The Day the Red Tent Disappeared

The Day Our Red Tent Disappeared
Der Tag, an dem unser rotes Zelt verschwand


Would you like to hear a scary story? Really?
Did you ever came across Ragnarök, the twilight of the gods, when the evil wolves engulfed sun and moon and the frightened stars fell down into the sea, which was bubbling up in despair?
Just about this happened last week when the wind was rushing across the sea, when it was whistling and swooshing that our ears were bursting and our eyes were going blind.

Wollt ihr eine gruselige Geschichte hören?
Habt ihr vom Ragnarök gehört, als die beiden Böswölfe Sonne und Mond verschlangen und die Sterne vor Schreck vom
Himmel fielen, dass der Strand bebte und das Meer in seiner Verzweiflung schlimm aufwallte?
So etwa begab es sich letzte Woche, als der Wind wild übers Meer jagte, es pfiff und rauschte, dass uns Hören und Sehen verging.

Being brave Bookfayries we pulled ourselves together to look after our dear red observation tent. Clandestinely we creeped out of the house behind our Master’s and Dina’s backs. Then we quickly filled the pockets of our warm fairy parkas with heavy pebbles for not getting blown away, got our hoods up, took hold of each other’s hand and off we went to the beach. With fearful expectations and watering eyes we pushed forward like Captain Scott to the Pole. Ranulph Fiennes would have gone green with envy.

Als mutige Buchfeen rafften wir uns zähneklappernd auf, um nach unserem geliebten roten Beoachtungszelt zu schauen. Klammheimlich mussten wir uns an Masterchen und Dina vorbei zu schleichen, die vorm Kamin ihr Feierabendgetränk genossen. Die Taschen unserer Feenanoraks füllten wir flugs mit schweren Feuersteinen, zogen unsere Kapuzen hoch, fassten uns fest an unseren Händchen und los ging’s gen Strand. In ängstlicher Erwartung mit tränenden Augen kämpften wir uns wie Scott zum Pol wacker vorwärts. Ranulph Fiennes wäre vor Neid erblasst.


Finally reaching the beach we saw our poor tent fluttering like the red banner of revolution, only held by one big pebble, all the other stones and all the tent pegs were gone. We rushed to our dear observation tent briskly getting the big telescope out, which was thrown around from one tent’s corner to other. Being decently made in Germany it survived this unreasonable treatment quite well. Fortunately we knew that we shouldn’t crawl into our tent. We intuitively were aware of the danger to be blown far across the ocean captured in our tent. Highest distress phase, even gulls and terns weren’t flying anymore. So we quickly pulled our telescope out of our red tent, but – oh dear! – because the tent lost this weight it took leave faster than we could see. We saw it vanishing. Like a red dragon it flew westwards. Sadly we were standing with our saved telescope in the gale.

Endlich am Strand angekommen sahen wir unser geliebtes Zelt wie die gefürchtete Fahne der Revolution im Sturm flattern, gerade noch an einer Seite von einem schweren Hinkelstein gehalten. Wir stürzten uns auf unser armes Beobachtungszelt und zogen hurtig unser Teleskop heraus, das umgestürzt hin und her geworfen wurde, aber als gediegene deutsche Wertarbeit nicht beschädigt zu sein schien. Zum Glück war uns klar, dass wir unser Zelt nicht betreten durften, ohne Gefahr zu laufen, als kleine Buchfeen im Zelt weit hinaus aufs Meer geblasen zu werden. Gefahrenstufe 3, die höchste, wenn selbst die frechen Möwen an geschützten Stellen des Strands kauerten. Also zogen wir schnell unser feines Teleskop aus dem roten Zelt, aber oh weh, durch die Erleichterung verabschiedete sich unser Zelt schneller, als wir gucken konnten.
Da sahen wir es über dem Strand entschwinden. Gleich einem roten Drachen flog wabernd es gen Westen, und wir standen immerhin mit unserem geretteten Teleskop im Sturm.


Please, could you be so kind to ring our fairy hotline if you have seen or found our red fairy-tent. Getting back our observation tent would make us very very happy.
But that’s not the end of the story. Trembling with chattering teeth we came home. Dina and our Master were not at all amused. We were hoping they would help us getting an entry in the Fairy Book of Records, instead we got house arrest and our pocket money was lowered as well. An unfair world, isn’t it?

Bitte, bitte, wer unser geliebtes rotes Feenzelt gefunden hat, möge doch die Feenhotline anrufen. Wir wären sooo froh, unser feines Beobachtungszelt zurück zu bekommen, das würde uns richtig glücklich machen!
Aber die Geschichte ist noch nicht ganz zu Ende. Zitternd zähneklappernd zu Hause zurückgekommen, waren Masterchen und Dina voll sauer. Wir hatten auf einen Eintrag ins Feenbuch der Rekorde gehofft, stattdessen gab’s Hausarrest und Feentalertaschengeldentzug. Eine ungerechte Welt, findet ihr nicht auch.

dsc_2983_ort_klPoor Cley Beach, all miserable and cold without our red tent

We expect your phone call or you could leave a message on this blog – please!
Thanks and Cheers
Wir erwarten euren Anruf oder ihr könnt uns auf diesem Blog eine Benachrichtigung bitte senden.
Bis dann
die armen Buchfeen Siri  😦 und  😦 Selma



© Text and illustrations, Hanne Siebers and Klausbernd Vollmar,  Cley next the Sea, 2016

Follow me, Dina- Hanne Siebers on Instagram!



277 thoughts

  1. immagini davvero straordinarie, e piacevolente collegate con leggende e visioni fantastiche, leggendo ho ricordato di un’altra tenda rossa, ugualmente finita in tragedia, quella dell’esploratore italiano Nobile, disperso nell’artico dopo la caduta del dirigibile Italia, fu salvato, ma nella spedizione morirono molti uomini coraggiosi fra cui il grande esploratore norvegese Amundsen, partito in volo alla sua ricerca e mai più ritornato, disperso nelle grandi vastità del Polo Nord
    ancora grazie per queste straordinarie immagine e per il ricordo dell’altra ” tenda rossa!
    felice week

    Liked by 3 people

    • Good morning,
      funny that you mention Umberto Nobile who got blown down in the Arctic as well as the Swedish explorer Andree Sundman and his companions. But Siri and Selma are kind of tough Bookfayries but not as tough as those explorers, well, they are only small fairies. But they have a friend living not far from the North Pole. We will ask him, if he came across this red observation tent. And maybe they should write to father Christmas who lives at the North Pole, he might have seen their red tent.
      We wish you a happy week as well
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 4 people

