Dry as Dry can be

It hasn’t rained for ages. It’s the driest summer since 1962. Our plants are suffering horribly, the green lawn has turned brown all over. Siri is watching different weather forecasts every morning. Her long hair stands on end, no rain is forecasted. The formerly so happy flower fairies hang their heads, a sad sight. Everything is withering crying for water like Sven Hedin in the Gobi desert 1895.

Seit Ewigkeiten hat es nicht geregnet. Wir haben den trockensten Sommer seit 1962. Unsere Planzen leiden, des Rasens Grün ist braun geworden. Siri schaut jeden Morgen unterschiedliche Wetterberichte im Netz. Ihr stehen selbst ihre lange Haare zu Berge, kein Regen in Sicht. Die vormals so fröhlichen Blumenfeen lassen ihre bunten Köpfchen hängen, ein trauriger Anblick. Alles schreit verdörrend nach Wasser zu schreien wie einst Sven Hedin in der Wüste Gobi.

Cromer pier. Nikon D800, 14-24mm, handheld, f 23mm, 1/20, ISO 100

Dina has gone with us to Cromer to test her new filters for photographing the sea. Already the view of the water let us breathe more freely. While dear Selma is helping Dina to carry filters, cameras, tripod and whatnot to Cromer Pier our dear Master in sitting in the shade with clever Siri squatting on his shoulders. They are reading “The Dry“, Jane Harper’s first novel. Spellbound by the sophisticated plot they don’t even find time to get an ice cream. Even their favourite ice cream with one scoop of lemon sorbet on top and rich chocolate down under can’t tempt them away.
This novel is set in the Australian Outbacks that became a popular setting for horror and crime stories. But you wouldn’t believe it, here in Norfolk it feels similar right now. The drought is terrifying. The landscape turned pale, we associate death. How soothing is the sight of water.

Dina ist mit uns nach Cromer gefahren, um mit ihren neuen Filtern das Meer zu fotographieren. Schon der Anblick des Wassers lässt uns aufatmen. Während die liebe Selma hilft, Filter, Kameras, Stativ und was nicht alles zur Cromer Pier zu schleppen, sitzt Masterchen im Schatten der Pier mit der lieben Sirifee auf seiner Schulter. Beide lesen den Debütroman “Hitze” von Jane Harper, der eigentlich “Die Dürre” hätte heißen müssen. Sein raffinierter Plot schlägt so in Bann, dass sie sich nicht einmal eine Lesepause gönnen, um sich ihr Lieblingseis zu holen. Selbst eine Kugel Zitroneneis oben und eine mit Schokoladeneis unten, kann sie nicht vom Buch weglocken.
Klar, dieser Roman spielt in den australischen Outbacks, die zum populären Setting für Horrorgeschichten und Krimis geworden sind. Bei uns in Norfolk fühlt es sich jedoch ähnlich an. Es herrscht eine Trockenheit, die entsetzt. Die Landschaft ist vor Schreck blass geworden, sie lässt uns Tod assoziieren. Wie wohl tut da dem Auge der Blick aufs Wasser.

Cromer pier. Nikon D800, 14-24mm, tripod, 24mm, f 11, 15.0 sec. Lee Filter 0.6 hard grade

J.F. Kennedy once said: “Anyone who can solve the problems of water will be worthy of two Nobel prizes, one for peace and one for science.” But the problem with water isn’t solved until now what is distressing especially in view of our dry water butts. Fortunately, we don’t have a drinking water problem yet. Although Siri and Selma giggling reckon that in this case, they don’t need to wash anymore. But then there is no ice for Dina’s and Master’s drinks anymore – a minor disaster.

J.F. Kennedy sagte einst: “Anyone who can solve the problems of water will be worthy of two Nobel prizes, one for peace and one for science.” Aber bislang bleibt das Wasserproblem ungelöst, was uns angesichts unserer leeren Wassertonnen betrübt. Zum Glück haben wir noch kein Trinkwasserproblem. Obwohl Siri und Selma kichernd meinen, dass sie sich dann nicht mehr waschen dürfen. Aber so gäbe es auch kein Eis für Dinas und Masterchens Feierabendgetränk – was wohl das geringste Übel wäre.

Cromer pier. Nikon D800, 14-24 mm, tripod, 24mm, f 11, 13 sec, Lee Filter 0.6 hard grade

What do I see? Writing this text as the compassionate scribe of the Fab Four Siri and Selma are dancing outside with their rattles for a proper rain incantation. But, oh dear, Dina and our dear Master don’t seem to trust their efforts. They roll out our long and twisted garden hose to set a short lasting end to the suffering of our beloved plants.

Was sehe ich da? Während ich, der mitfühlende Schreiberling der Fab Four, diesen Text schreibe, tanzen Siri und Selma draußen mit ihren Rasseln einen wilden Regenbeschwörungstanz. Aber, oh weh, Dina und Masterchen scheinen dem nicht ganz zu vertrauen. Sie rollen gerade schwitzend den langen und widerspenstigen Gartenschlauch aus, um heute Abend dem Leiden ihrer geliebten Pflänzchen ein allerdings nur kurzfristiges Ende zu bereiten.

With warm greetings from the hot Norfolk coast. Keep cool!
Mit herzlichen Grüßen von der trocken heißen Küste Nord Norfolks. Keep cool!

The Fab Four of Cley



© Text and illustrations, Hanne Siebers and Klausbernd Vollmar, Cley next the Sea, 2018



222 thoughts

    • thank you very much for liking Dina’s photography 🙂 🙂
      It’s unusually dry all over Europe right now, even in the very north of Scandinavia it’s hot and dry.
      Wishing you a happy day
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  1. After six years of bad summers and constant rain, I am not complaining. Dry walks with Ollie are great, and the grass will recover soon enough. It will not be too long before this hot spell is but a memory, and dreary dull days of rain descend upon us once again. Let’s celebrate actually having a summer for once!
    Lovely filter shots, Dina. Those ‘milky seas’ take me back to some famous long exposures of the past.
    Love from Beetley, Pete and Ollie. X

