

When we were in dire need at sea, we learned how little a person needs, not how much.  – The Fab Four

A long time ago we decided to fast after Easter. We are in the preparation stage now eating only fruit and vegetable soup, at the weekend we will start. Today we went to Holt to buy organic teas and Bullrich’s Salt for regulating our alkaline PH. But, oh dear, they didn’t know that salt, although, they told us, that many customers from the continent who wanted to fast were asking for it. So we bought organic cider vinegar with the mother instead.

Vor langer Zeit beschlossen wir nach Ostern zu fasten. Am Wochenende fangen wir damit an. Jetzt sind wir in der Vorbereitung. Heute fuhren wir nach Holt und wollten im Holistic Whole Food Store organischen Tee, Bullrichs Salz und mehr kaufen. Aber oh weh, man kannte das Salz nicht, obwohl jeder, der vom Kontinent kommt und fasten will, bereits danach fragte. Also haben wir organischen Apfel Cider Essig mit Muttersatz gekauft.

Have you ever fasted?
We did it several times but the last time is quite a while ago. Master has no problems with not eating and not drinking alcohol but not to smoke is quite a challenge for him. Dina will have a tough time not drinking coffee and Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma will struggle not to use their fairy-phones because we decided to stay away from digital media as well. Nevertheless, we enjoy not having to cook or go shopping as we’re cleansing our bodies. 

Habt ihr schon einmal gefastet?
Wir haben das schon öfter gemacht, dennoch liegt das letzte Mal einige Zeit zurück. Masterchen hat wenig Probleme damit, nichts zu essen und keinen Akohol zu trinken, aber nicht zu rauchen ist eine schwierigere Übung für ihn. Dina kämpft wahrscheinlich mit den Kaffeeentzug und Siri 🙂 und 🙂 Selma finden es ja soooo schwierig, nicht ihre Feenphones zu benutzen, da wir auch Abstinenz von digitaler Kommunikation beschlossen. Aber wir alle vier freuen uns darauf, gaaanz viel Zeit zu haben, nicht einkaufen und nicht kochen zu müssen, während wir den Körper reinigen.

Siri 🙂 thinks she can conjure much better when she is fasting. Oh dear, what do we have to expect? For Dina and the Master, it’s an exercise to strengthen their wills – as if they needed it. Hopefully, they will not become unbearable. Anyway, it’s an adventure. Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma already threatened to move into the sauna in the garden if there are too much ‘bad vibes’. When Master quoted Martin Heidegger “Waiver doesn’t take, waiver gives.” Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma were already packing their sleeping bags for fleeing to the sauna. The wise Dina had to step in. She explained that fasting makes you younger. Does that mean that the Fab Four will become even more childlike? At the end of their discussion, Selma 🙂 told us that fasting drives off evil spirits. Does she mean confused thinking and believing fake news?

Siri 🙂 meinte neulich, dass sie viel besser zaubern kann, wenn sie fastet. Das sind wir echt gespannt. Für Dina und Masterchen ist es eine Übung, ihren Willen zu stärken – als ob die das noch brauchen. Hoffentlich wird’s nicht unerträglich. Auf jeden Fall ist’s ein Abenteuer für uns. Mal sehen, ob wir zu Beginn unausstehlich werden. Siri 🙂 und 🙂 Selma drohten schon an, dass sie in dem Fall in unsere Sauna im Garten ziehen würden. Als noch Masterchen Heidegger zititierte “Verzicht nimmt nicht. Verzicht gibt.” hätten sie schon fast ihre Schlafsäcke gepackt und wären in der Sauna verschwunden. Da musste die weise Dina einschreitend erklären, dass Fasten die Neubildung jugendlicher Zellen anregt. So werden wohl die Fab Four demnächst völlig kindlich werden. Seid gespannt. Selma 🙂 meinte noch, Fasten vertreibe böse Geister, sie meint wohl verwirrte Gedanken oder den naiven Glauben von Fake News.

Lots of love
Liebe Grüße
The Fab Four of Cley
🧚‍♀️ Siri 🙂 and  🧚‍♀️ Selma :-), Dina💃 and 🚶‍♂️Masterchen


Despite fasting we have our blog upgraded because we run out of space – we don’t fast there! It’s now WWW.FABFOURBLOG.COM instead of TOFFEEFEE – as we don’t like Toffee anymore 😉 But you can still reach us via our old address and for our dear followers nothing changes.
Trotz allen Fastens haben wir wegen Bildplatzmangels – ja, da fasten wir nicht! – unseren Blog upgegraded. Er heißt nun WWW.FABFOURBLOG.COM und nicht mehr TOFFEEFEE, da es nun keine Toffees mehr gibt 😉 Aber über unsere alte Adresse kommt ihr immer noch zu uns und für unsere lieben Abonneten ändert sich nichts.



© Text and illustrations, Hanne Siebers and Klausbernd Vollmar, Cley next the Sea, 2018


203 thoughts

    • Thanks, dear Javier,
      well, B&W ist fasting concerning colours, isn’t it?
      Thanks a lot for liking Dina’s photography 🙂 🙂
      All the best
      The Fab Four of Cley
      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 6 people

  1. Fab Four of Cley,
    I used to fast during lent, but being as I haven’t done that in so long, I should start an after-Easter fast myself. It does a bod good! How long do you suppose it should last? I’ll be shopping tomorrow, so I’ll be making a list to keep me stocked. (I could stand to be a bit younger!!). 🙂
    I hope you have a wonderful weekend – and stay as young and light-hearted as you wish!!
    GP Cox

    Liked by 4 people

    • Dear GP Cox,
      we are on the third day of preparation. In the ‘pre-fast’ time we drink a lot of organic juices, we eat Finnish crispbread (because we like it) with cottage cheese, in the evening a vegetable soup and in between fruit. Our real fast starts tomorrow. We do it for 6 days. We will thrice a day have a little piece of crispbread without cheese and eating it very, very slowly, we’ll drink 3 ltr. of water per day and will not use either our computer nor our phones. After those 6 days, we’ll start with crisp bread and cheese and a vegetable soup again. After 3 more days we’ll go back to normal.
      Thank you very much for your kind wishes.
      We wish you a happy weekend and getting as young as you wish. And if you start an after-Easter fast we wish you happy fasting
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 5 people