    • salve,
      il riferimento alla “tenda rossa” è specifico per l’esplorazione di Umberto Nobile, durante la tragedia del dirigibile Italia, i superstito atterrati sul pak trovarono tra le cose rimaste , oltre la radio trasmittente ( da aggiustare) anche una tenda rossa che li avrebbe resi più visibili nel grande deserto bianco, agli eventuali soccorritori. In uno dei miei viaggi al Grande Nord, ho voluto in parte percorrere L’itinerario del nostro grande esploratore, che partì per l’avventura polare da Tromsoe, e di questo in parte tratto in questo post, se potesse interessarti ecco il link
      ti ringrazio del gentilissimo e piacevole commento un grande saluto

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    • Dear Annalisa
      we feel very much honoured that you made this connection between us little Bookfayries and the great explorers. But, as our beloved Master wrote already, we are not really like Arctic explorers. We wouldn’t have survived their adventures, well, some of them didn’t survive them neither.
      Thank you and lots of finest fairy dust
      Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma

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    • wowwwwwwww! sono davvero onorata di interagire con veri esploratori Polari! Ho sempre avuto una grande passione per le avventure di scoperta che onorano tutta l’umanità, nella ricerca e conoscenza che ci avvicina di più al grande mistero della Vita e dell’universo! Certo questo comprende una ferrea volontà e grandissimi sacrifici, fino a quello estremo! Un po’ di polvere di fata avrebbe fatto comodo anche a loro magari!
      ringraziando della piacevole risposta, un grande saluto dalla mia bella Pisa 🙂

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    • Good morning, dear Annalisa,
      so you love the Arctic as well. As we read you have been at the greatest place there. And we are very happy that you met our dear friends, the Trolls, as well.
      Well, we haven’t been in the Arctic as explorers as well. But we dreamt on our Arctic journeys beeing explorers. Didn’t you have the feeling too – especially in some parts of NE Greenland – to be the first person landing here?
      We send a big hugs and fairy dust xxx to Pisa
      Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma, the brave Bookfayries, lovers of the ice

      Liked by 2 people

    • Good afternoon, dear Annalisa,
      we knew that the red tent was important to find Nobile and his group on the ice flow. There was this film “The Red Tent” about it (from 1969). This rescue was for a long long time Nobiles end as a reputable explorer, as he made sure to be saved as the first one.
      Very interesting is Amundsen’s role in this rescue. Nobile was his personal enemy but he immediately did everything to rescue him. We suppose that has to do with his reputation, gone quite low after the suicide of Hjalmar Johansen in the Frogner Park/Oslo. To rescue Nobile would have recovered his reputation. On the other hand we suppose that Amundsen was afraid of getting married. His wife in spe was already on the boat for seeing and marrying Amundsen. He immediately escaped to the Arctic again with the rationalisation to rescue Nobile. – Well, these are only speculations of ours. But, of course, it made us think why Amundsen is rushing to rescue his great enemy after he has heard that his friend is coming from Alaska to marry him. Strange, isn’t it?
      You seem to know a lot about the history of Arctic expeditions. Have you ever been at those places were Nobile started twice and then came down in his second flight?
      Thanks for your commentary and a great weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

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    • Il bellissimo “la Tenda rossa” un film che amo moltissimo e da sempre mi ha emozionata, il gossip su Amundsen che sarebbe partito alla ricerca di Nobile per evitare di andare a nozze mi ha molto divertita! qui in Italia non ci avevano mai raggiunto questi rumors ha ha, il suo gesto era stato considerato di grande generosità considerate le notevoli divergenza fra i due,! Nobile al suo ritorno in Italia dovo la disavventura aveva avuto molte grane ed era sytato ingiustamente incolpato del disastro, ma la storia e il tempo lo hanno riabilitato…beh il suo carattere non era dei migliori, ma si sa i grandi uomini non sono immuni dai grandi difetti!E’ piacevolissimo questo scambio di osservazioni su questo tragico evento ed bello apprendere sempre nuove cose, esposte con così tanta conoscenza e garbo,Vi ringrazio moltissimo e saluto Annalisa

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hello, dear Annalisa,
      as you wrote an explorer needs a grimly will and has to be open for quite some sacrifices. We are dear Bookfayries and not like this. We hate sacrifices and our will ends at the ice cream parlour. But we like to read about all those heros of the ice and we have been several times with our Master in Greenland, Svalbard and other places of the Arctic sea. You went from Tromso as we read, we as well.
      Even more fairy dust for you and thank you
      Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma, the happy armchair explorers

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    • Salve carissime Siri e Selma,
      piacevolissimo il dialogo su questo tema appassionante! ho fatto diversi viaggi nel Grande Nord, anche io ( ma solo da turista e non da esploratore 🙂 ) ho visitato gran parte della Norvegia fino a Capo Nord, le isole Lofoten e Svalbard, ed anche la Groenlandia, tutti viaggi indimenticabili, che mi hanno trasportata nel mondo dei ghiacci e delle ombre lunghe, con il suo stupefante carico di aurore boreali e di soli della mezzanotte, in più leggende, fate, gnomi , streghe e folletti, insieme con i mitici troll, ancora perseguitano le mie notti! Quella polverina magica delle vostre fate è davvero miracolosa! Tantissimi ringraziamenti per ple vostre gentili e molto simpatiche parole.Dalla mia bella Italia un abbraccio di sole Annalisa

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Annalisa,
      we just read you visited the Lofoten. We very much envy you as we have never been there, but our dear Dina wants to go there soon. We drove by on the way to Cape North but never made it to these beautiful islands. Did you drive the Atlantic Highway? It was voted by travel journalists world wide as by far the most beautiful road in the world.
      It’s quite funny how we got from Siri’s and Selma’s red tent to the Arctic. But we love these associations …
      We sending lots of love from Cley next the Sea to Pisa
      The Fab Four of Cley

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    • I love this associations too! ❤ And being in Norway right now, I'm all for doing the Atlantic Highway and The Lofoten after Scotland. 🙂
      Love and kisses from the North
      Dina xxx

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  2. Oh you tent was not content to be pegged to the ground. It wanted to fly away with the fairies to the clouds where it belongs. You’ll only see glimpses of now in flashing bits of red when the sun rises and sets.
    These photos are deliriously good!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Cindy,
      on one hand you are right, the tent could have flown with our beloved Bookfayries to the clouds, into the sky where they belong, on the other hand it would have been a pitty and would have made us very very sad, if our beloved Bookfayries would have gone. But thanks for the hint that the reds of the rising und setting sun are reflection of the observation tent.
      Thanks and have a great weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

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  3. I have never seen a sky so thundering heavy upon a beach. This is utterly scary, what a pity you lost your tent and pocket money. I wouldn’t have put a foot outside in such weather … Great photos!

