Is the milk bottle old-fashioned?

The milk of human kindness
Shakespeare ‘Macbeth’
Die Milch der frommen Denkungsart
Schiller ‘Wilhelm Tell’

Two Geniuses, one idea – all about milk
Zwei große Geister, ein Gedanke – alles dreht sich um die Milch

Do you think this is a blast from the past? 

You wouldn’t believe it! What a shame! Dina and Masterchen were hiding plastic milk bottles in our fridge. Not anymore! Without further ado, we choose a milkman from the milkman-net who delivers every second day his fine unpasteurized milk to our doorstep. The real thing, you know! What a cosy sound when he placed our two bottles in front of our door. Proudly we picked up the bottles which we had paid with our pocket money.
Siri: “Cool, getting the milk delivered like this! But do you know what our dear Madhu told me? Up to the 80s in India they had milkmen milking cows at each doorstep.”
Selma: “That just takes the biscuit!

Ihr glaubt es kaum! Wisst ihr was? Dina und Masterchen versteckten übele Plastikmilchflaschen in unserem Kühlschrank. Damit ist jetzt Schluss! Kurzerhand suchten wir einen Milchmann im Netz, der uns alle zwei Tage seine fein unpasteurisierte Milch in Glasflaschen vor die Tür stellt. Wie gemütlich war dieses leichte Klappern, als er heute Morgen unsere Milch lieferte. Stolz holten wir die beiden Flaschen herein, auch weil wir uns diese Lieferung von unserem Taschengeld abgespart haben.
Siri: “Das ist doch geil, die Milch so geliefert zu bekommen. Aber weißt du, was mir die liebe Madhu erzählte? Sie hatten in Indien bis in die 80er Jahre einen Milchmann, der mit seiner Kuh an der Haustür vorbeikam und die Milch in eine Kanne molk.
Selma: “Voll krass!

Love and greetings
Mit lieben ❤ Grüßen
🧚‍♀️ Siri 🙂 und  🧚‍♀️ Selma 🙂

Dina and Klausbernd in unison: “Great this milk bottle delivery. We won’t go back to plastic bottles, not for all the coffee in Brazil!”


© Text and illustrations, Hanne Siebers and Klausbernd Vollmar, Cley next the Sea, 2018














284 thoughts

    • It’s funny but for us, it very has much to do with a romatic feeling and a good conscious concerning sustainability.
      We wish you a happy weekend and thank you for your comment
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  1. No way, I’d love to have my milk delivered in a bottle every morning! Your post brought back lots of memories from my childhood. Unfortunately, in Stockholm today, we do not have a milkman delivery. What a shame!
    Wishing the four of you a lovely evening.
    Hugs, kram
    Annalena Xx

    Liked by 6 people

    • Dear Annalena,
      when our dear Master was a child it was normal to get your milk from the milkman. And Dina liked it so much seeing all the milk bottles on her way to her college in Cambridge.
      We wish you a lovely weekend. It’s very cosy here at ours, we are sitting in the kitchen with a drink, our famous “Feierabendgetränk” 😉
      Hugs og kram åkso
      The Fab Four of Cley

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  2. This is so funny. Last night I thought about daily milk deliveries for the first time since, well, more years than I’ll admit to being alive. I was even thinking of writing a blog post about it, how the world has changed. And now, someone beat me to it… I guess in places, the world changed back to a better way.

    Liked by 3 people

    • yes, we agree. Sustainability brought up a certain nostalgia for the better.
      Oh dear, we took away a topic you want to blog about. The good old milk bottle has so many aspects. There are many blog post about possible.
      All the best and thanks for commenting
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

    • If I do a post on milk bottles, it will be a far, far different post than this. i just think that it is so strange that I had thought about it and then saw this. I think trying to stay with local food at all levels as much as possible is the way to go.

      Liked by 3 people

    • Yes, we agree.
      Great ideas mostly come to several people at the same time. Hegel attributed it to the Zeitgeist and Edison always had the windows closed because he thought the ideas will kind of fly out and can be caught by other people. Anyway, we look forward to your post.
      All the best and a happy weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 3 people

  3. I’m so happy for you, Siri and Selma, for having successfully convinced them to buy bottled milk from now on. 😊 I’ve never even had unpasteurized milk! Will see if I can find something similar around here too! Have a lovely and magical evening! Hugs! 😊💖

    Liked by 4 people

    • Dear Miss Gentileschi,
      you can’t get real milk in Berlin and no milkman is left there? We had the feeling that the Germans are always avantgarde concerning ecology and healthy living.
      We wish you a wonderful weekend, sending you finest fairy dust and say “Thank you!” for your kind words
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Yes, a blast from the past for me – I recall our milk delivery truck putting glass bottles of milk in the “milk chute”, just an enclosure with a metal door. The dairy company was called Twin Pines, with of course a couple of pine trees on the glass or the paper containers. Those were the days of Rotary telephones with those looooong twisty cords that stretched from room to room! Great post!! ❤️

    Liked by 4 people

    • Dear John,
      yeah, those were the days …
      Now we struggle with all the cables of notebooks and smartphones as they are wicked. They all run out of power at the same time.
      Thank you very much for liking our post. We wish you a wonderful weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Fab Four of Cley – you did it now!! Wow am I jealous!! I remember the last time I had the ‘real stuff’ and I was even allowed to drink the cream on top as a treat. Yes, you have sure brought back some fond memories! Thank you.
    GP Cox

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  6. Growing up in St. Louis, Clarence the milkman delivered fresh milk, butter and other products to our door each week. In old fashioned glass bottles of course. The local
    dairy had the best lemonade in the summer, a real treat on those hot, humid days, before the advent of air conditioning. Those were the days!

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  7. Dear Siri and Selma,
    I love your new trend, it’s not old-fashioned at all, in fact, it’s totally cool! Not only a great support for the elderly (not you, of course) – but WE NEED TO START A REVOLUTION. We HAVE to reduce our reliance on plastic.
    Hjerter ❤️

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    • Dear Hjerter
      YES, let’s start the milk revolution! Siri and Selma are already painting their banners. They are very active reminding people to reduce the plastic. Great fairies, we are proud having them 🙂 🙂
      Thanks and a happy weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley


    • Dear David,
      our beloved Dina and our dear Master used to live in quite cold places and they had the same problem. If they weren’t quick enough getting the milk in they got frozen milk.
      Thanks a lot and wishing you a happy weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Nice! My mother is an accidental environmentalist. She has never stopped using the glass milk bottles delivered by an electric powered milk cart to the doorstep. When I was a kid the blue tits and great tits used to peck open the ‘silver top’ to eat the cream on exceptionally cold mornings. I miss those days. We miss those days. There are people alive today who don’t even know that we miss those days! Well done to you! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    • Dear David,
      thank you very much for your commentary.
      We live in a village that is called “The Mecca of Bird Watching”. Our milkman puts a mug over the top of the bottles otherwise all the cream is gone.
      Thanks and have a happy weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

