Norfolk Easter

It’s not quite like Easter, is it? But that’s Norfolk, how we know it and love it. After all that sunny weather the Easter holidays started with cold showers. Please don’t tell anyone, we like it! The rain gives us a welcome break from working long hours in our garden. Now we can enjoy lazy hours in front of the roaring fire reading our books, stretching our legs and practicing yoga. Dina is well into the third book of Elena Ferrante’s Neapolitan Novels, Klausbernd is enjoying the wonderful Norfolk novel “Salt” by Jeremy Page and Siri and Selma are absolutely absorbed in the Norwegian Maja Lunde’s award winning “The History of Bees“. When we visited Felbrigg Hall’s walled gardens yesterday, we looked at the beehives with different eyes. And do you recognise Nigel again on Dina’s photo? He is well equipped, rafty weather (as they say in Norfolk) doesn’t keep him from looking for Easter eggs outside.

Österliches Wetter ist anders. Das ist Norfolk, wie wir es kennen und lieben. Nach all dem Sonnenschein begannen die Osterferien mit kalten Schauern. Uns gefällt es. Der Regen befreit uns von der Gartenarbeit. Nun dürfen wir guten Gewissens gemütlich vorm offenen Feuer lesen, danach unsere Glieder beim Yoga recken und strecken. Dina ist bereits beim dritten Band von Elena Ferrantes Neapolitanischer Geschichten angelangt, Klausbernd erfreut sich an dem wundervollen Norfolkroman “Salt” von Jeremy Page und Siri und Selma sind völlig hin und her gerissen von “Die Geschichte der Bienen” der hochgelobten norwegischen Autorin Maja Lunde. Als wir gestern Felbrigg Hall besuchten, sahen wir die Bienenstöcke dort mit anderen Augen. Und erkennt Ihr Nigel auf Dinas Foto wieder? Er ist bestens ausgerüstet, raues Wetter hält ihn nicht ab, Ostereier im Freien zu suchen.

Wishing you all happy Easter holidays and sending sun full of joy and bliss to all who want it
Euch allen wünschen wir rundum schöne Ostertage und wer will, dem senden wir Sonne voll Freud und Wonne

The Fab Four of Cley


© Text and illustrations, Hanne Siebers and Klausbernd Vollmar, Cley next the Sea, 2017

Follow Dina- Hanne Siebers on Instagram!

192 thoughts

    • Liebe Xeniana,
      Regen ist sooo gemütlich, wenn man drinnen sitzt.
      Liebe Grüße vom Meer, wo der Wind gerade noch das Seinige dazu tut
      The Fab Four of Cley


  1. Norfolk and the surrounding fens! Such memories! Looking out of the window on to a bright and sunny Summer’s day, only to go outside and be greeted by a cold wind off the North Sea! Great character building conditions! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dina loves Ferrante’s books but I, Klausbernd, found all the relationship problems rather boring. I finnished after the middle of the second volume. Like Siri and Selma I like “The History of Bees” – very well composed and written. I suppose Ferrante is a so called women’s novel.
      Thanks and all the best
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Sorry, dear friends,
    hmmm, my comment went off, just like that.
    I loved reading “The history of bees”. I have also read Ferrante’s work and I must say I enjoyd it, although it has got lengths and I skipped parts of the third volume. I’d love to read “Salt”, I suppose I have to get in English? Anyway, I’ll look it up later, now I have to rush to finish my Easter shopping before our guests from Tromsø and Weimar arrives. A pity you are not with us.
    Enjoy your holidays. Do you have Norfolk lamb on the menu? 🙂
    Kram, Annalena x

    Liked by 2 people

    • Our dear Swedish friend
      we will have lamb for our Easter menu, yummy yummy! 🙂 🙂
      “Salt” plays exactly where we live and we know all the places described in this novel. Dialogs are written in Norfolk dialect but understandable. You really get a feeling for the North Norfolk coast reading this book.
      Kram xxx
      Your Norfolk friends
      The Fab Four of Cley
      It’s really a pity that we can’t come to lovely Stockholm joining you and Per Magnus – but next time we hope.
      Sorry about this horrible attack you have had in Stockholm.