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  4. You girls come on top of my explorer list, this is frightening and so well written.
    What happened after your Ragnarök?
    There will be life and new life, life everywhere on earth.
    That was the end – and this is the beginning.
    I’m sure, that goes for fayrie tents as well.
    Have you ever had a closer look at the carvings on the door of Urnes Stave Church?
    Kram, Annalena

    Liked by 3 people

    • Good morning, dear Annalena,
      now we are very curious. What do the carvings of the Urnes Stave Church show?
      Great, that you liked this story about Siri’s and Selma’s adventure. And we are sure they will get their red tent back.
      It’s written that after Ragnarök a new earth and sky will come – the same thing again?
      Lots of love
      The Fab Four of Cley

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    • Herzlichen Dank, lieber Ernst 🙂
      die Aufnahmen entstanden letzte Woche bei uns am Strand. Nun scheint wieder die Sonne und alles ist fein.
      Ein angenehmes Wochenende wünschen dir
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Liebe Buchfeen, nicht traurig sein, dass ihr euer Zelt nicht retten konntet, ihr habt es versucht…es ist kein Weltuntergang und das Teleskop habt ihr ja!
    Wer hat eigentlich die phänomenalen Fotos geschossen? Überlegt mal Buchfeen, die müssen euch heimlich gefolgt sein!
    Der gute Rat: Wasser zu nass und Wind zu windig – Zuhause bleiben!
    Habe einen schrecklichen Ohrwurm: Ohne Krimi geht die Mimi nie ins Bett…
    Dieser Blogbeitrag packt einen, man fühlt richtig mit! Es ist tragisch! Faszinierende Bilder und wunderschöner Text, Gratulation!
    Diese ganz andere Seite der Natur an der Vogelküste, hui!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Guten Morgen, liebe Pia,
      ja, wer uns da wohl gefolgt ist. Eigentlich kann das nur die liebe Dina gewesen sein, da sie solche Fotos schießt.
      Eigentlich bleiben wir auch bei solchem Wetter zu Hause und Masterchen und Dina binden uns fest, aber diesmal …
      Wie dem auch sei, ganz viel feinsten Feenhauch
      von Siri 🙂 und 🙂 Selma

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    • Hallo, liebe Pia,
      die Fotos hat unsere liebe Dina geschossen, die uns unbemerkt gefolgt ist. Ja, so ist die!
      Das finden wir auch, dass unsere geliebten Buchfeen bei grauseligem Wetter zu Hause bleiben sollen.
      Toll, dass dir die Geschichte über das Abenteuer der Buchfeen gefällt. Masterchen hat die gerne geschrieben.
      Jetzt scheint hier wieder Sonne und es ist angenehm warm.
      Ganz liebe Grüße und ein höchst angenehmes Wochenende
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Dear Siri & Selma,
    I’m in Longyearbyen right now, so far there’s been no observation of your beloved red tent. What a pity! I’ll get back to you a little later, after I have picked up our guests at the airport.
    See you!
    Per Magnus

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  7. Those images of the sea and sky are fantastic and quite frightening. What brave little fairies you were to try and rescue your tent. If it passes our way I will be sure to let you know, but it is very foggy here so I might not see it!

    Liked by 4 people

    • Dear Cathy,
      thank you very much for liking Dina’s photographs of the wild sea at Cley beach last week.
      Well, as we wrote already, we think our beloved Bookfayries were too brave.
      Wishing you all the best, a great weekend, and take care
      The Fab Four of Cley

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  8. Fare thee well, red tent, you have served so well. Now, it is time to pull up your stakes and throw your fortune to the to the four winds. May your journey be swift and safe, taking you to magic places where you will taste all the wonders of distant and foreign shores. May all those who seek shelter beneath your red wings find the happiness these young Bookfayries have enjoyed while you graced them with your presence.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Dear Bryan,
      reading your great commentary Siri and Selma thought they should have flown away in their red tent. Oh dear, that would have made us very sad. But after the Ragnarök a new earth and sky will appear, new wonders …
      But you are right we have problems with their emancipation like all parents. We will think about it, thank you!
      We wish an easy weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

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  9. The tent is not lost, it has just decided to travel. It can use the wind to go where nature takes it.
    But if I ever see it resting in Beetley, I will see if it wants to go home to Cley.
    Great photo-manipulation, for the perfect effects to accompany the story!
    Love from Beetley, Pete and Ollie. X

    Liked by 3 people

    • Good afternoon, dear Pete,
      it warm and sunny here again but the beach feels lonely without this red tent. We are sure that our observation tent wants to come back to our brave Bookfayries.
      We are happy that you like Dina’s pictures. They were taken at Cley beach last week.
      With lots of love from the little village next the big sea
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Lieben Dank für diese fantasievolle Geschichte und die tollen Bilder. Mir scheint, dass Dina immer noch besser wird auf diesem Gebiet! Da nun sicherlich wieder Ruhe eingekehrt ist und jegliche Strafe abgesessen, wünsche ich euch Vieren ein frohes Wochenende. Cari saluti Martina

    Liked by 3 people

  11. Bookfayries,
    I do believe Google Earth has spotted a red object making it’s way across the Atlantic headed for Nova Scotia. It’s not expected to make landfall until October 31st. Perhaps we can get an update to that report – news at 11 (…or so they say on TV) 🙂
    GP Cox

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  12. Wunderbare stürmische Fotos sind das, liebe Hanne oder Klausbernd …
    und was nun das Zelt anbelangt: shit happens 😉 Hauptsache ihr seid gesund und munter zurück in die Stube gekommen und habt das Teleskop gerettet … und ja, also bis hierher ist es nicht geflogen
    good days and ways for you fab fours …
    herzlichst Ulli

    Liked by 4 people

    • Guten Tag, liebe Ulli,
      die Fotos nahm unsere liebe Dina auf, die Siri und Selma nachgeschlichen war. Das haben unsere beiden Buchfeen allerdings nicht bemerkt.
      Hier scheint seit Tagen wieder die Sonne und der Sturm (gleich Shakespeare’s “Tempest”) ist schon lange wieder abgeflaut.
      Wir wünschen dir alles Gute, ein feines Wochenende und viel Freude
      mit lieben Grüßen vom Meer
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you very much for liking our post.
      Scary and poetic, actually that’s really romantic, isn’t it? Appropiate for pre-Halloween.
      We wish you all the best and a great weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley


  13. Wow, that is some storm (and a half).
    No wonder the observation tent disappeared.
    I think I’d be staying home indoors, but I must say it did make for some superb images.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Dear Vicki,
      quite a storm that was last week, like in Shakespeare’s “The Tempest”.
      We thought so too that Siri and Selma should have stayed indoors.
      Thanks and cheers
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  14. This was a very very scary story and a real adventure. Your were very brave, dear Sir & Selma. Isn’t it interesting how courage is found when you have a friend close by. There is always risk when you take on the elements for we must bow to the force of nature and recognize that we are not in control, but only are a part of what surrounds us. Much love and hugs are coming your way, my dear friend, the Fab Four of Cley.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Dear Clanmother,
      our Bookfayries were too brave! But (we hope they don’t read this) on the other hand we are proud having such brave and clever Bookfayries. We are afraid that they sometimes underestimate the forces of nature. But fortunately they have help from the fairy kingdom.
      Lots of love, a big hug and golden fairy dust is flying towards our dear friend xxx
      Have a happy weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 3 people

  15. Such brave little girls to go out in that windy weather and you would think that KB and Dina would be grateful that you saved the telescope – I am glad they have decided not to dock your pocket money, but I do also think they were scared you would be blown away too and that would make them very sad. Sometimes when we are frightened we act harshly. Sadly I don’t think you will find your tent, maybe it will end up as a sail on a sail boat somewhere and continue to be blown in the wind, but you might need to save your pennies for another observation tent. Cley beach is not the same without it 🙂
    Have a lovely and windless week fab four
    Jude xx

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Sue,
      really brave we are, indeed!
      With Dina’s and our Master’s first reaction that fine, actually we can understand it. They not that brave as we are 😉
      GP Cox wrote that we might find our tent in Nova Scotia this weekend. Please, keep your fingers crossed that it will be there.
      With lots of fairy dust
      Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma, the brave Bokkfayries

      Liked by 1 person

    • Good morning, dear Jude,
      thanks a lot for explaining our beloved Bookfayries our reactions. You are sooo right, we are more than happy to have our dear darlings backs. But, oh dear, they are already off to a new adventure. GP Cox told them that their red tent might go down on the coast of Nova Scotia. So they are preparing their flight over there, filling their fairy backpacks with dried cranberries and nuts and impragnating their fairy parkas against rain. We all have to keep our fingers crossed that the weather will stay pleasant.
      But if they can rescue their tent and bring it back then Cley beach will be the real Cley beach again.
      We wish you a sunny and happy weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley xxxx

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  16. Ragnarök am Horizont und die bösen getarnten Wölfe haben euer schönes Zelt verschlungen, oh je.. Seid aber gewiss und froh, dass euch bei allem erlittenen Übel nicht auch noch das Thorhühnchen begegnet ist, denn das gibt es wirklich, so wahr ich hier steh.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Guten Morgen,
      das Thorhühnchen haben wir gleich ins Thorshühnchen (Phalaropus fulicaria), diesen harmlosen Wassertreter verwandelt. Das ist eine der leichtesten Übungen für Buchfeen.
      Nee, nee, diese Wölfe Skalli und Hati haben zum Glück nicht unser Zelt verschlungen. Die wären auch daran erstickt. Das wilde Heer hat es entführt, aber wir werden es uns kühn zurückerobern.
      Mit herzlichen Grüßen vom kleinen Dorf am großen Meer und Dank fürs Kommentieren
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Es gibt übrigens auch noch Odinshühnchen (phalaropus lobatus), und die kann man an den Gestaden von Nord- und Ostsee im August mit Spektiv auch sehen wenn man weiß wo, denn obwohl klein das große Meer ist kein Hindernis.

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    • Ja, die fanden wir auch in unserem Vogelbuch. Gesehen haben wir sie allerdings noch nicht, obwohl wir hier im größten Vogelschutzgebiet Englands leben. Aber vielleicht lieben die die Engländer nicht.
      Alles Gute
      The Fab Four of Cley

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    • Dear Sue,
      it’s a pity having lost our red tent. But GP Cox told us that we may find it in Nova Scotia at the weekend. Of course, we will fly across the sea to have a look. We hope that the weather will be fine.
      With the dearest fairy dust for you
      Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma

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    • Of course, dear Sue, we promise! Great Bookfayrie word of honour!
      Thank you so much for caring 🙂 🙂
      With lots and lots of magic fairy dust
      Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma, the clever Bookfayries

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Sue,
      indeed, those pictures are great. Well, Dina is the greatest!
      We are so happy that our beloved Bookfayries are save. But, oh dear, this weekend they might fly to Nova Scotia to get their red tent back – but only when the weather is fine.
      We wish you a relaxing weekend and thank you
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Sue,
      Siri and Selma are busy preparing their flight to Nova Scotia, filling their backpacks with dried cranberries and other goodies from our larder, and we are relaxing on our sofa reading Laurence Millman about the north with a fine drink – as it is appropiate for armchair explorers.
      We wish you a cosy, happy evening too
      Dina 🙂 and 🙂 Klausbernd

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  17. First 99 red balloons, and now your tent! The Nova Scotians will have to put aside their lobster traps for a while, and string up nets on the beach. Putting pebbles in your pockets was a good idea. I usually eat 1/2-dozen doughnuts before setting out for such adventures, the kind they call “sinkers,” to keep myself grounded.
    Wonderful pictures, I’d be petrified to be out in all that!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Good morning, dear Robert,
      we already told the folks in Nova Scotia to have a beach watch looking for our red tent. Maybe the lobster traps are not bad, they might catch our Bookfayries’ tent.
      Happy weekend and all the best
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

    • Hallo, dear Robert,
      what a great idea eating half a dozen doughnuts. Thank you very much for telling us. We will try this out as soon as necessary.
      Lots of fairy dust from
      Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma, the happy Bookfayries

      Liked by 2 people

  18. Well, I guess the old saying will have to be tweaked, Red tent at night, sailor’s delight. Red tent at morning, sailor’s warning. I have two words for the little winged ones, fairy ballast. 🙂 Exciting pics.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Hi, dear Thorsaurus,
      thanks for your funny commentary 🙂
      Yes, fairy ballast – they need more heavy pepples or they should eat much more …
      Have a happy weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

    • Good morning, dear Cornelia,
      thank you so much for your kind words 🙂
      The red tent – another one – played an important role in the history of polar exploration. Umberto Nobile was grounded on an ice flow off the coast of Svalbard and he and his crew tried to survive in a red tent. This tent was spotted by a plane and so all the people of this expedition have been rescued. But that was the end of Nobile’s reputation as an explorer because he made sure that he was the first person to be rescued.
      In an answer to the Italian commentary of Ventisqueras we write a bit more about the red tent and the rescue of Nobile.
      We only know the film “The Red Tent” about this rescue. It would be great if you could give us the name of the author of the book with this title.
      We wish you a great, sunny, happy weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  19. I haven’t seen your tent here on my beach in Australia – but we are expecting another storm tonight, so maybe tomorrow when I walk my dog I should keep a look out for your lovely red tent 😉 I’ll let you know if I find it…

