Who is Dina

I am Dina. Actually, my name is Hanne. I come from Fredrikstad in Norway, the most beautiful land of the trolls, the fjords and midnight sun. If you take a closer look at my blog, the natural beauty of Norway will present itself. I live at the North Norfolk coast, UK, with our two Bookfayries Siri and Selma and the Master aka Klausbernd. I live in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
This blog is about the North. That means Norway, Norfolk, the Arctic, Art as well as living, loving, writing and reading in and about the North. Thank you very much for visiting. Comments are very welcome! 🙂
My main interest is photography, as well as 
travelling, reading and writing. Currently, I photograph with the Nikon D800 and D200 using solely  Nikon lenses.

Ich bin Dina. Hanne Siebers heiße ich und stamme aus Fredrikstad im hohen Norden, dem Land der Trolle, Fjorde und Mitternachtssonne. Ich wohne in einem kleinen Dorf am Meer im Norden Norfolks.

Ich lese, fotografiere, schreibe und reise gern, liebe den Norden und möchte den Leser das nordische Leben, die nordische Kultur, die Literatur “and the little things” näher bringen.  Wie die Buchfeen, habe ich, Dina, meine eigene Weltanschauung und freue mich über Kommentare und Anregungen.

Ich fotographiere mit einer Nikon D800 und D200 und eine Reihe Nikon Objektiven. Selma Knipsifee benutzt logischerweise eine Nikifee. 🙂


Alle Texte und Bilder in diesem Blog unterliegen den geltenden Urheberrechtsgesetzen. Hanne Siebers und Klausbernd Vollmar verwalten das Copyright für The World according to Dina.

© 2011, hannesiebers@gmx.de

Follow me, Dina- Hanne Siebers on Instagram!

609 thoughts

  1. Nett, dass du dich bei mir gemeldet hast. Der Hohe Norden ist mir Südlicht völlig unbekannt.
    (Bonn schon eher :-)). Gerne schaue ich wieder bei dir rein.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Vielen Dank für den Besuch auf meinem Blog. Werde mich gerne hier umschauen, vielleicht bringt das Lesen über Norwegen ja etwas “Abkühlung” in den derzeitigen, heiss-schwülen Sommeralltag hier in meiner Bucht!
    Beste Grüsse aus Mexiko!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Vielen Dank für den Besuch – und beste Grüße zurück
      with lots of cool greetings to you. Ich war nie in Mexico, ausser ein Stipptagesvisite nach Tijuana als ich im Westen unterwegs war. Von der Baia California aus ein Katzenprung, aber ich weiß nicht so recht, ob das wirklich zählt.


  3. Hei Dina, takk for hyggelig tilbakemelding på bloggen min:). Har kikket rundt i din blogg, imponerende på alle vis må jeg si! Hyggelig og med felles interessefelt, og hunder – ja har hatt flere av dem enn katter, men aldri samtidig… 🙂 Og pga tysk slekt på farssiden bærer jeg mellomnavnet Køhn, så Tyskland ligger og mitt ♥ nær. Ha en snarlig strålende helg, ser frem til å følge deg på blogg! Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Vibeke & Norwegen:):)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hallo Dina,
    Danke, dass Du Dich für mein Blog interessierst, und schön, mal jemand aus meiner alten Heimat [na ja, zwar habe ich ja mehr als 30 Jahre in Alfter gewohnt, aber das ist ja immerhin noch “Nahbereich”] hier zu treffen: freut mich sehr.
    Heute abend – es ist schon ziemlich spät hier – habe ich mich nur kurz in Deinem Blog umgesehen, aber ich werde bestimmt bald darin weiterstöbern.
    Bis denne, liebe Grüße aus dem südlichen Texas,
    P.S.: Wie bist Du denn auf mein Blog gestoßen?


  5. Hei Pit,

    tja …, wie ging ich vor? Ich suchte etwas, landete in Texas und las von Alfter, hier direkt um die Ecke und jetzt sooo weit weg!:-)

    Freue mich auf ein baldiges Wiederlesen, die Buchfeen haben sich ebenfalls seeeehr gefreut, von Dir Besuch zu bekommen!

    Ganz liebe Grüße von uns in Bonn und Norfolk nach Texas

    Dina & Co


    • Hallo Dina,
      wie Du ja schon in meinem Blog gesagt hast, die Welt ist klein. Und das Internet hat sie noch kleiner gemacht, finde ich.
      Liebe Grüße aus dem südlichen Texas,
      P.S.: Norfolk ist eine “Ecke” von England, die mir noch fehlt. Segeln auf den Norfolk Broads steht immer noch auf dem Programm, seit ich – mit großem Vergnügen – “The Art of Coarse Sailing” gelesen habe.


    • Hallo Pit,
      ich komme gerade vom Einkaufen und zu Hause wartet “The Art of Coarse Sailing” auf mich, wie schön, ich freu mich auf das Buch. Herzlichen Dank für den Tipp!
      Liebe Grüße nach Texas



  6. Hallo Dina, bin neu hier gelandet per Zufall – und es gefällt mir gut!

    Sonnige Grüße aus dem Süden
    von Heidrun

    PS: Kann frau bei der blauen Farbwelt noch einen Beitrag / Post dazugeben; mir schwebt da ein bestimmtes blaues Bild vor .. .. 😉

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hallo Heidrun,
      vielen Dank für den Besuch!

      Was meinst denn du genau mit dem blauen Beitrag?
      Liebe Grüße in den Süden


  7. Moin Dina,
    neugierig statte ich dir einen Gegenbesuch ab. Und was ich bisher gelesen habe …, toll. Und einmal mehr macht es mir den weißen Fleck auf meiner “Wo-ich-noch-hin-möchte-Karte” bewusst: Norwegen. Überall war ich schon, jedenfalls wo ich immer mal hin wollte, aber Norwegen, das habe ich aus vielerlei Gründen noch nicht geschafft.
    Na ja, vllt. klappt es im nächsten Jahr, I hope so ^^
    So, ich stöbere jetzt mal weiter,
    liebe Ostseegrüße aus Scharbeutz sendet euch der Sven

    Liked by 1 person

    • Danke Sven,
      das freut mich, wenn du Gefallen an meiner Heimat findest, das möchte ich! 🙂

      Einen schönen Abend


  8. Hallo Dina,
    ich wollte Dir hier nur kurz mitteilen, dass ich, nachdem wir so viele Kommentare in unseren Blogs austauschen, ich Dein Blog in die Blogrolls meiner beiden Blogs [das in Deutsch und das in Englisch] aufgenommen habe.
    Liebe Grüße aus dem südlichen Texas,


  9. Thank you, Dina, for visiting my blog. I will surely follow yours because it seems to me you life a fairy-tale life on a few very beautiful locations! To say I envy you for that is an understatement 🙂
    I’m completely ready to get enchanted by your Norwegian blogposts.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Hallo Dina,
    na das freut mich aber. Ich hoffe, dass Du, auch wenn ja wohl Siri das Buch sogleich in Beschlag genommen hast, Dich doch bald daran erfreuen kannst. Weiteres dazu habe ich gerade schon in Klausbernds Blog gepostet.
    Liebe Grüße nach Bonn,


  11. Dina,
    Lovely photos! I visited Norway in 1986 and thought it was a beautiful country. I spent a little time in Oslo and in Bergen as well as a bus tour. Your blog will help it not be a well-kept secret! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Sehr schöne Blog, Dina! Auch ich liebe Norwegen und die Norde. Ein unglaubliches Zusammenspiel zwischen Licht, Luft, Wasser und Berge. Und ich habe Gluck gehabt die schönste Ecke Norwegens zu sehen, und als sie am schönsten waren – in der Sonne. Ich will jetzt schon wieder zurück!
    Machs weiter mit dem Blog! Wir alle geniessen davon!


    Liked by 1 person

    • Hei Mattew,
      vielen Dank für deinen Besuch und den Kommentar über den ich mich sehr gefreut habe. Jetzt bin ich gespannt auf unsere Zusammenarbeit! Ein Australier in Eindhoven und eine Norwegerin in Bonn und ein Deutscher in England… 🙂 🙂 🙂


  13. Lovely blog! I’m so glad you visited my blog, thank you very much. I haven’t visited your country yet, but hopefully soon as I’ve heard so many wonderful things about your country:-)

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Thanks for following our blog! You’ve got some lovely Arctic photos here… One of us (Johna) visited Norway and the Spitzbergen last year, and next year we are planning to go to the Antarctic, so your blog is an inspiration! 🙂


  15. Hi Dina!
    Thank you for visiting my blog!
    So beautiful pictures you have on your own blog! I really enjoyed it to look at them! You have been visiting terrific places! Thank you for sharing it with us!
    Best wishes!
    PS. You have ticked with Like exactly those pictures on my blog which were my own favourite:)

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Norwegen steht schon seit Jaaahren auf meiner ToDoListe und die Bilder hier sind traumhaft schön und genau so, wie ich mir vorstelle, dass Norwegen sein muss. Was mich allerdings irritiert ist: wo sind denn Deine eigenen Bilder, Dina? Du fotografierst ja auch selbst, aber wann immer ich hier vorbeischaue, finde ich Bilder von anderen Fotografen vor.
    Ich kann verstehen, dass Du die unbedingt zeigen möchtest, denn sie sind wirklich wunderschön. Aber ich dachte schon eher, dass dies Dein eigener Fotoblog ist.
    Bitte, klär’ mich auf! 🙂

    PS: Bewundernswert, Du bist dreisprachig! Eine vierte hast Du wohl nicht zufällig noch auf der Pfanne? *lach*

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi, wie lieb, dass du immer wieder vorbeischaust, herzlichen Dank für dein Lob!
      Es gibt viele Photos von mir, obwohl man jetzt den Eindruck gewinnen könnte, ich sei selbst in den Hintergrund getreten. Das hat einen Grund! 🙂 Das ist (noch) ein kleines Geheimnis, aber innerhalb der nächsten Monate wird es sich offenbaren, habe ein wenig Geduld mit mir. Meine Liebe zu dem Norden ist bei mir vorrangig, ich zeige auch gerne den Blick auf den Norden durch fremden Linsen.
      Ganz viele Photos von mir gibt es auf dem Blog http://kbvollmarblog.wordpress.com – und bald an dieser Stelle noch viel mehr!