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    • Dear Sarah,
      our milkman delivers the milk much later but it doesn’t matter because we love to sleep until 9h. Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma told us that he comes around 8:30h.
      Indeed, the milkman is iconic English, isn’t he?
      Lots of love
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Oh, what a pity!
      Here it is kind of fashionable again getting unpasteurized milk delivered in the morning. It’s an important part of English lifestyle.
      Thanks and have a wonderful weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Ahoi, dear Matroos,
      indeed, Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma running around with that white moustache looking very funny.
      Thanks and wishing you a wonderful weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  9. That’s wonderful, how nice! Good for you, Siri & Selma.
    I was sorry that when I was going to school in Hull, having milk delivered to your doorstep (called the “front stoop” in New York) was long gone. Someone in England told me, that the electric milk floats were so quiet, you could hear the bottles tinkling as it came down the street. But in my village, we can still get milk in glass bottles from a local dairy.
    In the U.S., where “raw” milk is verboten in many states, the FDA has raided organic and Amish dairy farms – armed police storming barnyards, for selling unpasteurized milk !
    My parents talk about another delivery service when they were kids: potato chips and pretzels! A company called Charles Chips would deliver metal canisters of salty snacks to your house. You sprites might try standing in front of the house, and calling out “Let the sky rain potatoes…” and see if the Charlie Chips man materializes.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Good morning, dear Robert,
      we didn’t know that unpasteurised milk is forbidden in the US. Here in England and on the continent buying “the real stuff” is coming into fashion. Now we are aware that most of our neighbours are getting the real milk delivered to their doorstep and of course from this electric milk vans. We suppose that our ecological consciousness is more developed than in the US (especially under your new president).
      Here one could get milk and much more from our milkman but we just stick to this delicious milk with the cream top.
      Thanks and have a wonderful weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

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  10. I gave up on ‘doorstep deliveries’ long ago (around 1989) when the round was re-routed, and the milk didn’t arrive until the afternoon. By the time i got home, it had either been stolen, or of it was summer, had gone off in the heat. There is still a milkman who delivers in Beetley, but it costs around 25% more than buying it in the supermarket. I appreciate the extra service may be worth that, but I am too set in my ways to go back to the old system now. 🙂
    (When I was very young, in London, the milkman had a horse and cart. As well as the milk in bottles, he also carried a large milk churn, and you could have your own container filled from that. My grandfather used to run out and collect the horse s**t from behind the standing animal, so he could use it as manure for his roses!)
    Love from Beetley, Pete and Ollie. X

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    • Good morning, dear dear Pete,
      we decided for the milk delivery because the milk with that cream top tastes better and for ecological reasons. Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma are watching us not to use too much plastic that’s ending up in the sea.
      Our dear Master remembers the milkman coming around with his horse-drawn cart in Germany in the fifties.
      With lots of love from sunny Cley
      The Fab Four of Cley

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  11. the best and best way to get your milk , then and now
    that is how I grew up , with the milkman at the door and the baker an d a lot more of them
    no plastic soup then in the ocean for one thing
    as for the price today , I think it is in possibly

    Liked by 3 people

    • You are absolutely right! That’s the good old lifestyle having the milk delivered to your doorstep. The milk tastes better and it’s ecological much better.
      We think this higher price is okay, it’s not so much more, it’s okay.
      Thank you and all the best
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  12. Congratulations on being able to turn back the clock to a time, when the milkman came by every day to deliver fresh milk! Do we need to wait until our world is choked to an environmental death by the plastic revolution, until finally we return to the wonderful recycling of glass bottles? Thank you, for making a small start into the right direction!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Our dear friend Peter,
      we agree that it’s our responsibility for the environment to get the milk delivered and to reduce our plastic waste. It’s a small step, of course, but changes take place in one small step after the other. Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma were very adamant to make that change. They are right!
      We hope you are well again and wishing you a happy weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  13. I love the contrast of new bottles in an old wire rack. When I was a child growing up in South Florida the dairies switched to dark brown glass milk bottles. As I remember it, it was an attempt to keep the early morning tropical sunlight from affecting the milk, especially in the summer months when the sun was up early.

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    • Dear Allan,
      we just had to opposite problem that the milk froze in wintertime and it took ages to defrost it.
      That’s clever with these brown glass bottles.
      Thanks for commenting and wishing you a great weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  14. That is brilliant. We no longer have milk deliveries in our area anymore. But as children our uncle had a dairy, and we would go into the refrigerated vat room next to the cows and drink pure full cream milk straight from the cows. Effectively cows at our doorstep 😀
    It was absolutely beautiful to drink, and over the years I had bone density tests and the doctor said that my bone density was that high they couldn’t break my leg if they wanted to. Pasteurizing and removing the cream takes all the good stuff out of it I’m afraid 😀

    Liked by 3 people

    • Dear Mark,
      we absolutely agree the milk you buy in the supermarkets is more like white water. All the goodies and all the taste is missing. And as you write it’s much healthier than the white supermarket water.
      Thanks a lot for commenting and wishing you a wonderful weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

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  15. My dear lovely fairies: All Taste better from glass than from plastic…
    I am an old-fashioned Teuto-fairy and I Love The Sound of glass…
    …oookay…and Silence, too…but also…beautiful noise and if you listen in The morningtime for the milkmusic, it will surely Produce a little lifeful gluck in your souls 🤗
    Many greetings to you fabulous four ✨🧚‍♀️

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    • Our dear friend Teuto-fairy ❤
      everything tastes better from glass than from plastic and the milk is different as well, it's real milk with cream and not this kind of white water you buy at supermarkets.
      And you are so right the sound of the glass bottles is the perfect morning music. It's part of a happy beginning of the day.
      With lots and lots of love and even more finest fairie dust
      The Fab Four of Cley

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  16. Now I’m feeling my age as I don’t remember milk bottles being delivered at all, only the sound of the postman’s whistle when he put something in our letterbox mid afternoon. It was always a race to go out to get the mail (and I really can’t tell you why it was so appealing). I do remember the lovely layer of cream at the top of the milk bottle though. I’d much rather have recyclable glass containers than all this plastic rubbish.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Vicki,
      the postman blew a whistle when he delivered your mail. That’s great! Unfortunately, our postman has no whistle anymore.
      Most of our visitors (on this blog) remembering the milk delivered by the milkman praise the cream on top of the real milk. We love it as well but we hardly get it because Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma drink it immediately. Greedy fairies they are!
      Thanks and have a happy weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