    Liked by 4 people

  20. Fantastische Bilder! 🙂 Aber so schön gibt es sie eben nur bei Sturm. Noch ist hier an meiner deutschen Ostseeküste kein rotes Zelt eingeflogen. Aber wer weiß, hier pustet es heute auch recht heftig. Ich gebe Laut, wenn etwas leuchtend Rotes an unseren Strand flattert 😉 😀
    Und Ihr Buchfeen hätten wirklich anderes verdient als Taschentalerentzug und Hausarrest 😦
    Einen tröstenden lieben Gruß schickt Euch die Silberdistel

    Liked by 4 people

    • Hallihallo, liebe Silberdistel,
      oh, wie schade, dass unser rotes Zelt nicht an der Ostseeküste eingeflogen kam, dann wären doch Siri und Selma glatt bei dir vorbeigeflogen. So sind sie nun auf dem Rückweg von Nova Scotia, wo GP Cox ihr geliebtes Beobachtungszelt ausgemacht hat. Es landete dort diese Nacht, da es die Winde völlig verwirrte, dass eine Stunde irgendwie doppelt war. Und in dieser Verwirrung ließen sie das Zelt fallen, zum Glück. So brauchst du nicht mehr Ausschau zu halten. Aber gaaaanz herzlichen Dank!
      Hausarrest und Taschengeldentzug sind ja längst zurückgenommen worden. Unsere beiden Kleinen waren doch untröstlich ob des Verlustes ihres Zeltes – naja, es war ja auch eine kühne Leistung, das Teleskop zu retten. Aber, aber sie müssen sich hinter ihre Ohren schreiben, dass zu viel Kühnheit vom Übel ist.
      Einen ganz lieben Gruß dir von der Nordsee
      Klausbernd 🙂 und 🙂 Dina

      Liked by 3 people

    • Hallihallo, liebe Silberdistel,
      ganz schnell von unterwegs im Sausewind: Wir sind so froh, dass wir unser geliebtes rotes Beobachtungszelt zurückhaben. Auf dem Zelt flogen wir gerade durch die Lüfte über die Ostspitze Neufundlands. In ein paar Stunden werden wir mit Zelt (!) zu Hause sein. Dann ist auch erst einmal genug geflogen worden.
      Danke, dass du nach unserem Zelt Ausschau hieltest. Sooo lieb!
      Mit gaaaaanz viel liebsten Feenhauch von uns
      Siri 🙂 und 🙂 Selma, die mutig fliegenden Buchfeen

      Liked by 1 person

  21. Have you seen “Who is Dina?” has 800 LIKEs now – and we very well know who our beloved Dina is 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Habt ihr es gesehen, “Wer ist Dina?” hat nun 800 LIKEs. Und wir wissen, wer unsere geliebte Dina ist.
    Thanks and cheers
    Klausbernd, Siri and Selma

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear RH
      maybe the hard core Germanic mythology was received after a huge hangover Viking style. Surely their idea about Ragnarök – but nevertheless we like that their Gods are kind of mortal. We prefer this to this boring Christian god who has to live for ever. Maybe that’s his punishment for being so absolutely unerotic.
      Actually Ragnarök is action, isn’t it? A revolution against the establishment of Asgard and Walhall.
      Anyway, we wish you a great coming week
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Lenscaper,
      what a great idea! Thank you 🙂 🙂
      But fortunately we found our red tent with the help of CP Cox in Nova Scotia. It went astray because of the change of the time last night. It couldn’t understand how to live twice the same hour and scared stiff it went down. And we, the brave Bookfayries, already got it back. Oh dear, we were flying the whole day long on our tent. Fortunately the weather was ideal and the wind blew from the back. Tomorow our dear red tent will be on the beach again. The beach is that happy 🙂
      But now we desperately need a drink. Thanks and cheers!
      Have a great week
      Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma, the brave Bookfayries

      Liked by 2 people

    • You wouldn’t believe it but our beloved Siri and Selma are back and with their tent! So everyone, the beach, the tent, the terns, the sky, the waves, the sun, Siri and Selma and we are very very happy.
      Thank you for your great idea.That would have worked as well.
      Have a happy week
      Dina 🙂 and 🙂 Klausbernd

      Liked by 1 person

  22. I hope Siri and Selma wore thermal lined faerie wings for their Little Red Tent rescue mission in Nova Scotia ! I was JUST about to offer mine … I shan’t be needing it until I next run away down to Cornwall 🙂
    Dina !! .. that Atlantic Highway is so … 3.10 … so … thrilling and scary ….
    I did enjoy your post Fab 4 from Cley … wishing you all a lovely week ahead x

    Liked by 4 people

    • Dear Louise,
      how kind of you 🙂 🙂 Yes indeed, we wore those thermal lined faerie wings, very aerodynamic and sooo warm, ideal for our rescue mission. Wow, that was a job. We never ever did so much flying before.
      But now we have to rest.
      Lots and lots of fairy dust from
      Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma, the aeronautic Bookfayries

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Louise
      we thank you very much as well.
      Well, the Atlantic Highway … as a Norwegian I have to drive it at least once in my lifetime. And sometimes there is even beautiful sunshine and calm sea – but if I want this?
      We wish you also a lovely, easy, happy week ahead
      With lots of love
      The Fab Four of Cley xx

      Liked by 2 people

  23. Hallo, Siri und Selma,
    das vom Verschwinden Eures geliebten roten Beobachtungszelts zu hören tut mir leid. Ich verspreche Euch, wenn es hier in Fredericksburg angeweht wird, schicke ich es per FUPS [Fairy United Parcel Service] zurück.
    Liebe Grüße, auch an den Master und an die liebe Dina,

    Liked by 4 people

    • Oh, du bist so lieb, lieber Pit!
      Aber du glaubst es kaum, auf dem Hinweis unseres lieben Freundes CP Cox hin haben wir unser Zelt gefunden und es sogar bereits unbeschädigt zurückgebracht. Bei dem schönen Wetter werden wir es gleich am Strand wieder aufbauen. Der Strand freut sich schon!
      Ganz viel liebsten Feenhauch an dich und Mary von
      Siri 🙂 und 🙂 Selma, die fröhlichen Buchfeen