    Liked by 1 person

    • Good morning, dear Pete,
      we have to admit we would like to have some rainy days. We find those rainy days that cosy, especially in our conservatory hearing the rain pouring down. Now our life takes place outside in the garden.
      This weekend we are VERY busy as we do the book sale at our village fete. You wouldn’t believe it how many books we got. If you have time just visit us and have a look at our books.
      Thanks for liking Dina’s photogaphy. These pictures are taken with Lee-filters.
      Enjoy the hot weather – it’s hot and dry forecasted for the next fortnight.
      With love from the little village next the big sea
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Rupali,
      thanks a lot!
      Unfortunately, no rain is forecasted for the next two weeks and the air pressure is even rising.
      Have a happy day
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Bemerkenswert trocken ist es auch hier im Wendland, die Regenwolken umkurven und überfliegen uns einfach, regnen mal 40 km weiter im Umkreis, aber nicht hier – man könnte fast meinen, es bestünde eine geheimnisvolle Relation zum schnellen Internet.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Guten Morgen, liebe Puzzleblume,
      wir leben ja schon in einem Trockengebiet. East Anglia, wozu Norfolk gehört, ist extrem trocken bei Mittelmeerklima, aber soooo trocken war es, wie wir gerade im Radio hörten, seit 55 Jahren nicht mehr.
      Tja, manche Dinge hängen auf mysteriöse Weise zusammen …
      Mit lieben Grüßen vom kleinen Dorf am großen Meer
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

    • Vielen Dank, Klausbernd. Die klimatischen Entwicklungen stellen die Anpassungsfähigkeit nicht nur der Pflanzen- und Tierwelt auf die Probe, sondern vor allem die der hinsichtlich des “Beherrschens” der Natur in unseren Breiten seit dem vorigen Jahrhundert doch sehr erfolgsgewohnten Menschen.
      Liebe Grüsse aus einem anderen kleinen Dorf in der Mitte von Nirgendwo 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  3. I really like the whiteness in this images. I must say, I enjoy this summer. The best of all summers as far as I can remember, despite the drought.
    Thank you for reading recommendation, the book is on my list!! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Peter,
      this summer is really unusual. Normally we have changeable weather here at the coast, a weather we prefer, no too hot, not too dry and sunny. It’s the driest and most sunny weather right now we have ever experienced here.
      Have fun reading this crime story 🙂 🙂
      With love from the sea
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Beautiful images from Cromer pier, dear Dina. Siri and Selma, please try harder with your rain magic dance, we need it desperately in Sweden!
    The drought is a major catastrophe. We have so many forest fires raging across Sweden all the way up to the Arctic Circle. Last week Wednesday, 44 fires were burning from Lapland in the far north to the southern island of Gotland, can you believe this. All these extremes are frightening.
    Sending you hugs from my stuga.
    Kram, Annalena x

    Liked by 3 people

    • The fires in Sweden are terrifying, dear Annalena. Thinking about you and sending best wishes from VERY hot and dry Tromsø. Did you have any fires on your summer island as well? The archipelago around Stockholm is very threatened, you take good care!
      Per Magnus

      Liked by 3 people

    • Good morning, our dear friend,
      we read about all these fires in Sweden – horrible and frightning. That’s global warming and therefore we suppose we will get more summers like this one. We are hoping for a real winter with lots of snow now.
      Enjoy your stuga
      Love ❤ xxx
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hi, dear Per Magnus,
      hot and dry in Tromsø that’s unusual, isn’t it?
      We hope to get some rain soon and that your island won’t get fires. It has to rain for days to end this drought.
      With lots of love xxx
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Well written post, and stunning images with the Lee filters….I took one or two long exposure shots some years ago , but alas none since. Here’s hoping for rai n soon…but not too much!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Hanne, how I needed to see that water! I can feel the light breeze across its surface … pure bliss! I’ve never known a summer like this and although the plants are struggling and some even have scorched leaves, I am loving the warmth, the sunlight. A dance in the hosepipe water sounds perfect! Enjoy your idyllic location of by the sea and hope you can take some cooling dips! I’m off to Sweden this weekend and can’t wait to swim in the lakes and sea …a month of nature, no WiFi, tv, living mostly outside! Heavenly! Wishing you all a fabulous summer … keeping taking those amazing photos, they are stunning! Hugs xx

    Liked by 4 people

    • Dear Annika,
      wishing you a great time in Sweden. Years and years ago when we lived in Sweden we had great summers there, just as you describe it.
      We are very lucky living by the sea otherwise this weather would be unbearable.
      Thank you very much for liking Dina’s photography 🙂 🙂 Yes, she will go on photographing with and without those filters.
      Kram xxx
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  7. Welcome to Australia adventurers, each year is almost a drought where walls of dust stagger the rich and poor alike. There is no discrimination in this climate of ours where it rains 60 inches in 3 days or leaves you gasping for water for years on end. There is an Australian poem by Dorothea Mackellar called ‘My Country’ that sums it up nicely. And it most certainly can be rags to riches in the space of a day. But I love her all the same 😀
    Great pictures Dina, and fellow supporters 😀 It gives a very misty soft feeling like your looking back in time. I’m impressed, well done ❤ 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    • Good morning, dear Mark,
      it probably is like in Australia right now. But we have to admit we have never been to Australia. For us this wather is quite unusual. Maybe we have to adopt to global warming.
      We will have a look at Dorothea Mackellar’s poem.
      Cromer is a little bit like a window back in time and especially the pier.
      Thanks for your kind words.
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Wonderful photos from a familiar place, dear Dina.
    May the girls should change the tune to provoke rain. Try “Purple rain” by Prince or “A hard rain’s gonna fall” by Bob Dylan. Like Norfolk, the whole of Norway is dry and hot, above 30° and the water reservoirs are almost empty. The worst scenario in 90 years.

    The Dry is new to me, thank you. I’ll order it in German when I’m back in Weimar. Do you know “Memory of Water” by Emmi Itäranta?
    Emmi is a talented author who has been compared to Margaret Atwood, and her book has received numerous accolades, since it was first published in Finland in 2012.