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    • Good morning, dear John,
      yeah, our beloved Selma is very clever, isn’t she?
      And you should see Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma running around with their milk moustaches every morning. Cute!
      Thanks and wishing you a relaxing weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

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  17. Go glass I say – if you can. I remember milk being delivered to the doorstep and the birds pecking through the top to reach the cream in winter when it froze and the cream popped up. The dairy nearby sells raw and pasteurised milk to the public now and I might just go and buy some. You can use your own clean containers or buy recyclable plastic or glass bottles. Most milk is homogenised to distribute the fat globules evenly to prevent the cream from separating and rising to the top. Some research suggests that homogenising may alter the amino acids found in milk, transforming them into allergic proteins that are not recognised by our body’s immune system.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Good morning, dear Jude,
      we didn’t know that homogenising the milk changes the amino acids. Thanks for telling us. We know that unhomogenised milk tastes much better and it’s healthy not only for your bones.
      You are quite lucky having a dairy nearby where you can buy “the real stuff”. Well, we have our milkman.
      Our milkman puts a cup over the bottles for preventing the birds stealing the great cream.
      We wish you a wonderful weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  18. Wonderful! when I lived in England I had milk delivered ( glass bottles in those days) I really liked it. and the milk had cream floating on the top. There is no milk delivery where I live now. We buy our milk at the grocery store and it is in plastic bags that we put in a dispenser and snip off one corner to pour the milk .

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Anne,
      thank you very much for your commentary.
      The milk is still delivered in glass bottles in England. When we lived in Germany we had this milk in plastic bags as well. This was prone to accidents. We remember how this milk bags quite often fell down or we squeezed it too much that milk ended up on our floor. We love the good old glas bottles and it’s so much more ecological.
      Wishing you a great weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

    • It’s a spring-like weather, we worked most of the day in the garden and we are heating our sauna right now. You see, we will a great weekend. Thanks for your good wishes
      The Fab Four of Cley

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    • Dear Cornelia,
      we remember this as well. We had our special milk containers in which we got the milk pumped by the milkman, later the milk was delivered in glass bottles like we have it here now. And this yoghurt with the creamy top, YUMMY.
      It was the children’s duty to get the milk from the milkman and around his cart, all the children met. It was a game to swing the milch churn that fast around that you didn’t lose a drop. But sometimes one was not fast enough and ended up bathed in milk. Big trouble at home then.
      Thanks and have a happy weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

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    • Klar doch, lieber Jürgen! Wie konnten wir die vergessen vor lauter Milch der frommen Denkungsart, was übrigens eine eigenartige Metapher ist. Eine Denkungsart mit Milch zu vergleichen, da hätte meine Lektorin “schiefer Vergleich” angemerkt. Da ist “no milk today” zwar traurig aber stilistisch klarer.
      Auch von uns liebe Grüße
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Margaret,
      it seems to us that more and more people change to the old system of milk delivery, at least it seems so in our village.
      And as you write much better than sending plastic for recycling!
      Thanks and wishing you a wonderful weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  19. I remember the milk bottles when I was in UK. We didn’t have milk bottles in here, but instead of them, there was a milk man bringing milk in his big churns… Then time run and everything changed… We started to buy our milk from the markets…. food industry improved and told us it was better and healty to drink this milk. But what happened now, they are talking about the fresh milk…. unpasteurized milk! Better, healty and good… You boil them again in your own kitchen. So, I can see some of people who are bringing milk to the houses… I bought one of them, and I did my own yogurth, it was delicious more than the others in the market… There are so many families, buying milk, cheese, eggs, from these farmers now…. We are going back…
    Thank you, have a nice day and weekend, Love, nia

    Liked by 4 people

    • Dear Nia, good morning,
      yes, it’s great that more and more people buy real milk and milk products as well as vegetables from the farmers. We think all that tastes much better than the supermarket stuff. And as you write you can use the real milk for making delicious yoghurt, soft cheese and kefir. When we were children we loved set milk with sugar and cinnamon and of course the cream from the top of the milk.
      We use the milk as it is and don’t boil it.
      Thanks for your commentary and have a great weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  20. Fabulous. I remember milk in glass bottles delivered to the door when I was a child. The best I can do now is to buy organic, unhomogenised milk from a small-scale dairy. In NZ where one large company has a virtual monopoly on dairy products, even this is an achievement.

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  21. Ok, langsam muss ich mich wohl auf Englisch switchen, sprachentechnisch..
    Also, ich hatte mit Wein gerechnet nach dem Brot und jetzt steht da Milch in den Straßen – In Flaschen!
    Ok, eigentlich ist Milch ja nur für Babys oder?
    Kann man lecker Cheese und Icecream machen und Pudding!!
    Vor meiner Tür steht mittwochs immer die Abo-Kiste der Blattlaus mit Gemüse, Wasser und Milch in Flaschen, bisher kam noch kein Dieb vorbei und hat die Sachen stibitzt, aber die nette Frau der Balttlaus klingelt auch kurz….
    Alles Milchflaschen aus Glas…
    Es gibt soooooo viel Milch-Musik, am eindringlichsten fand ich das Lied aus “Elisabeth”…aber zu viel Milch – und du musst kotzen….
    Trinkt ihr pur oder mit Kaba?
    Alles Liebe von Pia

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    • Guten Tag, liebe Pia,
      wir trinken unsere Milch im Kaffee – Masterchen liebt Milchkaffee – und im Tee. Wir benötigen sie auch für den Grundansatz für unseren Sauerteig und manchmal trinken wir sie pur. Wir haben sie noch nie mit Kaba getrunken. Wir wissen gar nicht, ob es Kaba hier gibt.
      Als Kind in Deutschland hatte ich stets ein Schüsselchen, das auf die Fensterbank in die Sonne gestellt wurde, für Sauermilch. Die aß ich liebend gerne mit Zucker und Zimt und noch besser mit Erdbeeren.
      Milch ist nicht nur für Babys, macht sie nicht angeblich auch müde Männer munter 😉
      Schönes Wochenende wünschen dir
      The Fab Four of Cley

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    • Hatte ich euch schon erzählt, dass ich mal ein Frauen-T-Shirt drucken wiollte: Wir haben die Miclh, wir haben die Macht! ?
      Es ist nichts draus geworden..aber früher gab es das Shirt: Die Milch macht´s
      Eine meiner Freundinnen trug es, Körbchengröße D, das war der absolute Burner!
      Ein echter Hingucker!