    • Hi Pit,
      da müssen wir dir doch auch schreiben. Fahrradtour beendet? Wir nehmen an, es war schön.
      Du lasest es ja schon schon, das rote Zelt ist wieder hier und wird nachher am Strand wieder aufgebaut, denn Siri und Selma wissen immer noch nicht genau, was hinter dem Horizont liegt. Auf jeden Fall scheint die Sonne und es ist für die Jahreszeit viel zu warm, aber dafür hatten wir gestern Übelwetter.
      Hinter dem Horizont, schaut man übers Meer, liegt hier das arktische Eisschelf, aber da wird’s ja auch wärmer …
      Dann mach’s `mal gut und halte dich wacker!
      Gaaaaaanz liebe Grüße aus dem sonnigen Cley
      Klausbernd 🙂 und 🙂 Dina
      Grüße auch an Mary von uns

      Liked by 1 person

  24. The Red Tent knows the way home, but you can never be sure it will return. Red Tents can be a bit strange, a bit weird, a bit contrary. Absolutely loved your ocean renditions. Oh, and Seri and Selma should have had their allowances increased! –Curt

    Liked by 4 people

    • Dear Curt,
      GREAT and thanks, you are absolutely right, we should get our pocket money increased! YES, immediately!
      With lots of finest fairy dust from
      Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma, the happy Bookfayries


    • Dear Siri and Selma, I understand justice has already been done. The wandering tent has returned and your allowances have been increased. I can hear the coins jangling in your pockets, but not for long, I suspect. –Curt

      Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Curt,
      well, our red tent is quite domesticated, it loves Siri and Selma very much and doesn’t really like to fly away. So they found it two nights ago and could bring it home easily.
      We actually increased Siri’s and Selma’s allowances already, you convinced us.
      Have a happy week
      The Fab Four of Cley


    • All is well that ends well and I do love a happy ending. Undoubtably the Red Tent is well loved and quickly recognized the error of its ways. My congratulations to Siri and Selma. May they spend their increased allowance wisely, or lacking that, frivolously. –Curt

      Liked by 2 people

    • Good evening, dear Curt
      yes, justice is done! 🙂 🙂
      We try to save some of our fairy dollars for our trip to the North of Scotland with Dina and our Master. Well, we try. We had two ice creams only today, well two ice creams each. We deserved them after this rescue action, we suppose!
      Sending you lots of fairy dust
      Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma, the happy Bookfayries

      Liked by 1 person

    • My wife, Peggy, is in total agreement with you on the two ice creams each, Siri, and says in no way is that a frivolous use of money. She has been known to skip dinner and head straight for the ice cream sundae. And thanks for the fairy dust. Be sure to save some for Scotland. It’s more valuable there than money. 🙂 –Curt

      Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Curt and Peggy,
      if you do visit England and Ireland next year please come and visit us in Norfolk. 🙂 Norfolk is flat and a walker’s paradise, the coast path is outstanding.
      Fancy your son Tony spent four years flying helicopter rescue missions for the Coast Guard in Alaska. Now we are really envious. And he gave a lecture about it in the arctic north of Norway …
      Greetings from Norway to the two of you on Highway 1,
      Dina x 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • I became interested in genealogy several years, ago, Fab Four, and found it fascinating. Blog and book writing have so taken over my time, I haven’t done any research lately, but I loved what I did. Also, I’ve been helped along by relatives who have done extensive research. 🙂 –Curt

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Curt
      we think in the end they will spend their pocket money frivolously – but we don’t mind. Much better frivolously than stupidly 😉
      All the best
      The Fab Four of Cley
      We wonder is that a monkey in your background?

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Peggy and Curt,
      oh dear, we didn’t know anything about you. Dina is always knows because she is the one visiting our visitors.
      Yes, if you are around call in. You are very welcome.
      With warm greetings from the misty sea today
      Klausbernd, Siri and Selma


    • Dear Jo,
      you are absolutely right!
      Thanks a lot for your help.
      Our beloved Dina just got a big hug from you. She loves being hugged!
      With lots and lots of fairy dust
      Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma, the great Bookfayries

      Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Jo,
      we are not such horrible parents – at least we think so 😉 We took back all the punishments: no more staying at home and full pocket money again, even a little increase.
      Siri and Selma already got their red tent back and so everyone is happy at ours again.
      And I, Dina, got such a big hug … 🙂
      Lots of love to you and have a happy week
      Dina 🙂 and 🙂 Klausbernd

      Liked by 1 person

  25. Liebe Buchfeen!

    Gute Ratschläge sind doch auch immer irgendwo Schläge. So etwas habt Ihr nicht verdient! Darum drücke ich Euch alle verfügbaren Daumen. Wenn Ihr das Zelt nicht wiederfinden solltet, findet Ihr bestimmt Ersatz. Zumindest habe ich Euch die Daumen gedrückt.
    LG, mick.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Hallihallo, lieber Mick,
      DANKE! Das Daumendrücken hat genutzt. Auf Grund des Hinweises von unserem lieben Freund GP Cox haben wir unser rotes Zelt gefunden und sogar auch wieder unbeschadet nach Hause gebracht. Gleich wird’s wieder an Cley Beach aufgebaut.
      Ganz liebe Grüße und eine feine Woche wünschen
      Siri 🙂 und 🙂 Selma, die frohen Buchfeen

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Uta,
      thanks for the link. We had quite high tides as well last week, but we are used to such tides.
      Ach, so’n Quatsch, wir sehen ja gerade erst, dass wir deutsch schreiben können.
      Wir haben hier im Winter oft stärkeren Wind und leider wird es nie richtig kalt und Schnee gibt es erst recht nicht. Schade. Ist der Wind nicht zu stark, macht es uns nichts aus, aber richtigen Sturm lieben wir auch nicht.
      Liebe Grüße von der sonnigen Nordküste Norfolks
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 3 people

    • Good afternoon, dear Jaqui,
      thank you very much! But the red tent is back and set up on Cley beach again. Ariel, the spirit of the wind, blew it to Nova Scotia, actually our friend GP Cox told us. So Siri and Selma flew over and then back on their beloved observation tent using it cleverly as a glider. The wind was right and so they arrived home happily. As it was sunny and warm today we set it up in the early afternoon. Now everyone is happy again including the beach 🙂
      Wishing you a great week
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Lady Fi,
      indeed, it was. And guess where.
      Up North in Nova Scotia where our dear friend GP Cox found it. But now it’s back home on Cley beach and everybody is happy 🙂
      Great that you like Dina’s photos, thank you.
      With warm greetings from the misty sea
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  26. Oh, that was a scary story! I have looked for your red tent here on the salt marsh beach…far, far, west, but nothing. Maybe it’s still traveling the vast ocean and enjoying its ride on the big waves? Great storm photos 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

    • Good morning, dear Tiny,
      yes, it was scary indeed!
      Thank you so much for looking for our red tent. But it went not south but far north up to Nova Scotia where GP Cox found it and told us. Meanwhile Siri and Selma got it back from there. It’s standing on Cley beach again and everyone is very happy.
      We didn’t know that tents – and especially red tents – like to ride the big waves and fly wild in the gales.
      With warm greetings from the little village next the big sea
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  27. Siri und Selma, bin ich froh, dass alles wieder gut ist! War es Ariel? Half sie euch beim Suchen? Oder Sabrina…?
    Bibi und Tina mit Amadeus und Sabrina..hex,hex, ??? Da war es wieder da, das rote Zelt?!
    Happy, happy, happy…ein Kinderspiel für Feen, oder? Ein großes Abenteuer!!