  3. It would hardly be an English bank holiday if the weather wasn’t bad. One of our less-endearing traditions, as far as I am concerned. For me and Ollie, it is just another weekend, walking around in Beetley, whatever the weather. Enjoy your Easter time, however you end up spending it.
    Love to you all from Beetley, Pete and Ollie. X

    Liked by 2 people

  4. How lovely to see Nigel again. I must admit I haven’t read any of the books you mention. Do you think any of the titles are a must read for us outside Norfolk? Rain is a great excuse for indoor activities, I don’t mind either.
    Happy Easter, Fab Four!
    Sarah x

    Liked by 3 people

    • Dear Sarah,
      I think “The History of Bees” is a must read. Really a great novel.
      I wrote about the Ferrante books above that I found them quite boring, but Dina loves them.
      “Salt” is maybe more interesting when you are living here.
      Thanks and cheers
      Klausbernd xxx ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Happy Easter to you all from Oslo airport. We are on our way to Stockholm, visiting Annalena. Of course I have a book lying next to me as well. 🙂 Have you heard of Agnes Ravatn, possibly read her award winning “The Bird Tribunal”? It is captivating and I can recommend it. We’ll call you at the weekend.
    Ha det,
    Per Magnus

    Liked by 2 people

    • So great reading from you, our dear friend,
      we hope you have had an easy flight to Stockholm. Greetings to Annalena xxx
      We haven’t read Agnes Ravatn “The Bird Tribunal”. You hav to tell us about it. It’s amazing all those bestsellers written about animals like “H for Hawk”, we really liked, “History of Bees” etc. We hope that this isn’t a sign that animals are dying out. Wasn’t it one of the structuralists who wrote we write about what we are loosing?
      Have a great time with Annalena
      Kram xxx
      The Fab Four of Cley
      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hej, hej, hier schreibt die liebe Sirifee
      Our dear Master forgot to mention “The Conference of the Birds” by Attar, THE text every Gurdjieff student has to read and kind of holy book of the Sufis.
      And I looked for infos about Agnes Ravatn’s “The Bird Tribunal” in the net. Thanks for mentioning it. It sounds VERY interesting, a crimi story of a diffeent way. I might get it for Dina and Klausbernd for Easter – of course I will hide and they have to find it 🙂
      Fary dust from
      Siri:-) the clever Bookfayrie


  6. Liebe Hanne und lieber Klausbernd und selbstverständlich auch ihr kleinen Feen,
    wir wünschen euch ein gemütliches Osterfest mit viel Ruhe und Behaglichkeit.
    Hanne, bei uns in Deutschland erscheint der dritte Band von Elena Ferrantes napoleanischen Familiengeschichte erst am 8. Mai als Hörbuch. Ich warte schon ganz geband, die ersten beiden Teile habe ich fast durchgehört.
    Wir werden am Freitag, soweit das Wetter mitmacht, mit den Kindern ins Grüne nach Rheinsberg fahren und uns dort Kanus mieten. Sonntag wird bei meinem Vater gegrillt und die restlichen beiden Tage will ich einfach nur faul sein, d.h. Zeichnen und den Rest meiner Hausarbeit schreiben….. und natürlich lesen.
    Liebe Grüße von Susanne und Micha

    Liked by 1 person

    • Guten Tag, liebe Susanne,
      na, das hört sich ja nach einem tollen Osterprogramm an. Wir drücken euch gaaanz fest Daumen und Flügelchen, dass ihr feinstes Wetter habt. Hier war’s mit dem Regen auch nur eine kurze Freude. Wir hoffen schwer auf weiteren Regen, da wir heute viele Tulpen gepflanzt haben, die Dina und Siri und Selma so lieben. Und unsere Wasertonnen sind leider schon seit einiger Zeit leer.
      Hab’s schön und gemütlich.
      Liebe Grüße an dich und Micha
      The Fab Four of Cley