      Schönes Wochenende euch noch!
      Nestle haben grausame Baby-Nahrungs-Werbung, krieg ich einen Aggress, aber das bringt auch nichts…

      Liked by 1 person

    • Liebe Pia,
      wir können uns noch aus unserer Zeit in Deutschland an den Spruch ‘Milch macht müde Männer munter’ erinnern.
      Ein T-Shirt mit ‘Milch macht’s’ als Frau mit großer Oberweite zu tragen, finden wir super und kühn!
      Mit lieben Grüßen aus dem heute regnerischen Cley
      The Fab Four of Cley
      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  22. Better for you, better for the planet, all good 🙂 We are lucky to have our own milk producing goats and a small diary farm less than a km away, whose milk we collect in a churn when we are making cheese. By the way, if you have unpasteurised milk it is possible to make a very easy cream cheese using kefir as a culture, delicious. Happy to share a recipe if you fancy a go.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Dear Eddy,
      wow, you are really lucky! 🙂
      Many years ago we made our own soft cheese with milk we had put a kefir in and that kefir was growing and growing. We divided it and shared it with friends – a very social food, indeed! Thanks a lot for reminding us of making cheese, we had it forgotten.
      With lots of love from the sunny coast of Norfolk
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

    • Good morning, dear Eddy,
      it’s so kind of you offering us a kefir. Unfortunately, it isn’t the right time because we go to Norway to Dina’s hometown next week.
      Anyway, thank you VERY much 🙂 🙂
      Wishing you a GREAT day
      The Fab Four of Cley
      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

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  23. Thank you so much for this great surprise, Siri and Selma ❤️❤️
    I think the milk bottle delivered by the milkman is one of the great icons of England 🇬🇧 and we need to preserve this. The foil-topped glass milk bottle 🍶is not dead!
    I can remember that wonderful clinking sound of the milk bottles arriving early in the morning when I lived in Cambridge in the seventies (everyone had milk bottles on the doorstep then) and I love the nostalgic feeling of going back to bottles versus the plastic ones of today.
    Every single day, the UK’s 5 000 milkmen and women deliver to around 2.5 million homes. Back in 1975, 94% of the milk was put into glass bottles, today it’s less than 4%. And we have a severe problem with all the plastic, especially the bottles and the bags. Don’t let the milk bottles die! 🙂 🍶🥛🍶
    Happy to live in good old England 🇬🇧,
    Hanne-Dina Xx

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  24. This definitely takes the biscuit, as Selma pointed pout. 😀 Wonderful nostalgic photo, it could have been taken some 40 years ago. I remember the milk bottle well and the rituals that surrounded them. Bringing them in before the sun had time to turn the milk or the birds had time to peck through the silver tops, washing the empties and putting them back out last thing at night.
    This was perfect recycling before recycling was an issue!
    I’ll join your revolution, girls.;
    Save the milk bottle
    Dump the plastic (but not in the ocean)
    John x
    Save our postman and the Royal Mail

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear John,
      Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma send their finest fairy dust to you! You inspired them to produce a big banner saying “Save our milkman and our postman as well!” written in red.
      We love those charming rituals around getting the bottles and getting them in and out again with a letter for the milkman and the money. We don’t need boring and polluting plastic bottles!
      Thanks and have a great weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  25. Cool indeed! Reminds me of my youth, when we had milk delivered in a similar fashion. On our front steps, there was even a little metal box for the bottles.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Dear Laurie,
      we love it to go back to the future with our decision. It’s exactly like you remember it.
      With lots of love and warm greetings from the cold sea
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  26. The rusty crate brings back a lot of memories. I remember some used to have a dial on to tell the milkman how many bottles you needed. Sometimes naughty schoolboys (not me) used to move them on a few 🙂 Great post.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Dear Davy,
      we write the milkman a little letter about the amounts and put it in the milk bottle. With a dial, very snazzy, indeed! And very tempting for a caper.
      Thanks for commenting.
      All the best
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  27. Siri und Selma haben auch mich zurück in die Kindheit transportiert, wo unser immer gut gelaunte Milchmann die Milch in einen Milchkessel abfüllte. Auch wir geben uns grosse Mühe so wenig Plastik, wie möglich nach Hause zu transportieren, oder überhaupt davon Gebrauch zu machen. Vielen Dank für diese intelligente Idee.:) Cari saluti Martina

    Liked by 3 people

    • Liebe Martina,
      we love our milkman dearly. Er bringt in einem Träger die Glasflaschen. Als Kind, das kann ich noch gut erinnern, kam der Milchmann mit Pferd und Wagen und pumpte die Milch aus einen Kessel in unsere mitgebrachten Milchkann. 1x pumpen 1/2 ltr.
      Mit lieben Grüßen vom sonnigen Meer
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Phillip,
      thanks a lot for this informative Guardian article. We actually didn’t know that we get our milk from milk giant Müller.
      All the best, have a great weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley
      P.S.: Dina is protesting. She knew it.

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  28. Your blog post triggered so many memories! My father grew up on a dairy farm here in North Carolina and hated getting up in the middle of the night to milk cows and then deliver milk to homes before going to school in the mornings. When they married, he told my mother that he would be happy to buy his milk in a bottle at the store for the rest of his life. He didn’t miss the farming life at all! Your post also reminded me of the milkman that delivered bottled milk to our house when I was a teenager. He was afraid of our German Shepherd, so he would throw a popsicle to the dog. It took our dog just long enough to eat the popsicle for the milkman to run to the door, leave our milk, retrieve our empty bottles, and run back to his truck. Of course, I was jealous of our dog because I never got popsicles!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Janet,
      well, our sight of the milk business was quite onesided seen from the consumer’s standpoint only. We can well understand getting up so early is really hard.
      Never the less, we like our milk deliveries in the morning. And we don’t have a dog – although Dina is a great dog person – frightening our dear milkman.
      For getting the milk in you should have got a popsicle!
      Thanks for your comment and for presenting the other side of the coin.
      We wish you a wonderful weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Brian,
      millions of people in the UK, on the continent and overseas drink unpasteurised milk and they are healthy and fit. We all did very poorly in chemistry, therefore, we can’t tell if it’s right that pasteurizing the mild changes the amino acids in something neutral. It’s said it takes the best out of the milk.
      Thanks for making us think about it. It so normal here that one takes it for granted.
      Wishing you a great weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  29. Großartiger Beitrag. Erinnert mich an amerikanische Filme. Die frische Milch, in Glasflaschen, frei Hauslieferung am frühen Morgen. Wie süß. Ich würde es lieben. Aber so was gibt es bei uns leider nicht. LG Ela☕

    Liked by 3 people

    • Guten Tag, liebe Ela,
      und was für ein schöner Tag das war. Hier war es frühlingshaft vom Feinsten 🙂 🙂
      Wir finden das auch “voll süß”. Es ist ja erschreckend, wie sehr man Sklave des Zeitgeistes ist, jetzt wird das richtig ‘in’ hier. Alle unsere Nachbarn werden vom Milchmann beliefert und plötzlich sehen wir Artikel über “the good old milkman”. Toll, wir lieben es nach dem Motto “Back to the Future”.
      Mit lieben Grüßen vom Meer
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Jo,
      we found that rusted holder perfect for this picture as well. So these holders were and so they are still.
      With warm greetings from the cold sea
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  30. We had a metal box to hold the milk deliveries when I was a child. Once the milk was gone, we washed out the bottles and put the empties in the box for the milkman to pick up when he returned with the next delivery. Today? No deliveries, but I can buy milk from an Amish dairy in Iowa that has the cream on top and a label on the bottle that says, “Shake well before using!”