    Es gibt ja eigentlich keine Not, eher von allem zu viel, aber das Wichtigste ist doch, dass ihr eure Suche genossen habt und gut und sicher zu Hause angekommen seid, Bussi und Eis mit Sahne zur Belohnung!! Von Tante Pialein!

    Liked by 4 people

    • Liebe Tante Pialein,
      gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanz herzlichen Dank fürs Eis mit Sahne. Sooooooooo lecker YUMMY YUMMY
      Alles Liebe, feinsten Feenhauch
      Siri 🙂 und 🙂 Selma, die glücklichen Buchfeen

      Liked by 1 person

    • Guten Tag, liebe Pia,
      Siri und Selma sind ja nun völlig begeistert von dir. Wie heißt es so schön: Du ein Stein im Brett bei ihnen. Komischer Ausdruck “Stein im Brett”. Siri schaute es eben in unserem ethymologischen Wörterbuch nach. Das kommt aus dem 16. Jh. und ist zuerst bei Johannes Agricola (ein Vertrauter Martin Luthers, der eigentlich Schneider hieß) belegt. Die Metapher stammt von einem mittelalterlichen Brettspiel.
      Ja, ich nehme auch an, da hat so manche Ariel behext, dass er das rote Zelt in Nova Scotia absetzte. Immerhin stand der Luftgeist mit Shakespeare und Goethe im Bunde. So einer lässt sich doch nur zu gerne von Buchfeen bezirzen.
      Siri und Selma haben augenscheinlich ihren Ausflug nach Nova Scotia genossen und wir sind sooo froh, dass sie gesund und froh wieder zu Hause angekommen sind.
      Habe ‘ne rundum feine Woche
      Dina aus Norwegen 🙂 und 🙂 Masterchen aus Cley

      Liked by 2 people

    • Lesen lohnt sich! Schöne Restwoche! Es gibt sehr lustige Brettspiele und nicht so lustige…wenn man die Regeln nicht kennt! Manchmal fehlt auch nur Übung…oder Zeit…oder Mut…oder alles zusammen….
      Feenflügelwave mit Goldstaub!
      …z.B. könnte ich mal herausfinden, wie man hier etwas leiken kann, Passwort??? äääähhhhh…
      Ein guter Rat meines Vaters war: Du musst auch mit der Dummheit der anderen rechnen…
      Super, oder?!

      Liked by 2 people

    • Guten Tag, liebe Pia,
      hmmmm, wie man hier etwas LIKEn kann als nicht WordPress-Mitglied weiß ich auch nicht. Aber ich weiß, es geht. Diese Frage müssen wir Dina und Selmalein stellen, denn die sind hier bei uns die WordPress-Spezialisten. Weiß ich nich weiter, frage ich sie auch immer.
      Dina ist heute gerade von Norwegen nach Schweden gefahren. Wenn sie zurückkommt nach Norwegen, wird sie sich dazu melden – so hoffe ich.
      Ja, ja, man muss mit der Dummheit der anderen rechnen – immer. Naja, unsere nächste Post, an der gerade Masterchen und Siri schreiben, geht letztendlich um die Dummheit – und Dummheit ist immer die Dummheit der anderen 😉
      Mit lieben Grüßen aus dem sonnigen Cley
      Klausbernd und Siri, die lustigkluge Buchfee 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hi liebe Pia,
      wenn du dich bei wordpress unter anmeldest, kannst du likes verteilen, auch wenn du kein Blog anlegts, du fängst nur so an, als ob damit du registriert wirst.
      Meine Freundin Tone wollte das gleiche wie du. Sie hat sich bei WP angemeldet, und wenn sie unseren Blog besucht, loggt sie sich ein mit E-Mailadresse und Passwort. Sie hat ein Foto unter dem Feld “Gravatar” eingesetzt, dieses Foto erscheint beim jeden Kommentar und Like.
      Es liegt ein paar Jahre zurück, aber ich kan mich erinnern, es war nicht ganz einfach, also bleib dran, nicht aufgeben! 🙂
      Urseljuliette muss sich ebenfals angmeldet haben, sie kann Likes verteilen. Bei ihr erscheint ein WP-Icon, eben weil sie kein Foto eingesetzt hat.
      Herzliche Grüße aus Norwegen,
      Dina x


    • Er hat auch noch gesagt: Dumm darf man sein, man muss sich nur zu helfen wissen…und auch: Nicht nachdenken, mitdenken!…
      Ich denke trotzdem manchmal nach….vor allem, wenn ich bemerke, wie dümmlich ich bin…
      Da bin ich gespannt, was es über die Dummheit für Bauernschlaue zu berichten gibt aus der Schreibstube!!

      Liked by 1 person

  28. The first photo graph is frightening. And impressive. Siri and Selma, I’m happy you are safe. Then I’m happy for the telescope. Then I’m sorry for the red tent. Yes, while reading, I thought of the explorers, too. Certainly, if I hear news of the red tent, I’ll pass it on. Though I suppose consideration of a replacement is called for. Not to mention staying safe! It’s All Saints Day as I write. (I’ve been sick and so haven’t kept up with blog matters.) I hope this has been a good day for you in a season of blessings. Peace to you all and to the sea!–Christopher

    Liked by 4 people

    • Dear Christopher
      Thanks for commenting 🙂
      The weather was frightening, a real Shakespearean tempest.
      But great joy! Siri and Selma got their beloved red tent back. It’s already put up on Cley beach again. If you are curious how they got it back, you can read this in the answers to comments above. But what’s much more important Siri and Selma are back home healthy and happy. The two are real survivers.
      We wish you peace and send you love
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

    • Good morning, dear Christopher
      thank you so much for caring! 🙂 🙂
      Yes, the red tent and we are back. Great, isn’t it?!
      We wish you health and happiness. With lots of our finest fairy dust
      Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma, the happy Bookfayries

