A true summer dream – Hvaler, Norway

Summer is the time for dreaming, and then you have to stop. But some people go on dreaming all their lives, and cannot change.”
– Knut Hamsun, Dreamers

For as long as I can remember and even longer I have spent every summer at the Hvaler archipelago just outside Fredrikstad in Norway.

DSC_0059 Hvaler, Norway, Foto: Hanne Siebers
(for all photos: click to enlarge)

The smell of summer on the islands takes me back to my childhood days

DSC_0066 Papperhavn, Hvaler, Norway Foto: Hanne Siebers

and the wonderful sweet feeling when you sense “memories are just waiting to happen.” I hope you had lots of cheerful summers like that too! 🙂

When I was a child,  every summer had a story. A few years later even some ♥ ones. 🙂

DSC_0003, Hvaler morning, Norway Foto Hanne Siebers

If we’re not barefoot or in our flip flops, we’re overdressed. Some of my best, most precious memories are made in flip flops with long open hair constantly wet from long swims in salt water.

“Summertime is always the best of what might be.”  ― Charles Bowden

DSC_0072 Hvaler, Norway, Foto: Hanne Siebers “There is something deep within us that sobs at endings. Why does everything have to end? Why does all nature grow old? Why do spring and summer have to go?” ― Joe L. Wheeler

DSC_0078 Hvaler, Norway, Foto: Hanne Siebers

“Green was the silence, wet was the light, the month of July trembled like a butterfly.” ― Pablo Neruda, 100 Love Sonnets

Wishing every one of you the best of all summers!

© all photos: Hanne Siebers, Hvaler, Norway, 2013

291 thoughts

  1. Good morning my dear,
    wow, that really looks great there! I suppose the next time I have to come with you.
    Now I go to beach as well, but quite a different beach, and get my boat ready to go out for the seals. I will greet them from you 🙂
    Have a happy time at Hvaler! 🙂
    Lots of love xxx

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Klausbernd,
      I love the idea of exploring Hvaler, especially the outer parts of the archipelago with you! 🙂 Then we’ll go all the way out the seals, I haven’t seen them for years.

      The outermost points of Hvaler is a National Park now; “The Ytre Hvaler National Park” was set up to preserve a distinctive, large and relatively pristine area in southeast Norway with complete ecosystems on land and in the sea. Coral reefs, varied hard- and soft-bottom communities, stretches with currents and varying depths of water are important elements in the marine natural history.
      It’s big:
      Area 354 km2,14 km2 of which are land
      Maximum depth: more than 470 m.
      Maximum height a.s.l.: ca. 64 m
      Red Listed species: 131 all told 48 which are butterflies and moths, 32 plants and 11 beetles. Coral reef at Tisler: more than 1200 m long and 200 m broad; the largest inshore reef in Europe.
      The waters between Heia and Torbjørnskjær: an important pupping area for common seals and more than 12 000 eider ducks gather here to moult.

      Looking forward to our next trip to Blakeney Point! 🙂
      Dina xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  2. What a beautiful place to holiday, Dina.
    No wonder you have such fond memories of the place. It looks such a cosy intimate sort of location where everyone probably knows everyone and you see the same people & families year after year.
    And let’s face it, after Norway’s long, cold winter, you all need some summer sunshine & pleasurable activities.
    Lovely photos, especially that yellow painted house.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yes, you’re right Vicki. The winter in Norway is looooong and the summer is short and precious. Making holidays in the own country in a hytte or summerhouse or stuga as they say in Sweden, has a long tradition in Scandinavia and is very special.
      Thanks for making such a nice comment! 🙂

      I used to love watching the swedish TV: “Vi på Saltkråkan”,(Ferien auf Saltkrokan) it sums up this “summer feeling” very well.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Guten Morgen, Hanne,
    wunderschön sieht es in deiner Heimat aus!
    Ich wünsche dir weiterhin eine schöne Zeit dort.
    In Berlin ist es brütend warm, und jeder, der kann, lässt alle viere von sich strecken.
    Liebe Grüße sendet dir Susanne

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh je, liebe Susanne, in Norwegen ist es nicht ganz so heiß, bin ich froh!! Jedoch ist dieser Sommer ungewöhnlich warm, man spricht von Hitzewelle, Hitzerekord und wir haben mehrere tropische Nächte (Nächte mit Temp. > 20°) gehabt. Am Wasser ist es mehr als erträglich, ich hoffe, Berlin kühlt sich bald ordentlich ab!
      Liebe Grüße zu dir aus Hvaler