    All the best for the summer fair in Cley and your book stall,
    Per Magnus Xx

    Liked by 2 people

    • Our dear friend Per Magnus,
      thanks for mentioning this book by Emmi Itäranta we didn’t know.
      Oh dear, this summer fair … We got sooooo many books donated for selling that we have to start to bring them over to the church today. We’ll have our stall in the church. Dina and our beloved Bookfayries decided to sell very reasonable to sell as many as possible. The rest we’ll donate to some charity.
      We already heard that you have a heat wave in Norway as well. We hope the weather will change soon for all of us.
      With lots of love
      The Fab Four of Cley


  9. The coast is the only place to be! I recognised Cromer instantly from your beautiful Header. Up here we’ve had rain and a thunderstorm or two but it’s still dry. The clouds are gathering again so maybe not for much longer xxxx

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Dina’s wonderful photos are so soothing to look at as we face yet another hot, dry day. I’m eyeing up the plants in the garden that seem to be doing well and thinking that’s what may need to be planted in the future. So far the prize goes to two self-sown teasels. One is about eight feet tall with multiple thistle-like heads just turning mauve. Am wondering what a teasel garden might look like – too prickly for flower fairies I should think. Greetings and rain wishes from sizzling Shropshire

    Liked by 2 people

    • Fabulous shots! And amusing commentary – enjoyed it very much. It is even dry in normally soggy North-West England where, though there has been rain recently, at least there is also a lovely summer. There will also be a hose-pipe ban soon, which is odd because there is usually so much water in this part of the world that it could be exported to drier parts of the UK (like Norfolk) – except, of course, that this kind of suggestion necessitates joined-up thinking and cooperation, and wouldn’t make any money. There is a vicious rumour – entirely unfounded – that the reason for the shortage of water in the North West is that United Utilities neglect infrastructure repairs as much as possible because it eats into profit. Is it a coincidence that there is also a ban in Northern Ireland, another place not exactly renowned for its impersonation of the Sahara?

      Liked by 3 people

    • Dear Tish,
      we agree, we have to look for drought resistens plants. Our gardener gave us 3 blue thistles wich last forever, even when cut. They are easy to grow and make your garden look quite graphic. We noticed that cornflowers, we like, can cope with dry conditions quite well. But we were amazed that our mediteranian herbs are struggeling whereas fig and olive feel at home.
      You are right, Siri and Selma don’t like “that prickly stuff”, well, they have to fly higher. Dina is wondering how they will get along with those thisle-fairies (who don’t belong to the fayrie-family).
      Warm greetings from hot Norfolk to sizzling Shropshire
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Bit Of Britain,
      what a name!
      We absolutely agree. The waste of water is enormous. That has to be changed as global warming will give us more such summers in the future. We are with Anglian Water here. They have no problems providing water as before. This company is know for high standart maintenance. And, of course, all the water companies in the UK should work together.
      Nevertheless, you are right, we enjoy this summer as well.
      Thanks and wishing you a happy weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Well, Siri and Selma do their best. They are just sitting in our library researching anthropological books. Dina doubts that this helps. The Master says in combination with Bookfayrie-Wisdom it may work magic. The problem is, now they are reading instead of dancing.
      Wishing you a happy weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Dina’s seascapes are beautifully refreshing. I do hope the dry in your area can be resolved by rain dancing. Or maybe Siri and Selma need to become detectives and search out the missing rain; discover what has happened to it.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Wow, dear Gallivanta, that’s a GREAT idea. Siri and Selma like playing Miss Marple. The best would be they are doing both as they can’t dance all the time anyway.
      Thanks for liking Dina’s photography.
      All the best, wishing you a relaxing weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

    • Oh no! dear Gallivanta, Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma learned to do one thing after the other. Multi-tasking means to do nothing 100%, that’s how they feel. They rather alternate the task.
      We’ll see …
      All the best
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you very much for your kind words. Actually, in comparison to your conditions we are okay, but we are not prepared for such droughts.
      Wishing you a great weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Puh, das hört sich nicht gut an. Wir haben in Freiburg wenigstens ab und an ein kurzes Gewitter, aber von Wasserüberfluss kann auch schon lange nicht mehr die Rede sein. Ich drücke euch die Daumen, dass es wieder einmal regnen tut, und zwar so richtig aus Kübeln, ohne dass es zum anderen Extrem einer Überschwemmung kommt.

    Liebe Grüße und virtuellen Regen an euch, haltet durch


    Liked by 1 person

    • Vielen Dank, lieber Achim 🙂 🙂
      naja, solange wir noch genug Trinkwasser haben, sollten wir nicht zu sehr klagen. Die Gärten sind die Leidtragenden, und gerade die, die doch unser Stolz hier sind. Überschwemmungen sind hier nicht zu befürchten, da alles Wasser sofort ins Meer abfließt.
      Dank für den virtuelen Regen – besser als nix 🙂
      Liebe Grüße vom Meer zu den Bächle
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Fab Four of Cley,
    Sorry to hear about the plants and lawns, I know the Bookfayries must be devastated. Dina has been improving on her photos with every post though. The first is so sharp and realistic, you expect the water to splash on the computer screen, but the final one has an air of mystery to it. Klausbernd, have your been researching or at speaking engagements?
    I hope you are all well and happy. Have a great weekend, it was terrific seeing your post.
    GP Cox

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear GP Cox, our friend
      on one hand our dear Bookfayries win from this situation because for watering the plants they get additional fayrie-dollars as pocket-money. On the other hand they suffer with our dear plants.
      Thank you very much for liking Dina’s photography. She is now experimenting with those Lee-filters and we talk a lot about style and composition.
      You know, sometimes our crazy Master speaks in different voices 😉
      We are very well and a side of us likes this summer very much. We hope you enjoy life as well.
      Wishing you a wonderful weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  14. The grass will recover, more worrying is the little fledgelings who might not survive the drought. It’s amazing how very green the gardens look where artificial grass has replaced flagstones or gravel, now one can stop envying them their always perfect lawns. Part of my family lives in Sweden and my thoughts are with them as this small country, small in population, battles to contain the fires.
    The filters work well and the images are beautiful. Thank you.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Mari,
      that’s horrible in Sweden! A desastrous catastrophy.
      The grass will recover and it loves it that the moss in the lawn all died. We have placed bowls of water for the birds in the garden and apples. They love it. What can one do for the little fledgelings?
      Thank you for liking Dina’s pictures 🙂 🙂
      Wishing you an easy weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Das ist ja mal beschissen! Kein Regen! Das wird an der vielen Sonne liegen?…
    Ihr könntet es euch von ganzem Herzen wünschen, für die Planzen und die Tiere, dass es jetzt endlich regnen soll, und zwar so richtig! (das Buch, das ich mal gedanklich verbrennen wollte, heißt “The Secret”)
    Oder. und das ist natürlich nur in der Not anzuwenden: Amanda Marshall “Let it rain” Musikbox raus, Lautstärke maximal, Hanne schreitsingt den Text, schüttelt ihr Haar und KB greift sich die Gitarre, auf die Knie, geht auch Luftgitarre (falls nötig schaut ihr die Luftgitarrenweltmeisterschaft…das sind Profis)
    und dann dazu die Buchfeen, wie sie halb in Trance den Regentanz aus sich heraus schütteln…ich sehe die Szene vor mir, das würde klappen.
    Aber, wenn noch keine Not ist, dann macht das besser nicht! Würde ja die Nachbarn zu sehr verwirren, es sei denn es würde dann wirklich regnen…dann wären sie froh….
    Nächste Woche fahre ich wieder in den Odenwald, schicke euch paar Wolken rüber von dort!!!!