      Liked by 2 people

    • Good mornig, dear Tina,
      we hope you are well. What a great weather we have: sunny, no wind and cold. We love such a weather!
      Yes, this storm was very scary indeed. On the other hand we are used to such a wild weather especially in the autumn.
      We are so happy that Siri and Selma are safe back home and their red tent as well.
      Great that you like our Master’s drawing. When we ask him to draw something for the blog, he always tells that he cannot draw. But we know, he likes to play around with his pencils.
      With warm greetings from the cold sea
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Good morning, dear Jarg,
      well, an adventure it was indeed! And we are so happy that Siri and Selma are save home again 🙂 🙂
      Wishing you a great weekend as well and thanks for commenting
      The Fab Four of Cley


  29. Vielleicht halte ich meinen Subraum-Äther-Winker mal hinaus und dann nehmen mich Siri und Selma mit zur nächsten Rückereroberungsreise…
    Gut, dass ihr das Zelt zur Zeit innen haltet, ihr könnt es auch im Wohnzimmer ausstellen…und erst mal Pause machen von diesem Abenteuer!
    Kennt ihr das, dass die Kleinen immer Zelte oder Höhlen aufbauen wollen, aber dann keine Lust mehr haben, es wieder abzubauen?!

    Frohe Woche wünscht Pia

    Liked by 2 people

    • Aber hallo, hallo, liebe Pia!
      Auf was für Gedanken bringst du denn unsere Buchfeen? Das schnöde Zelt im hehren Drawing Room aufspannen, nur über meine Leiche! Aber Recht hast du ja, auch wir haben Kinder Zelte und Höhlen aus Decken und zweckentfredeten Möbeln gebaut. Aber ein rotes Zelt im Zimmer, da bekomm ich gleich Schnappatmung, oh dear …
      Das Zelt will auch gar nicht ins Zimmer, da ist es ihm viel zu trocken.
      So, damit wäre das geklärt.
      Mit lieben Grüßen vom rauen Meer
      Klausbernd xx


    • Liebe Pia,
      PRIMA IDEE! hihihihi …
      Und wir flattern ein, wenn wir auf einem unserer Abenteuer bei dir vorbei kommen. Klar doch, kannst du mitkommen, du kannst uns doch sicher ein paar magische Schritte und Flügelschläge zeigen.
      Auch dir ein wunderbare Woche
      Feenhauch auch
      Siri 🙂 und 🙂 Selma


    • Liebe Buchfeen, magisches Ein- und Ausatmen zur Vorübung von magischen Flügelschlägen ist empfehlenswert, immer gut aufwärmen, schön locker machen, Freude….gehört zum Tänzeralltag, es ist ganz normal für Tänzer.
      Ich zeige euch die Schritte! Es sind ganz einfache Schritte, ob sie magisch sind? Keine Ahnung!
      Ich freue mich schon auf die Pausen im roten Zelt, gut, dass ihr es wieder gefunden habt!
      Whistle while you dance…in Theatern ist ja Pfeifen verboten, Abergalube, bringt Unglück……
      Sagt liebe Grüße an die beiden Großen, ihr lieben kleinen Buchfeen!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Guten Tag, liebe Pia,
      nautisch heißt es auch “auf einem Schiff pfeift nur der Wind”.
      Es bringt Unglück, wenn der Mensch mit der Stimme des Windes spricht, das ist Anmaßung. So kann ich es mir nautisch vorstellen. Warum es in der Theaterwelt ebenfalls auftitt, wüßte ich auch gern.
      Ganz liebe Grüße von
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  30. A scary adventure, fayeries! I have been on the lookout for your red tent here in the south of Sweden, but alas…Maybe next storm will change its direction and make it fly back to you again. We all need a little outing now and then… And tell Dina her stormy skies are Scary, Splendid and Super Glorious♥♥♥

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Leya,
      we have to admit, we were quite scared.
      But now we are safe at home with our red tent. Found it in Nova Scotia, but this story you can read in the answers to the comments above. All is well now 🙂 🙂
      Fairy dust for you
      Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, dear Leya, for liking Dina’s pictures. Scary, aren’t they?
      We are very happy, that our beloved Bookfayries are safe back home. And now the red tent is sleeping in the Gardenshed dreaming of flying.
      Wishing you a happy day
      The Fab Four of Cley


  31. The North wind does blow… And we shall have snow… only a few flakes lol.. Loved these dramatic photo’s and so enjoyed reading about the red tent.. I haven’t seen it on our horizon.. But you never know… I will be sure to tell the fairies if I see it..
    Blessings Sue

    Liked by 2 people

  32. Hello, I was just thinking that I wish there was a way I could read blogs written by Europeans who are not just English speakers. My tablet does not have translation. So this was a fairy miracle! Please thank them for me will you please? They might want to prepare for the fact that Nova Scotia has the world’s largest Celtic culture. It’s the place in the world where people speak a Celtic language more than anywhere else. And also continue many of the customs. Much more than Ireland or Scotland! So they will be going to the Gaelic center of the world! Depending on their fairy heritag they may know some fairies who traveled with families from Scotland! I’m excited about seeing how they feel there. This is a really fun unusual blog, Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Heather,
      yes, our beloved Bookfayries Siri and Selma like to travel to places where the Gaelic cukture is still alive. We went to Scotland and North Wales with them already and now they flew to Nova Scotia, the Gaelic centre of the world.
      With lots of love and fairy dust
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  33. The world is unfair, and I am sorry to read about the loss of the red tent. At least you saved the telescope. If nothing else, you got of the incident with some incredible photos. And hopefully by now you are not sentenced to house arrest any more.

    Liked by 1 person

  34. VERY brave of You to have gone out in that ‘Ragnarök’ like situation! The graphic describing the wind and the position of the tent explains it all, admirably! Thanks for that. …But sadly, the Red Tent has not turned up here. I would have returned it to You! Much love and regards. Keep up Your brave adventures and keep posting on them! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Swami Yesudas,
      thank you very much for your kind commentary 🙂
      Meanwhile we found our red tent far north in Nova Scotia. Wrapped up in their warm fairy parkas Siri and Selma flew up north and got it home. Fortunately the red tent turned out be like the flying carpet from the fairy tale and so our beloved Bookfayries arrived happily home.
      We wish you a happy week.
      With lots of love and golden fairy dust
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you very much for commenting. Indeed it was frightning. Fortunately we rarely have such weather conditions.
      Great that you like Dinas pictures 🙂
      Wishing you a happy week
      The Fab Four of Cley
      now from the sunny sea


  35. Pingback: Sea Talk | The World according to Dina

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