting!


    • A huge thanks John for commenting on my work and it was such a spectacular and frightening time to be on the coast in East Sussex, UK during this past weekend. The gulls were simply amazing how the dived and swooped in such turbulent winds. Once again many thanks.


  4. Fantastic shots of the waves on his blog, Dina.

    I’ve just been reading on the news about the storms that have swept over the UK, the Channel and France – looks like a massive storm front.


    • We had very strong winds here in Germany as well, but nothing compared to the west coast of England. Thank you so much for looking into the great work of James, dear Victoria, I’m sure he’s quite about the big respond from you all.
      Have a lovely evening!
      Dina Xx


  5. Beautifully menacing storm shot. The black and white complete the mood. Its a very pretty place, even with the sea beating the shore. I hope you are all “battened down” and safe. Glad the bookfayries are lashed to Klaus’s belt. Stay well.


    • B&W is perfect for this captures, I agree. I love a good storm, as long as I’m not on the water … 🙂 Thank you so much for looking into the great work of James!
      Have a lovely evening.
      Dina Xx


  6. Clever Klausbernd to secure Siri and Selma safely. But ohoh, what terrific photo’s! A storm is exhilarating and terrifying at the same time..I always have to be outside though just to feel the power of Mother Nature (not to close to such wave of course;0))


  7. da zeigt das Meer seine gewaltige Seite! solch Stürmen begegne ich mit größtem Respekt, gut, wenn man im sicheren Haus sitzt und das Ganze von Innen betrachten kann- ich hoffe, dass die süßen Buchfeen in ihren Regalbrettern geblieben sind und Klausbernd im Haus- die news um den Orkan herum sind ja nicht gerade prickelnd …

    liebe Dina, danke für dieses spektakuläre Bild
    herzliche Grüße ins Rheintal vom Berg

    übrigens … ich liebe Leuchttürme 🙂


    • Ja, Leuchttürme sind wunderschön, Ulli, die liebe ich auch. Schön, dass du zu Hause gut angekommen bist!. Zum Glück ist in Cley nichts passiert. Wir haben in Bonn auch mächtig was vom Wind abbekommen. An der Küste Nord Norfolks sind die Leuchttürme selten; die Kirchen dienen als Leuchtsignal. Das hat auch was! 🙂

      Einen wunderschönen Tag wünsche ich dir aus Bonn, bin gerade voll im Nachtdienstdurcheinanderseinmodus …
      Dina 🙂


    • I’m glad you like it, dear Seonaid! Thanks for taking the time to look into the work of James, I’m sure he’ll appreciate it very much.:-)
      Luckily nothing happened to the Bookfayries, we’re always very concerned when gails are coming. They are not allowed into the garden and sometimes we even have to tie them up in the living room.
      Have a lovely day. Take care.


    • I have good friends in Sunny Isles Beach and Wilma hit them badly, it was a costly number indeed. It took a long time to replace and repair everything. I have experienced bad weather in Florida, but nothing like Wilma.
      Thank you so much for following my blog, Carl!
      Greetings from Bonn


  8. Liebe Dina, ich hoffe, Ihr habt den Sturm gut ueberstanden. Wir wurden morgens um 5 von den umfallenden Muelltonnen geweckt. Aber zum Glueck gab es keine groesseren Schaeden. Mein Mann hat von zu Hause gearbeitet. Das war auch gut, denn die Zugverbindungen waren alle unterbrochen. Und zum Glueck sind gerade Herbstferien, so dass ich meinen kleinen Entdecker nicht zur Schule bringen musste. Liebe Gruesse, Peggy


    • LIebe Peggy, ich bin in Bonn und arbeite zurzeit. In Cley war alles in Ordnung, keine Schäden. dort gibt es flood wardens, die aufpassen und den Einwohnern mahnen alle Vorsichtsmaßnahmen zu treffen. Als ich morgens nach der Nachschicht aus der Klinik rauskam, lagen riesengroßen Terracottatöpfe auf der Terrasse, alle kaputt, Bäume sind umgeknickt etc.
      Viele liebe Grüße zu euch nach Greenwich


    • A huge thanks for your comment regarding my photographs and yes unfortunately a young 14 yr old by was playing close to the edge of this particular beach on Sunday as was swept out to sea. Sadly the search and rescue teams are now in a body recovery mode rather than rescue, as the boy is presumed dead.
      We all have to be aware of the forces of mother nature and not to take her for granted, even if at times when storms are raging it can be exhilarating.
      Many thanks.


  9. Dina!!!!! What can I say but a huge hue huge thank you from the bottom of my heart for re-blogging and giving me the opportunity to reply personally to the wonderful comments from your followers that have been posted on your wonderful blog.


  10. Dramatic and awesomely beautiful, Dina! Love it. That storm brought down two trees in our garden. One of them fell on the house…It’s been taken care of now, but was a bit dramatic in its own way…Have a great weekend!


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