    Das mit den Meerwasserentsalzungsanlagen, ob es eine gute Idee ist? Schade, es ist zu heiß zum Denken!
    Bisher werden wahrscheinlich nach wie vor keine wirklich guten und zu Ende gedachten Lösungen mit Nobelpreisen belohnt, nur Ideen, mit denen man Geld verdienen kann…

    Jetzt geht zum 4. mal der Rauchmelder an, plötzlich, aus dem Nichts…Batterie? Ok, tschühuß und gut schwitz!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Guten Tag, liebe Pia,
      wir hatten eine Meerwasserentsalzungsanlage als wir im Süden Griechenlands auf einer Insel lebten. Die benötigte erschreckend viel Energie, die allerdings solar gewonnen werden könnte. Aber eigentlich ist es noch nicht so schlimm. Das Trinkwasser muss nicht rationiert werden. Erst wenn das der Fall sein wird, würden wir zu Siris und Selmas Regentanz unsere Nachbarn beschallen. Aber wenn’s dann wirklich zu regen begänne, würden Siri und Selma glatt Bürgermeisterinnen hier.
      Ganz liebe Grüße von uns
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Siri und Selma go for Bürgermeister please, auf die Offiziellen ist kein Verlass mehr. Do it anyway!!!


    • Hier regnet es und trotz Regen fahre ich gleich mit Anja in den Wald um den Baummann zu besuchen. Er lebt im Wald. Wir wollten ihn schon ganz lange besuchen. Besorge uns Zauberstöcke. Wollt ihr auch welche? Ok, ich befürchte, der Baummann kann uns weiter helfen; dann ist Regenzauber kein Problem mehr.
      Wahrscheinlich lest ihr diese Nachricht nicht rechtzeitig und dann ist es zu spät mit eurer Bestellung…
      Naja, ihr sagt mir dann einfach Bescheid und in der Not schicke ich euch Wasser über den Kanal….
      Okidoki, bis dann! Esse jetzt Pflaumenkuchen, dann geht´s los! Happy Weekend!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Siri 🙂 und 🙂 Selma benötigen unbedingt diese Zauberstäbe, sonst tanzen sie sich noch zu Tode.
      Liebe Grüße und beste Wünsche für eine wunderbare Woche
      The Fab Four of Cley


  16. Lovely photos of a beautiful pier, I do like the milky look that the filters and a long exposure produce. As for rain, well, can I say that I am enjoying not having any for a while? It rains so much down here that the warmth and the dry days and the sun is a pleasure. I know not everyone feels that way. And come winter when it is snowing we shall all be wishing for the sun again.
    I have read “The Dry“ and the second of her books. Good writer. I enjoyed them both very much and hope there will be more. Of course, Australia, South Africa and California experience real droughts when the rains don’t appear for years not just months. This I call a dry spell. And given how much rain we had in the winter and spring the reservoirs should be bursting! Trouble is the water companies don’t manage the supplies too well. It is all about the profits for the shareholders. But I won’t rant. I shall go outside and enjoy the sunshine. Love from a rather less green Cornwall ❤ ❤ and have a lovely happy and busy weekend xx

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hey der Jude,
      we 100% agree with what you are writing about the water companies. And, of course, you are right in comparison to other places on our planet this is not a real drought, not at all like in “The Dry”.
      We are enjoying this real summer as well. The weather keeps Siri and Selma busy watering our plants while we are sitting in our deckchairs reading novels or writing blogs.
      Wishing you a wonderful weekend as well. We will be very busy selling books at our village fete tomorrow. Now we try to figure out how to get all the books to the church where we will sell them.
      Love ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ from rather brownish Norfolk
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Beautiful photographs, loved them all. The weather strange in here too… It is very hot and high humidity. At night it rained but not a good rain, beneficial one! So fast and so short… Right now it is hot and dry again…..

    Thank you, have a nice day, Love, nia

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Nia,
      Dina is very happy that you like her pictures 🙂 She experimenting with filters and long exposure right now.
      For the next fortnight no rain is forecasted for our region. Well, we will survive it – but our plants?
      Wishing you a happy weekend and thanks for commenting
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

    • Ahoy Matroos Beek,
      you know Cromer Pier. It’s great, isn’t it, how it’s situated with the Hotel de Paris in the background. We are very happy that we could trigger beautiful memories with our blog.
      Thanks for commenting, have a happy weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  18. Most people think about days of uninterrupted sunshine when they picture summer. Personally, I think of water–swimming in oceans and lakes, lounging by a pool and sudden downpours–and pictures like these are summer to me.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Ivia,
      that is summer, indeed! Swimming in the sea, enjoying a book and a drink in deckchairs and the smell of sunblockers. We miss only those sudden downpours unfortunately.
      Thanks for commenting, all the best
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  19. Dry here in Maine, too. But at our home in the woods, the lawn is still green. Nevertheless, I have had to frequently water the flowers. Two nights ago, we got a good soaking, at least three inches. Hope you get some rain soon.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Laurie,
      unfortunately we have only a figtree and some appletrees in our garden that spend some shadow. There, but only there, our lawn is still green.
      We are sure rain will come eventually and go on watering our plants twice a day.
      Wishing you a happy weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

    • Good afternoon, dear Eddie,
      because it is so, it will change – we hope.
      Thanks a lot for your kind words that make us really happy 🙂 🙂
      With love from the sea
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