  7. Ihr Lieben Vier in Norfolk! Das war eine Freude, diesen kernigen Mann Nigel in Dinas Portrait noch einmal zu bewundern. Er spiegelt eure positve Einstellung zum Leben wieder, die ihr mit ihm teilt. Es regnet und Gartenarbeit ist unmöglich. Da macht ihr das Beste daraus. Wir hier am Westende von Kanada versuchen , die ungewöhnlich regenreiche Periode und das kühle Wetter mit erfreulichen Dingen zu überbrücken. Ich denke, darum schreibe ich wohl gerade einen Kommentar. Haha!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi, du Lieber,
      oh dear, über den Regen haben wir uns zu früh gefreut. Schwuppdiwupp, hörte er wieder auf. Jetzt hoffen wir auf mehr, da unsere Wassertonnen völlig trocken sind. Schick uns doch bitte etwas Regen, die Blumenfeen werden es wie wir dir sehr danken.
      Aber trotz des Sonnenscheins sitzen wir in unserem Wintergarten, bloggen ein wenig und lesen bei Kuchen und Tee. Very civilised!
      Alles Liebe dir und Siri und Selma sind gerade dabei, dir etwas Sonne und Wärme von uns hinüber zu schicken.
      Hab’s fein und frohe Ostern für Biene und dich
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Sagt den lieben Feen Siri und Selma vielen Dank. Die Sonne lachte heute vom Himmel. Da haben die beiden gute Zauberarbeit geleistet! Nochmals vielen Dank und ein frohes Osterfest!


  8. Klausbernd,
    Glad to hear you are enjoying the reading time the weather is giving you. I checked into “Salt” and think I just might be interested in reading that myself. Nigel should be a classic. He could be a person out of the history books, the original ‘Old Man and the Sea’ or your next door neighbor – I remember him and the original post very well. Please tell the lovely Bookfaryies that I’m afraid I am allergic to bee stings, so I’ll be avoiding that subject.
    I hope the Four Fabs of Cley have an outstanding Easter holiday and know that GP in FL is thinking of them!
    GP Cox

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear GP Cox
      “Salt” plays mostly in the villages around Cley. It gives you a genuine feeling how it was here when we started to live at North Norfolk coast. In the history of bees one of the protagonist is allergic to bees as well, actually he dies on a sting and becomes a hero (in China in times tocome).
      We wish our friend very happy Easter holidays and thanks for commenting
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Liebe Susanne,
      leider war’s mit dem Regen nur eine kurze Freude, jetzt scheint bereits wieder die Sonne. Wir benötigen unbedingt Regen, unsere Blümchen dürsten und die Wassertonnen sind leer. Aber der Regen wird schon noch kommen, hoffen wir.
      Mit den besten Wünschen für wunderbare Osterferien
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • That is great news Fab Four. You can have walks and reading. Perfect!! The storm we were expecting moved east and missed us, so our Easter weather is looking a bit mixed too. Always time to read though 🙂 Enjoy the rest of your holiday.


    • Guten Tag, liebe Maren,
      hier sagt man, dass Menschen mit solch blauen Augen die Kinder von Nixen und Menschenmännern sind.
      Der Regen hörte viel zu schnell auf, aber wir hoffen auf mehr. Der Sonnenschein hält uns jedoch nicht vom Lesen ab – sooo gemütlich.
      Auch dir gemütliche Osterferien
      The Fab Four of Cley


    • Dear Jacqui
      faces are the most amazing landscapes, aren’t they?
      Thanks for loving Dina’s portraits of Nigel and other folks here 🙂
      All the best
      The Fab Four of Cley


  9. Hier in Italien Frühling ist längst da, wir haben schöne warme sonnige Tage. Ich sitze jeden Nachmittag an meiner Terrasse und geniesse die Sonne. Schöne Ostertage an Euch alle!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Liebe Ivana,
      das ist ja unser Problem auch. Wir hatten nur den Anflug von Regen, jetzt ist wieder Wetter, um auf der Terrasse zu essen und zu lesen. Wir hoffen schwer auf kühleres Regenwetter. Unsere Regentonnen sind leer und der Rasen wird jetzt schon braun.
      Urgemütliche Ostertage wünschen wir dir
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Wünsche euch aus dem Elsass auch ganz herzlich ein schönes entspanntes Osterfest !
    Hier ist fast schon Sommer, wir hatten vor wenigen Tagen Temperaturen um 25 Grad :-). Da muss ja irgendwann der Einbruch kommen.
    Alles Liebe für euch vier ! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Good afternoon, dear Gallivanta
      we suppose that Siri and Selma painted some Easter eggs or made something similar. They closed the kitchen door, to secret. We are quite curious. And will they hide them?
      Happy Easter to you as well
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Good afternoon, dear Eddy
      you are right, you have seen another potrait of Nigel in black-and-white. He is now THE Norfolk man, a man of the marshes …
      Happy Easter
      The Fab Four of Cley