  2. Good on you, Fab Four, for fasting. It is only something I think of doing despite knowing its many benefits. Expect to see you all glowingly fit on the other side 🙂 Fabulous sea-surging photos, Dina.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Dear Tish,
      we are not so much interested in food and eating, therefore, the decision to fast was not so hard for us and we’ll do it for 6 days only. Of course, we’ll be glowingly fit then – hopefully.
      Thank you for liking Dina’s photography
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you very much for liking Dina’s photography.
      Well, one doesn’t need to fast. It’s a little bit like a game for us or an adventure. We always liked all the time you gain by not shopping and cooking.
      All the best
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  3. I confess that I have never fasted. I have never been religious, so didn’t have that reason. But to fast for your health is a good plan, especially if if means KB not smoking. 🙂 Lovely wave photos to accompany this post. They made me feel as if I was in the sea!
    Love from Beetley, Pete and Ollie. X

    Liked by 5 people

    • Good afternoon, dear Pete,
      we all four have never been religious. We fast for different reasons, for health reasons of course, for training our willpower and clear our minds. And nevertheless, it’s a kind of game for us as well.
      Thanks for liking Dina’s photography, her fasting concerning colours 😉
      With lots of love from sunny Cley
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Pete,
      you made me think about why I fast again: You wouldn’t believe it but I want to tell my body that I am the ruler. I think it has to do with power and I don’t want to be ruled by food. I have a friend in Germany he is hooked on food – but without being big. I like him but his dependency on food makes me feel sick, I can’t see him eating. But, in a way, I am the other way round. When I was working I quite often forgot to eat for two or three days. Therefore fasting is not such a challenge for me.
      Yes, I think I do it to prove (for myself) that I can rule my body and mind.
      With lots of love from the sunny sea
      Klausbernd 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    • Good reasons, KB. I eat from habit, at certain times, and very often the same things too. Whilst I may not want to fast, it might be a good idea for me to break some of those habits.
      I am sure you will be able to rule your body, and your mind. 🙂
      Love from Beetley, Pete and Ollie. X

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Surely I fasted. About 8 years back friends of mine decided to try it and I was part of the group.
    I lost 10 kilos in 10 days.
    It was a good experience, without any difficulties, but I gained those lost kilos back very soon.
    Nowadays I count more on walking and eating properly – in the long run this should help.
    Cleaning the body?! I don’t know if this is really necessary. I also didn’t experience spiritual enlightenment in those 10 days. So it was only the weight loss.

    BTW: Nice photos AGAIN!

    Liked by 4 people

    • Thank you very much for commenting and liking Dina’s photography 🙂
      We don’t fast for losing weight, actually, we are slightly underweight. We do it for proving it to ourselves that we are able to do it. We sometimes do those exercises for training our willpower. It’s fun. And as we are not food lovers it’s not such a hard exercise for us.
      Happy weekend and all the best
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 3 people

  5. Ich habe schon oft gefastet, auch in diesem Jahr – vor Ostern – allerdings nicht ganz radikal, ich aß am Abend eine Gemüsesuppe und am Morgen zwei Scheiben Reiswaffeln und trotzdem war es sehr wohltuend! Ich kann gut mit Masterchen mitfühlen, bei mir sind die Zigaretten auch immer eine Hürde, den Kaffee schleiche ich schon vorher aus, dann ist es nicht so heftig, wenn ich auf Null gehe. Alkohol bereitet mit Nullprobleme, aber ich trinke ihn ja auch nicht regelmäßig!
    Viel Freude und Klarheit wünsche ich euch Vieren, die Klarheit stellt sich ja dann ab vierten Tag ein und darauf habe ich mich immer besonders gefreut. Ihr könnt übrigens auch mit Flohsamen abführen, dann aber auch richtig viiiel trinken, aber das macht man ja während dieser Zeit sowieso.
    Herzliche Grüße, Ulli

    Liked by 4 people

    • Lebe Ulli,
      wir fasten auch nicht radikal. Nachdem wir deinen Kommentar lasen, überlegen wir, ob wir eine basische Suppe abends beibehalten. Wir aßen die schon in der Vorbereitungsphase.
      Bei Flohsamen müssen wir mal schauen, ob es den hier gibt.
      Zum Glück haben wir Bilderbuchwetter, so dass wir es uns im Wintergarten und auf der Terrasse gemütlich machen können.
      Mit lieben Grüßen vom sonnigen Meer
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Have I fasted? No! Not once throughout my life, and believe mit or not: I’m still alive and kicking!
    However, there has been days in my life where I’ve eaten nothing at all, ( but a beer) 🙂
    but has been solely because I just wasn’t hungry! Or if I was way out in the wilderness with no food, no matches, no berries – just nothing edible!
    But there’s always something if one really must!

    Liked by 3 people

    • On our Arctic expeditions, we were sometimes in situations not having food for two or three days or when our Master was writing he forgot to eat for more than a day. But we wouldn’t call this fasting. As we wrote before fasting has to do with training your willpower. It has to be voluntary – that’s the whole point of it.
      Thanks a d cheers
      The Fab Four of Cley


  7. Hallo ihr lieben vier,
    ja, ich faste regelmäßig, am liebsten jeden Montag. Das klappt aufgrund von Terminen nicht immer aber doch sehr oft. Ich finde es erstaunlich, wie das Fasten die Konzentration erhöht. Der Körper wird nicht träge.
    Ich gratuliere euch zu eurem Umzug und wünsche euch viel Erfolg mit dem fabfourblog.
    Ich habe heute von 15 – 18 Uhr offenes Atelier – die Ausstellung “Künstlerischer Umgang mit Erinnerungen” läuft mit verschiedenen Öffnungszeiten noch bis zum 5. Mai.
    Nun zeichne ich ein wenig, liebe Grüße von Susanne

    Liked by 4 people

    • Liebe Susanne,
      das finden wir alle SEHR toll, dass du jeden Montag fastest. Ein wesentlicher Grund für uns ist auch die Klarheit und die Überwindung der Trägheit.
      Wir wünschen dir viel Erfolg mit deinem offenen Atelier. Schade, dass wir nicht in Berlin leben. Wir kämen sicher vorbei.
      Frohes Zeichnen und gaaaanz liebe Grüße
      The Fab Four of Cley


    • Lieber Klausbernd, es war ein sehr erfolgreicher Ateliertag und zahlreiche Besucherinnen hatten sich auf dem Weg gemacht. Am Montag ist der nächste offene Tag und auch dafür haben wir schon viele Zusagen. Es rentiert sich tatsächlich im Rahmen einer Ausstellung nach der Eröffnung zusätzliche Termine anzubieten.
      Heute wollen Micha und ich den östlichen Wedding erkunden. Dort spazieren wir viel zu selten und ich freue mich aufs zeichnen.
      Liebe Grüße senden euch Susanne und Micha


