Limited Edition

Oh dear, the laziness, we wrote about some time ago, got us. And sorry, next week we have to recover desperately from all that not-doing and so we go for a holiday to Cambridge. But afterwards we will blog again, we promise. Our next topic? Birdwatching …

Oh je, nun ist sie über uns gekommen, die Faulheit, über die wir noch vor einiger Zeit so munter schrieben. Und es kommt noch toller, kommende Woche machen wir erst einmal Urlaub. Wir müssen uns nämlich dringend vom Nichtstun erholen. Aber danach wird wieder “anständig” geblogged – versprochen, großes Buchfeenehrenwort.


Wishing you all a wonderful, sunny weekend from our beloved  marshes, Cley next the Sea on the North Norfolk coast, an AONB (Area Outstanding Natural Beauty)

Wir wünschen euch allen ein feines, sonniges Wochenende und senden euch herzliche Grüße von unseren geliebten Marschen

The Fab Four of Cley


123 thoughts

  1. Fab Four of Cley ___
    You are always on the go, busy little bees that you are, so enjoy your laziness! And you won’t ever be the ones that who refused to stop and smell the roses! See you later… 😉
    GP Cox

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I love the fact that you have to put a hold on being lazy, in order to take a holiday! You make it sound like you don’t do much, but we all know how busy your lives really are. Have a nice trip to Cambridge. You could even come home for the day, it’s not so far…
    Love from Beetley, Pete and Ollie. X

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Pete,
      indeed, you are right we could come home from Cambridge for the night, but we go to Cambridge for a couple of days. Actually we don’t go to the city but we are invited to the Wimpole estate where we want to see the famous library there. We are already quite excited.
      Mukarovsky, an early structuralist of the Prague school, said: “We use to write and talk about what we would like to live but we don’t”. 😉 That’s to our lazyness …
      Enjoy the sunshine 🙂
      With lots of love to you and Ollie xxx
      the Fab Four of Cley


  3. ….. jajaja, so geht es manchmal – es sind Zeiten, wo man richtig faul wird…! oder eben was Anderem mehr Priorität zumißt.
    Dann erholt Euch mal vom Nichtstun – das würde ich auch mal gerne tun. Die letzte Zeit haben wir wenig voneinander gehört,
    aber ich freue mich, daß wir uns nicht ganz verloren gehen. Liebste Grüsse und Umarmung von Laura

    Liked by 2 people

    • Liebe Laura,
      ganz herzlichen Dank für deine lieben Zeilen, richtig lieb!
      Ja, Dina und Masterchen hatten mehr Lust, unser Haus urgemütlich zu machen, Zimmer umzuräumen und teilweise auszubauen, und dann mussten wir die Gemütlichkeitszimmer auch gebührend genießen. Außerdem haben wir Birdwatching nach einem Kurs “Birdwatching for Dummies” entdeckt. Jetzt freuen wir uns sehr auf unseren Ausflug nach Wimpole, das mit Kipling verbunden ist und eine berühmte Bibliothek hat. Masterchen schenkt der lieben Dina und uns Buchfeen diese Woche Leben im Herrenhaus, da wir ihm so lieb geholfen haben.
      Nee, wir gehen uns nicht verloren, darauf achten wir aufmerksamen Kleinfeinfeen schon.
      Ganz liebe Grüße xxx mach’s gut
      Siri und Selma und der Rest der Gang

      Liked by 1 person

    • Liebe Petra,
      DANKE! Klar, wird gemacht.
      Wir besuchen u.a. die berühmte Wimpole Library, die als die bestproportionierte Bibliothek gilt (1730 von James Gibbs gebaut). Ich denke mir, wir werden darüber berichten.
      Ganz liebe Grüße vom sonnigen Meer
      Klausbernd und der Rest der Viererbande


  4. Ooooh the lovely marshes, what a great photo, Dina!
    I assume you have been quite busy doing the things you love! Idle bloggingness = awesome gardening maybe?:-) 🙂
    Bee happy, you Fab Four,
    Sarah x

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Sarah,
      you are right, actually we did quite a lot: we walked a lot and did some birdwatching (very new for us), worked in the garden, and made our house soooo cozy.
      We wish you happy days, sunshine and love
      the Fab Four of Cley