      Herzliche Grüße aus Cley next the Sea, North Norfolk, UK

      EInen schönen Tag und ganz liebe Grüße


    • Aha! Vielen Dank für die ausführliche Antwort, Dina 🙂
      Ja, der Norden hat für mich auch was Magisches, ich würde echt sooo gerne mal… Du kannst Dich echt glücklich schätzen, mit einer solchen Heimat im Rücken 😉


  17. Doppelt glücklich, würde ich meinen. Ich bin besonders priviligiert, darf das schönste Land der Welt Heimat nennen und lebe in Deutschland, meine geliebte Wahlheimat. Beim Sport übrigens einen großen Vorteil, bin im Winter, wie im Sommer auf der Gewinnerseite. 🙂
    Schön, dass du wieder vorbeigeschaut hast.

    Liebe Grüße


  18. Your photos are breath taking!!! Thanks for stopping by my little blog, today is my one month anniversary here and I love the neighbors I am meeting. Fantastic capturing of your images, I look forward to following you 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Diese Seite habe ich soeben erst entdeckt… jau, die Tiefen der Blogseiten ;), schön dich nun auch einmal mit einem Gesicht denken zu können…

    herzlichste Grüße


  20. Hei Dina, thanks for dropping by my site and the likes and follow. It looks like you have a lot of interesting stuff here, aber mein Deutsch ist Scheisse! Many lovely photos reminding me of how much I have still to see in Norway.

    Iain. 🙂


  21. Die Farben des Nordens sind unverkennbar und wunderschön. Ich bin meistens in Südwales zuhause und dort gibt es nur einen Hauch von Norden. Man merkt es an den langen Tagen im Sommer und selbst im Herbst ist es noch ganz hell am späten Abend.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Thank you for liking the Norway post on my blog. I am intrigued that you seem to have Norfolk connections too – Cley-next-the-Sea? I am based in Norwich myself but have just completed a wonderful trip along Norway’s Arctic coastline.


    • You have a very nice blog, East of Elveden. I’m looking forward to reading your books about Norfolk and Suffolk. Yes, I’m quite often in Cley next the Sea. And Norwich too! 🙂
      I’m sure the trip along the arctic coastline was great, I’d love to do the same!


  23. Hello Toffeefee (love it! 😀 ), fantastic photos and Norway is indeed a breathtaking country with stunning views. Looking forward to your travels to the North and photos from your part of the world. Warmest greetings from Finland, Sharon

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Denise,

      thanks for visiting, I’m glad you enjoyed it. Growing up in Norway, it’s absolutely vital to cope with a couple of languages, it’s not that hard really. 🙂



  24. Hanne, a big thank you for signing up to follow Learning from Dogs. Hope you continue to find LfD interesting and, please, feel free to offer a guest post from this lovely blogsite. My daughter is married to a Norwegian, by the way. Best wishes, Paul

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Paul,

      thank you! You have a mighty fine blog and your gravatar, the photo of Pharaoh, is out of the world, it means so much to me.
      I grew up with a bundle of german shepherds in Norway, I first learned to bell and then secondly to pronounce myself… 🙂 Yes, in deed, there’s a lot to learn from dogs. I certainly will revisit your fine blog.
      How interesting, your daughter is married to a Norwegian – where do they live? Have you been to Norway?

      Take care. Enjoy your weekend.

      All the best


    • My daughter and son-in-law (Marius Ronning) live in London. I also had a half-sister who was married to a Reider Christiansen, sadly both of them no longer alive. I have been to Oslo but many years ago. Thanks for your comment on Learning from Dogs and do keep in touch, Paul


  25. Pingback: One Lovely Blog Award « Teacher as Transformer

  26. Dina, you have awondeful blog and I it is full of great content. I enjoy experiencing places of the world through other peoples experiences. I get a little taste of Norway. Check my blog out if you like to get a little bit of a taste of Ontario, Canada.

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Hallo Dina,
    nur ganz kurz an die “alte” [sorry, aber ich nehme das wie bei Karl May in “Winnetou I” für “Old” in Namen von Westmännern – ooops, schon wieder ein Fettnäpfchen wegen “-männern” 😉 – beschrieben als positives Attribut und nicht als wirklich auf’s Alter bezogen] Norwegerin: heute haben wir hier zufällig einen Reisebericht über Oslo gesehen: eine wirklich sehens- und besuchenswerte Stadt! Könnte uns echt locken.
    Ach, da fällt mir noch ein: Mary möchte immer gerne eine Kreuzfahrt machen, ich aber weniger – jedenfalls nicht auf einem richtigen Kreuzfahrtschiff. Ein Kompromiss, den wir beide uns vorstellen könnten, wäre die norwegische Küste rauf und runter mit Hurtigrouten.
    Liebe Grüße aus dem südlichen Texas,


    • Hi lieber Pit,
      das hoffe ich doch, Oslo ist sehenswert!, hat viel zu bieten 🙂

      Mit dem Postschiff fahren, darüber reden wir noch. Die schönste Schiffsreise der Welt.., ich habe sie noch nicht gemacht, Klausbernd auch nicht.

      Liebe Grüße euch beiden,

      herzlichst Dina

      Bald sehen wir uns ja, ich freue mich!


  28. P.S.: noch vergessen habe ich ein herzliches Dankeschön für die vielen Besuche in meinem Bilderbuchblog [http://pitsbilderbuch.wordpress.com/]. Hat mich sehr gefreut! 🙂


    • Hi there,
      wie interessant! Ich kenne Dangast, habe eine Freundin am Jadebusen und in San Diego war ich auch mal- vor 25 Jahren…

      Vielen Dank für deinen Besuch und den Kommentar. Pit ist auch ein Expat, mittlerweile wächst meine kleine Expatcommunity, das ist doch toll! 🙂

      Alles Gute,
      herzliche Grüße aus dem Rheinland


    • You’re welcome! I like them more and more, find them very inspiring for improving my own photographic skills.
      Thanks for visiting and commenting. Have a great weekend.
      Love Dina


  29. Vielen Dank für die freundlichen Worte die du auf meinem Blog hinterlassen hast!
    Freue mich, dass einige meiner Motive für dich als Inspiration wirken – das hört man natürlich gerne. Wünsche dir weiterhin viel Spass beim bloggen und hoffe man liest sich!
    Grüße aus Hamburg

    Liked by 1 person

  30. Hello Dina,
    Thank you for liking my recent post on my blog Starlight Affinity. I love the photography of Norway on your blog, and I can tell that you, too adore capturing the beauty of the natural world. I am in awe to see images from the other side of the planet! Thanks for sharing. I look forward to seeing more.
    Peace to you,

    Liked by 1 person

  31. Hi Dina, freut mich, dass du meinen Blog sl4lifestyle.wordpress.com besucht hast. Du kommst aus Norwegen, einem Land, das ich einmal per Hurtigruten-Schiff ein wenig kennengelernt habe. Traumhaft. Und ich habe eine Freundin in Bergen, und somit auch schon diese tolle Stadt kennengelernt. Freue mich auf weitere Deiner Posts.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh wie schön, liebe Sabine. Es freut mich immer, wenn jemand meine Heimat kennt und schön findet. Eine schöne Zeit dir. Bis bald.


  32. Nun ich werde dieses Jahr in Norwegen verbringen und meine Skifähigkeiten verbessern. Wenn ich ehrlich bin, bin ich nun ein bisschen verwirrt welcher herkunft du eigentlich bist und würde mich über eine auffklärung freuen (:

    Liked by 1 person

    • Also,… 🙂
      Ich bin in Fredrikstad, Norwegen geboren und lebe in D-Bonn und verbringe viel Zeit in Norfolk, UK und reise für mein’ Leben gerne…:-)
      Vielen Dank für den Besuch! Ich wünsche dir ein schönes Jahr in Norge.
      Hilsen Dina


    • Herzlichen Dank, liebe Ursel, für die lieben Grüße aus Frankfurt! 🙂 Das klappt ja prima! 🙂
      Einen schönen Abend wünschen wir dir und Herbertchen.
      Dina x


  33. Hi Hanne! I have Polish family living in Norfolk, so know from first hand that it’s beautiful. I was always saving the fjords in Norfolk for my “old age” when the sun didn’t matter quite so much, but i haven’t quite got there yet. I’m sure it’ll still be beautiful if i ever do make it.
    Sadly my German is non existent so I struggle to follow your blog, but thanks for following mine. I know that your photos are lovely. See you around.