    • oh dear, not the quality of our posts and photos will change!
      “Because it is, it will change” is a quote from the German author Bert Brecht. As a Marxist, he studied Hegel a lot. This quote relates in a Hegelian way to history. In Hegel’s words, it’s the Weltgeist changing everything all the time. That’s exactly what you are saying in the first part of your kind sentence.
      All best
      Klausbernd 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  20. “Each throat ~ Was parched, and glazed each eye…” but your photographer’s eye has produced terrific shots, with a very nice sort of glaze, the long exposures lend a wonderful 19th c. feeling, and the pier is picked out so sharply like a Victorian etching, very neat. Well I remember reading somewhere that in the American Southwest, the Hopi and Zuni tribes are reckoned to be the most masterful at rainmaking rituals, perhaps your fairies can persuade them to help with the incantations.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Robert,
      oh dear, now Siri and Selma are pushing us to let them go to the American Southwest but we think it’s too far for them to go.
      You can easily have this Victorian feeling in Cromer. In those times Cromer was a posh seaside resort where European nobility used to spend their holidays. This is long gone but the feeling stayed.
      Wishing you a wonderful weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  21. As I read this almost desperate post, I found that I could not picture your Extraordinary gardens, and the lovely plants, exasperated by the absence of moisture, any moisture. Won’t you repost images of these struggling beauties, sharing first what you have in your magic garden, and then accounts of the struggle of some of those plants, and their chance for . . . survival?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Jeff,
      some of our plants like this weather like our fig and olive, but our mediteranian herbs are struggeling. Cornflowers and poppies can cope well but some of the lillies struggle as well as lettuce and Swiss chart and even our artichokes.
      Our problem is that we have quite some beautiful plants but we are not able to identify them and our plant identifying app has problems with them as well.
      Thanks and all the best
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  22. We are experiencing similar heat and dryness here in the Midwest of USA but not to extent of your problem. We get occasional pop up thunderstorms and severe weather fronts but not enough to put the garden hose away. I like the long exposure effect on the water you are getting with the fiter. I prefer the 13 sec exposure as it give the water a bit more texture. I also like the first photo without the filter. My preference for water photos has always be fast shutter speed to freeze the water drops in mid air, but given the opportunity I might give your technique a try. Best wishes for coolness and rain.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Good afternoon, dear David,
      thanks a lot for sharing your experiences and for liking Dina’s photography.
      Our garden hose is in constant use because our water butts fell dry a month ago.
      Thanks for your good wishes. We wish you rain as well.
      Have a happy weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  23. Dry here, too, on Vancouver Island. Wonderful photos of the sea. I love the way the pink and gray blend (there is a hint of pink in the dark gray of the water). The various depths of gray convey the mood of the sea, as the bright pink contrast shows a hopeful sky. Absolutely lovely photos, Dina!

    Liked by 2 people

  24. Sorry to read about the dry weeks/months! I was grabbed by your mention of “The Dry” and Jane Harper. She has a new book called “Force of Nature” that I’m sure you’ll enjoy as well. (Of course, your photos are marvelous, but that’s no surprise at all.) Cheers and here’d hoping and praying you get rain soon.


    Liked by 2 people

    • Good afternoon, dear Janet,
      thank you very much to telling us about the new book of Jane Harper. We are looking forward to read it 🙂 🙂
      Thanks a lot for your kind words about Dina’s photography and praying for rain.
      Wishing you a relaxing weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Lady Fi,
      we heard about all your desastrous forest fires in the news. Siri and Selma have already included you in their rain magic.
      Dina is so happy that you like your pictures 🙂 🙂 THANK YOU
      We wish you a happy weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you very much for liking Dina’s work. She loves using her Lee Filters.
      We are afraid that water will be the resource people will fight for in the times of global warming.
      Wishing you a happy weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  25. Von der Trockenheit können wir hier an der deutschen Ostseeküste auch ein Liedchen singen. Und Regentänze haben bisher leider so gar nichts gebracht, obwohl ich mir mächtig Mühe dabei gegeben haben 😉 Ein Ende der Trockenheit ist zumindest für unsere Region noch immer nicht abzusehen. Auch musste der Gartenschlauch schon öfter ausgerollt werden, wenn nicht sämtliche Pflanzen jämmerlich verdursten sollten. Ihr seht also, Ihr seid mit diesem Leid nicht allein.
    Dina hat übrigens interessante Ergebnisse mit den neuen Filtern erzielt. Feine Bilder sind es geworden 🙂
    Herzliche Grüße schickt Euch die Silberdistel

    Liked by 2 people

    • Guten Tag, liebe Silberdistel,
      ja, wo immer wir hinschauen herrscht Trockenheit, Schweden, Norwegen, bei euch, im Midwest Amerikas und hier. Das ist global warming, an die wir uns gewöhnen und noch mehr dagegen kämpfen müssen .
      Danke, dass dir Dinas Fotografie so gut gefällt 🙂 🙂
      Dann wünschen wir dir Regen und ein feines Wochenende
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  26. Ihr Lieben,
    hier schaut es leider nicht anders aus, heute dachte ich, der Schwarzwald stirbt von Sommer zu Sommer mehr, es ist der wievielte Sommer in Folge mit viiiel zu wenig Wasser, die Eschen sterben ja wirklich, allerdings an einem Pilz, aber die Fichten und Tannen sehen auch nicht propper aus, die Birken haben mancherorts schon aufgegeben- hier (ich lebe ja jetzt in der Toskana des Schwarzwaldes 😉 ) krachen dicke, vollbeladene Obstbaumäste ab, unreife Äpfel und Zwetschgen fallen in Massen von den Bäumen, die Bienen der Nachbarin belagern unseren Brunnen, ich habe eine Kartoffelkäferplage, ach es ist zum heulen … dabei ist doch Sommer und leider kein Meer in Sicht, aber ein paar wunderschöne Seen…

    Schöne Experimente hast du gemacht, liebe Dina, das mittlere gefällt mir am besten, du weißt ja, man hat halt Favoriten! Bei dem letzten tippe ich auf einen Graufilter, mit dem ich gerade auch liebäugele, was ist der mittlere?
    Regentanz ist okay, gießen auch 🙂
    herzliche Grüße mit Abendfrischwind, Ulli