    • Hi,
      Nigel is Dina’s favourite model.
      We just have it comfy-cosy, although the sun is shining again, but we are reading in our conservatory, eating cake and drinking tea.
      Love and have a GREAT holiday
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • I have seen Nigel’s portrait before on your blog, so I do recall his kindly face and rosy cheeks. Cosy, cosy picture of you all in the conservatory. Have a lovely holiday and thank you for the wishes 🙂 Cheers.


    • Liebe Ruth,
      weder Regen, noch Sturm, sondern sommerlicher Sommenschein schon wieder. Der Wettereinbruch war nur eine kurze Freude. Dennoch machen wir es uns lesend gemütlich.
      Dir auch gemütliche Osterferien
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Mary,
      you are right, exactly. When we lived in Vermont we travelled quite often to beautiful coast of Maine and met folks like Nigel.
      Happy holidays to you as well and thank you
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  11. It’s that man with the lovely twinkle in his eyes again 🙂 I have to admit to being happy as a sand boy when the sun shines but I can amuse myself if it doesn’t (or even iron, if I get desperate 🙂 ) Happy hols to you all!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Good afternoon, dear Jo
      here the sun is shining again, but we ignore it sitting reading in our conservatory and eating cake 🙂 🙂
      We need desperately some rain but we are not that desperate to start ironing 😉
      Great that you like Dina’s second portait of Nigel
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Happy Easter to the four of you! My husband and I celebrated an early Easter with his daughter and our granddaughters. We had a simple dinner…pizza and chicken wings. We played Pits and Peaks (Highs and Lows of the day), while eating dinner. We played the game at Juniper’s suggestion. Harper and Juniper enjoyed following picture clues, which eventually led to their Easter baskets. The girls each received a Dora coloring book and colored a few pictures, while we watched BatDad on YouTube. I didn’t take even one picture. The memories, though, will live on in my heart and mind.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Linda,
      that sounds GREAT! Isn’t it lovely having times with your daughter and granddaughters 🙂
      We are sitting in our conservatory reading and eating a Norwegian spice cake. Siri and Selma shut themselves upin the kitchen, top secret. We suppose they do some handicraft work for Esstern. Later they will hide it and we have to find it – we hope we will do so.
      Happy holidays
      The Fab Four of Cley


  13. Gestern noch draussen in der Sonne 3 Stunden Pétanque (Boule) gespielt, heute bleibts noch trocken und heiter. Das heisst weiterhin, stille Arbeit ums Haus herum möglich. Stelle den Gemüsegarten auf ‘Hochbeet’ um, was Arbeit in Hülle und Fülle bedeutet. Wir erwarten sehnsüchtig auf Regen, der seit Wochen nicht fällt. Euch allen eine frohe Osterzeit.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Guten Tag, lieber Ernst,
      wir haben das gleiche Problem, denn mit dem Regen war’s nur eine kurze Freude. Alle Wassertonnen sind leer und unser Rasen beginnt schon jetzt braune Stellen zu bekommen.
      Wir wünschen dir gutes Gelingen mit deinen Hochbeeten. Das können wir uns gut vorstellen, wie arbeitsaufwändig das ist zu bauen.
      Dennoch wünschen wir dir eine wunderbare Osterzeit
      The Fab Four of Cley


    • Dankeschön!
      Ja, wir haben es urgemütlich und klar, der Osterspaziergang darf nicht fehlen, aber den gibt’s erst übermorgen. Und das Eis hat’s dieses Jahr gar nicht erst gegeben, aber Bürger gibt’s genug, über die wir uns lustig machen könnten 😉
      Auch dir urgemütliche Osterzeit
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Nancy,
      well, the rain has stopped much too soon! But we very much hope for more. We keep our fingers crossed for rain for you and us.
      We are reading and eating Norwegian spice cake – yummy yummy!
      Happy Easter time
      The Fab Four of Cley