  34. I have met you, through words, but it so wonderful now to “see” you!
    I live in Fredericksburg, Virginia (U.S.A.), and you live in Fredrikstad in Norway.
    Which is kind of the same, but….ummm…not. 🙂
    I probably will never see Norway or Germany except in pictures, so thank you so much for posting such beautiful photos so I can my eyes can visit your part of the world!


    • Hi Mary,
      thanks for visiting and your kind comment. Fredericksburg and Fredrikstad, well that’s really almost… 🙂
      See you!
      Love Dina


    • I’m very glad to read this, Phillippa! Maybe you were there already? 🙂
      Thank you so much for looking into my work. Hope to see you soon again!
      Love, Dina


  35. Vielen Dank fuer den Kurzbesuch. Der Gatte meiner kleinen Schwester ist Norwegenfan und berichtet oft von seinen Besuchen im hohen Norden. Jetzt werde ich mal deine Seite ihm anempfehlen!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Lois,
      for this very kind comment. Actually I still spend a lot of time in Cambridge and if you should ever be around in North Norfolk, please come and visit!
      Greetings from the Rhine Valley


  36. Hi Dina–I stumbled across your blog through another blog. Am very curious why you chose the moniker Dina and if it has any special significance to you and your northern adventures. I ask because it’s my given name. Also, I am now living in Denmark, so the coincidences seemed too strange not to ask! I look forward to exploring your blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  37. Are you connected to kbvollmar? I wish I could understand German because I am becoming more intrigued with these posts! Thank you for following my blog. I don’t know much about snow and cold weather. We don’t get much of that where I live. But My Mom Person (who doesn’t like cold at all!!!!) is fascinated with cold exploration. She’s always reading me stories about Arctic and Antarctic exploration. So I think we wil enjoy your blogs even if we have to imagine the stories to go with the pictures!


    • Dear Rhythm,
      I really feel honoured – you’re the first library dog to visit and comment, thank you! 🙂
      And you are a real hero, we’d like to make a post about you one day, what do you think about that? 🙂
      Yes, I’m connected to kbvollmar and his blog, we’re coworkers and have to gorgeous bookfayries, Siri and Selma, to help us sort things out. All four of us love books and dogs, we have a Golden Retriever. We look forward to following your lovely blog and reading more about your exciting librarian life. Where about in Texas do you live? Our friend Pit lives in the very south of Tx.
      Have a great weekend.
      Love and cuddles
      Dina, Siri and Selma


    • I think you are a very interesting family! Book fairies and golden retrievers and snow. Quite a combination! I have many golden friends. They are all a bit crazy, nice crazy, but crazy. We live in Glen Rose, Tx which is kind of in the north middle of Texas. It’s a very small town on a small river called the Paluxy River. I LOVE my river. I’ll be looking forward to more tales from the snow!


    • Hi Daniela Victora,
      thanks for visiting and taking the time commenting, I appreciate that!
      Yes, I consider myself very priviliged living and staying at this beautiful places, indeed I am.
      Love Dina


  38. Dina – Thanks so much for following my blog. I’m signing up to yours as, now that I finally had a chance to visit Norway, I am so inspired to see/learn more. My maternal grandparents were from Norway and I aways wanted to visit but never seemed to find the time. It was as beautiful as I imagined!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for visiting and following, that’s greatly appreciated! 🙂
      I’m glad you could make it to Norway, It’s always worth a visit.
      Love Dina


  39. Superb photography and welcome to Ireland – great ‘light’ in the west and Achill is so lovely and rugged especially at this time of the year. Thanks for stopping by my blog – I am glad you like it!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Donna, thanks for visiting and your very kind comment. I’m packed and ready for Dublin, I’ll look out for you at the Dublin Art Fair!
      Love Dina


  40. Dina,
    Thank you for stopping by and following our blog and for liking my wine glossary: greatly appreciated.
    As a passionate photographer who is in love with the North, I am happy that I stumbled upon your beautiful and very helpful blog (which I am now also following).
    Take care


  41. Hello. I just couldn’t complete my nominees for the Sunshine Award without you in it. You have an amazing blog with so much inspiring stories. This is my way of saying thank you.


    • Thanky you, THANK you, thank you! 🙂 As you already know, I ‘ve decided to stay blogfree, nevertheless your nomantion is highly appreciated, you honour me!
      Enjoy your weekend!
      Love, Dina


  42. I accidentally just unfollowed you and followed you back twice I think lol, sorry 🙂 Your blog is amazing and the photos are absoutely stunning, by the way.


  43. Thanks for your recent thumbs up about my blog; greatly appreciated from someone who is new to this medium, so your support really makes all the difference. A pleasure to see your own work too, which I look forward to enjoying in the future.
    Greetings from a dank, and dark Ireland…
    Robert O’Byrne

    Liked by 1 person

  44. Hey Dina! Glad to have found your super-blog! I’ve been to Norway twice, I love your native country, I visited as much as possible and do hope to return there some day… I could live in Bergen or Alesund, but Lofoten Islands are a real paradise! 🙂 Greetings from Toulouse, France!
    My very best and good luck in all your endeavours! Mélanie.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Melanie, thanks a lot for visiting, not only my native country! 🙂
      It’s great that you like it. Come back again soon…
      All the best


  45. Hi Dina. Hanne Siebers, I m here on your blog meabs I m on the seventh heaven, I know many things about your country espscially about Northern Lights, Ice Hotels, Midnight Sun, Svalbard, Lapland, Raindeer, Fjords & many things, recently I have downloaded a full documentary on
    ‘ Northern Lights ‘ & when I saw the actual thing with my mom on my tv set, we both were crying because of the ecstacy, the heavenly experience, the local song which was playing was soulful. & we felt that god just before our eyes.

    I cannot express myself with words.

    Thanks for visiting my blog, be in touch with my blog browse through the categories, u may find it interesting


  46. Pingback: Danke Sehr, Liebschen! | The Retiring Sort

  47. Just wanted to let you know I have nominated you for the Liebster Award. I hope this will be welcome news for you. If you prefer not to accept the award, I certainly understand, but I hope you will visit the other nominees, and they will visit you, just the same. To see more about the award and this nomination, please visit my post at http://wp.me/p2ekZU-18E – All the best!

    Liked by 1 person

  48. Greetings from Australia Dina,
    Keep on telling and showing the world about your love and passion for Northern Europe. I love Europe for its beautiful scenery, rich history and vibrant cultural traditions. I can’t wait to get back there next year. Have a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Greetings back to you, Konstantine. Thank you very much for taking the time to visit and comment. Happy 2013 in Australia!


  49. Hanne
    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you.

    I have posted a couple of posts of Lapland in the pictures section, I would glad if a belonging
    to that area acknowledges it, a photo feature about Ice Hotels is also posted,


    • Thank you Louise. I really feel honored by your nomination, but I’m no longer accepting blogging awards. Your presence here, and your thoughts and messages, are more than enough for me Why? You’ll see in the link in “about”.


    • Hi Vladimir,
      almost a year has gone by and so much has happened… Great to read your kind words. 🙂 And I know you understand, when I say, I go awardfree.
      All the best! Take care,


  50. Hello Dina – So happy to meet you! Your photos are outstanding! I also look forward to following your adventures! I had a trip planned to six countries (including Norway) back in 2011, but my mother was diagnosed with cancer, so I cancelled the trip. She passed in June, 2011, but I will definitely make it to Norway soon!! ~Sherry~

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Sherry, I’m so sorry to hear about your mother, big hug! x
      Maybe the trip to Norway is moving closer, all the time? 🙂
      It’s great following all your moves and adventures. Enjoy your weekend!
      Love, Dina


  51. You talk about the north, well I stay a bit further north than Norfolk, in Scotland. I have visited Norway briefly and many years ago drove with my husband and children up through Sweden, beyond the Arctic Circle to Jokkmok. The light is very different in the north and our harsher climate probably moulds our characters and tastes. Wonderful to see your photos.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for lovely comment, Jingsandthings! Please excuse my late response. You have seen places in the North where I still have to go, that’s great!:-)
      This year I came as far as to Hadrian’s Wall. It’s big dream of mine to visit Scotland, to go to the outer Hebrides, The Orkney and The Shetlands too. I hope this dream will come through within the next two or three years. So many places, dreams and so little time… 🙂
      Wishing you a wonderful Sunday, whatever’s left of it. 🙂


    • You are very welcome, Carla. You have a very fine blog yourself.
      Thanks a lot for visiting and looking into our work, it’s highly appreciated even though I’m soooo late with my response! 🙂


  52. Die norwegische Flagge hat mich neugierig gemacht! Ich liebe Norwegen! Ich hoffe meine Menschen fahren bald nochmal mit mir dahin. Solange werde ich mir etwas deinen Blog ansehen! l.g. Diva