    One of the best photos of a “Milkman” is this one from 1940, during the London Blitz. Although it was staged, it’s quite wonderful, and the explanation certainly makes sense. Even in such circumstances, the milkman was a sign of normalcy.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you very much for this link to the picture of the postman. Iconic for England! It’s amazing how much this picture expresses, really cool.
      When we lived in Vermont we bought our milk at the Amish farmer’s shop as well.
      It said ‘Shake well before using’ on our bottles too but we wanted the cream from the top and therefore never shook it.
      We wish you a happy weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

    • Even before milkman deliveries, my mother and her sister used to bring milk home from their grandparents’ farm in buckets. They’d skim the cream from the top and whip part of it. Chocolate cake and whipped cream always was a Saturday night treat.

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  31. I can’t remember when glass milk bottles last stood on our doorstep. Twenty years ago? Maybe more. More than that, probably. I remember listening to the hum of the electric engine of the milk ‘float’ as we called it, the jangle of the bottles being transferred in/out of the float. Birds sometimes pecked through the thin foil tops of the bottles. Memories…

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you very much for your commentary. We are happy that we could trigger good memories with our post.
      And now we experience it exactly like your description of the milk delivery.
      Wishing you a happy weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  32. I still buy milk in bottles from two local dairies where the cows are grass-fed. The milk is so much better and the cream so thick it hardly needs whipping. But more than that, the sight of those bottles is so sweet and simple and comforting—like a bit of childhood that endures.

    Liked by 3 people

  33. We’ve been getting our milk delivered£like this for years. And still I’ve never seen our milkman. He leaves the monthly account in an empty bottle ; we pay online. Come to thin’ of it, I’ve never heard him either, or his truck, or a clink of bottles. Maybe he’s not real. 😉

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Helen,
      you surely have a fairy as a milkman. Hildi and Hulda, two fairy friends of Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma work not as milkmen but as milkwomen. That’s real emancipation that is!
      Thank you very much and wishing you a great weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  34. I managed dairy farms for many years when all my family drank unpasteurised milk. I Knew the herd was brucellosis free which can be contagious with the drinking of unpasteurised milk.
    You need to know the herd health status of your supplier.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you very much, dear Brian.
      As a consumer, we have to trust the farmer that the health status of his herd is high. We actually never thought about brucellosis.
      Thank you for making that point. But what can we do besides follow our feeling?
      Wishing you a happy Sunday
      The Fab Four of Cley

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  35. Milk in glass containers is a tradition that has come back to us. There is so much happening these days in food delivery. Many simply don’t have time to shop for groceries in a mega store; instead they chosen to embrace home delivery services. Amazon’s takeover of Whole Foods has opened new possibilities for on-line grocery shopping. But, deep inside, we all want to feel the heady excitement of going to a vibrant marketplace of “old” where we chat with neighbors and store vendors. Food has always been about community. Hugs coming across the way to my dear friends, the Fab Four of Cley.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Clanmother,
      in Germany and some other countries of the continent, you still have the tradition of farmer’s markets – in some places twice a week. For a lot of people, it’s normal to buy fruit and vegetables at such markets where you can buy every kind of food.
      In England, the milkman is getting fashionable again, so we are following the Zeitgeist. And we started to buy our groceries online, as we don’t like shopping so much. But of course, with online-shopping, one misses the communication that is one of the highlights of shopping at an outdoor market.
      We send lots of love and finest fairy dust to our dear friend in Vancouver
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Rebecca,
      we have a grey day today with light rain and quite warm. For us, snow is forecasted for next week. Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma are already quite excited. They would like to experience a snow storm. But they hope in vain, this isn’t a snow storm area here.
      With big hugs and lots of love
      The Fab Four of Cley
      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Good morning, dear Pit,
      here it gets quite fashionable to have your milk delivered by the good old milkman.
      We wish you and Mary a great Sunday. It’s sunny here, more like spring than winter and so we worked the last days in the garden which is looking beautiful right now. It’s very graphic during winter time what we like.
      With lots of love from the little village next the big sea
      The Fab Four of Cley
      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    • Hi Klausbernd,
      It might be interesting to know if people would like that service here, too. Home delivery is used more and more here, offered by the big supermarket chains. But that only means you order their goods online, and they deliver it to you. Maybe I should become the local milkman! 😀 Or maybe we should get ourselves a cow to milk. 😀 Mary, as a farmer’s child, surely knows how to milk a cow.
      Btw, Fredericksburg does have good recycling: we have a recycling center in the middle of town, and here at home we have 7 separate boxes for different types of trash. Plus, of course, our regular trash can for everything that cannot be recycled. Unfortunately, though, there’s no glass recycling. The city had it some years ago, but they could not find any company to sell the glass to! At least not in an acceptable distance to make a profit out of it. So they gave that up. But still, we’re quite progressive for Texas standards.
      Talking of milk: your post reminded me of my youth, when, as a child, I used to go and get our milk in a tin can from our local milk place.
      Here, we have an overcast and slightly foggy Sunday. Not too cold, and not too warm either, at about 18 degrees C. Next week we might even get some rain. Keep your fingers crossed: we need it so badly. So far, we’ve had only about 15 Liters/Square Meter, which is roughly 1/3 of what we usually get by this time of the year.
      Enjoy the remainder of your Sunday, and have a great week.
      All the best to you and the remaining 3/4 of the Fab Four,

      Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Pit,
      as we don’t like shopping we get our food online what we think is much more convenient. But with the milkman it is indeed something different. When we read all these comments here nearly everybody has dear memories of the milkman – and of this different kind of milk with the cream on top. We could well picture you as the friendly milkman one has a chat with in the morning.
      Our village makes quite some money with selling the glass from the containers at our village hall. Well, drinking helps the village 😉
      For years this was the first winter that brought enough rain to bring us over the dry summers here. Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma are weaving some magic with rain dances etc. for you and they’ll talk to their friends, the weather fairies.
      We wish you and Mary a wonderful week, rain and fun
      The Fab Four of Cley