  5. Dina told me about your great walks in the marshes, it sounds and looks absolutely wonderful, dear Fab Four.
    Say hello to beautiful Cambridge, take care, have fun!
    Warm greetings from Stockholm, sunny 10°- but only half as warm as Fredrikstad 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Annalena,
      we will say HELLO to good old Cambridge: “warm greetings from Annalena”! 🙂 And then drink a pint on the old times there …
      Love xxx
      the Fab Four of Cley


    • Lieber Jürgen,
      danke gleichfalls 😉
      “Norfolk Unlimited” wäre ein feiner Titel für einen blog to come. Danke für die Inspiration 🙂
      Liebe Grüße
      the Fab Four of Cley


    • Hier sind wir, liebe Martina. Wir gehen doch nicht verschütt, wie man im Rheinland sagt, but maybe astray 😉
      Ganz liebe Grüße ins Tessin
      von den munteren Fab Four of Cley, oh wei

      Liked by 1 person

    • Guten Morgen, liebe Michéle,
      brrrr, was für ein scheußliches Wetter heute, kalt und still nieselt es vor sich hin. Aber zum Glück soll’s ab morgen wieder schön sein – sonst werden auch Siri und Selma Petrus in die Hölle schicken.
      Wir wünschen dir ebenfalls eine fröhliche Woche, vielen Dank und liebe Grüße
      the Fab Four of Cley


    • Good morning, dear Sue,
      we suppose this wide-openness has a healing effect, it’s cleansing and opens the mind and the feelings. North Norfolk has this magic of wide skies, wide marshland, wide beaches, and the wide sea.
      We wish you a lovely happy week
      Lots of love xxx
      the Fab Four

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I envy you the sunshine and the beginning of a long summer, the vast open landscape where the beaches and the marshes meet the sky. And you probably envy my polar bears, the snow, the ice and the cold, well not really, it’s -5° right now … 😉
    Ha en god helg!
    Big hug to the Fab Four,
    Per Magnus

    I’m currently reading “Heimsljós”, a quote for you:
    “Where the glacier meets the sky, the land ceases to be earthly, and the earth becomes one with the heavens; no sorrows live there anymore, and therefore joy is not necessary; beauty alone reigns there, beyond all demands.”
    ―Halldór Laxness

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, dear Per Magnus, you are so right! 🙂

      A big hug back to you from Bonn and Cley
      Dina, Klausbernd, Siri & Selma
      Just wait, summer will come to you soon too:
      “Slowly, slowly winter day opens his arctic eye.” (Laxness)

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hi my dear friend,
      since my days as a student I fell in love with Halldór Laxness. Thanks a lot for this quote which is a perfect description of the grandeur of the Arctic. Laxness is at his best when describing the nordic landscapes (of Iceland), well, for you it’s quite far south, isn’t it?!
      Here is Cley it’s cold as well: 9 degrees C only and a little rain. But for tomorrow warm and sunny weather is forecasted again.
      But I suppose summer is coming to you too, well Mr Summer has quite a way to travel to Svalbard 😉
      By the way, are you at home again?
      Lots of love
      Klausbernd and his beloved Bookfayries xxx


  7. That is a lovely relaxing photograph. Just looking at it makes me think of summer. Even bookfayries need to rest their wings sometimes, especially after all that dusting they have been doing. Enjoy your holiday in Cambridge and have some well-deserved peace and “me” time – all of you – and Siri and Selma shake the dust out of your wings 🙂
    Jude xx

    Liked by 2 people

    • Good morning, dear Jude,
      thanks a lot for your kind reply.
      Yes, we Bookfayries have to undust our fine wings and you wouldn’t believe it we do that best in libraries. Therefore we go with our dear Master und beloved Dina to this old Wimpole library and when we come back our wings will be shiny again 🙂 🙂
      We wish you a great and happy week to come 🙂
      the Fab Four


    • Dear Leya,
      thank you very much.
      You are welcome to walk into this picture – just do it in your mind. Well, everything is done in our minds anyhow …
      We wish you happy days next week.
      Lots of love
      The Fab Four xx


    • Good morning, dear Anneli,
      you seem to be a birdwatcher as well. For us it’s a brandnew discovery. Strange in a way as we live in “the Mecca of birding” for more than 30 years. But haste makes waste 😉
      All the best, thanks, and have a happy week to come
      the Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