    Liked by 1 person

    • Liebe Diva,
      die Diashow “2 dogs in Norway” hat mir sehr gut gefallen! Die Stimmung des Landes habt ihr toll festgehalten, das ist eigentlich eine sehr nette Idee, die Aufnahmen in dieser Form zu präsentieren, well done!
      War das sehr umständlich, so als Hund, sich auf die Reise nach Norwegen vorzubereiten? Wie lange dauert das, mit Impfungen, Papiere und alles was dazu gehört?
      Einen schönen Restsonntag wünscht euch aus Bonn


  53. Hello, Dina! Very nice to meet you. First, thanks so much for liking an earlier post of mine “Lake Champlain Sunrise”. Second, I thoroughly enjoyed your post “The raw beauty of Svalbard” – all of those images were stunning, not to mention the story behind it all. I too love the winter snows, but where I live doesn’t produce much, so I recently went to Colorado to enjoy some skiing and snow fun. If/when you have some time, check out some of my images (not nearly as much as yours, but it gave me a thrill nonetheless).
    Third, some of my family members and I are considering a cruise up the Norwegian coast – any recommendations on cruise lines? Best time of year to go? Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  54. Thanks for stopping by my blog–it led me back to yours. Although I only speak English, from the images i see and the words i can read, your site is beautiful. I have never visited the North, but that whole area is on my bucket list. A cousin was in Norway once tracking down some family connections, since Grandpa came from there–Birkemoe is the name. He found some cousins! I’d love to get there eventually.

    Liked by 1 person

  55. Thank you (danke schoen) for visiting my blog! I’m honored to have several readers from Germany, kinda cosmic, as my son got his Ph.D. in Germanic Languages and Literatures from Yale and spent a year in Goettingen as well as teaching German in Berlin for the yale summer program for a few years! Guten Morgen from Southern California! PS I don’t speak German at all, I’m ashamed to say.

    Liked by 1 person

  56. How magical is the ether that we now inhabit, like wanderers amongst the stars. Your chance visit to me has led me here, to discover a lover of Norfolk beaches and windows and, clearly, much more. I am privileged to be able to return.

    Liked by 1 person

  57. I apologise for using this page to comment (I can’t find the means to do so on your blog page), but should like to compliment you on both your windows and hedges posts: your juxtaposition of lovely photography and quotation is very effective indeed. Norfolk (and places elsewhere) suffered from the ‘grubbing up’ of miles of hedgerows, as farmers in the twentieth century sought to maximise output from their acreage, little realising the damage that wind erosion of topsoil would cause, for hedges serve more than one practical purpose. Fortunately, replanting programmes and the revitalising of country skills have compensated for, if not entirely replaced, what was lost. Traditional stockproof hedges of laid thorn and more ‘natural’ mixed hedgerows are indeed ecological havens and thoroughfares for wildlife. They have mythical significance too.
    Thank you for two lovely posts, that have captured both my interest and imagination.

    Liked by 1 person

  58. Thanks for visiting my blog. I enjoyed viewing your thoughtful photos and quotes. Agree that the north is enchanting…at least what I know of it. Mostly Norway a long time ago, but still lingering in memory.

    Liked by 1 person

  59. thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind comments. I love the way you tie quotes to your photos. The shots are lovely and the prose gives them a deeper context. Beautiful work and some beautiful places you have lived and visited. I enjoyed going through your posts and being inspired by your work.

    Liked by 1 person

  60. Hi Dina,
    ich hab durch Pit deinen Blog “gefunden” . Ich werde öfter mal reingucken.
    Zunächst grüße ich dich herzlich aus Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler.

    Liked by 1 person

  61. Hi Dina, came across your blog through Through Harold’s Lens. I love the poetry, the quotes and the pictures and have hit the “Follow” button. I have only recently just returned from Norway – what an amazing, beautiful country!

    Liked by 1 person

  62. Thank you so much for stopping by and liking ‘Word a Week Challenge – Colour’ – your support is appreciated! 🙂 I look forward to exploring more of your blog and seeing an area of the world that I hope some day to experience in person. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  63. Hi Dina, thankk you for liking my “Weekly photo challenge:change” post. I will follow your site to catch glimpses of Norway and the North. I visited Norway last year with Suzy my wife. I have a Norwegian part of my family living in Kristiansand. We visited Kristiansand, Oslo, across to Alesund by train and loved all of the places in between and where we stayed. i now have another link, all the best Andy

    Liked by 1 person

  64. Hallo Dina – freue mich dass du meinen Blog besucht hast and dass ich deinen dadurch gefunden habe. Ich sehe mir gerne Bilder vom Norden an, reise aber lieber im warmen Sueden! Even though I have travelled a lot, I never made it to Scandinavia, the tropics are calling to me more. But, lately, info about Norway has come across my attention. Who knows, one day… This year, it will be Scotland for me…..

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wow, what a compliment, I’m turning red, quite happy! 🙂 You made my day now! 🙂 I’m so glad you like it. Paula. The contrast in the landscape is great, ins’t it?
      Thanks for visiting!
      Best regards from sunny Norfolk


  65. Vielen Dank für deinen Besuch auf meinem Blog!
    Ich finde deinen Blog sehr inspirierend! Ich habe lange nach dem richtigen Wort gesucht 🙂
    Ich finde deine Bilder und deine kurzen Anmerkungen sind zusammen immer eine Geschichte! Vielen Dank dafür. Ich werde auf jeden Fall Follower!
    Übrigens aus der Nähe von Koblenz 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  66. Hello Dina (but I like the nickname Toffeefee since my surname is Fee),
    I saw that you have recently liked several of my postings for the photo challenges and I noticed your avatar included the Norwegian flag, so I visited your site. It is very nice even though I cannot read much of it. Is there a translation button? Your blog caught my attention because we will be traveling to your country in a couple of weeks. We will be taking a cruise on the Queen Elizabeth up the coast with stops in Stavanger, Flam, Alesund, Trondheim, Honningsvag/Nordkapp, Tromso, Andalsnes, and Bergen. We are really looking forward to the trip. We have been to Oslo before but it cannot match the beauty of fjords on the west coast. Of course I plan on taking many photos that I will be able to use for future photo challenges. Thanks for visiting my site.

    Liked by 1 person

  67. Liebe Hanne, vielen lieben Dank fürs Vorbeischauen! Bin immer wieder platt, welche Art Weltenbummler hier bei wordpress unterwegs sind! Mag Deine Bilder aus dem hohen Norden!
    liebe Grüße Tanja

    Liked by 1 person

  68. Lovely photo ! I sat … look around… stunning pictures…. and oh yes…. I will be back for some more. thank you for stopping by … really appreciate it ☮ and I am your captive audience 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  69. Hallo,
    ja, der Norden, einfach immer wieder schön.
    Norwegen ist wirklich einzigartig, für mich wohl mit das schönste Reiseland überhaupt (liegt ja auch an der Nordsee – meine Leidenschaft).
    Freu’ mich Deinen Blog gefunden zu haben.
    Schönen Gruß

    Liked by 1 person

    • Und ich habe mich sehr gefreut deine Bekanntschaft zu machen! Ich liebe diese Inselwelt, vor 2 Jahren war ich 2 Wochen auf Amrum, wow, das ist meine Welt.
      Liebe Grüße zurück


  70. Hi Dina,
    Thanks for visiting my blog and for liking some of my photos, and also for following. You have amazing photos in here and it’s very informative about the North. Thanks also for sharing. Consider me a ‘follower’ as well. Looking forward for more of your photos.

    Have a nice day!


    Liked by 1 person

  71. Dina, thank you for following my blog today. Yours is breathtaking! Beautiful work. I’ll come by often to check it out. Have a great day!

    Liked by 1 person

  72. Thank you for stopping by my blog, Dina! I had a very quick look at yours and love what I’ve seen so far! Will definitely follow you and keep an eye on your stunning photos! Vielen Dank, und Alles Gute! Tschuss aus Sydney.

    Liked by 1 person

  73. Thanks for visiting and liking my blog and introducing me to yours with its delightful introduction to “the most beautiful land of the trolls, the fjords and midnightsun.” I will be back, I know, to see more!

    Liked by 1 person

  74. Hello! You have great photography in your blog. Like you I am also amazed by the wonders of nature and like to take photos of it. by the way, thanks for liking one of my few posts in my newly established blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  75. Hallo Dina/Hannah in Bonn – meine Geburtsstadt!! Ich bin froh, dass es
    Dir dort gefaellt – vielen ist diese Stadt zu klein, aber mein Mann moechte heute noch dort hinziehen wenn es irgendwie moeglich waere.
    Norfolk! Ach wie schoen – nicht so weit weg von unserem Haus in Sued Suffolk. Und wo bin ich jetzt! Im Sueden Indien. I see you are off to Sissinghurst, Canterbury etc. Have a wonderful time you 4. Will see you later again. Carina

    Liked by 1 person

  76. Hello Dina
    I really like the way that your blog works. It leads me to so much natural beauty. Thank you for liking my Young Herons post at haresonthehill.co.uk. More from Mull to come over the next couple of weeks as I sort and process the images.

    Liked by 1 person

  77. From one northerner to another, thank you for following my bog. I appreciate it. We have some things in common, for sure, though our northern locations are far apart in miles/kilometers!