      Liked by 1 person

    • Liebe Hanne,
      inzwischen ist es in Berlin etwas kühler geworden, sehr angenehm.
      Ich arbeite zur Zeit an den letzten Antonius Zitaten. Sie fordern mich vor allem wegen der großen Papiergröße sehr….
      Bist du schon wieder in Bonn? Ich freue mich schon sehr auf unser Treffen und bin ganz neugierig, wie du life und in Farbe aussiehst….
      Liebe Grüße von Susanne

      Liked by 1 person

    • Liebe Susanne, ja ich bin jetzt wieder in Bonn und wie du siehst, stecke ich tief in der Arbeit…Und wie immer, für alles fehlt ein weniig Zeit, … 🙂 Keine Langeweile! 🙂 Ich freue mich auch, riesig! 🙂
      Eine schönes Wochenende dir!
      Liebe Grüße, Hanne

      Liked by 1 person

  4. My dear Hanne, what a wonderfulI set of pictures. They capture everything that makes us feel good and one imagines to be able to smell the atmosphere. Sooooo good that you decided (once again) to visit your island. Sunny greetings 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Es freut mich sehr, dass es dir so gut gefällt, Magdalena! Danke für den lieben Kommentar. Ich mag Hvaler auch im Winter, das Licht ist zauberhaft, fast mystisch und wenn der Eis liegt, freut sich mein fotographisches Auge darüber…

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  5. Mit diesen sommerlichen Fotos bekomme ich direkt Lust nach Kiel zu fahren, um die Fähre nach Norwegen zu nehmen. Aber mein Urlaub ist leider schon vorbei! Der Elbstrand in Blankenese war für uns am Freitagmorgen eine gute Alternative. Mit Picknick, Buch und Kaffee, hatten wir es uns ,nach meinem gestrigen Arztbesuch, an der Elbe so richtig gut gehen lassen. Ich wünsche euch allen einen schönen Sommer und unvergessliche Momente.

    Liebste Grüße,

    Liked by 2 people

    • Liebe Tanja,
      ich finde der Elbstrand in Blankenese ist eine megatolle Alternative, HH is soooo schön, meine Leiblingsstadt in D! Ich hoffe, dir geht es rundum gut!?
      Herzliche Grüße aus Norwegen

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hallo liebe Dina,
      das stimmt! Vor allem brauchen wir Nordmenschen die Nähe zum Wasser, nicht wahr? Letztens waren wir erstmals in Kiel, ebenfalls ein schönes Fleckchen Erde. Auf der Autobahn gen Kiel erblickten wir in der Ferne quasi eine Hügelwand aus dicht bewachsenen Wäldern, dahinter und über den Wipfeln konnten wir die rasch untergehende Sonne bestaunen. Mir war, als träumte ich. Es fühlte sich sehr heimisch an. Ein Gefühl, das ich so, selbst in Hamburg nicht empfunden hatte, als wir vor drei Jahren dort hingezogen sind. Leider neigte sich der Tag dem Ende, so dass wir nicht mehr viel machen konnten, wollten wir doch nur Olivers Bewerbung für die Uni einschmeißen, was wir fast verschwitzt hatten. Hinter uns lag eine bereits achtstündige Autobahnfahrt, da wir am Wochenende meine kleine Schwester in Krefeld besucht hatten, was uns mit dem Besuch im schönen Jagdschloss Linn, ebenfalls lange in Erinnerung bleiben wird. An diesem Tag ist mir erst so richtig bewusst geworden, dass oft die kleinen Erlebnisse im Leben, zu den ganz Besonderen zählen. Was den Arztbesuch angeht, da hab ich wahrlich noch einen kleinen Marathonlauf vor mir. Meine Schilddrüse bereitet mir ein paar Schwierigkeiten, aber sonst geht es mir gut. Und wenn alles wieder gut ist, dann bin ich auch wieder bereit für weitere Reisen.

