Postcard from Marsh’s Library, Dublin

“It’s history. It’s love of words… It’s a city of literature, of course it’s. It’s Dublin.”   –  John Boyne, author of “The boy in the Striped Pyjama”

Marsh’s Library, Dublin by Hanne Siebers

“The Library: Home of the world’s wisdom and the sustenance of the soul.”   –  M.E. DeBakey

You can see more of my photos from this beautiful library on Klausbernd Vollmars blog.

70 thoughts

    • Hi Rhythm, you’re very agile, getting around a lot, typical for librarian dogs, maybe?
      Thanks for visiting and commenting. I love your goat lady.
      Have a lovely day!


    • Dear Rhythm,
      maybe you’d like to you send some pics of you and your library to the bookfayries? 🙂

      They write on kbvollmarblog:
      Last not least I would be extraordinary great if you could send pictured articles about our favourite library, even if it is your own. We would publish them here. Please send to: mail(at) A big thank you 🙂


  1. Dina, you just made me want to go visit Dublin so badly!!!
    For now, I’ll just say that the world according to Dina is really beautiful: thank you for letting us see it through your eyes 🙂
    Take care


  2. I started at Klausbernd’s blog and then came here for even more gorgeous pictures. I had no idea I had such a “thing” for photos of old libraries. But I do, I totally totally do. These images are gorgeous! Thank you for showing us.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Dublin`s Fine Libraries: Marsh’s Library « kbvollmarblog

    • Heheh 🙂 sounds liike we would get along really well!
      Which is your favourite library? Do you have any beauties in Denmark?
      Have a great evening.
      Hilsen Hanne


    • I’ve always been fascinated by books – read a lot with my mother’s mother where I was looked after during the day in my early childhood – while my parents went about their studies – this meant that I could read when I started school – in school, I got a teacher who really inspired me to become a “bookworm” and read a lot of books of increasingly challenging… 🙂

      The Danish libraries are of very variable quality – government grants have moved away, so libraries often gets a little superficial and populistic – but there are some libraries who keep the flag flying and the standard too.

      They last about 7 years, I have only been påbesøg in Denmark, but stayed me most abroad because of business – but I still have contact with the university library at the University of Aarhus – it’s really good… 🙂


  4. Schöne Fotos, ich kanns förmlich riechen das alte Papier. Ein halber Meter Bücherregal sieht bei mir auch so aus. *g* Das älteste Exemplar stammt aber nur aus dem Jahre 1916.

    Spannend sich das alles anzusehen.

    Liebe Grüße, Szintilla


    • Liebe Szintilla , dann solltest du vielleicht deine Bibliothek festhalten und mit den Buchfeen teilen? Die freuen sich bestimmt!
      Liebe Abendgrüße zu dir, Dina


    • Ja, das stimmt wirklich. Ich wäre sehr gerne länger dort geblieben. Herzlichen Dank für den lieben Besuch und deinen Kommentar!
      Viele Abendgrüße zu dir aus dem verregneten Rheinland


  5. So faszinierend, diese alten Bücher ..ganz kostbare Schätze sind das – und du hast sie beeindruckend und schön in deinen Bildern “in Szene gesetzt” 🙂 Dort wär ich ja zu gern auch mal ..

    Viele liebe Grüße zu dir 🙂


    • Dieses Bibliothek ist auch etwas ganz Besonderes, mit einem wunderbaren Flair. Ganz im Gegenteil zum nächsten Bibliothek, dort liegen die Schätze hinter Panzerglas und die Klimaanlage läuft auf Hochtouren.
      Liebe Grüße inklusive viele Streicheleinheiten für dein Monsterchen!


  6. Lovely post.Irland had given the Literature world many great writer.A book for me is like a chariot it can take me any where l want. Happy Holidays.jalal

    Liked by 1 person

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