  78. Your blog is absolutely captivating, Dina! Your photographs pull me to your locations, and your writing is a perfect balance to the color and vibrancy of the artwork. Thank you ever so much for liking my post on Tide Line Still Life. Now having perused your work, I am especially and deeply appreciative. Best, Maggie

    Liked by 1 person

  79. Oh, ich erstarre vor Ehrfurcht, jetzt hast du fast 2000 Followers. Aber ich kann das gut verstehen, du zeigst wirklich besondere Bilder, nicht so 08/15 Fotos wie auf manchen Blogs. Es ist immer wieder eine Freude, hier zu verweilen; du hast ein feines Fotoauge.
    Ganz liebe Grüße aus dem abendlichen Cley
    Klausbernd und unsere liebklugen Buchfeen Siri und Selma, die jedoch schon in ihren Kuschelbettchen auf Regalbrett 3 und 4 liegen xxx


  80. Hi Dina
    I am Cindi Kellers husband and Norwegian. Born and raised in Bergen, but I have travelled a lot and worked and lived in many countries.
    When I opened your blog, I am quite sure I recognized the header picture. I think it is Reine, and the mountain is called Reinebringen.
    I was once married to a woman from Reine, so I have been there many times. The first time I was there, there were no bridges, a narrow gravel road and a bus that drove once a day……Wonderful!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Of course it’s Reine and Reinebringen, I’m glad you spotted it! 🙂 To go there with Klausbernd and our to bookfayries Siri & Selma on fine day is high up on our bucket list. So nice to have you on board, Jan.
      Ha en fin dag!


  81. Dina / Hanne / Toffeefee. Over 2,000 followers cannot be wrong and they are certainly not. You have some glorious images here – I love a number of your galleries, such bright colours. I started to look at your blog last night (having seen a like from yourself on one of me own posts) but had to head to bed, with the intention of returning today. So here I am.

    I really don’t know Norway (so expensive for a poor traveller like me!) or Norfolk come to that, but your photos really act like an advertisement to visit. This virtual visit is well worthwhile and I look forward to seeing more of your work – so here is one more follower to go with the many already holding on to your coattails. MM 🍀

    Liked by 1 person

  82. Hei Dina! Bloggen din er flott og bildene fra Hvaler satte seg langt inne i hjerte rota. Jeg bor like utenfor Richmond, VA og mine foreldre har hytte pa Krakeroy – sa bildene…..sukk! I have a section on Norway on my blog, so is it OK if I use your pictures with ALL reference back to you and your blog? Haper dere far en aldeles deilig helg!
    ~ Love, Nina ~

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hei Nina,
      sä koselig at du fant veien til meg. Ja, det er greit at du bruker min Hvalerbilder pä din fine blog med lenke til meg. Hvor pä Kräkeröy har dine foreldre hytte? Venner av meg har hytte i Femdalsundet.
      Ha en god ny uke!
      Big hug, Dina


    • Supert at du lar meg fa bruke de flotte bildene dine – sann som jeg skulle onske jeg kunne ligge pa ett varmt, svalt svaberg – soon! De har hytte pa Alshus, pa toppen av ett berg med nydelig oversikt og kort vei til stranda. Savner ogsa a kruse utover fjorden. Ser ut som om at vaeret fremdeles holder seg – sa kos dere! (Til neste uke har jeg sannsynligvis lagt ut en post fra deg: http://www.theglorydayspost.com)
      ~ Love, Nina


  83. Dear Dina,

    I’m sorry this is late (I’m afraid I’ve only just realized the sort of problem your having) and it’s going to be long. Blogging is a bit new to me and I’m having to revamp some of my own work, but I do know about Search Engines (bots). Bear with me.

    The first clue is that the search term D800 will show the original Clicks and Corks publication (way down the list) but not the reblog on your site even though it is the same.

    This seems to mean that you are being shut out. But don’t panic.

    The WordPress reader is causing problems to lots of people. All search bots are intrinsically dumb and this one seems underdeveloped.

    It helps to understand. The programmer has to provide the best possible service to the Searcher. This means excluding anything that is intended to be a “bait and switch”.

    All the programmer has to work with are conditional clauses of “if this do that else do this instead”. Or, the negative version. The programmer has to be very experienced and have plenty of time to accommodate every eventuality.

    In most of your posts it is probably recognising inconsistencies between terms that it has not been programmed for. That is, different languages. Put another way, “if not this (consistent ) then exclude. It seems not to try and translate, so words like Norwegie are as alien to the consistency as cuddly toy. Equally it may not be able to deal with accented characters.

    Further it doesn’t seem to combine tags for searching. For example a post that has the tags “Mountain” and “Norway” will not be found by the Search term Mountains in Norway. Whereas, a post that has the tag “Visit Norway” will be found using that search term. This is very poor.

    One more observation. Instagram clients are dominating Norway posts and using the tags Instagram, Travel, Norway and Visit Norway. Most of the others have, in the “Share this” section, the WordPress button “Press This”. I’m not sure this has relevance but stranger things have happened.

    Put these things together with some other tips about Search Engines in general and it comes to this.

    This search bot is far to strict and needs to be “worked”.

    Choose one language for Post names, Main Headings, Categories and Tags. Avoid names in sensitive places.

    Use an informative Heading 1 (format) at the top. Most bots will check the headings as a quick way of determining the content. So, somewhere use a few more formatted headings e.g. Heading 2, Heading 3. They won’t necessarily search all the other text. Usually just the first paragraph, perhaps two.
    It is worth noting, that in the background code, such headings begin with <h1, <h2 etc. They can be as effective as extra tags, but not counted as such. The ones at the beginning are very useful if they have some relevance, potentially damaging otherwise.

    For instance: your Post might be called “Norway – Solitude” and first heading “ A Place of Solitude in Norway” . Followed by Heading 2: A Photograph taken in Norway during August 2013. Followed by Heading 3: of Hvlar.

    A little relevant text, then the picture, then the quote. That is, the stupid thing may be sensitive to names early in the post.

    Work bits of the headings into the text and weave in the words that you will use as a category and tags. No more than 15 all together. Although several words in a tag is probably (should be) considered one tag. Remember to use precision tags and categories with this bot e.g. “Photographs of Norway” . This bot doesn’t join them for you. And, I would err on the side of precise and conservative in number until you have the measure of the bot.

    Why not make use of excepted tags like "Travel" and "Visit Norway" and those suggested on the side bar of the reader like "Photos" as well as "Photographs" or combine each with "Norway" as two specific tags. You need to guess waht a Searcher would enter. You don't need tags of a specific place unless they serve an essential purpose.

    The above is quite an extreme example but presents the idea. It doesn’t offer the attraction of an enigmatic presentation but sadly such things are of no use if they are not seen. A little weaving of words amongst the essentials might put some back.

    Remember it is looking for consistent relevance but too stupid to see it. You have to lead it by the hand.

    Your About Page is very important. It should begin with an explanation of content in the style explained above and then about the people. That is, this bot may not look very far. Take a look at the content of snapshots on the Reader. That will give you an idea.

    This approach will also work very well with Google and you might get more views from the wider world than you get from the WordPress reader.

    If you would like more information on these topics, try this:


    Post: Virgin’s Guide to Promoting a Blog or Website on Google

    He’s very friendly/helpful

    Although It is written for Google, the principles the same. Just that some bots are better at it than others.

    Now comes the difficult bit. The blog name “tofeefee” is probably not helping you. I’m having to revamp the one I’m running for UK Online in Poplar “onlineinpoplar” it’s fairly relevant but not as relevant “onlineintowerhamlets” (larger borough) would have been. So it doesn’t come up on the broader search. Hindsight is aweful isn’t it.

    I think yours would have better as something like "dinainnorway" The world According to Dina. At present it’s name does not have any elements that are relevent to a Search term. Perhaps worse, there is no relevant consistency with the content.

    Remember this bot is not only dumb but a bit weird.

    I’ve managed to get round my problem partially so far (with Google anyway). I’ll suggest this as a similar approach.

    As an example: Add another About Page. Call it “About this Blog”. As a heading: This blog is called toffeefee and contains Photographs of Norway, Photographs of Norwich, sections of text about Norway and Norwich and discussion. Follow it with some more text about your blog and then about yourselves

    The bot can’t work it out, so tell it.

    You will need to produce a number of acceptable posts ( I think it’s 5) and may have to do a little work on permanent pages before being included. I suggest that when your ready, you create some small posts. Get your 5 without too much work. Anyway your photographs are good enough to stand alone, with some of the relevant consistency essentials to get you accepted.

    I hope this helps, but it is really only a pointer. Restructuring needs thought and only those who work on your blog can have the knowledge. Remember too, that the Reader is a relatively small world compared with the web covered by Google, Bing etc.