      Liebste Grüße nach Norwegen,

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Hallo Dina,
    klasse Fotos. Ich würde jetzt am liebsten die Fähre nehmen und nach Norwegen fahren 🙂
    Es sieht alles so erfrischend aus und nicht so brütend heiss wie hier.
    Ich würde am liebsten flüchten, aber irgend woher muß das geld ja kommen 😉
    Maximal noch 14 Jahr bis zur Rente und dann kann man spontan abhauen 🙂
    Geniesse deinen Uraub.
    LG Angela 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Ganz lieben Dank, Angela! Eine schöne Vorstellung, wir treffen uns alle hier in Norwegen… 🙂 Wir haben zurzeit etwas total aussergewöhnliches; Tropische Hitze = zu keiner Zeit unter 20°, auch nachts nicht, es ist wirklich wunderschön und gar nicht stickig.
      Ach ja, bis zu Rente, das dauert noch viele Jahre. Einerseits schön, 🙂 andererseits…. 😦
      Liebe Grüße aus Hvaler

      Liked by 1 person

    • Lucky you! Iceland is on my list, I have never been there, I’m sure it’s truly beautiful. Lofoten is my Number 1 spot in Norway, too! 🙂

      Happy and safe travelling! Enjoy your holidays, Melanie!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Die Alpen sind auch wunderschön! 🙂 Von wo in Schweden kommst du? Ich fahre Übermorgen mit dem Schiff nach Strömstad, die Fahrt durch Skjaergaarden ist wunderschön, fast wie Pflichtprogram im Sommer… 🙂
      Liebe Grüße

      Liked by 1 person

  7. So beautiful Dina. Looking forward to my planned visit in September to Norwich and points east. Will you be in the area (12-26 Sept?) Salthouse/Blakeney? Would be sad if you were and we couldn’t make arrangements for a quick meet….Raye

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Raye,
      as Dina is offline, just there where she took those pictures, I will answer. I will be in at my home in Cley next the Sea between the 12-26 Sept. I hope that Dina and our lovely Bookfayries will be here as well. You know there is a beautiful walk through marshes from Blakeney to Cley. And from Salthouse you can walk to Cley as well.
      You are very welcome!
      Dina and me are thinking to arrange a meeting of bloggers at mine autumn 2014. The exact date will depend on Dina`s work and if she will be around coming Sept. too – but it`s planned.
      Have a happy week and thanks for commenting

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Raye! Actually, I think I’ll be there, at least in your second week and I very much look forward to seeing you! Siri and Selma too!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Was für ein wunderschönes Land – und welche schönen Impressionen in Bild und Wort. Danke schön, liebe Hanne! Da möchte man seinen Rucksack auf den Rücken schnallen und einfach nur noch hin …
    Herzliche Grüsse aus dem erfrischten Hamburg nach Gewitter und Sommerregen von

    Liked by 2 people

    • Schön, dass es sich abgekühlt hat!
      Ja, Lieber Jarg, pack Frau und Zwilling ein und nichts wie los! 🙂 Norwegen ist ein sehr kinderfreundliches Land zu bereisen, Naturfreaks kommen auf ihre Kosten. Versprochen!
      🙂 Liebste grüße nach HH

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hallo liebe Hanne,
      das glaube ich ganz bestimmt. Ich schaue mir ja berufsbedingt viele Reiseführer an – und bleibe bei den Norwegenführern immer ein bisschen länger hängen, weil die Landschaften einfach so schön und weit sind. Bisher kam ich ja in Europas Norden nicht über Dänemark hinaus, aber das kann sich ja ändern. Träumt doch der weibliche Zwilling schon von einer Reise im Wohnmobil. Wie passend 😉
      Liebe Grüsse in den schönen Norden von

      Liked by 1 person

    • It is indeed. Quite different to beautiful Florida, I love the contrast. In the North we celebrate the short summer, the winter is very long, very cold. The Gulfstream helps a lot. 🙂

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  9. O how shall summer’s honey breath hold out
    Against the wrackful siege of batt’ring days,
    When rocks impregnable are not so stout,
    Nor gates of steel so strong but time decays?

    Shakespeare – Sonnet 65

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Dear Dina, many thanks for letting us take part in your very special summer memories. I’ve, unfortunately, to admit that’s always in summer when I feel most sad. But I really wish you many more great days in Norway. .)

    Liked by 2 people

  11. I wish I could finally master the magic of snapping my fingers or twitching my nose and ending up in the live version of some of your photos! 🙂 Such a lovely place…

    Mind you, I did have my share of those – but still hope for more 😉

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Ihr habt alle so wunderschöne Wohnorte…unterschiedlich zwar, aber toll und die Entscheidung für einen fiele schwer.
    Kann man in dem Wasser auch baden, oder ist es dafür zu kalt? Mit Neoprenanzug sollte es gehen, oder?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Liebe Nomadenseele mit dem wundebaren Gravatar…

      ich bin froh, daß ich mich nicht entscheiden muss. Norfolk, Norwegen und das Rheinland sind alle recht unterschiedlich, aber jeder Ort für sich ist wunderbar. Home is where the heart is!