  8. Are the photo’s a representation of all your stomachs together during your fasting. The body does tend to exhale such toxicity during the fasting and we can become a little wild. But the end product is so much better with much calmer sea’s, then you can move back in to share the clearer waters 😀 ❤

    Liked by 5 people

    • Dear Mark
      what a GREAT commentary! 🙂 🙂 Thank you very much.
      You are absolutely right about Dina’s photos. And they are a kind of fasting concerning colours too.
      We are looking forward to the clear waters 🙂
      Thanks ❤ and cheers
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Liebe Hanne, lieber Klausbernd,
    für mich ist es eine große Bereicherung, euren Blogg einsehen zu dürfen. Gerade die Verbindung von Text und Foto schafft für mich eine tiefe Teilhabe an dem, was euch wichtig ist. Die Fotos von Harris, Callanish und Luskentyre Beach rufen 20 Jahre alte Erinnerungen an eine wunderbare Entdeckungsreise in mir hervor. Strände wie in der Karibik (inkl. Sonnenbrand!!!!), Fingerzeichen aus der Vorzeit erscheinen in Callanish´ magischer Umgebung.
    Dank an euch und alles Gute bis zu einem “Wiedersehen”

    Liked by 4 people

    • Lieber Peter,
      habe herzlichen Dank für deinen Kommentar.
      Puh, ist das warm. Wir sitzen im Wintergarten und schwitzen. Ja, schön, dass dir unser Blog gefällt 🙂 🙂
      Bis dann und herzliche Grüße nach Freiburg
      The Fab Four of Cley


  10. This looks fabulous, Dina! I like your thought-provoking quote at the beginning.
    I have fasted a few times in my life. And at the beginning, I always put down on paper my thoughts about why I’m doing it: What do I want to accomplish by fasting? My number one reason was always for health. It’s good to have plenty of time to contemplate and experience the changes. I think I will fasten again soon now. 🙂 Thanks for the inspiration, best of luck to you all four dear friends.
    Per Magnus x

    Liked by 4 people

    • Our dear friend Per Magnus,
      yes, we will write about our fasting experiences as well. Only for us, not for publication.
      For us, the reasons for fasting seem to be health, training our willpower, overcome set patterns and clear our minds. But that might change. Maybe we find a reason we haven’t thought about before.
      Thanks ❤ Cheers 🙂
      The Fab Four of Cley


  11. Wonderful images.. So beautiful in B & W.

    I can fast a little, but like my food too much to do it for any length of time. Since I am currently on a dairy/grain/gluten/sugar/potato/almond/seed free diet, I supposes I have pretty strong will-power when it comes to the crunch. I rarely drink as it doesn’t agree with my heart and blood pressure medication so I suppose I could be a teetotaller if I needed to. Being pre-diabetic (inherited from my Father’s side), it probably would be unwise to fast properly.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Vicki,
      thank you very much for liking Dina’s photography 🙂 🙂 Her fasting in colours 😉
      We suppose in your case fasting would be the wrong indication. I a way we do it for fun and prove ourselves that we are able to do it. We don’t think that everyone should fast once or twice a year.
      We wish you that your health will improve.
      All the best
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  12. When I look at the rushing waters of Dina’s amazing photos, I see cleansing in action. How fitting for your post on fasting! I am sure fasting is good for you and indeed it reminds you how little one needs to live. As for me, my wife and my family are worried that I will be in trouble if I don’t eat. Two months after radiation treatment, during which I had lost a considerable amount of weight, I have not gained a single pound. The benefits of fasting are for those who overindulge in eating in an affluent society. You are doing well in cutting out smoking during your fast, Klausbernd. Warm greetings and best wishes to the Fab Four from Canada!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Lieber Peter,
      es ist eigentlich witzig, wir sind alle dünn. Ja, wir sind sogar so dünn, dass Klausbernd eine extra Untersuchung und ein Attest benötigte, um bei seiner letzten Arktis-Expedition angenommen zu werden. Sein Body Mass Index war zu niedrig. Wir fasten, um uns zu zeigen, dass wir es können, um unseren Geist zu klären und um ganz im Sinne Gurdjieffs Verhaltensweisen zu brechen. Aber in deinem Fall würden wir auch vom Fasten abraten. Es gibt ja viele andere Übungen, um seinen Geist zu klären und Verhaltensweise zu brechen und seinen Willen zu trainieren.
      Habe ganz herzlichen Dank für deinen Kommentar.
      Alles Gute dir und liebe Grüße vom sonnigen Meer
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

    • Vielen Dank, ihr Lieben, für eure ausführliche Erklärung! Jetzt kann ich mir von euch ein genaueres Bild machen. Wie der Körper so braucht auch der Geist Tätigkeit und Übung. Es freut mich, dass ihr mal sonniges Wetter habt. Seid herzlich gegrüßt! Peter

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Beautiful photos and fresh and sweeping, go well with fasting. I have fasted many times and found it stimulating, interesting, informative, and difficult. Older now, it’s a little too extreme for my body these days, but I still like to follow the concepts in a modified version. Best of luck to you both–

    Liked by 3 people

    • Dear Jet
      it’s quite a while we were fasting last time. Now we are much older (except our Bookfayries they don’t get older) and we will see what will change. We are not dogmatic about fasting if it would be too much of a challenge we would stop it or make it easier.
      Thank you VERY much for wishing us good luck.
      All the best
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  14. Good luck with the fasting! I never did it on purpose, only when sick and can´t say that I enjoyed it much. 😉 But I´ve heard it´s supposed all kinds of goods for you so maybe I will give it a try someday. I´m already taking no more refined sugar (well, almost 😉 in so that´s a good step in there right direction I think. Maybe you could order some Bullrich´s Salz online? Here of course it´s something you can buy in every shop! 😀
    Have a great weekend! 🙂
    P.S. The pictures are just stunning!!!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Dear Miss Gentileschi,
      yes, I am sure we order this Bullrich’s Salt online. But now we try it with Apple Cider Vinegar. That should have the same effect.
      Not eating refined sugar is a good start, indeed! We are not dogmatic about fasting, for some people it’s fine or even fun, for other folks it’s not right.
      Wishing you a wonderful weekend as well
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 3 people

  15. My feelings about food approach religious exaltation, but I have participated in fasts, usually for fund-raisers, and usually walk as much as possible, so that I can enjoy some clear-headed thinking, and avoid dwelling on visions of cheeseburgers.
    (I hadn’t heard of Bullrich salt, but looked it up – it appears to be used to make your own mineral water?) The Pennsylvania Germans have all sorts of cider- and cider vinegar-based drinks and spring tonics, in lieu of salts and mineral water, usually with ginger, horehound, molasses, etc. and actually tasting pretty nice.
    And I love your photos – – the second one with frozen wave crests reminds me of all those Greek and Roman mosaics, showing Poseidon, Apollo, Eros, assorted poets & nymphs, etc. riding dolphins, with the froth on the waves as the horsehair crests on the helmets.