    Liked by 2 people

    • Liebe Ulli,
      da geben wir dir Recht: Regentanz ist gut, Gießen besser. Zum Glück sind hier die meisten Pfanzen an Trockenheit gewöhnt, aber dennoch sind wir 2x tgl. damit zugange, alles fein zu gießen, nur Olivenbaum und Feige freuen sich, selbst die Mittelmeerkräuter schauen mitleidserregend aus.
      Vielen Dank, dass dir Dinas Experiemente mit den Lee-Filtern gefallen (uns auch). Sie wird dir sicher schreiben, welches der des mittleren Bildes ist.
      Mit lieben Grüßen in den Schwarzwald vom hochsommerlichen Meer
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Pete,
      we suppose that’s the effect of global warming and we have to learn to live with it – and to fight it.
      We are very happy that you like Dina’s photography 🙂 🙂
      Thanks and cheers
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  27. Here in South Ontario is has been seriously HOT and dry but then last Monday we got a downpour and thunderstorms. However the grass is still brown and many plants in the garden have burnt edges. Climate change!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Tina,
      we are afraid that we have to get used to this climate change, the effect of global warming.
      Thanks for liking Dina’s pictures 🙂 🙂
      Have a wonderful weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  28. I’d be curious to see how a handheld 1/20 exposure with filter compares to the 1st photo. The lengthy exposures have softened the water and clouds, as I guess they would without the filter too.

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  29. Ihr lieben vier,
    in Berlin haben wir einen bedeckten Himmel und es scheint als ob es gleich zu regnen beginnt. Aber der Himmel öffnet sich nicht. Jeden Tag schütte ich Gießkanne über Gießkanne voller Wasser auf die Kästen.
    Hoffen wir auf Regen!
    Ansonsten bleibe ich in meinem Blog Exil und schreibe endlich alles Gelesen für meinen Master in Worten, also weiter Funkstille,
    liebe Grüße von Susanne

    Liked by 2 people

    • Liebe Susanne,
      alles Gute für deinen Master!
      Wir gießen nun auch zweimal täglich, der Wasseschlauch wird gar nicht erst eingerollt. Unsere Wassertonnen sind schon seit 4 Wochen leer, außer wenn sie unser Badewasser bekommen, das die Blumen zu lieben scheinen.
      Liebe Grüße vom hochsommerlichen Meer
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Joanne,
      we are very happy living at the sea. That’s for the great side of this summer. But for the garden it’s desastrous. Siri and Selma are busy watering our plants morning and night. No rain is forecasted for the next fortnight here.
      Thanks and wishing you a wonderful weekend and lots of rain
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  30. Sorry to hear about your drought, Klaus. It sounds like you’ll be living the California Lifestyle for a while. A big “Thank you” to Dina for her photos this week. I feel cooler already just looking at them.
    Happy Weekend to the Fab Four,

    Liked by 1 person

  31. Hier is het ook kurkdroog en het wordt nog warmer volgende week.De tuin ligt er triestig bij en de blaadjes vallen van de boom door droogte.Het zou heel vlug eens heel goed moeten regen maar het zit er niet in.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Marylou,
      we know, it’s that dry and hot all over Europe. Unfortunately, rain isn’t forecasted before the very end of this month.
      We wish you a great Sunday and nevertheless lots of rain as well
      The Fab Four of Cley


  32. I hope that the weather fairies wave their wands and restore the rain cycles.

    Those images are stunning!

    Trivia: A friend told me about a series of Youtube videos (from 2015) that covered a trip through Central America; after watching the one that had a clip of him (in Costa Rica) I watched the El Salvador/Nicaragua video – and there was a part in that video that I thought you all would enjoy. The part of interest starts around minute six.


    Liked by 2 people

    • Good morning, dear Tanja,
      Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma will surely include you in their rain-magic.
      This weather condition makes us aware of how much we love a changeable weather. Allways sunshine and hot is quite boring. We dream of rain and lots of snow.
      All the best to you as well
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

    • oh NO! One million drops!
      Ist dieser Sonnenschein und blaue Himmel nicht fürchterlich langweilig? Da sind wir nun nördlich gezogen, um wechselhaftes Wetter zu genießen, aber nichts davon dieses Jahr.
      Danke fürs Kommentieren und alles Gute
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  33. I wish you rain very soon, dear Fab Four! It’s so dry in Norway too. My heart goes out to Sweden, poor country.
    Your photos are stunning, Dina-Hanne! 🙂

    How was the book fair in the Cley church yesterday? I bet you are worn out today! 😉

    Klem Hjerter

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Hjerter,
      that’s a shame with all these fires in Sweden. We are very sad 😦
      The Church fair, well, it was great. Lots and lots of people and we did very well with selling the pre-loved books. But that was quite some work to bring all these heavy boxes to the church and back home. We sold nearly 500 books in 2 hours. Now we are relaxing in the shade. It’s burning hot again. Selling the books was fine because of a nice temperature in the church. It was a feeling like in the old times when we sold books at the university.
      Thanks a lot for liking Dina’s pictures 🙂 🙂 She is good, isn’t she?
      Klem & Love ❤
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • “The Tempest” was really fun. They played well and the surroundings of the Cathedral Cloisters was great. We thoroughly enjoyed it. We like to go to Norwich which calls itself “the nice city” – it really is.

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    • Unser Rasen sieht auch traurig aus, aber da sind wir sicher, dass er sich erholt.
      Wir stellten unsere Kakteen nach draußen auf die Terrasse und, schwuppdiwupp, heute morgen begrüßten sie uns übervoll mit großen Blüten, die Dina sogleich fotografierte. Was bei uns auch gut bei der Hitze und Trockenheit wächst, sind Kornblumen, den Rosen wegen ihrer tiefen Wurzeln scheint es auch nichts auszumachen und Feige und Olive fühlen sich völlig heimisch. Wir wohnen in einer Lavendelgegend und der läuft zur Hochform auf bei diesem Wetter wie auch der Rosmarin. Komischerweise haben die Artichocken Schwierigkeiten und auch einige Mittelmeerkräuter. Selbst für die Sonnenblumen ist das zu viel Sonne, aber die Stockrosen scheinen dieses Wetter zu lieben wie auch der Mohn. Hier gibt’s so viel Mohn, dass unsere Gegend (nach einem Roman) auch “Poppyland” genannt wird.
      Das waren die Nachrichten aus dem Garten. Mit herzlichem Gruß vom Meer
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