      Oh ja, klar man baden. Ich war noch nie so oft im Wasser wie jetzt, ich gehe mehrmals täglich schwimmen und Siri und Selma sind richtige Wassernixen geworden. 🙂
      Happy summer!

      Liked by 1 person

    • An das Rheinland dachte ich dabei weniger, eher an Pit in Texas und an Norfolk.

      Hätte ja sein können, dass das Wasser in Norwegen zu kalt ist. Ich bin im Moment fast auch nur im Wasser, vorgestern alleine 5 Stunden Aquajogging und Schwimmen. Danach hatte ich allerdings leichten Muskelkater, der aber im Laufe des Tages wieder verschwand.

      Im Wasser ist es zur Zeit toll, nicht wahr? Ich bin immer grantig, wenn ich einen Tag mal nicht Schwimmen gehen kann, wenn das Wetter nicht mitspielt. Inzwischen fehlt mir dann was. Geht es dir auch so?

      Liked by 1 person

    • mit dem wundebaren Gravatar…

      Das lässt jedes Krankenschwester-Herz höher schlagen, nicht wahr 🙂 ? Aber lasse dir gesagt sein, Pflaster verkleben das Fell, also müsste schon ein kunstvoller Verband her.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Ich bezog mich dabei auf die Kopfwunde des kleinen Teddys.
      Mein Schlafteddy sieht ihm überings sehr ähnlich, nur mit 20 Jahren nicht mehr so schön.

      Und nun verschwinde ich ins Schwimmbad, ich wollte eientlich schon dort sein, habe aber verschlafen.

      Dir auch einen schönen (Schwimm-)Tag!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Am liebsten gar nicht…solange ich das Atherom habe und es sich nicht entzündet, kann ich mir einreden, dass ein Teil der Verspannungen daher rührt, dass es auf die Nerven drückt.
      Selbsttäuschung ist bekanntlich alles.

      Ich bin sehr gut in schöne, praktische und kunstvolle Verbände anlegen,

      Du würdest mir bestimmt auch nicht jede Nacht eiskalte Handtücher im Schlaf ins Gesicht klatschen, wie es eine Krankschwester mal gemacht hat 😦 .

      Liked by 1 person

    • Ja, det er godt mulig at man mä vaere nordisk for ä fatte den virklige essensen av skandinavisk sommer. Det finnes ingen bedre plass när sommeren kommer…

      Liked by 1 person

  13. What a stunning beautiful place to make memories. Some of my fondest summer memories come from time spent at our cottage on a Laurentian lake, like you, hair constantly wet. The joy of damp woods and jumping off the dock at dawn, starry nights and skinny dips.

    Liked by 3 people

  14. Nydelig bildeserie fra Hvaler! Et herlig sted med mange spennende fotomotiv.
    (er fornøyd med sommerværet vi har nå, – til og med tropenetter (temp ikke under 20 i løpet av døgnet..))

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Waw, you surely were a lucky kid growing up there! What beautiful & captivating pictures, dear Dina! Just beautiful & breathtaking too! 🙂 xxx Now, I would like to go for a dive in the see or in the lakes!

    Liked by 2 people

  16. Oh, I’d love that, Sophie! It’d be so nice to swim next to you and cuddle up on the shore, wrapped in a big towel afterwards… Thank you som much for taking the time. Big hug.x

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Good Day
    have you subscribed to, if you also subscribe to me you can find me better in the reader and there see my older articles, and if like like.The eye is as you know.Let …auch inspire my images when I have written much on German, you can enter it with your naked eye.
    My name is Andrea and come from Oberhausen is located in North Rhine-Westphalia.
    And what’s your name?
    Your pictures are great, are great, I think all good, very toll…ich am looking forward to more.
    These are pictures from their homeland?
    Where exactly are you from.
    To have beautiful they made in the wide Univerum.
    All the best for you and your family
    Wish you have a pleasant Tag.Herzlichst Andrea

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you for visiting Andrea! My Name is Dina or Hanne, some even call me Toffeefee… 🙂 I come from Fredrikstad in Norway and I live in Bonn and spend a lot of time in North Norfolk, UK. You can read more on about if you are interested. 🙂
      Have a great weekend,