    • Aber hallo, lieber Achim, du mit Rauschebart … Da musst du unbedingt ein Foto von dir senden.
      Die besten Wünsche senden dir von Cley nach Freiburg
      The Fab Four of Cley


  14. Ihr Lieben,
    wie immer, ist es schön von euch zu lesen. Nigel sieht gut aus, ja, ein echter Seemann lässt sich nicht vom Wetter abhalten. 🙂
    Wir bleiben übern Ostern zu Hause,
    wünschen the Fab Four besinnliche Tage in Norfolk

    Liked by 1 person

  15. So — I’m not alone in liking rainy days! I’m as fond of anyone of sunshine, but the pleasures of a day inside cannot be denied. Books and coffee — just right. Whatever the Easter holiday brings you, I hope it’s a pleasant one!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks a lot! We have had a great Easter holiday at home – lots of reading, eating cake, drinking coffee with Baileys and had a super cosy time.
      All the best
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Well, we are seeing Ferrante very, very different. Klausbernd found her boring, in his words “I am not that interested in this text about relationship problems”. He just read book 1 and 2, but was very happy to change to “The History of Bees” and now he is reading “The Stand” (author’s edition) by Stephen King. Siri thought that f.e. Delphine de Vigan used a similar idea but much better, cleverer and in a more sophisticated style. But our dear Dina and Selma love Ferrante’s books. They are just finishing the fourth book.
      It’s maybe a kind of literature written for women …
      With lots of love and wishing you a happy week
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • I’m well into the the fourth book, reading “The story of the lost child” greedily. I feel spellbound by the story and I think Ferrante is a very good author and I don’t think she is “only writing for women.” The third volume had it lengths though …
      At the start of the last volume, Elena – like Lila before her – has left her husband, the trauma of a painful divorce alleviated by the sensation of freedom
      “from the chains I had accumulated over the years –
      those of my origins,
      those I had acquired through academic success,
      those derived from the choices I had made in life, especially marriage.”
      A book to enjoy!:-)


    • Indeed, Easter was sunny but cold as it is still. But we didn’t mind. We had a great time 🙂 and hope you as well.
      Thanks and love
      The Fab Four of Cley


    • Dear Adrian and Chris,
      we had a great Easter time, read a lot, ate and drank too much, and enjoyed life 🙂
      All the best to you as well
      Love xx
      The Fab Four of Cley


  16. Der Hase versteckt die Eier, hat sie aber nicht geboren…aha!
    Anita Raja könnte schon die Autorin sein, wer so viele bedeutsame Werke übersetzt hat….man kann es halt nie genau wissen…ok, man kann es vielleicht irgendwann herausfinden….aber wenn jemand wirklich unentdeckt bleiben will?!
    Alles Spekulatius, äh, Osterhasi, Nikolausi …jedenfalls hat Nigel den richtigen Look!
    Wetterfest und unerschrocken, ( o tannenbaumdieomahängtamgartenzaundiefeuerwehrkommtnackigher…)
    Wieviele Tage sind es noch bis Weihnachten?

    Ich hoffe eure Eier waren bunt und lecker!
    Liebste Grüße von uns drei am Schillerplatz zu euch vier nach Cley

    Liked by 1 person

    • Danke, liebe Pia,
      unsere Eier waren grün und blau und groß und lecker, gar nicht, wie’s der Tradition entspricht, rot.
      Liebeste Grüße an euch drei am Schillerplatz von uns vier aus Cley
      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂


    • Man könnte sich im Netz verlieren, hattet ihr gewusst, dass es Haushühner gibt, die grüne Eier legen, Auracana?
      Unglaublich, was es alles gibt!
      Wir hatten dieses Jahr keine bunten Eier, wir essen die meist gar nicht und auch keine Schokolade…
      Nochmal vielen lieben Dank für die schöne Ostern-Blog-Post!
      In einem Kinderüberraschungsei fand ich mal einen roten Stier oder eine Kuh? Was soll denn das?
      Es gibt so viel, was ich nicht verstehe, aber man kann immer viel dazulernen, wenn man will…