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  36. There is something very special about seeing milk in bottles .. ! When I was in primary school each morning the children were given a small bottle of milk .. Might be something to do with the fact that we are a diary country. I was so amazed to read about the Indian milk delivery 😃 Great post!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Good morning, dear Julie,
      when our Master went to primary school in Germany you got a little bottle of milk there every day. Actually, you could choose milk or cacao, but it was out choosing cacao. For reasons we don’t understand it was seen a wimpy. There was a slogan “Milch macht müde Männer munter” (milk makes tired men lively).
      Yes, this Indian milk delivery was really amazing. But we have to admit we don’t like warm milk directly from the cow.
      Wishing you a happy Sunday and thanks for commenting
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  37. Paddy the bread man and Jack the milkman!!
    Wonderful memories.
    I remember the milk being delivered from a horse drawn cart and then later a van.
    The bottles were topped with orange coloured foil. On winter mornings when the cream on top froze the birds came and picked holes in the top to get at the cream.
    Now I live in a village in Germany and can buy my milk directly from the farm.
    Thanks girls 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️ For bringing back all kinds of wonderful memories.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Joan ❤
      Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma are sending their finest fairy dust to you.
      Our dear Master remembers too that the milk was delivered from a horse-drawn cart and, of course, he talked always a lot about that delicious cream on the milk's top.
      Now we went back to the future. We love it 🙂 🙂
      We were the whole day out in the garden and cleaning the house. It's like in spring here. We can't sit inside – but now we do and we are blogging …
      With lots of love from the
      Fab Four of Cley xxxx

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  38. This post brought back good memories for me as in 1960, for a short while, I had a job delivering milk in Hull, England. It was in glass bottles and the customers would put the empty bottles out to be collected and the money would be under the empty bottles with a note as to how many they needed. Then when I moved to New Zealand in 1961, I milked cows for the next 12 years and my two children were raised on the milk straight from the cows. I didn’t even boil it, and I would skim cream off the vat to make icecream. I don’t drink milk now as I consider it tasteless…

    Liked by 2 people

  39. We had milk deliveries until relatively recently – then the long-established dairy closed and was built over… No more clinking on the doorstep at dawn. But you’ve just prompted me to check online – found 2 leads quite near us to check out. Nice one, Dina!
    [PS when we first moved here – erm – nearly 40 years ago, there were other regular street sounds we miss. Most historic was the rag & bone man with a horse and cart, who came round every fortnight with his cheerful cry of ” ‘ag ‘own, ‘ag ‘own”. Now it’s recycling or the tip – far less romantic. But we still get a ‘knife grinder’ a couple of times a year (this sounds a bit Dickensian, I know) but basically he does garden shears and mower blades…]

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear RH
      Our dear Master remembers the rag & bone man with a horse and cart. He rang a big bell going slowly down the streets. He was a wild man, at least our Master remembers him like this. And sometimes he even gave us children a few pennies for buying sweets.
      We are very lucky as our gardener likes to grind knives. He keeps all our knives sharp. But there are still folks coming around here asking if they could grind our knives and tools. All this, rag & bone man, knife grinder and even the milkman, seems to us very Dickensian – although we suppose that the milkman came a little bit later.
      Our beloved Dina is very happy that she could give you the hint for looking online for a milkman. We found our milkman there.
      Wishing you a great week and thanks for commenting
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Good morning, dear Denise,
      milk bottles are a really interesting motive, aren’t they? And there are so many levels of it like their form/graphics and this white colour, sustainability, healthy food, romantic feelings and the ‘good old times’ etc. Interesting that opposition: fresh milk presented in the old ways, well, milk delivery it’s travelling back to the future.
      Thanks a lot and wishing you a wonderful week
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  40. How lovely that milk delivery is coming back into fashion – It heartens back to an earlier era. We had morning deliveries as young in the UK, it was quite something since we’d always bought the milk in shops in Sweden! The romantic connotations of delivery today did not always work out in reality alas! During hot summers the milk would spoil, and in icy winters it was fun to see the milk freeze the foil off the bottle. Still I like deliveries and we continued with them here when I was married, until they ceased. Enjoy your pint bottles on the doorstep! Btw I read on a comment on another blog about your lovely walk in the springlike sunshine on the coast … very happy for you. Xxx 😀❤️🌻

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    • Good morning, dear Annika,
      we hardly have it cold enough at the coast here that the milk will freeze. We don’t know about the summer yet as we just started. But we have to protect the caps against the birds who very much like our mild. Our milkman just puts an old cup over the tops.
      For us the romantic feeling as well as sustainability counts.
      We wish you a wonderful, easy and happy week
      The Fab Four of Cley
      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  41. That’s how we got our milk in the 1950s. We put two empty bottles with money in them at the end of the walkway from our house and the milkman picked them up and left full milk bottles in their place. In the winter, the tops would be pushed up a couple of inches as the frozen milk pushed the cardboard cap up.

    Liked by 2 people

  42. I remember seeing these milk bottles growing up in Australia. They weren’t part of my childhood, but from memory some milk bar shops had them and I thought they were durable and strong – the kind of bottles you can wash, keep and use again 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  43. Lovely post! I don’t blame you – any way you can reduce plastic is good. Glass bottled milk is very pricey around here, if it’s even available….so we do what we can. I had a friend from Bombay many years ago who told about a man coming by each morning with the water buffalo for the family’s milk. She also remembered being taught to make the perfect, I mean PERFECT chappati, because it was a requirement for girls. Her mother was afraid she might not marry if she didn’t have that important skill. When I knew Priya, she was a lively and dynamic, unmarried sociology student in New York! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Good morning, dear Lynn,
      the milk in glass bottles is more expensive here as well, but not very much, something like 20%.
      Amazing how important it is being able to make the perfect chappati. Oh dear, we buy chappatis in our local supermarket and just heat them up. Well, India is another world. But Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma wouldn’t mind the milkman coming around with a water buffalo.
      Thanks and have a great week
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Tina,
      we try to do our little bit saving our dear old earth.
      What’s old is fashionable again, back to the future – and this is good and cool 🙂
      Have a happy week.
      Love from
      The Fab Four of Cley


  44. I am smiling ear to ear. I grew up on a farm where the cows were milked in the yard. I can still remember the warmth of the milk straight from the cow. Not quite like the cow being milked at the doorstep though. 🙂

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    • Good morning, dear Sue,
      milk straight from the cow, oh dear, we don’t like warm milk. For us, the milk either has to be cold or we drink it in our coffee or tea. The milkman is the right solution for us, a cow on our doorstep we couldn’t handle neither.
      Thanks a lot and wishing you an easy week
      The Fab Four of Cley
      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  45. How well I remember as a child, the milkman bringing bottles (glass) to our door in a horse and cart early in the morning. The horse knew the route, and once when the milkman joined a party at our house and was too drunk to continue his round, the horse took him back to the depot. True story! That kind of delivery continued into the 70s