    Very best of luck driving off the evil sprites/spirits/fake news, your posts are always welcome news, RPT.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Dear Robert
      this Bullrich’s Salt adjusts the alkaloid-acid-level in your body. At least that’s why it’s taken in Germany and Scandinavia.
      There are lots of nymphs. Poseidon and of course, Eros in the photograph but invisible because of the prudish providers would block our blog otherwise.
      We wish you a great weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  16. Happy fasting! We are also going on that trip! Just read a book by Slaven Stekovic. Fasting strictly starts the autophagy process and moves the metabolism to ketosis. And, what is more, you are allowed to drink coffee which makes it a lot easier when you are restricted to water.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Dear Christian,
      thanks a lot for your commentary 🙂 🙂
      Oh dear, we hope Dina doesn’t read your commentary. We fast for breaking behaviour patterns and for strengthening our willpower.
      Thanks and cheers
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 3 people

  17. Good luck with your fast and thanks to Dina for these wonderful “color-fast” photos of the sea. I can smell the salt air and hear the sound of the crashing waves when I view them.

    I do have one question: If you stop fasting on the third day of a six day fast would that be considered a half-fast attempt? 🤡

    Cheers to the Fab Four,

    Liked by 4 people

    • Dear Jacqui,
      it’s funny I quite often forgot about eating when I was writing. My mind didn’t mind if my body gets food or not. I have to admit I felt sexier when I was a little bit hungry.
      Anyway, everyone seems to be different concerning food.
      Thanks and have a happy weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  18. I have been fasting, more or less, but not out of free will. A lifetime ago, backpacking, relying on temporary jobs to make the very little ends meet. That did not work out as we hoped every day 🙂 Well, we have all been young haven’t we. Good luck with your fasting!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Hi, dear Peter,
      we know this fasting out of free will as well. And now we fast to train our free will. Is this a development coming with age?
      Thanks for your good wishes and all the best
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 3 people

  19. Be careful. I tried a fast a couple years ao and ended up really sick. Not sure what the reason why and the first 24 hours was ok. I take a lot of immune suppression medication for my kidney transplant and not eating turned out to be dumb for me. If you have any medical condition plan your fast with a doctor to be on the safe side.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Thank you very, very much for warning us about fasting if having a medical condition.
      Fortunately, we are quite healthy, we haven’t had to take any medicines until now and haven’t had any health problems either. But our dear Master is at the beginning of his seventies and enjoys smoking. We are far from being dogmatic if one of us feels too bad we stop our exercise in not eating.
      But thanks again for warning us. We will take care.
      With lots of love
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  20. A conundrum! Love the idea of not cooking or shopping for food, but I would likely use my spare time online. And you’ve given that up too! Reading with a grumbly tum? Enjoy your fasting 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

    • Dear Jo,
      we’ll read a lot we suppose and even have time to really think about what we’ve read. What a luxury. We are very much looking forward to our reading time.
      Well, we are not so much hooked on food. We fasted several times before and feeling a little bit hungry feels great, especially our dear Master likes it. But not smoking and no coffee is the challenge for us.
      Thanks a lot for your good wishes.
      Have a wonderful weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 3 people

  21. For those of us who have more than we need, it does us good to fast. For the hungry of the world, it is another matter. Fasting, for us, helps us to get some perspective on our very rich lives. A good exercise. I didn’t see anything about how long you will be fasting. Did I overlook it or did you not say? Anyway, I hope it’s just long enough but not too long.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Dear Anneli,
      it’s maybe a paradox, we are not too big, actually rather thin, just a little bit underweight. We fast for reasons you mention and for breaking patterns and training our willpower. But we agree it’s an important point to become aware that we all tend to consume too much. Less is better in many respects.
      We’ll fast for 6 days and if we like we’ll go on for 3 more days but not a minute more.
      Wishing you a great weekend and thanks for commenting
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 4 people

    • Dear Rupali,
      yes, we will. We’ll drink lots and lots of lukewarm water with a bit of biological apple cider vinegar in it.
      Thank you very much for your good wishes
      Wishing you a great weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 3 people

  22. I wish you luck with your fasting. I used to do this when I was younger in order to stay slim. It was fairly easy because the result was worth it. Nowadays and at my advanced age, I would think it foolish to deny myself the things I love for no good reason. I eat healthily throughout the year but even if I didn’t I wouldn’t fast because I don’t believe in self-denial. But you obviously feel it will have benefits for you, so my best wishes for the next few weeks.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Dear Mari,
      we don’t fast for losing weight, actually, we are a little underweight. We fast for training our willpower and for breaking habits. For us, it’s not such an effort because we are no food lovers although we eat quite healthy. Cleansing our minds and this high you get after the third day is what we are going for. And we only fast for 6 days or if we like it for three more days but not longer.
      Have a happy weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks a lot, dear Dippy Dotty Girl,
      we are sure we will come out cleansed and with new ideas and ways living our life.
      With lots love ❤
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 3 people

  23. Meine Mutter hat sich mit Nicorette Gum das Rauchen abgewöhnt, allerdings hat sie ganz schön lange noch dieses Kaugummi gekaut…
    Mein Vater hörte mit dem Rauchen auf, nachdem ich eine gaze Nacht der Rezitationen bei den Buddhisten hinter mich brachte (man konnte kleine Zettelchen schreiben, das ist ethisch nicht ganz korrekt, finde ich, aber er lief schon echt schlecht)…
    Beim Fasten erlebt man die dollsten Dinger…ich finde es erstaunlich, welch klare Gedanken plötzlich erscheinen….
    Zu eurem Blogbeitrag fällt mir ein: Fasten your seatbelts, high waves will come…
    Und das nach einer Cabanossi, einer Scheibe Brot und einem Glas Rotwein aus Chile…
    Das Salz hätte ich, soll ich es euch schicken?
    Hätte noch drei Tage Zeit mich zu reinigen, gute Idee!!!
    Basensuppe und frische Säfte und man lebt “gesünder” als mit der normalen Kost…
    Der Morgenkaffe macht Probleme, 2 Tage Kopfweh aber dann, ahhhhhh…….
    Have fun with fasten, Siri und Selma, please stay relaxed and watch the Show