    • Better late than never. Yes, my husband and I have been birdwatchers for eons, but not the kind that go out on a Sunday with their kneesocks, binoculars, and telescopic lens cameras, and then forget about it until next year’s bird count outing. We are always aware of the birds around us. They are part of our life every day in some small way. You do live in a bird paradise. So glad you’ve discovered that at last. And we do carry binoculars and zoom lens cameras, but that isn’t done to identify us, but rather to identify the birds. I’m sure you’ll be the same, with a genuine interest in the birds and their habitat.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Anneli,
      I’m soooo happy that we’ve started to take a closer look at the birds and also our beautiful environment. It makes living in this part of the world even more precious. And it is a “must” in a way, to be really appreciative. I love the way you say “And we do carry binoculars and zoom lens cameras, but that isn’t done to identify us, but rather to identify the birds.” ❤
      It'd be so lovely to go for a walk into our marshes with the two of you!
      Thank you for your kind comments,
      Dina and the rest of the gang

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    • We are just beginners but we are starting to run around with a our binies as well. We are lucky that there are so many courses about birdwatching here and we get a lot of help identifying birds. But sometimes we just like to watch, even if we don’t know what we are seeing, well, we have our problems with identifying.
      Happy birding
      the Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for your lovely comment, Meg. I love the “Mystery Marshes of North Norfolk”. 🙂
      Sunny greetings to you from the Rhine Valley,
      Dina and the rest of the gang x

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Meg,
      yes, indeed, these marshes are full of mystery. Did you know that they inspired Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to write “The Hound of Baskervile” (we blogged about in our old blog: Quite a lot of authors were inspired by all these ghost and mystical stories we use to tell our visitors. And don’t forget, for many, many years the locals lived of smuggeling and were pirates. The Captain of the Bounty, William Blight, came from our next little marked town and is burried there (Wells next the Sea). This landscape produced such a special history and vice versa we see this landscape in a special way because of its history.
      Thanks a lot for commenting and all the best from Cley next the Sea
      Klausbernd 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you 🙂
      We will visit Wimpole Estate and Anglesey Abbey where we can see the history of the English gardens and a great library.
      Tomorrow we are off to our little trip …
      Love xxx

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    • Lieber Mick,
      danke sehr für deine lieben Wünsche.
      Morgen geht’s los. Wir sind schon ganz aufgeregt, obwohl unsere Ziele Wimpole und Anglesey Abbey gar nicht weit von hier entfernt liegen.
      Liebe Grüße
      the Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  8. A forthcoming vacation to Cambridge: this is wonderful, dear Fab Four – have lots of fun! 🙂
    I love the views of your area (as well as Dina’s photographs, of course!) but have a question: since it is marshland, do you get billions of mosquitoes in the Spring/Summer???
    Lots of love to the four of you! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Good morning, dear Stefano,
      we have no mosquitoes at all, maybe because it’s saltmarshes, and we have a constant wind from or to the sea, and huge flogs of insect eating birds. But my neigbour has a sweet water pond in his garden and no mosquitoes neither. My theory: We are too near to the sea and have such a lot of birds at all seasons.
      We will visit Wimpole with its famous gardens and library and Anglesey Abbey, actually both places are only a 2 hours drive from Cley, but we will stay there for a couple days and surely will have fun.
      Lots of love xxx to you and your family
      the Fab Four

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for the clarification, dear Klausbernd: sounds like the ideal place for me! Unfortunately where we are in Connecticut there’s quite a few mosquitoes in the Spring/Summer time despite our living by the ocean… Oh well.
      Your short vacation sounds wonderful: have fun and relax!
      Big hugs,

      Liked by 1 person

    • Wird gemacht 🙂
      Irgendwie lieben wir die Stimmung in Cambridge. Diesmal geht’s nach Wimpole (4 miles von Cambridge) und es ist toll, dass unsere liebe Dina in Cambridge studiert hat und sich deswegen dort bestens auskennt.
      Ganz liebe Grüße und eine wunderschöne Woche
      wünschen dir
      the Fab Four of Cley


  9. Sometimes it’s good doing nothing…
    I’m looking forward to your new post!
    (jeg får ikke epost lenger fra WP når dere legger ut nytt innlegg, kjipe greier, – blogginga mi er litt litt nede for tida…)
    I wish you four a great week!


    • Dear Hans,
      thanks a lot.
      We can understand your decision. Yes, blogging takes up so much time, therefore we will not blog regularly every week any longer.
      Ha en fin dag
      The Fab Four of Cley


  10. Nothing quite like relishing in the laziness to prepare for another adventure and enjoying life ~ beautiful photo above that I could lay in those fields for days and just smell that fresh air and be quite content. Cheers!


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