    • Liebe Pia,
      durch Zufall fanden wir bei einem Bauern an der Straße diese Auracana-Eier, die groß sind und einem besonders großen Dotter haben.
      Ach und übrigens, man muss doch nicht alles wissen. In Zeiten des Netzes geht es darum auszuwählen, was man behalten will. Sonst vermüllt man ja sein Gedächtnis 😉
      Liebe Grüße
      The Fab Four of Cley


  17. Sounds like a perfect way to spend rainy days! 😀 A neighbour in Sweden is about to receive his first bee hives and it was fascinating to learn about bees from him as he’d been on a course…I should recommend ‘The History of Bees’ to him.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi, dear Annika,
      for everybody liking bees “The History of Bees” is a great novel – but not only for bee keepers. One of the classics about bees was written 1901 by the so called “Belgian Shakespeare” Maurice Maeterlinck (original title “La Vie des Abeilles”). It’s still up-to-date as we read lately.
      With lots of love to Sweden
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Ah, thank you! Alas we had to leave Sweden last week after a most special holiday – my son had exams! I’ve never heard of Maurice Maeterlinck (to my shame!) but will enjoy reading up about him! Love to you all on the Norfolk coast

      Liked by 1 person

  18. Late Happy Easter Fab Four. I spent the evening hours of Easter in a bar, overlooking Puget Sound, preparing to help empty my recently deceased mother’s house. This was not the house of my childhood, but the memories were sweet, penetrating shards nonetheless. At the other end of the week, I was able to attend my favorite literary festival and then, the best of all surprises, we awoke in the middle of the night to learn that our first granddaughter had been born. (Just a little ways from you near Thetford) Our lives are so often transitional, it is difficult to see the hard lines that define them, but even if one week was not enough to change my life, it certainly bent it in a different direction. Best to you Fabs.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Thorsaurus
      deepest condolenes for your mother’s passing and gratulations for your first granddaughter.
      We are sure that your life is changing for the best. We keep our fingers crossed.
      We suppose your daughter is living not that far from us in the Thetford area. If you will visit her just come around.
      Have a happy weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley


  19. Pingback: WETLAND | The World according to Dina

    • Dear Linda
      thank you very much 🙂
      We hope Nigel doesn’t read your commentary, otherwise he get too vain 😉 But you are right he is beautiful.
      Wishing you a happy day from the sunny coast of Norfolk
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  20. 🙂 I’ve read the four Elena Ferrante novels as well, in English. Quite unputdownable. And often eye-opening with regard to Italians, seeing that I live now among them, slowly getting to know also their hidden sides.

    Liked by 1 person

    • We read the Ferrante novels in English as well.
      As we wrote before, Dina and Selma loved the books whereas our dear Master and Siri found them boring and stopped reading after the second book. As we have been quite often in Italy and knew quite a lot about the history of the country (having friends who were activists of the student revolution in Bologna) before we read Ferrante’s novel a lot of the historical facts were not new to us.
      Anyway it seems to us that Ferrante’s novels are more like women’s literature.
      Thanks for commenting. Wishing you a happy weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hm… My tongue-in-cheek reply to this (please, don’t take it too seriously): She is telling it how it is, the truth about men. I bet they don’t like that. But she tells just as much about women. Unlike men, women are not daunted by that. We know. Like in real life, men are often not interested in what lies beneath. 😉


    • Yes, we understand your point. We weren’t that interested in all these relationship problems. And the style it was a bit too conventional for us.
      We are just reading the last volume of Knausgård’s “Min kamp” (My Struggle). We love his books, which are kind of autobiographical as Ferrante’s books but much more avantgarde in style, or if you think of Delphin de Vigan’s “Based on a True Story”. In comparison Ferrante’s books are old fashioned and a bit boring. But, of course, this is how we see her. The other two of us Fab Four see more the story of Ferrante’s books and loved to read all her books.
      Thanks for your interesting answer.
      All the best
      Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Klausbernd

      Liked by 1 person

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