    Best of Luck 🙂


    Now, will this fit in the comments form.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Addenda. I’ve done a little experimenting. Most the above advice will help you with Google but only some with this reader. It doesn’t seem to be indexing anything other than tags. It doesn’t join them up for you, so tag phrases are important. Nevertheless it must check content for consistency even though it doesn’t index it. That would include the filenames of pictures.
      I don’t know about this reader but Google will also look at captions and alternate text attached to the photo.
      It’s very strict about the total number of Categories and Tags (15) and it seems to help if one of the Tags is the same as a Category.
      It doesn’t seem to update old entries but if you can get some new ones seen then it will get people to your site. You can probaly do this without much fuss. Five good single pictures that meet the criteria would do, then the sixth should get indexed.
      Google pays much more attention to Blog Titles, Post Titles, Headings and Categories than Tags. So it will take a little ingenuity to satisfy both.
      My comments about your blog name are not so important. But, Google will pay special attention to your About page, so that advice still stands.
      I hope I haven’t made it more complicated. Boils down to consistant relevency, no more than 15, and bits of the”make it easy” for the poor thing.
      Regards Gram 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  84. PS. I would be very interested to know how you get on with this, when you have a result (or not).
    There are quite a few major blogers, like youself, who’s posts are not appearing in that reader on a Search.

    Liked by 1 person

  85. Hello, Dina! Thank you for your visiting to my blog.
    As you know, I visited your beautiful country and fell in love immediately. Maybe, my husband and I will be back there in the next summer. I will enjoy beautiful scenes in Norway through your blog until that time 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  86. You have got a beautiful blog running here. Your vision and thoughts are indeed a revelation. Great work. Keep blogging. I will definitely hang around here a lot savouring the perfect cocktail you offer here.

    Liked by 2 people

  87. Hi, Dina.
    There is a beautiful couple in About. I hope I know who they are.
    I love nature and I visited Iceland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden on one of my trips
    I enjoyed the beauty of all those countries.
    Thank you for bringing beauty and joy to many people.

    Liked by 2 people

  88. wie klein die welt doch mal wieder ist, nur weil jemand meinen heutigen blog like-dte und ich mal wieder guckte was er so verzapfte landete ich bei Deinen schäfchen und wähnte mich natürlich auch in GB bis ich mich nach BN verlief . . . liebe grüße aus hennef, schafe hat’s da auch 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  89. Dina – thank you for linking my post: ‘A Fallen Comet’. Looking through your photos of Norway brought back some good memories. I was there just this summer with my family, and I would go back in a heartbeat. I look forward to reading more of your posts!

    Liked by 2 people

  90. Hi Dina,
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and liking my photo of the horizon for the weekly challenge. That’s how I found your site. You have some very beautiful pictures of Norway here. I’d love to come see it in person sometime after looking at them.Thanks for sharing! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  91. Pingback: Women’s only | Lost in Translation

    • Thanks a lot for visiting, liking and following our blog, dear Sreejith! We’re very happy to have you on board!
      Enjoy your weekend,
      Dina, Klausbernd, Siri and Selma


    • Ja, ich bin immer wieder in Bonn, die Arbeit ruft.
      Auch jetzt bin ich in Bonn, arbeite fast nonstop bis dritte Woche Dezember, dann geht’s zurück nach Cley.
      Ich hoffe, dir geht’s rundum gut! Ein schönes Wochenende dir! 🙂


  92. Of couse you understand the joys of ‘Puppy Planet”. I love your blog. I know Cley well and as a student at the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital many Moons ago made freinds with the wonderful painter Philip Gardener and his family. I have a collection of his paintings and so live with the subtle seascapes and big skies of Norfolk, happy memories.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much for having a look at our work , it’s highly appreciated! 🙂 Lucky you to have met Philip Gardner! 🙂
      Where do you live? If you’re around Cley, please drop in! I love the wonderful seacapes of North Norfolk too. Momentarily I’m in Bonn, bit I’ll be back in Cley in a few weeks.
      Enjoy your weekend!


    • I am Scottish but am living in the Netherlands – we Northern types to get about a bit! Love your invitation and will certainly let you know the next time my husband and I are heading for beloved Norfolk.


  93. Dina,
    I am exhausted, having had to weigh down through your almost 1,000,000 blogger friends. I have come to Thank You for your visits to wingedbeauty.com and especially for your valued ‘Likes.’ You have such an upbeat following….
    Jeff Zablow
    Pittsburgh, PA, USA

    Liked by 1 person

  94. Hallo Dina, Hanna und Toffifee 🙂 Ab heute lese und vor allem schaue ich hier auch, ist ja super hier 😀 Hier wird alles, was ich liebe, gezeigt 🙂

    Liebes Grüßchen


  95. A big thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such wonderful comments, its much appreciated. I had a friend who passed away a few years ago and he spend time in Norway during WWII working with the resistance at the end of the war he was given ‘The order of the troll’ or something like that by the village that hid him while he upset Hitlers advances. He told me of his great fondness for Norway and its people. He had returned a few times. He used to tell me stories of the trolls he had a real belief in them. So every time I read or hear about Norway it takes me back to the stories of his exploits during the war along with his love of trolls. I hope one day to visit Norway and visit the Fjords and leave a remembrance wreath on Bill’s behalf.

    Liked by 1 person

    • What a truly lovely comment, Pete. Your words moved me deeply! I have never heard of “The order of the Trolls”, but I’ll look it up.

      I do hope you will be able to make it to Norway one day, I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you and Bill.
      I live in Germany today (since the early eighties) and when I first came here I met so many wonderful people that had been in Norway during WWII. They all had so much to tell, full of fond memories of a difficult time.

      We love the Trolls too, have a look


      Thank you so much for visiting and commenting, Pete. Hope to see you here again soon.
      Happy Holidays to you and yours! Take care.


  96. Dina! Thank you so much for visiting wingedbeauty and for your kind Like. With the Holidays upon us, I thought that Petra and I would make an OK greeting to all. Of course I enjoy your blog. It is clear from the start that this is the enterprise of a positive, thoughtful, high achiever, and the smiles…? Infectious!
    We have over the last weeks been viewing several series filmed in Norway, Lillyhammer and is it Annika or ….? When do you enjoy Norway summer?


  97. Hallo Dina, hallo Ihr Beiden….. lange haben wir nichts voneinander gehört und jetzt war ich mal wieder auf Euren Seiten. Ich müßte doppelt so viel Zeit haben, als ich überhaupt habe, um das alles in mich aufzunehmen. Jede Seite interessant, wunderbar bebildert, mit ausnehmend guten Gedanken und auch Inspiration. Ich werde jetzt öfters da sein………. es ist soooooo schön bei Euch. Weihnachten schon fast vorbei, dann bleibt mir jetzt nur noch übrig, Euch das allerbeste fürs nächste Jahr und überhaupt zu wünschen. Umarmung und allerliebste Grüsse von der Laura


    • Liebe Laura,
      Habe herzlichen Dank für deinen ausführlichen Kommentar 🙂
      Huch, wir sind gerade alle sooo faul, hängen vorm Kamin – naja, aber immerhin blogge ich jetzt – just for you 😉
      Dir alles Liebe, Gute und Allerfeinstem zum Neuen Jahr, ein auf- und anregendes 2014
      wünschen dir
      The Famous Fabulous Four


  98. Wunderbar, jetzt verstehe ich. Du wohnst an drei verschiedenen Orten. Beneidenswert, klingt auch ein bisschen heimatlos, was es aber wahrscheinlich nicht ist. Ich liebe den Norden, diverse Male war ich in Schottland und Irland. Schön, dass wir uns über meinen Blog über Bonn kennengelernt haben. Wo lebst du denn so ungefähr in Bonn?

    Liked by 1 person

  99. Living in Europe is very nice, I wish I can move to live there one day. Am looking forward to enjoy your blog, there seems to be a lot of nice posts. Have a healthy and happy life. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ganz, ganz ❤️lichen Dank für diesen lieben Kommentar, Gitte!
      Oh ja, deine Empfehlung war wirklich gut! 😊
      Liebe Grüße nach Innsbrück!


  100. Hi Dina, thanks for coming by my blog. I love what you have here – you come from the most beautiful countries, and your passion in photography has allowed for it to be shared with the rest of us! Keep posting, writing, and taking photos! Cheers!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks a LOT for this great comment! 🙂 I’m so happy you enjoy this blog! Please visit us again and put a big smile on my face! 🙂 🙂
      Best regards, Dina


  101. Hej, och tack för besöket på min blogg! 🙂 Ich bin eine Schwedin aber jetzt wohne ich in Kanada. As soon as I saw the name Dina, I recollected a book I read years ago, entitled Dina, and somehow I connected it to Norway. I think the author was Norwegian. Now I have to google it, because I really liked it, even though it was a bit odd … Great blog you guys have here!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hej,
      genau, das Buch, das erste einer Trilogie, ist von H. Wassmo (wurde auch verfilmt), aber das hast du wahrscheinlich alles hier schon gelesen. Thanks for visiting. By the way I taught literature at the McGill/Montreal for 6 years.
      All the best
      The Fab Four
      Kb 🙂


  102. I’m finally starting to find my way around Dina & Klausbernd… Its a pleasure reading about you both and I’m look forward to seeing much more of your blog 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  103. I’ll have to thank M-R for directing you my way 🙂
    Your photos are amazing & being a Canadian Northerner I can relate to your topic! Somehow I think that compared to someone from Norway, my version of Northerner might not be the same as yours. Norway has always been on my must-do list. I’ve never experienced the midnight sun and Norway is where I’d like to go to live it for the first time 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, dear Joanne,
      well, Norway is a GREAT country and not only because of its grand nature but also for being the richest country in the world for many years now. You will like Norway I am sure – but be aware of Norway being very, very expensive.
      All the best
      The Fab Four
      Kb 🙂


  104. Hallo Dina! You are a woman of many talents, I see. Many languages, many visions, and the ability to enjoy the North! I feel a kindred spirit. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment on my blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  105. Hola Dina , muchas gracias por marcar me gusta a mi blog , me encanta el vuestro ,es maravilloso y es un placer compartir mis trabajos con vosotros . los invito a pasar y dejen un comentario . Muchas gracias , desde Palma de Mallorca España .JP.