    Liked by 3 people

    • Liebe Pia,
      ja, wir passen schon auf die beiden auf. Bis jetzt sind sie noch nicht grumpelig. Wir glauben, wir müssen eher darauf achten, dass sie es nicht übertreiben. Besonders unser liebes Masterchen hat so einen Hang zu Asketischen. Tja, das wäre der nächste Schritt, bei ihm dieses Verhalten zu mildern.
      Mit gaaaanz viel feinsten Feenhauch von
      Siri 🙂 und 🙂 Selma
      Übrigens Feen sind frei, sie können wochenlang ohne Essen auskommen – no problem

      Liked by 2 people

    • Hi, lebe Pia,
      naja, der zweite Tag ohne Rauchen ist eigentlich völlig ok – wenn ich keine Zigaretten sehe oder gar noch einen in meiner Umgebung rauchen. Aber mit diesem Kaugummi wird’s schon klappen, da bin ich mir sicher. Naja, ich rauchte nur max 6 Zigaretten pro Tag und manchmal vergaß ich es.
      Mal sehen, wie das so weiter geht …
      Mit lieben Grüßen von
      Dina 🙂 und mir 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  24. We fast several times a year ( for religious reasons ). I’ve never had a problem with fasting, and it so makes you appreciate . . . food. Suggestion? Gradually cut down on coffee (caffeine) for several days before. Your images? Heroic!

    Liked by 4 people

    • Hi, dear Jeff,
      we don’t think that fasting is such a big challenge for us. For us food is not that important. We always fasted before to clear our minds, break patterns and get new ideas.
      Thank you very much for commenting and wishing you a happy weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  25. Good luck to you all. I haven’t tried fasting, but we have decided to cut out meat from our diet this year (still eat fish and the occasional chicken) but mostly sticking to vegetarian meals. What I need to do is up the water intake as I definitely do not drink enough. Changing one’s habits is difficult and I wish you well. Dina may find she gets a lot of headaches cutting out the coffee. I did this once (went onto decaf for a year) and to begin with I had dreadful headaches.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Well, well, this is the last day we are allowed to use digital media. Actually we, Dina and the Master, don’t find this that hard, we sometimes don’t touch our notebooks for days and especially our dear Master looses his iPhone sometime for a week or longer. But with Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma it’s different. They really love their fairyPhones and using them constantly – what for? We have nor idea. So we all have our problems with this fasting. It’s an exercise to stand frustration, to overcome problems and to change patterns. And it’s done for one week only.
      All the best, have a great weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • A great idea. We should have one week a month where all electronic media except for emergencies and critical work be shut off! Can you imagine walking down a street without every other person on his or her cellphone? Communication would be face to face, and possibly, just possibly, by letter… –Curt


    • Dear Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma,
      I know what a big sacrafice this fasting is for you. Well, it’s a sacrafice for all of us – Dina and her coffee and I with my cigarettes. It’s for a week only and we will master it, I am sure.
      With lots and lots of love


  26. In Hollywood, near where we live, they do this all the time and call it a cleanse. They sell the products and deliver them to your door. They even use the biologic apple cider vinegar to lose more weight. I tried it….. once. The digital moratorium combined with all this is quite austere. Good luck to you all. Tell the fairies to fly over here if they want some cookies and wifi…..I’ll be watching for them!

    Liked by 4 people

    • Dear Cindy
      thank you very, very much. But we have to watch our beloved Dina and our dear Master that they don’t go over the top. The funny thing is that they both are underweight and we don’t want them looking like sticks – NO!
      Thank you so much for your offer.
      Lots of fairy dust for you from
      Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma

      Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Cindy,
      thank you very much!
      In Europe, esp. Germany and Scandinavia, fasting for health reasons is quite normal. Fasting for loosing weight, hm … We never thought about this aspect. Actually, we don’t think that this works, but we are slightly underweight and food and drink is not so important for us. The people I know in Switzerland and Germany fast for breaking behaviour patterns and for training their willpower – like we do. And, VERY important, we don’t take it that seriously. It’s not an exercise in masochsm for us.
      But we wouldn’t mind getting all these products we need for fasting delivered to our house.
      Wishing you a wonderful weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  27. I was so taken with your first words: “When we were in dire need at sea, we learned how little a person needs, not how much.” In a world obsessively dedicated to consumption and over-indulgence, fasting of any sort is salutary, not only for its own sake, but also because it can lead to broader, longer-term changes. I don’t fast, per se, since I’m involved in physical labor every day, and need the energy. But I have adjusted my schedule to allow for a full twelve hours every day between my evening meal and breakfast. It’s been a little surprising to me how much better I feel, and how much more energy I have — motivation enough to keep up the practice.

    Liked by 4 people

    • You are absolutely right, fasting is a kind of protest against greedyness and over-consumption and an exercise to live without these hang ups of our post-modern way of life. We don’t do much physical labour except a bit of gardening and so fasting is good for cleaning our minds as well.
      Wishing you a happy weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley
      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  28. I admire you all for such discipline, wish you all the strengths for it. I am sure you will come out in feeling cleaner and slimmer. Well I am more interested in your spiritual feeling after you are done with your fasting. I bet it will change you.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Dear Cornelia,
      we hope to come out feeling cleaner and more powerfull. We have to counterballance loosing weight because we are slightly underweight and our problem is gaining weight after fasting. It may sound strange but we don’t know how to gain weight. After our last fastings it took us month before we had a weight we were happy with. But nevertheless we are pretty sure that fasting does us well, especialy concerning our spiritual feeling.
      With lots of love from the sunny coast of Norfolk
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  29. Good luck with the fast, all of you. I believe that it started today and so you will not see this for a while if you have relinquished your computers for the whole period. Anyway, hopefully we will see you soon, even younger and even wiser than before. I feel a visit to the coast is in order soon – too much time in front of a computer screen in a Norwich garret. Perhaps I should fast awhile! Warm good wishes from Laurence and Jackie.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Dear Laurence and Jackie
      we allowed our beloved Dina and Master to answer the comments, but just for today and only answering the commentaries.
      We are looking forward to a meeting soon.
      With lots of our finest fairy dust
      Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma

      Liked by 3 people

    • Dear Laurence and Jackie,
      it would be great to see you again after our fasting. The weather is fine and hopefully it will stay like this.
      Looking forward meeting soon
      Dina 🙂 and 🙂 Klausbernd

      Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Steve,
      we do our fasting for breaking patterns and ‘fasting’ from phones is a pattern that not only eats time but it also keeps us from reading and meeting people what we actually prefer. Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma have their problems with it but they master this fasting very well until now. Actually, we know quite some elderly people who are mobile phone addicts.
      All the best, have a great weekend and thanks for commenting
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Steve,
      it’s unbelievable how much time people spend with their phones. It’s addictive.
      Wishing you a happy week
      The Fab Four of Cley