      Liked by 1 person

    • Good evening Dina…oder of also love fudge fairy laugh.
      Thanks enjoy you for the Antwort.ich on my blog.
      I have a beautiful evening.
      I’m sure on your Blog.Herzlichst Andrea

      Liked by 1 person

    • Oh yes, we have a little bit of manufactering as well, but alltogether I assume it’s quite fresh and clean. And you know, I moslty go to the nice places. Life is short… 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  18. This is stunning! love it! the more it goes, the more I love these “cold” shores rather than Asian hot ones…. Have been to Iceland and Sweden but never yet to Norway..Hope can make it one day. Thanks for sharing, gives a holiday feel as am still “stuck” in Paris 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  19. …Må være kjempefint å være på Hvaler om sommeren, med så mye sol og sjø. Minner om Vi på Saltkråkan, som jeg så som barn. …. Det skriver Bente H. og det mener jeg med! 🙂
    Ha det bra!
    Hilsen Annalena

    Liked by 2 people

  20. Neruda on July – already it is August, and one begins to regret the summer’s passing….
    What a lovely post, and how enriching it is to have that continuity. My family moved a number of times, as I have, so I don’t have that, but I have other consistencies across time. The photographs are beautiful, and that northern light – oh boy, what a joy to see!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Psssss… don’t tell anyone… I faked it! Originally it says June… But you are right, time passes by so quickly and the summer deserves a speeding ticket! Thank you so much for your kind words, It’s higjhly appreciated!

      Liked by 1 person

  21. Oh man, ist das schön…das gelbe Haus, perfekt zum Projekt… aber ein sehr schöner Kontrast zum Blau des Himmels.
    Ich muß mir mehr Zeit nehmen und die Bilder nochmals anschauen, denn gerade habe ich Besuch und sogar mal PC Zeit Erlaubnis bekommen 😀

    Grüßle von Mathilda ♥

    Liked by 2 people

  22. Dear Dina,
    Apologies if it took me so long to get back to you on so many things (I will write more in response to other comments of yours!) and to read your always beautiful post – work has just been crazy in the last month…
    What a wonderful place to spend your summers! The water looks beautiful and so do the surroundings and the lovely houses and cabins. I hope you are enjoying a wonderful summer of wet, salty hair and flip flops! 😉
    As always, a beautiful set of images to illustrate Hvaler in the summer.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh dear Stefano, don’t feel sorry. I was so absorbed with travelling and being offline and now with work myself I’m way behind everything… 🙂 🙂
      Hope you a splendid summer as well.
      Love to you all from Bonn

      Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, every time I return, I think how wonderful it is to come home. What a great world!
      Thank you so much, have a relaxing Weekend.
      Love from the Rhine Valley

      Liked by 1 person

  23. Hei Dina! Great photos! I did a road trip in Norway last year and it was the best holiday ever. The landscape was just simply amazing. Really enjoyed the whole experience. I’m definetly going to follow your blog in the future. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Gosh, what a great compliment, thank you very much indeed! 🙂 I’ve never heard about Eartshots before, I’ll have to look it up… Thank you so much for visiting my blog and putting a big smile on my face. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  24. A most magical post Dina 🙂 You evoke carefree childhood memories … i too could roam free… which nowdays children are more curbed with safety issues. I like too that your photos come with your experiences …. adds to a richness of being and aspect of lens (love the brininess). Hope this summer sets memorable times for your future :).

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yes, thank you, Liz, it was a great summer. We had the best, sunny, warm weather in 20 years, for outdoor living just perfect. Thanks for inspiring me! And yet again I learned a new word; brininess. Takk skal du ha! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  25. Dear Dina, this is a beautiful post, sharing in so many dimensions, touching upon emotions & experiences through the wonderful landscape, the atmosphere and the much loved quotes ; )

    Liked by 2 people

  26. This place looks wonderful! I’m doing genealogy work, and finding out that my ancestry doesn’t stop in England, Wales, and Norther Ireland, but looks like a big chunk originates from Scandinavia. I would love to one day go to this place shown in your pictures…and be in that kayak!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Indeed. The world around me is truly beautiful. Well, I think so anyway, to me it is and I try to capture this beauty with a loving look behind the camera.
      Big hug ♥to you from The Rhine Valley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Please forgive me for being so ignorant to your question, dear Paula ♥. I’m absolutely absorbed in my work in the clinic these days, that’s way I can’t post that much. because blogging is not only a matter of posting, is it?