    Liked by 1 person

  106. You have an amazing blog, full of colors and dreamy landscape. Norway is on our list, but first, we will go to Kiruna in Sweden next winter. I look forward to see more incredible picture. Thank you for visiting my blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  107. Hi Dina! For en fin blogg du har! Utrolige nydelige bilder. Mange får nok lyst til å reise til vakre Norge når de leser bloggen din. Jeg får hvertfall hjemlengsel! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  108. Hey Dina, I have been to your home town! It was a long time ago so don’t remember much, but it was on our way back from Oslo to Finland. My youngest brother’s third name is Fredrik, so we wanted to see his town 🙂
    I have also been on the coast, all the way to Tromsø where I swam! Lovely memories. Would love to come back to Norway, especially the most northern part and Lofoten where my uncle used to go fishing. Salmon must be amazing, nothing like in super markets in other countries.
    Have a lovely weekend!

    Liked by 2 people

  109. Hi Dina, thank you for following my blog! I am just about to visit Norway in a few weeks and am really looking forward to it – after seeing the lovely pictures of the landscapes on your blog, I can’t wait!

    Liked by 1 person

  110. I can’t believe it took me this long to begin following you! Your blog is beautiful. Thanks for your interest in my blog also! Please consider helping me out and voting for me in the FjallRaven Polar contest. You can find the link on my blog… any votes/ spreading of word is SO greatly appreciated. ❤ Thanks Dina!

    Liked by 2 people

  111. Hallo Dina, ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn du mir sagst, warum du seinerzeit Kontakt (dürfte so um die drei oder mehr Jahre her sein) zu mir gesucht und ihn dann relativ schnell wieder abgebrochen hast. Ich habe dich das schon mal gefragt, von dir aber leider keine Antwort gekommen. Das finde ich nicht fair. Ich bin kein Spielzeug, das man nach Belieben aufhebt und dann wieder in die Ecke wirft. Ich fühle mich von dir benutzt – als Foto-Futter für deine damaligen (Farb)Bedürfnisse für dein Blog.
    Gruß von Renate


    • Oh, das ist ja mal ein witzig unverschämter Kommentar 🙂
      Liebe Renate,
      SUPER! Ich würde den gerne als Diplompsychologe in meinen nächsten Veröffentlichungen zum gekränkten Narzissmus zitieren. Eine so unverstellte, selbstschädigende Äußerung findet man ja selten. Vielen Dank dem Foto-Futter 😉 – welch schöne Alliteration!
      Mit Gruß vom heute grauen Meer
      Klausbernd 🙂


  112. Hallo Dina,
    Ein lieber Gruß zu Dir nach Bonn, das ich letztes Jahr mit dem Rennrad ein wenig erkunden durfte.
    Dein Blog ist wirklich sehr schön…
    Deine Kornblumenbilder erinnern mich an eine Wiese in Nedstrand, einem kleinen Dorf in Südnorwegen. Blau spiegelnd wie das Wasser des Fjordes an seiner tiefsten Stelle.
    Viele liebe Grüße
    von der Karfunkelfee✨

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh wie nett, danke schön, über den lieben Kommentar freuen wir uns sehr! 🙂
      Wir sind in North Norfolk, UK. An Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. 🙂
      Herzliche Grüße von uns vier,

      Liked by 2 people

  113. Hello from Western Canada Dina and thank you for visiting Boomdeeadda. I peaked at some of your beautiful photo’s and see you have a great eye for capturing nature. I follow many blogging friends who also take magical photo’s. You might really enjoy Cindy Knoke here at WordPress. She travels a great deal and I won’t be surprised if she’s been in Norway too. I’m actually off to the UK on Monday, my husband and I are traveling to London for a little holiday. Cheers from Boomdee.

    Liked by 1 person

  114. I’ve always delighted in your photography but understand your desire to “deepen the eye” and bring yourself and us into another visible realm. Such beautiful postings and a perfect blend of thoughtful words and images.

    Liked by 2 people

  115. Hi Dina! Thank you for visiting my blog; I’m glad you liked my post about my Grandfather “Autumn”. I have so enjoyed looking through your blog…your posts are thought-provoking, your photography is stunning and I am completely enchanted by the magical Siri and Selma! I really like the places you write about: I recently visited beautiful Norway (Molde and the Malmefjord) and England (the magical Forest of Dean), and Northern Germany, where my ancestors were born, is high on my wish list. Glücklicher Herbst! Terri

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Karin,
      thanks a lot. Well, we are actually 4 running this blog: Dina and our dear Master and our beloved Bookfayries Siri and Selma.
      With love
      The Fab Four of Cley


  116. Hanne, Klausbernd and the delightful Bookfayries, your blog is enchanting, beautiful and thoroughly inspiring. Thank you for taking the time to put your passion for the north and nature into words and pictures for all of us to enjoy.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Good afternoon, dear Lucy,
      thank you so much for your kind words which made us happy 🙂
      Great that you like our blog!
      With lots of love from the North Norfolk coast
      The Fab Four of Cley


  117. Nice to meet you Dina. SOrry it’s taken a while for me to get to you – I have been travelling for the last 3 weeks. thank you for the follow of my blog – I truly appreciate it. We are neighbours by birth 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  118. thank you so much for the subscription to my blog. looking at yours, I will reciprocate and welcome a “northern” cousin to my list. as are most of Americans, I can trace my grandparents and great-grandparents back to the “old country.” in my case, both Swedish (Anders) and Irish/English. I am looking forward to seeing some beautiful photos from you and hope you enjoy my blog as well!

    Liked by 1 person

  119. Hi Dina. It is so great you found us and now we can follow your adventures. You have a great site and thank you for showing us your corner of the world through your lenses and narration. The world needs to see the blessings you have which can fuel so many looking in.

    Liked by 1 person

  120. Just have to chime in one more time with the majority of readers above – love the photos!
    I’ve read many of the posts late at night on the WP reader through my mobile. Finally surfing the main site on my giant 50 inch at home today – and what a stunning site it is! Really makes a difference to visit the “full” site to get the full experience!

    Liked by 1 person

  121. Na dann lebst dort wo ich weg bin, weil die Stadt mir nie gefallen hat, bin gewandert in Deutschland und Indien und wieder in Berlin gelandet!

    Liked by 1 person

  122. Gallon Dina,

    wirklich gut dein Blog. Mein Idol mit 9 hieß ebenfalls Dina, war ganze 16 u. immer riesig nett zu uns Kleinen. Norwegen hat mich schon immer fasziniert, Henrik Ibsen, Edvard Grieg, die Natur. U. in Norwich hab’ ich studiert. War sogar als Kind im Austausch dort.

    Ist jetzt wirklich ein Schuss ins Dunkle, u. ich frage jeden. Um’s kurz zu machen, wir machen so was wie Ahnenforschung. Namen haben wir noch keine (lange Story), aber fällt dir spontan etwas zu 3 Hirschen ein? Sollte ein Gasthof so um 1880 sein. Grün, abseits gelegen. Einen ganz kleinen Bahnhof gab es da u. viele Künstler. Auch ein Bezug zu Skagen in Dänemark. Wie gesagt, wirklich ein Schuss in’s Dunkle, aber wer weiß was man durch Fragen alles erfahren kann. 😃

    Liked by 2 people

    • Es tut uns leid, leider fällt uns da gar nichts ein. Wir leben seit über 30 Jahren in England und vorher lebten wir in Finnland, Kanada und Asien. Aufgewachsen sind wir in Norwegen bzw. Schweden, so ist unsere Verbindung zu Deutschland nicht so eng.
      Wir halten dir fest die Daumen für dein Ahnenforschungsunternehmen.
      Alles Gute und schönes Wochenende
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

    • Lieben Dank! Ich lebe jetzt gerade in Budapest, war aber vorher in Helsinki, Berlin, Manchester u. Norwich. In meiner Heimat (Frankreich) lebe ich schon seit Ewigkeiten nicht mehr. Wir haben den möglichen Ort jetzt zunächst mal auf Finnland, Norwegen, Dänemark festgelegt. Forschen u. fragen ist der halbe Spaß an der Sache, von daher kein Problem. Nochmals vielen Dank für die Antwort, und euch vieren ein schönes Wochenende!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Ja, das können wir gut nachvollziehen, dass Orte Eurer Wahl in Finnland, Norwegen oder Dänemark liegen. Uns geht’s genauso. Wir lebten bereits in all diesen Ländern. Es ist eine Schande, dass Finnisch solch eine schwierige Sprache ist.
      Alles Gute und habt eine feine Woche
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Naja, die streng agglutinierenden Sprachen sind nur in der Tiefenstruktur verwandt, d.h. Alt-Finnisch und Alt-Ugrisch weisen grammatische Parallelen auf. Anyway, ich hatte größte Mühe, Finnisch zu lernen und brachte es nie zur Meisterschaft, obwohl ich es über ein Jahr lernte und einige Zeit in Hämeenlinna, Ivalo und Turku lebte. Aber ich bin auch nicht der Sprachbegabteste.
      Auch dir eine wunderbare Woche
      und der Rest der Gang 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Was ich interessant fand: ung. konnte ich nach drei Monaten fließend, zwar mit vielen Fehlern, musste aber nichts mehr “zurückübersetzen.” Und wenn ich etwas nicht verstand, oder ein Wort nicht wusste, konnte ich es umschreiben. Beim Finn. hat sich dann irgendwie etwas gesperrt. Und das obwohl ich schon mehrsprachig aufgewachsen bin. Grüße in eure Ecke!