    • Dear Sue,
      yesterday our fasting was finished. It’s amazing we need some time to get used eating normal again.
      Thanks, our blog move was easy without any problems.
      Wishing you a wonderful week
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  30. Nicht kochen zu müssen, ist für mich das Beste am Fasten 😀 Diese ewige Kocherei macht mich derzeit ganz wuschig und ich bin momentan auf Joghurt und Obst umgestiegen .Ich faste also vom kochen 😀 Viel Spaß und gutes Durchhalten wünsche ich euch! Not having to cook is the best part of fasting for me. This eternal cooking makes me currently very wuschig and I am currently switched on yogurt and fruit .
    So I’m fasting from the cooking 😀 Have fun and good persistence I wish you! ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    • So, liebe Vera, da haben wir gestern Abend das Fasten beendet, aber so ein richtiger Hunger mag sich nicht einstellen.
      Yoghurt mit Obst und Granola ist auch eins unserer Lieblingsessen.
      Mit herzlichen Grüßen vom kleinen Dorf am großen Meer
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Oh, die Kombination Joghurt, Obst mit Granola kannte ich noch gar nicht. Lasst euch Zeit mit dem großen Hunger. Hauptsache der Appetit aufs Leben hat nicht gelitten 🙂 Liebe Grüße aus dem sonnigen Ruhrpott ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  31. Ich frage mich, ob ich auch mal fasten sollte, habe es in meinem Leben noch nie getan. Allerdings rauche ich nicht mehr und trinke ich keinen Alkohol mehr und das seit 10 Jahren. Es ist auch eine Art fasten 😉 😀
    Seid gegrüsst. Ernst

    Liked by 2 people

    • Lieber Ernst,
      ohne Rauchen und Alkohol ist das doch fast schon wie fasten.
      Wir haben das Fasten gestern hinter uns gebracht, aber vorerst ist uns der Hunger etwas vergangen, außer Masterchen, der still vergnügt Käsebrote mit Gurke und Paprika isst.
      Wir wünschen dir eine wundervolle Woche
      The Fab Four of Cley


  32. Etwas Schwieriges zu tun, um sich zu beweisen, dass man es aushält, halte ich für eine sehr gute Idee! Für mich persönlich ist Fasten nicht geeignet, weil mein Blutdruck sofort in den Keller fällt und ich dann ohnmächtig werde. Aus diesem Grund habe ich vor einigen Wochen entschieden zum Frühstück eine bodenständige Suppe mit Haferlocken, vielen Hülsenfrüchten, Gemüse und viel Hühnerboullion zu essen. Diese totale Umstellung fängt an mir wirklich gut zu tun. Ich hoffe, dass es euch auch gut geht und ich möchte mich herzlich bedanken für diesen sinnvollen Post und natürlich für Dina’s bewegendes Bild. Cari saluti Martina

    Liked by 2 people

    • Liebe Martina,
      dein Frühstück hört sich ja gut an 🙂 Wir beendeten gestern unser Fasten mit Hühnerboullion, aber der richtige Hunger hat sich noch nicht eingestellt. Eine Freundin von uns lehrt u.a. chinesische 5-Elemente Ernährung und empfahlt auch, morgens eine warme Suppe zu essen. Ab und zu machten wir es, aber wegen des Aufwands führten wir es nicht regelmäßig durch.
      Wir wünschen dir, dass diese Umstellung dir rundum gut tut 🙂 🙂
      Mit lieben Grüßen vom sonnigen Meer
      The Fab Four of Cley


    • Lieber Klausbernd, das ist aber eine erfreuliche Nachricht zu lesen, dass ihr eure Diät heil überstanden habt und ich bin überzeut,dass der Hunger langsam zurück kommt! Das mit der morgentlichen Suppe habe ich auch eingeführt, weil ich das in China sah. Ich bereite sie allerdings bereits am Abend vor, weil ich am Morgen nicht sehr arbeitsam bin.
      Ich schicke liebe Grüsse an alle VIER:)

      Liked by 1 person

    • Super, liebe Martina, auch wir sind morgens nicht gerade sehr arbeitsam.
      Suppe am Morgen vertreibt Kummer und Sorgen 😉
      Mit lieben Grüßen vom frühsommerlichen Meer
      The Fab Four of Cley
      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂


    • Liebe Martina,
      wir werkeln fröhlich mit unserem Gärtner im Garten herum. Wir modernisieren d.h. geometrisieren gerade unseren Garten, der an dn Sichtlinin vom Haus aus ausgerichtet wird.
      Ein schönes Wochenende wünschen wir dir
      The Fab Four of Cley


    • Lieber Klausbernd, ist es richtig, dass ich mir einen Barockgarten vorstelle? Auf jeden Fall habt ihr viel zu tun, aber es gibt euch auch Zufriedenheit! Mir wird die Zeit im Garten immer sinnvoller, weil es mich traurig macht zu sehen, wie so viel Natur verschwindet, nur um Betonblöcke aufzustellen und vieeeeel Geld zu verdienen! In diesem Sinne wünsche ich auch euch ein ganz schönes Wochenende.:) Cari saluti Martina

      Liked by 1 person

    • Liebe Martina,
      nee, wir arbeiten an einem modernen Garten, d.h. klare Linien, schön fürs Auge und zugleich pflegeleicht. Unser Gärtner zeigte uns erst einmal all die Pflanzen, die am falschen Standort stehen und deswegen sich nicht zur vollen Schönheit entwickeln. Die haben wir nun umgesetzt. Dann pflanzten wir viele aparte Gräser. Er beschnitt unsere Bäume, auf dass sie sehr charakteristisch aussehen, und verwandelten unseren Rasen in einen englischen. Dazu wurde der Kies unserer Auffahrt erneuert, was sehr viel ausmacht. – Ja, so verwanden wir Schrittchen für Schrittchen unseren Garten in ein Paradies – auch für Vögel und Insekten. An den alten Bäume bachten wir Brutkästen und Insektenhotels an und achteten zudem darauf, dass insektenfreundliche Pflanen vorm und hinterm Haus Schmetterlinge anziehen.
      Aber das Ganze ist keineswegs over-styled – es wirkt natürlich.
      Hab’ eine feine Woche, mach’s gut
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Ihr lieben in Cley, es freut mich sehr, dass ihr so viel gutes für euer Wohlsein und das der Insekten und Pflanzen tut. All dies liegt uns auch sehr am Herzen! Leider haben wir aber jetzt einen 3m hohen Holzschober zu unserem Nachbarn bauen lassen, wegen zu grossen charakterlichen Unterchieden. Na, ja Holz ist ja auch etwas Natürliches. Auch ich wünsche euch eine ganz gute Woche.
      PS. Kennt ihr das Buch “Autumn” von Ali Smith und wenn ja, wäre es schön kurz eure Meinung zu hören. Danke und lieben Gruss. Martina