      Oh yes, I have seen “I am Dina”! maybe 10 times or more. This Dina is my role model and has in fact given me the nickname Dina.:-)

      I once posted the photos from the film

      and if you look at “Nordic Literature” you’ll see a very moving photo of Dina as a little girl of 4 years struggling to learn to read.
      Thanks for mentioning this film, bringing back so many precious memories… ♥

      Liked by 1 person

    • I’m going to check out the link right now. No, blogging is not a question of posting every day. I prefer to do it once to twice a week at best. It is time consuming to visit my fellow bloggers that post every day, I feel pressured as I can’t afford them all my timely attention. Dina, I had no idea you were working in a clinic. I am interested to know more about your work if you trust me to share. Love, Paula

      Liked by 1 person

    • Actually, I don’t live there permanently any longer…. But I visit regularly and the beauty of the country presents itself every time. And yes, I consider myself lucky! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  27. Oh my! What a beautiful place in this world! Your photos are stunning! You have done an excellent job of capturing the moment, and making me feel like I’m right there with you! When I think of Norway, I only think “cold”…these photos changed that for me! The lighting and the colors are just gorgeous, as is your blog. I also wanted to tell you thank you for stopping by my blog,and making the decision to follow me on this journey. I consider it an honor to have you join me.
    Thank you so much!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much, Afryka, (what a great name) – I’m glad you like my work! 🙂 Yes, I feel privileged living in the North, it’s beautiful. You should come and have a look … 😉
      Best wishes. Dina x

      Liked by 1 person

  28. Thank you so much for stopping by at Colltales, Dina, and for letting me discover your world through these wonderful pictures and writings. It’s a blessed immersion on a universe that’s been so far apart from where I come from (Rio, Brazil, even New York), that I can almost taste it and long to be out there, enjoying it. I’m always amazed by the ways we find each other in this vast land and even without ever getting close physically, we can still appreciate and share the things that make us humans (the good ones, of course). Talking about good ones, oh, those dogs… and what you say about them. Great experience visiting your blog in this Saturday morning. I’ll definitely come back, I’m now a follower and you feel free to come back at anytime; perhaps on your next visit, I’ll have I some hot chocolate and cookies. All the best. Wesley

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh dear, Wesley, please forgive me for this late response to your truly great comment, mea culpa! I’ll pop over right away and see if you have some hot chocolate and some cookies now. 😉 >3
      Mea maxima culpa.

      Liked by 1 person

  29. Pingback: Roald Amundsen’s Feeling for Snow | The World according to Dina

    • Danke dir. Wir sind sooo froh, hier zu leben.
      Ganz liebe Grüße von Poppyland, wie diese Gegend auch nach einem viktorianischen Roman genannt wird – und es gibt wirklich Mengen von Mohnblumen hier, aber dafür ist es noch zu früh
      the Fab Four of Cley 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  30. Pingback: Friday Bouquet #19 | Jennifer's Journal

  31. I came this way via Jennifer’s Journal. She shared this blog post on her own site. Gorgeous photos. I had the good fortune of visiting Oslo a few years ago on a cruise. My family loved the city. My husband is of Norwegian descent, and we hope to be able to see more of the country some day.

    Liked by 4 people

  32. Dina it is Autumn here in Australia and so your beautiful captures make me smile and feel warm on the inside. We spend our days at the beach in summer here too, but I love the beach in the winter when nobody is around. It will be whale spotting time soon, thats another reason I love the winter time. The colours in your photos are so beautiful. Kath.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Dear Kath,
      we love winter here as well when all the tourists are gone and they only people around are the birdwatchers (we just blogged about).
      Thanks for commenting and warm greetings to down under, happy whale watching (must be great!)
      the Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  33. Pingback: Out of Fredrikstad | The World according to Dina

  34. I’m extremely impressed along with your writing skills and also with the layout on your
    weblog. Is this a paid subject matter or did you modify it yourself?
    Either way keep up the excellent high quality writing, it is uncommon to peer a
    nice weblog like this one these days..

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Keenan,
      well, our dear Master was a professional author and teaching literature at the McGill University/Montreal. Now he is an independent gentleman as the English use to say – and a blogger.
      The layout of our blog is a bought one that we modified to serve our needs, well, Dina and Selma, our beloved Bookfayrie, modified it.
      We are VERY sorry that we didn’t answer before, one month later, oh dear!
      All the best and thanks for your kind commentary
      The Fab Four of Cley
      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

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