      Liked by 2 people

  123. Hello Dina, I saw many beautiful pictures on your site! Yes, Norway is a beautiful country, but also cold and that’s what’s keep me away. Also I think about to travel to Norway, to see and photograph the beauty of nature. I’m a creative person and do also like art, but not too abstract!
    Best regards, Heidi

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Heidi,
      as you can see on our blog, we love snow and ice and a real winter. Of course, Norway is a northern country but due to global warming the last years have been not cold at all. Don’t worry, Norway in the summer is great and in the recent years it was getting warmer in summer as further you went up north – actually warmer than in Central Europe.
      Have a happy weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  124. Love your site. Looking forward to exploring it further. Also I noticed you followed my previous blog Specks and Fragments. For a number of reasons, I have had to move to another site recently, so if you’re interested the address is alongtheinterstice.wordpress.com. Have a wonderful day.

    Liked by 1 person

  125. Hello, Dina! I would love to visit your beautiful country some day. People I know who have been there really love it. I have travelled to other Scandinavian countries, but not Norway. I’ll get there eventually!


    • We keep our fingers crossed for your visit to Norway.
      Some weeks ago we came back from our tour to very north of Scotland. We found it as magnificent as Norway. You can see some pictures of it in our last posts. Scotland’s north coast and the Orkneys we liked most.
      All te best
      The Fab Four of Cley


  126. I love your blog so much I had to sign up for mail notifications. 😊. I have followed the blog for a long time in the WP Reader, but realized today that I have missed so many posts lately that I had to sign up for the mail notifications 😊😊. Thank you for sharing your beautiful magical world! 😊

    Liked by 2 people

    • You’re so kind, 🇳🇴Trini! 💕💞This lovely comment is highly appreciated, you brighten up our day. ☀️🔆🌟Hugs to you from 🇬🇧Norfolk. It’s such a pity we are so far apart …🤗😚


    • Dear Triny
      thank you so much from me as well 💕💞 for your kind words and following our blog. It’s always GREAT reading your commentaries.
      I wish you a wonderful day
      Klausbernd 🙂 🚶🏼

      Liked by 1 person

  127. Gerade gelesen:
    “Was ändert sich jetzt für EU- und Schweizer Bürger, die in Grossbritannien leben?

    Bisher galt zwischen Grossbritannien und der übrigen EU (und über die bilateralen Verträge auch mit der Schweiz ) die Personenfreizügigkeit. Ab 2021 ist das nicht mehr der Fall. Während die neue Einwanderung zu Arbeitszwecken aus allen Drittstaaten mit einem Visa- und Punktesystem reguliert wird (siehe unten), müssen EU-Bürger, die schon in Grossbritannien leben, bis Mitte 2021 ihr Aufenthaltsrecht bestätigen lassen. Sie müssen selbst tätig werden, weil Grossbritannien kein Einwohnermeldewesen betreibt.”


    Liked by 1 person

  128. Sehr schöne BIlder. Ja, ein eigenes Weltbild: der Fotograf sieht die Welt durch sein Objektiv (damit aber bereits nicht mehr sehr objektiv, sondern subjektiv verengt, eine Auswahl, einen Blickwinkel wählend – aber muß man das nicht immer?). Ich versuche ja auch, mit meiner immer noch geliehenen Canon (wir können uns innerfamiliär nicht einigen, wem sie jetzt eigentlich zugehört) oder anderen fotografischen Apparaten ansprechende Bilder hinzubekommen, aber hier merkt man doch die einstellende Hand des Könners! Und die offenbar sehr guten Objektive. Die Schneeglöckchen passen gerade zur Jahrszeit, bald werden sie ihre Köpfe heben, erinnern aber auch an den jüngsten Literaturnobelpreis.
    Auf jeden Fall überzeugen mich auch diese Bilder wieder, nicht nur eine Geschichte mit Trollen drin zu schreiben, sondern auch mal dorthin zu reisen, wo die Steinkerle wohnen.
    Viel Spaß mit dem Niki-Auge!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Liebe Gerlint,
      wir haben deinen Kommentar in unsere Schneeglöckchen-Post kopiert, da er dort besser aufgehoben ist und mehr beachtet wird. Dort haben wir auch darauf geantwortet.
      Vielen Dank
      The Fab Four of Cley
      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂


    • Thank you very much. We feel honoured that you are following us. Great, you like our blog.
      All the best. Happy Easter 🐣🐣
      The Fab Four of Cley
      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂


    • Habe herzlichen Dank.
      Wir besitzen ein anderen Buch über die Kirchen hier, aber das werden wir sicher auch lesen.
      Wir wünschen ein angenehmes Wochenende
      The Fab Four of Cley
      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂


  129. Hallo,

    ich weiß, mal kann von niemanden verlangen umsonst zu arbeiten, aber es würde mir sehr viel bedeuten, wenn du dir einmal einen Mailwechsel zwischen mir und meiner mutter ansehen würdest. Ich habe seit Tagen das Gefühl, dass ich entweder total irre bin oder werde und würde nur mal kurz eine neutrale Meinding dazu hören.



    • Hi Corinna,
      well, so hat so jeder seine Vorlieben. Wir lieben es gar nicht im Süden, obwohl wir einige Zeit in der Toscana, in Griechenland und Florida lebten. Immer dieser Sonnenschein und die Wärme fanden wir unerträglich.
      Mit herzlichen Grüßen vom kleinen Dorf am großen Meer
      The Fab Four of Cley
      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂


    • Gerade jetzt mit wochenlang über 30 Grad und heute wieder 38 kann ich das wirklich gut nachvollziehen. 😉

      Aber wir ertragen das und dann wird’s auch wieder Herbst und wir können uns endlich über Regen und “Kälte” beschweren. Mir würde eher die norwegische Dunkelheit auf die Nerven fallen als die Temperaturen bei euch. Mein Vater ist übrigens ein großer Norwegenfan und liebt das Land wegen des Angelns und der vielen Fische.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Corinna,
      ich habe länger schon als Kind in der Arktis gelebt und fand die Dunkelheit sehr gemütlich.
      Als Kinder haben wir in den vielen Seen teils sehr erfolgreich geangelt. Wir hatten unsere kleinen Ruderboote, mit denen wir hinausfuhren.
      Mit lieben Grüßen vom kleinen Dorf am großen Meer
      Klausbernd 🙂
      The Fab Four of Cley
      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Sicher hat das Leben in der Arktis dich geprägt und sicher kann man überall leben, wo man sein Auskommen hat und nicht allein ist. 🙂 … allerdings ist mir klar, dass ich mit der Dunkelheit Probleme hätte. Ich funktioniere besser mit Licht. Es macht mich wach und fröhlich. Dunkelheit macht mich schläfrig und auf Dauer auch melancholisch. Seit ich in Süditalien lebe, reichen für diesen Effekt schon drei Regentage am Stück. Da ist von arktischer Dunkelheit noch gar nicht die Rede.

      Hey, aber du kannst bestimmt unheimlich viele interessante Geschichten erzählen. So wie du herumgekommen bist. Schreib’ das bloß mal alles auf!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Corinna,
      ich habe einige Geschichten aufgeschrieben z.B. in meinem Roman “Wasserberg”, der meine Reise durch das Himalaja-Gebiet anspricht (erschien vor vielen Jahren beim Trikont Verlag) und mein arktisches Tagebuch, das eine Expeditionsreise nach NO Grönland und Svalbard zum Thema hat. Über die Arktis habe ich auch viele Blogposts geschrieben z.B.
      und folgende Posts.
      Ich schrieb auch viele Bände Tagebücher auf meinen Reisen.
      Ich lebte einst neun Monate in Griechenland. Bei mir war das genau umgekehrt wie bei dir. Die ständige Sonne und Hitze machte mich melancholisch und völlig träge. So sind die Menschen verschieden.
      Alles Gute
      The Fab Four of Cley
      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • 🙂 … die Verschiedenheit ist ja auch gut so. Sonst wären vielleicht ganze Landstriche unbevölkert und auf anderen würde man sich noch mehr drängen als heute schon.

      Danke für den Link. Ich schau mal rein.

      Liked by 1 person

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