      Liked by 1 person

    • Liebe Martina,
      leider kennen wir das Buch “Autumn” nicht. Wir werden uns mal informieren. Danke für den Hinweis
      The Fab Four of Cley


    • Hi, dear Patti,
      we are no food lovers (we prefer books to food 😉 ) therefore fasting was not that hard for us. Yesterday we have finished it but we are not really hungry yet.
      Wishing you a great week
      The Fab Four of Cley


    • Dear Jane,
      yesterday we finished our fasting. It was quite easy, much easier than we exspected it to be. We actually liked that clearness of the mind and lightness of our bodies so we decided to fast twice a year.
      Thank you very much for liking Dina’s photography 🙂 🙂
      We wish you a happy week
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you very much 🙂 🙂
      We really liked our fasting. Yesterday we finished it. It was much easier than exspected.
      Wishing you a great week
      The Fab Four of Cley


    • Thank you VERY much! Cleansing was indeed the aim of our fasting. We liked it that much that we decided to fast twice a year.
      Yesterday we finished. Slowy we are going back to normal but changed.
      Wishing you a wonderful week
      The Fab Four of Cley


  33. These beautiful, unruly photographs seem appropriate – not that you all will become unruly, but…well, maybe. It’s also true, and maybe more to the point, that you’ll be as refreshed as the ocean after a fast – like what Lisa said above. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    • Yesterday we finished our 7 day long fasting. We feel clear, powerful and happy. We liked the fasting that much that we decided to fast twice a year.
      Thanks for liking Dina’s photogaphy.
      Wshing you a happy week
      The Fab Four of Cley


    • Dear Julie,
      we are not such food lovers therefore the fasting wasn’t that hard for us. Actually, we liked it that much that we decided to fast twice a year.
      Have a happy week
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  34. Fasting, a healthy choice. Drinking plenty of water helps. Of course, you’re already finished with that.
    Breathtaking photos, oh yea; the sea rarely disappoints.
    Springtime, busy, busy,busy. Have a lovely day dear friends

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Eddie,
      yes, we drank lots and lots. All this drinking was harder than not eating. Yesterday we finished. We fell clear, light and happy 🙂 🙂
      We wish our dear friend a wonderful week
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  35. Fasting is something I’ve admired. In the past I used to fast for 3 days after long travel, but it was not a true fast: coffee and juices during the day were OK 🙂 No way could I go without coffee, so I feel for Dina 🙂 The opening quote is quite good: “When we were in dire need at sea, we learned how little a person needs, not how much.” Much truth to this. It is good to think about this, especially in a world where abundance is the norm for many in the West. I’ve often heard how fasting is good for the body & mind, and hope it is refreshing for you all. Take care, and enjoy the weekend.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Good morning, dear Dalo,
      yesterday we finished our fasting. We really liked it and now we feel lighter, cleansed and happy.
      Although we finished Dina still drinks her herbal tea. We are impressed.
      Yes, abundance … we did not only clear our bodies and minds but our house as well. It’s amazing how much stuff we are surrounded with we don’t need.
      Wishing you an easy week
      The Fab Four of Cley
      Dina wants to go for decaf coffee from now on – you see, big changes take place 😉


    • Good to get the follow-up, I think it is good for the body and then as you mention the mind as well. I give Dina a week, then it will be back to the caffeinated coffee 😉

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Dalo,
      Dina agrees knowingly herself 🙂 😉
      But until now she had her decaf coffee – but complains more and more about it.
      With lots of love
      The Fab Four of Cley


    • Da hast du wohl recht. Gestern beendeten wir unser Fasten. Wir fühlen uns leicht, fröhlich und guter Dinge.
      Wir wünschen dir eine feine Woche
      The Fab Four of Cley


  36. Hallo Ihr Lieben,
    also richtig fasten tue ich nicht. Manchmal esse ich etwas weniger, um abzunehmen. Aber auch das seit einem Jahr kaum noch, denn mit einer seit Januar des vergangenen Jahres durchgefuehrten besseren Kontrolle meiner Essgewohnheiten habe ich zuerst innerhalb eines guten halben Jahres knapp 20 Pfund “abgespeckt” und das Gewicht danach gehalten.
    Wo ich faste, und das tatsaechl;ich waehrend der “richtigen” Fastenzeit, ist beim Alkohol. Das hat weniger mit meinem katholischen Hintergrund zu tun, denn ausser als ich noch bei meinen Eltern lebte habe ich mich daran nie gehalten, sondern weil ich diese Zeit einfach als gegebenen Anlass nehme, um zu sehen, ob ich ohne den “Stoff” noch auskomme, und um der Leber etwas Gutes zu tun. Und siehe da: es geht – und das ganz ohne Entzugserscheinungen. Es gibt Jahre, in denen ich dieses “Fasten” auch ueber die Fastenzeit hinweg ausdehne – einfach so, wie es mir passt. Ich muss sagen, es faellt mir gar nicht einmal schwer. Wuerde ich die Fastenzeit im katholischen Sinne – dass man also auf etwas so richtig unter Schwierigkeiten verzichtet – ernst nehmen, dann muesste ich wohl auf Kaffee verzichten. Das waere dann ein wirklich echter Verzicht. Aber dazu bein ich dann doch nicht bereit. Mein Lebenselixier muss einfach sein.
    Ich hoffe, Ihr seid mittlerweile schon “gut entschlackt” und nicht so duenn geworden, dass Ihr zweimal ins Haus kommen muesst, damit man Euch wahrnimmt. 😀
    Liebe Gruesse aus dem suedlichen Texas ins kleine Dorf am grossen Meer,