    • Lieben Dank für die informative Nachricht, Klaus Poppyland hört sich gut an. Die von Dir genannten Pflanzen wachsen bei mir auch ganz gut. Wir haben Sandboden. Der Vorteil von standortgerechter Bepflanzun ist bei solchen Wetterlagen unverkennbar! Genießt noch weiterhin den Sommer! LG Simone

      Liked by 2 people

    • Hin oder her, egal, musste kurz den Odenwald verlassen…wir feiern morgen Elisas Geburtstag, meine Cousine sie ist ein Wunder, nur eine Herzkammer und morgen 21, weil sie soooooooo geliebt wir, sagt ihre Mutter, für die Ärzte ist sie ein Wunder.
      Mein Gott/Göttin, ist es hier heiß!!!
      Wir gehen jetzt alle bei Oma in die Sauna und schauen bissel in den Himmel zwischendurch. Nächste Woche regnets, spätestens. Macht´s gut!
      Der Baummann baut mir nächste Woche ein Regendach vor den Eingang, sonst verfault die Hütte, der ist gaaaaanz toll!!!

      Liked by 2 people

    • Guten Morgen, liebe Pia,
      in der Nacht zum Samstag hat es geregnet und zumindest unsere Wassertonnen halb gefüllt. Die Regentänze scheinen gewirkt zu haben zur Freude von Siri 🙂 und 🙂 Selma.
      Wir wünschen dir eine lässige Woche.
      Bis dann
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  34. Liebe Hanne, lieber Klausbernd,
    es ist mir eine große Freude, wieder von euch zu sehen und zu hören. Das selbe Fotomotiv in verschiedenen Variationen, so dass ich die Auswirkungen der Modifizierung leicht nachvollziehen konnte. Fasziniert hat mich der Himmel und das von ihm ausgehende Licht.
    Der Text ist ein Genuss, auch mit Freuden zu lesen. Zuerst die englische Version, um den passiven Wortschatz zu verbessern, dann quasi zur Nachkontrolle die deutsche Version. Einfach perfekt.
    Ich wünsche euch, dass eure Bitte um Regen schnell erhört wird, so dass ihr und eure Pflanzen aufleben könnt.
    Herzliche Grüße aus Freiburg

    Liked by 2 people

    • Guten Morgen, lieber Peter,
      das ist ein feiner Kommentar, über den wir uns SEHR gefreut haben 🙂 🙂
      Wir haben uns vor einiger Zeit entschlossen, lieber weniger zu bloggen, aber dafür es so gut zu machen, wir wir es können. Das bereitet auch uns mehr Spaß. Außerdem möchten wir ein Zeichen setzen, dass angesichts vieler inhaltsloser Kommunikation im Netz, man es auch anders machen kann. Warum uns da der Ehrgeiz packt, ist uns selber nichts ganz klar. Siri 🙂 und 🙂 Selma meinen, es geht um die Buchfeen-Ehre, na ja …
      Heute ist es extrem heiß, was nur durch eine zu sanfte Seebrise etwas gemildert wird. Wir denken, in dem Kessel von Freiburg wird es ebenfalls so heiß sein, das der Schatten, der einzig erträgliche Ort ist. Wir frühstückten im Schatten unter dem dichten Laub unseres Feigenbaum, aber selbst dort verflüssigte sich die Butter schneller als wir sie aufs Brot streichen konnten. Erlösender Regen ist leider nicht in Sicht, die aggressive Sonne verbrennt jede sich schüchtern bildende Wolke sofort.
      Nun werden wir wenigstens den Tomaten ihren Morgendrink geben und dann im beschatteten Liegestuhl die Mittagshitze überstehen. Aber dafür sind die Nächte wunderbar, sternenklar bei angenehmen Temperaturen.
      Nochmals gaaaanz herzlichen Dank und liebe Grüße vom Meer zu den Bächle
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hi, dear Dennis dog,
      after we have written this answer to you, we’ll give our plants their morning drink. Dina already gave our gardener’s dog new water. She is lying in the shade of our car and we are sitting in the shade as well.
      Keep cool, drink a lot.
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Good morning, dear Rose,
      we provide our dear flower fairies with water four times a day otherwise they will hardly survive.
      Thanks a lot for liking Dina’s photography 🙂 🙂
      Wishing you a wonderful week
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  35. Danke für den wie immer treffenden Text zur Trockenheit, die auch in Mitteleuropa und der Schweiz ein Thema ist. Interessant, wie die verschiedenen Filter die Stimmung des Bildes verändert…
    Grüsse an euch beide aus der Schweiz. Ernst

    Liked by 2 people

    • Guten Tag, lieber Ernst,
      wir überlegen uns ernsthaft, welche Pflanzen wir in unserem Garten in der Zukunft sinnvoll pflegen können. Mit den Auswirkungen der globalen Erwärmungen erwarten wir in der Zukunft häufiger solche Trockenheit. Zum Glück gibt es ja einige Pflanzen, die solches Wetter lieben.
      Diese Filter sind wie der ‘magical wand’ des Fotografen. Dina liebt es, mit ihnen zu experimentieren.
      Liebe Grüße dir vom Meer
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Louis,
      it was and still is unbearable hot here, even at the sea. But from Wednesday onwards a little bit colder weather is forecasted for here – but no rain.
      Keep cool and drink a lot.
      Thanks for commenting
      The Fab Four of Cley
      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂


    • Dear Jacqui,
      fortunately, we haven’t water restrictions yet. But we are afraid we will have them too if the weather stays hot and dry. No rain is forecasted for the next fortnight but the temperatures will go down from about 30 degrees C to a bit over 20 degrees C. We suppose that you have even higher temperatures. If it’s more than 25 C people stay in and suffer here. We are not used to such temperatures. We Fab Four of Cley find it boring and uncomfy to have sunshine every day and such a heat wave. We like the rain!
      Anyway, we hope for rain and cooler weather.
      Wishing you a happy week
      The Fab Four of Cley
      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  36. Imagining the green lawn turning brown, made me sad 😦 Fortunately, watching the beautiful dock photos, especially the one with the sea foam, makes me feel serenity and happiness. I really like them. I assumed that lemon sorbet and chocolate did not combine (my mother loves lemon sorbet, so it is a usual dessert at family reunions), but I guess you would recommend it, so I will give it a try 😀 I hope the dancing with their rattles will work. Have an excellent week!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Good morning, dear Marianne,
      actually, it’s not so bad with our lawn. It’s dry and brown now but it will come back with the rain in autumn. It has its good sides as well as all the moss in the lawn has died.
      We love the combination lemon sorbet and chocolate ice cream – by the way, we eat quite a lot of food with some lemon in it.
      Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma are trying hard but no rain in sight, unfortunately.
      Thank you for commenting.
      Have a happy week
      The Fab Four of Cley
      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    • In Mexico is very common to use lemon with a lot of food. There was even a coca cola TV ad that made fun of that, there you would see people putting lemon to a great variety of food, and even almost at the end of the ad to a hinge, a razor, hair to untangle, etc. Of course this last was for mocking 😀

      Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for this information, dear Marianne 🙂 🙂
      We didn’t know about your way of cooking before.
      So we have to visit Mexico.
      All the best
      The Fab Four of Cley
      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    • We think so too. As we wrote before, we have to adjust to and fight against global warming.
      Thanks for liking Dina’s photography 🙂 🙂
      All the best
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

  37. Oh I’m so sorry to hear about the lack of rain … gosh and we have plenty. Mind you it is our winter and Auckland likes raining. I’m going to get that book! The reviews are fab .. thanks so much 🙂 Dina’s photos are fabulous .. as always! Hoping you get that much needed rain …

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Julie,
      thanks a lot for your kind words and especially for liking Dina’s photography.
      We are still hoping for rain. Siri 🙂 and 🙂 Selma are dancing still, but at least the temperature fell to comfortable 25 C.
      All the best, have a happy weekend
      The Fab Four of Cley
      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  38. It is so dry and hot still! I hope we do get some rain on Friday night as forecast but I was hoping to see the lunar eclipse too! I love Dina’s beautiful, muted photographs of Cromer pier. Thank you for the book review! Clare xx

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Clare,
      some rain would be GREAT! We rather have the rain as a good view of the lunar eclipse. Seeing the forecasted cloud movements we could very likely miss that rain here at the North Norfolk coast. We will see or not see 😉
      Thank you very much for liking Dina’s photography 🙂 🙂
      All the best
      The Fab Four of Cley
      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  39. We are having the same problem here in southwest Texas. Drought and hot temperatures. There are watering restrictions now. Today is 103 degrees (fahrenheit) and last week it was also 100+. Grass is drying up. The only plants that are not suffering—are the plants native to this area, like cactus, agaves, and yuccas. It is hard watching other plants wither away. I think it has forgotten how to rain here too!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Good morning, dear Mary,
      we were lucky, we had some rain two nights ago and today in the early morning hours it rained as well. Now the temperatures are pleasant and the sun is shining again. As there were no restrictions for watering here we lost only two plants to the drought. Here drought is defined as 3 weeks no rain. Well, we had 6 or more dry weeks with horrible temperatures. But now the weather is nice: 23 degrees C and sunny.
      We hope that you’ll get some rain too soon.
      With love
      The Fab Four of Cley
      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Ivia,
      thank you very much. We feel honoured but we are an award-free blog. Are we Mystery Bloggers?
      Anyway, thanks again and have a happy day
      The Fab Four of Cley
      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  40. While Cape Town’s water nearly ran out last summer it would have run out if this rainy season was similar than last years rainy season (i.e. very low rainfall). Fortunately with 2 months left of the rainy season the dam levels already is much better than it was at the end of the rainy season.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Abrie,
      we are aware that in comparison to other places on our globe we don’t have a real water problem. But we are not used to such a dry and hot weather. We love this changeable weather, sunshine follows rain, cloudy skies follow sunshine. But it’s sunny every day for months, how boring.
      We are happy to hear that your water problem seems to be solved for the coming summer.
      Thanks for commenting.
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 2 people

  41. The photos are wonderful. Nice to be a the seaside in this heat and even hear the water makes you feel good. It is so dry and the next heatwave is coming now. I have to say I love summer and the heat, although we, animals, plants and the planet needs precious water. Have a great week Fab 4!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Dear Ute,
      here we have another hot day as well, although hot means for us just around 25 degrees C. We, the Fab Four, are more Nordic, we love it actually cold and some rain or snow on and off. Nevertheless, we do our best to enjoy this weather too.
      Thanks for commenting
      The Fab Four of Cley
      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  42. It is supernatural hot!!! Die nächste Woche werden wir wohl Floorbarre oder einfach Liegemeditation im Tanzraum machen müssen….
    Oder meint ihr, dass die Lehrein ein Schild an die Tür hängen könnte: Mir ist zu heiß, geht nach Hause! Ich bin schon bezahlt, Danke! Bis bald, ich liebe euch, eure Lehrerin

    Ok, soll ich Regenzauber machen, ich könnte das, wenn ich wollte, glaube ich…
    Herzliche Grüße
    Eure Pia

    Liked by 2 people

    • Guten Morgen, liebe Pia,
      zumindest für uns könntest du einen Regenzauber machen. Unser Garten wird’s dir danken. Und dann schicken wir dir Siri 🙂 und 🙂 Selma, dass sie bei dir in die Lehre gehen,
      Ein Schild “Kann nicht tanzen, zu heiß” erinnert mich an Immanuel Kant, der an seinem Hörsal in der Königsberger Uni einst das Schild aughing “Kann nicht kommen, habe noch nicht zu Ende gedacht”.
      Also, dann hoffen wir ‘mal auf Regen und kühlere Temperaturen für euch und uns. Aber, oh weh, ein Bauer mit eigenem Wettersaltellit meinte kürzlich im Pub, dass es voraussichtlich noch bis Ende August heiß und trocken bliebe.
      Mit lieben Grüßen vom sonnigen Meer
      The Fab Four of Cley
      🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Good morning, dear Amy,
      fortunately, three days ago we had lots of rain. It rained nearly constantly for two days and filled all our water butts again. Our plants are very happy and the lawn turns slowly but steadily green again.
      Wishing you an easy week
      The Fab Four of Cley

      Liked by 1 person

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