Our dear Dina always wanted to go to Wales. She even had a voucher from us Bookfayries and our Master for a trip to Snowdonia. So we went to the mountains last month. We chose October as most of the tourist have fled Wales because of the wet weather. Dear Selma 🙂 told us that …

The Ambivalence of the Sea

The Sea “The sea is the oldest landscape of our dear planet earth” argues Siri which makes Selma vigorously protest: “Nonsense, it’s a seascape, not a landscape!” But our dear Bookfayries agree that the sea was seen downright negatively in ancient times. Cicero was even arguing that living next to the sea – like we …

A Renovation Rarely Comes Alone

Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma demand more pocket money. We renovate again. Our poor Bookfayries feel exploited having to help. Siri 🙂 und 🙂 Selma stöhnten und forderten eine Taschengelderhöhung, da wieder renoviert wird und sie armen Buchfeen zum Helfen ausgebeutet werden. Renovating our library we became aware of how much bigger a room seems …

Much More than A Room Full Of Books

In the last weeks, we were really busy with our Master and Dina setting up a new library room in our house. We had rented out this room before. For a long time, we thought about how to use this space. Should it become a space for storage as we don’t have a cellar? That’s …

Cruel Nature?

A very weak seal pup abandoned by the mum the same day it was born.  Sometimes we see raptors kill a smaller bird or that weak birds or seals are abandoned by there mothers. Without a thought, we use to call this ‘cruel’. We consider saving a fly or beetle from the spider’s net or …

Fasting Finished

Happily, we finished our fasting more than a week ago. Many of you asked to write about our experiences. Most perplexing was how easy it was to fast for ten days. Most annoying was the endless drinking of herb teas and water and especially to drink this diluted apple cider vinegar. But our clever Dina …

Dunrobin und die Landplagen

Even Bookfayries can’t report about the good and the happy only. Today we abduct you to a place which looks quite beautiful at the first glance, but behind this facade there are remorseless cruelties hiding. Karl Marx describes these inhumanities in “Capital” as the last big expropriation in our history. We speak about the Highland …

The Orkneys between Light and Darkness

It was raining and breezy. Excited we embarked the wavering ferry to the Orkneys. We knew that these islands are situated that far north as South Greenland. And then this Norse sounds of place names like Scapa Flow and Skara Brae. The sea was grey only occasionally lit-up by a beam of light that made …

Colourful John O’Groats

Can you imagine our mood? Dina reads aloud at the breakfast table with haggis and porridge (without whisky today) that John O’Groats is an awful place, grey and ugly. Better make a detour except one wants to take the ferry to the Orkneys like us. Other travelers agreed. Actually we already knew that Britain’s famous northern …

Lyskentyre Beach

South Harris, Outer Hebrides. Everyone advised us to visit Lyskentyre, so off we went. Dina was speeding first in her white Jaguar and Siri and Selma were slowly following in their VW camper van. Would Dina not have stopped frequently for taking pictures, she would have darted off out of sight of our dear Bookfayries. …