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Robyn,
      we very much like the story of the drunken milkman and his horse 🙂 🙂 GREAT!
      We didn’t see our milkman yet as he comes around when we are dreaming of cows and green fields. Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma want to get up early one of the next days and try to catch a glimpse of our milkman. They will tell us then.
      We wish you a happy week and thanks for your funny commentary 🙂 🙂
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  46. In the Leicestershire village of Walton-on-the-Wolds, where we lived for a few years in the 1950s, we used to pop to the farm next door for our milk. With the milking shed and dairy right next door to the kitchen the bottle of milk was often still warm from the morning’s milking. I would watch the cat sitting among the unwashed pots and pans on the kitchen table while my mother chatted with Mrs Pick, the farmer’s wife. As Dina will appreciate, my Norwegian cousins found it hillarious that the family next door were called the Picks.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Good morning, dear Bryan,
      that reads like in ‘the good old times’, very idyllic.
      Oh dear, our beloved Dina didn’t understand why ‘the Picks’ is that hilarious. ‘Picks’ is not a Norwegian word she knows. She is wondering what the connotation might be – and we as well.
      Thanks a lot for commenting and have a happy week
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  47. I would love to have the bottles back because I am so tire of plastic. But something irks me about leaving milk outside for just a second. I cannot stand milk that has been left out of the refrigerator for any real length of time. When I buy it at the store I intentionally buy it last and then put it in one of those insulated bags and then rush home like if my house is on fire so I can put it back in the fridge. I’m just that picky about milk. If someone were to ever leave milk outside for me I’d likely leave it out there. lol. Great post. If you don’t mind I’ll follow along on your blog. -Robert

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Robert,
      isn’t that stressful to have your milk all the time refrigerated? We can understand this because we don’t love warm milk. Warm milk is called yackyack-milk by Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma.
      Thanks for visiting and following our blog.
      We wish you a happy day
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Keng,
      we love getting our milk delivered by the milkman. We know, it’s a romantic idea. Especially Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma like that romanticism.
      Thanks for commenting and have a happy day
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Good morning, dear Debi,
      yes, going for the old fashioned is sometimes a step back to the future. And this fresh local milk tastes so much better than the stuff from the supermarket.
      Thanks for your commentary and all the best
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Ahoy, dear Lisa,
      so you have to bunker quite some UHT milk. Well, we always have a carton of UHT milk in our store in case we run out of the ‘real stuff’.
      Where are you sailing right now?
      We have been to Cornwall watching huge waves just recently. We suppose you sail in the Southern Hemisphere right now.
      You always have wind in your sails and bandwidth water under your keel
      The Fab Four of Cley


    • We are still in Thailand waiting for a part to be fabricated and installed for our rig. Hope to start our Indian Ocean Crossing soon. Miss my days sailing England’s beautiful Southwest coast (with smaller waves) and look forward to returning someday. Enjoy your coming springtime 🌷

      Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Lisa,
      we keep our fingers crossed that you soon can start sailing the vast Indian Ocean.
      Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma talked to their friends, the Weather Fairies, to make sure that you’ll have great weather conditions for sailing.
      With lots of love
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  48. Wenn ich noch lange diese Milchflaschen anschaue, wird es in den Träumen immer bunter, klarer und interessanter…sind das Zauberflaschen?
    Meine Mutter ist in Bad Schwalbach geboren, die Schwälbchen Milch Produkte fand ich (aus diesem Grund?) irgendwie ansprechender als andere…
    Stellt euch vor, meine Mutter kam am Dienstag zu meinem Yogakurs! Ein Wunder!
    Dankeschön Siri und Selma! Love is bottlefield not a battlefield?!

    Die Schafsmilch der Blattlaus hat auch dieses Topping aus Rahm und schmeckt so lecker, das Schaf schmeckt nicht vor, lecker!
    Plastik muss weg…
    Geht es euch auch manchmal so, dass aus den besten Vorsätzen nichts wird? Im Gegenteil? Der Druck wird größer…man muss sich dann regelrecht austricksen?
    Wir haben hier auch haltbare Milch und Haferflocken für Notfälle..
    Lasst es euch gut gehen!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Guten Morgen, liebe Pia,
      heute ist es grau, Nieselregen und viel zu warm. Wir sind jedoch guter Laune 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
      Ja, ja, die guten Vorsätze … Wie heißt es, der Weg zur Hölle ist mit guten Vorsätzen gepflastert. Siri 🙂 und 🙂 Selma achten jedoch sehr darauf, dass wir unsere Vorsätze gleich umsetzen, ohne zu zögern oder sie wieder zu vergessen. Das machten sie auch mit unsere Milchbestellung beim Milchmann. Sie sind bei solchen Sachen blitzesschnell.
      Als wir in Griechenland lebten, hatten wir öfters Schafsmilch, die man übrigens hier auch im Supermarkt erhält. Wir stehen jedoch auf Kuhmilch. Allerdings trinken wir fast nie Milch pur, sondern wir haben sie im Kaffee und Tee. Wir lieben Milchkaffee, den die liebe Dina stets nachmittags für uns bereitet. Lecker!
      Trotz Milchmann müssen wir nun einkaufen fahren. Wir machen uns vom Acker und senden liebe Grüße
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hoffe euer Einkauf war erfolgreich! Ja, Griechenland…auf Kreta haben die leckere Sachen…
      Wir bekamen vorgestern endlich einen neuen Geschirrspüler geliefert, 2 freundlche, gut gelaunte Männer nahmen auch noch kostenlos den kaputten Trockner mit…
      Der eine war so stark, dass er den Trockner ganz alleine heraustrug… Das war echt der Hammer! Ich staunte sehr!
      Am Wochende tanzen Josi und ich bei Susanne Linke, großartige Tänzerin und Choreografin und mit Katharina Christl von der Palucca Schule, wir sind schon sehr gespannt und freuen uns…
      So und dann bereite ich mal wieder den Unterricht für die 4jährigen vor: Wie macht die Kuh, die Kuh macht Muhh und tanzt dazu….und macht sie nicht mehr Muhhh ist Ruh`
      So long, Pia