    Liked by 3 people

    • Lieber Pit,
      habe gaaaanz lieben Dank für deinen ausführlichen Kommentar.
      Ja, für Dina war es auch die größte Herausforderung auf den Kaffee zu verzichten. Aber im Großen und Ganzen war es nicht so schwer, wie wir es uns vorgestellt haben. Wir haben uns natürlich auch immer gewogen und in der Woche nicht so viel abgenommen, so im Schnitt 5 kg. Aber dafür haben wir es ja nicht gemacht. Uns ging es darum, Verhaltensweisen zu brechen ganz im Sinne von Gurdjieff und uns zu reiningen. Sozusagen der innerliche Frühjahrshausputz. Und irgendwie merkten wir diese Reinigung richtig. Wir kamen auf tolle Idee, wurden viel ruhiger und gelassener. Allerdings hatten wir weniger Energie, was wir besonders merkten, wenn wir bergauf gingen oder im Garten arbeiteten. Aber wir fanden das Fasten so gut, dass wir beschlossen, es zweimal jährlich durchzuführen.
      Übrigens vermisste Masterchen ein kaltes Bier nach der Sauna sehr, aber eigentlich fanden wir das Fasten nicht so schwierig. Es war allerdings nicht das erste Mal das wir fasteten. Wir fanden es diesmal alle vier erhellend, mit unserer Gier konfrontiert zu werden, sich diese bewusst zu machen und zu überwinden. Diese Willensstärkung hat uns sehr gut getan.
      Hab keine Angst, wir haben nicht dem Suppenkaspar nachgeeifert. Die paar Kilos, die wir abnahmen, werden wir wohl zum Glück wieder zunehmen, um nicht zu unattraktiv abgehärmt auszusehen. Du siehst, die Eitelkeit verschwand durchs Fasten nicht 😉
      Wir wünschen dir und Mary eine wunderbare Woche.
      Mit gaaaanz lieben Grüßen aus dem sommerlichen kleinen Dorf am großen Meer ins südliche Texas
      The Fab Four of Cley


  37. I have many times been told how good fasting is—and I believe it is. However, I have never gotten myself to try it. Feels to painful, I guess, or too much of a hassle. But, I know I should try it one day… This post was written some time ago, so I believe you fasting has been completed. By the way, the photos have really captured the forced at play when ways break at the coats. Beautiful!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Dear Otto,
      we have finished our fasting which wasn’t such an effort. It’s amazing how much time you save when fasting.
      We though bw pictures of the sea are ideal for showing cleaning effect of fasting.
      Thanks and all the best
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  38. Manche leben um zu essen…würde vorschlagen, dass essen um zu leben sinnvoller wäre…
    Oder dann wenigstens gut essen?
    In letzter Zeit bin ich schnell durch z.B. bei Real, fast nur totes Füllmaterial in den Regalen, mit Strichcode darauf, scheiße!!
    Apropos Scheiße, ich suchte einen Witz im Netz, leider kann ich mir Witze nicht gut merken, dabei ist der echt gut, der Witz handelt vom Papst und Staatsoberhäuptern und sonstigen Regenten, sie stehen bis zum Hals in der Scheiße, da fragt einer: Was machen wir jetzt? Antwort: Bloß keine Wellen!
    Angenehme Woche und herzliche Grüße von Pia

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi, libe Pia,
      danke für den “Scheiß Witz” 😉
      Wenn ich mich recht erinnere, wurde ein deutscher Anwärter auf den Kaiserthron im Spätmittelalter abgelehnt, da er zu dünn und der Völlerei abhold war.
      Hier hat es gerade zu regnen begonnen, was uns sehr recht ist, da wir gestern viele Blümchen und Kräuter pflanzten.
      Wir wünschen dir eine fröhliche Woche
      The Fab Fur of Cley


    • Dear Amy,
      thank you very much 🙂 🙂 and especially for liking Dina’s sea-wave-pictures 🙂 🙂
      Sorry, for answering that late. We were that busy in our garden, it’s addictive.
      Wishing you a happy weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  39. What a fabulous set of photos!
    I have never attempted a full fast, but am trying out intermittent fasting which requires going about 16 hours without food. Finding that hard enough! Sounds like you guys managed great.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Madhu,
      actually, our fasting wasn’t that hard for us. It sounds harder than it actually is. But now we are living `normal’ again enjoying our food. Intermittend fasting sounds great. We suppose you do it more often. We fast twice a year only.
      Great that you like Dina’s photography 🙂 🙂
      Sorry for answering that late but our garden lured us away from blogging.
      Wisihing you a great weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  40. Als ich jung war, habe ich oft Bergtouren über Tage gemacht und da gab es nur, was man getragen hat. So war täglicher Hunger angesagt. Später habe ich meine Essgewohnheiten umgestellt, dass ich so um halb acht ein Glas Wasser, Kaffee und ein Muffin, oder ein Croissant esse. Dann erst wieder am Abend eine große Mahlzeit. Das heißt für mich, ein tägliches Fasten bis am Abend. Wenn ich den ganzen Tag am Fahrrad verbringe gibt es dazwischen einige Nüsse und Wasser. Da braucht mein Körper keine Fastentage mehr. Aber ich verstehe Menschen die anders leben und sich mit fasten reinigen.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Habe herzlichen Dank für deinen Kommentar.
      Wir pflegen auch nur zweimal täglich, morgens und abends, zu essen. Essen unterbricht häufig die Arbeit und danach muss man sich einen Ruck geben, um wieder in einen angenehmen Arbeitsfluss zu kommen.
      Unser Master benötigt ein ausfühliches Frühstück; er wacht oft hungrig auf, und dann essen wir häufig erst wieder zwischen 8 und 9h abends – zumindest im Sommer, wenn wir viel im Garten arbeiten. Huch, wir legen wegen gerade die Platten der Terrasse neu. What a job that is!
      Ein wundervolles Wochenende wünschen wir dir
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  41. I do a full water fast for 72 hours a week and feel my entire organs and muscles recover much faster and my waistline has gone down like crazy. I do not really believe in the juicing thing because you are still feeding your muscles glucose and spiking insulin therefore your body cannot go into ketosis to burn fat or go into the process of autophagy (cellular repair). Your article was and interesting read.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you very much for your commentary 🙂 🙂
      Actually, we found this fasting not that hard. We lost some weight as well but that wasn’t our aim as we are all quite slim. We are amazed that we didn’t gain much weight after we ended our fasting three weeks ago.
      Thanks and cheers
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Charlotte,
      oh dear, we oversaw your commentary. Sorry!
      No, our tummies don’t rumble, not at all. We keep to our normal activities, working in the garden and house, reading and writing.
      No, we do not have potatoes in our soup. It’s very watery, no carbs.
      Especially our dear Master had no problem with fasting. When he was living on his own he quite often forgot to eat for days. He likes this feeling of being hungry.
      Thanks for commenting
      The Fab Four of Cley
      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Abrie,
      oh dear, sorry that we didn’t notice your comment before. Anyway, thanks a lot 🙂 🙂
      Fasting is not as hard as it sounds. But now we do a different sort of fasting – only sometimes. We eat normal for the whole week but on two days we only eat 800 calories. Very easy.
      Have a happy rest of the week
      The Fab Four of Cley
      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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