      Liked by 1 person

    • Guten Morgen, liebe Pia,
      Siri 🙂 und Selma 🙂 lieben deinen Kuh-Spruch und setzten noch hinzu: ‘sie macht Milch dazu, die liebe Kuh’.
      Hier scheint die Sonne. Wir waschen Wäsche und werden gleich Bücher wegstauen. Mit unseren Büchern sind wir im Grunde ständig beschäftigt, aber wir leben es.
      Fröhliches Tanzen, einen angenehmen Tag wünschen dir
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • …hättet ihr gedacht, dass man sich als Tänzerin mit dem Halteproblem bei Algorithmen beschäftigen muss/sollte?!
      Darauf erstmal einen Schoppen Kuhmilch!
      Frohe Woche wünscht euch Pia, mit Muskelkater…

      Liked by 2 people

    • Klar doch, liebe Pia, Algorithmen können komplexe Bewegungen im Raum beschreiben, meinen zumindest Siri 🙂 und 🙂 Selma, die das in der Feenschule lernten.
      Hier hat’s übrigens heute Morgen geschneit, aber die Schneebedeckung ist mehr als dürftig. Morgen soll’s dann mehr schneien. Siri 🙂 und 🙂 Selma sind schon völlig aus dem Häuschen.
      Dir auch eine wunderschöne Woche und Abklingen des Muskelkaters.
      Liebe Grüße
      The Fab Four of Cley
      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  49. Haha, super. Eine schöne Vorstellung mit der Kuh vor der Eingangstür 🙂 Aber so frische Milch geliefert zu bekommen ist auch wirklich was besonderes. In Amerika brachte früher der Milchmann meiner Familie mütterlicherseits die Milch immer direkt in den Kühlschrank ins Haus, der Schlüssel versteckt vor der Haustüre. Ich selber bin keine Milchtrinkerin mehr, dafür liebt sie mein Mann und Sohn, aber über frischen Haferdrink oder ähnliches würde ich mich sehr freuen 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Liebe Annette,
      das war ja praktisch in Amerika, dass der Milchmann die Milch gleich in den Kühlschrank stellte. Bei uns stellt sie der Milchmann vor die Haustüre, was aber auch okay ist.
      Eine Kuh vor der Eingangstüre ist schon sehr speziell, frischer geht’s wirklich nicht. Aber wir lieben keine warme, frisch gemolkene Milch. Auch wir trinken fast nie Milch pur, aber wir sind große Freunde des Milchkaffees.
      Habe herzlichen Dank für deinen Kommentar und noch einen schönen Tag wünschen
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Sarah,
      we find it convenient that we get our milk delivered and don’t need to go to the shop. We don’t like shopping.
      Thanks for your commentary and all the best
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Rose,
      we love that clinking noise of the glass bottles when the milk is delivered in the morning as well. And we agree, milk in glass bottles does the soul good, indeed!
      Thank you very much for commenting and wishing you a happy day
      The Fab Four of Cley
      P.S.: Today we are active in your field. We were browsing antique and vintage shops and found a lovely old barometer. We happily bought it and now it hangs in our hall.

      Liked by 1 person

  50. Boah…ist das schön!! Erinnert mich an meine Kindheit, als der Milchbauer kam, wir mit der Milchbütte an das Auto und er hat gezapft….später gab es sie dann in Flaschen! Aus Glasflaschen schmeckt sie tausendmal besser als aus Plastik – dafür zahle ich gern mehr…

    Liked by 3 people

    • Dear Theresa,
      indeed, fresh as fresh can be. We would find it cool having a cow milked in front of our doorstep – although we don’t like warm milk.
      Thanks and have an easy rest of the day
      The Fab For of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  51. We cling to our milk delivery against the odds: it’s been part of our life since we had babies. The orders grew as they grew, clink, clink, Clink! Now the nest is empty but the milkman comes still. Now clunk! (plastic: the bottle washer died!) not clink! Then rumbles off up the lane, to nudge us from cosy sleep.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Simon,
      we still get our milk in glass bottles, clink, clink, clink. We were naively thinking that all milkman deliver the milk in glass bottles.
      Thanks and wishing you a great day
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, dear Gallivanta 🙂 🙂
      In the supermarket in the next market town of Holt milk is always available, but, of course, in plastic bottles and mostly semi-skimmed milk. We read in a book about English tea drinking that to a really nice cup of tea you need semi-skimmed milk. Well …
      We wish you an easy week
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Gallivanta,
      we think it’s supposed to be cold. – We have to admit we don’t like warm milk, Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma hate the skin on hot milk.
      Have an easy day
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Nancy,
      we suppose a lot of people like you and us fall for this charm. Therefore in England, it’s getting ‘in’ again. All our neighbours get their milk in glass bottles delivered. There is a website where you can choose your milkman. Well, the milkmen are coming again! 🙂
      Thanks and have a happy week
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

    • Such a wonderful and charming aspect of everyday life! We need milk right…. And now it can be delivered in glass bottles! I love it! Well done England!

      Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Tiny,
      we love your expression ‘new-fashioned’ – GREAT!
      It seems to be that we are living in such a fortunate place.
      With lots of love and thanks
      The Fab Four of Cley
      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  52. Fun to hear of the joy in the milk bottles and door-to-door delivery. Not quite as fresh as the milking at the door, but a wonderful way to bring freshness into your kitchen. Great photo too.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, dear Jet,
      milk delivery is connected with quite a romantic feeling for us and it’s sustainable as well. We love it!
      Wishing you a wonderful day
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  53. Can’t resist the charm of a glass bottle of milk. I grew up in Shanghai in China and my mother used to subscribe a single bottle of milk for my brother and me to share. I guess we could only afford one at that time. It brought me good feelings when I saw the image of the post – milk contained in glass bottles. Such a nostalgic feeling. Lovely post! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Isabelle,
      even for us, grown up in Norway, Sweden and Germany, milk in glass bottles radiates a nostalgic feeling. Here in England, it’s not that unusual.
      We love getting our milk in glass bottles 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
      Thanks and all the best
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much for taking time to send me such a lovely comment! I appreciate it a lot. Wishing you all the best, The Fab Four of Cley! 😊🌟🌟


  54. yes, they are! But they are so cool :))) ❤ I love it, it's very stylish 😉 Thank you for this post! Have a nice day and best wishes from Wanderreisen 😉 yours, Nora

    Liked by 1 person

  55. To read this, it evokes in many of us a nostalgic feeling that we would like to fall back on if possible! I do not think these are plastic bottles, but glass bottles? The idea is that innovation brings improvement, but this is not always the case. Sometimes the old methods are even better! As long as it remains environmentally friendly and healthy, I’m happy!
    Happy weekend and greetings, Heidi


  56. I was going to say I miss a milkman, especially the yearly diary full of economical health meals but when I saw the cows being milked at every door step well, I was blown away. Amazing. The good or the bad old days, who knows what those milk men feel now, yes perhaps jobless but I bet they are still recovering from those early mornings and back ache. Thank you for sharing


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